Homm3 thread
Favourite town?
7000 skeletons y/n?
Great maps/packs
Conflux is for fags.
Homm3 thread
Favourite town?
7000 skeletons y/n?
Great maps/packs
Conflux is for fags.
Rampart 4lyfe my man
>most balanced
>chill as fuck
>comes from distinguished line of based Sorceress factions
Skellingtons NEED NOT APPLY
I like it. Although, no Loynis.
I always have a soft spot for Fortress because not being slowed down by swamps is always great.
Also this handsome SOB
Academy is the best.
>wins every game
>best spells
>cutest units
Favourite town: Fortress
But I always play dungeon because level 5 mage guild.
>Conflux is for fags.
too intelligent to use anything but tower
I know which town NOBODY'S fave is gonna be...
My niggas. Fortress because i like underdogs and it had the coolest setting. Shame that their Defense gimmick was completely useless in multiplayer.
Them aoe hydras
HH is great for early sieges and works wonder when facing ass raping creature like vampires. All dungeon units are disgustingly expensive though.
>Heroes IV
>favourite town
Rampart then Tower and Stronghold.
>favourite hero
>favourite campaign
Masters of the Elements
Dungeon is the best. Fortress and necropolis have the best music though.
Skellies and the rest of that overpowered pile of trash can fuck off.
Lots of great ideas, most of them ruined by rushed release.
For example, the editor was much more powerful than HoMM3, so there were some super creative user made maps with lots of scripting.
Also in my opinion the rpg system was cooler with those "prestige classes" based on the skills you picked up.
Favorite town would be Tower. I love me some Nagas.
Second best music after Necropolis, as well.
I usually end up playing Stronghold when I player with friends, though.
>Lots of great ideas,
I wouldn't say all of the ideas were great - RPG tilt was definitely a bit of a misstep, yeah Heroes needed a bit of depth, but not by turning heroes into overpowered meat grinders.
Scripting was neat. Rushed as it may be, NWC at least understood the importance of user-created content for this game. Something that Ubisoft just never got right once.
Are there any "soft" mods worth trying out? I still like to play this game every now and then, but some of the skills could really use an overhaul / the bin. (Like mysticism. Or ballistics. Or first help. Or scouting. Diplomacy could also use a boost)
>tfw your favorite town is considered as the shittiest
why are you like this Inferno?
Inferno hasn't been considered the shittiest for a long time.
Get with the current meta, senpai.
Well, Horn of the Abyss. It's not finished but it's well along and played in PvP.
>all those towns in homm3
>merged or removed later
I don't really mind the merging.
What I can't stand is Ubisoft's art direction with HoMM5 and above.
I absolutely can't stand the fucking green glow on the undead. The general glowiness of the magic is bad enough, but that fucking green is the worst.
This shits so sad
Was it in 6 or 7 that they made a goddamn vote for whether Rampart or Fortress should be CUT FROM THE FUCKING GAME
They even had the audacity to present it as "The game will have one of these factions isn't that amazing?"
Like wtf? What were they thinking. The series is dead since HoMM V
7. They had eight factions planned but only had time and resources for six so they had to cut two of them. They released dwarven Fortress aka not-Ironforge later, but the game overall was so sloppy all the updates were too little too late. Ubisoft doesn't get the franchise and doesn't know how to sell it.
>We want the WoW Undead audience
>Ubisoft doesn't get the franchise and doesn't know how to sell it.
At least we got Sir Kicks-a-lot out of them.
Made me a bit hopeful about the future of the franchise, but at this point I'm convinced that was just a fluke.
Dark Messiah was 10 years ago, user
What Heroes 3 factions got merged?
The only ones I remember are the Devil and Necromancer faction in Heroes 4.
Technically they weren't merged, they just returned to factions from H2 but had to add demons to undead because edgelord audience
Well yeah, and 10 years ago I was pretty hyped about it and I even thought that maybe Ubisoft could actually get their shit together and give us some good Might and Magic games.
We all know how well that turned out.
Ashan was a fucking mistake
The artstyle and designs they started in V have been atrocious and 2 games later they're still the same exact shit. And the weeb faction in VI, oh man.
I liked them but jesus they are weak
Nice fanart, but why not call it HOMM6?
>hey I got a great idea, lets make all factions able to chose their unit from each tier rather than just having one, for more personalisation
>great idea, Ive already put necropolis and inferno in one slot, since how similar they are
And then they were bankrupt
Castle is boring but it really is the best
best, cheapest archers, the swordsmen are beasts, only a few trash units
overall I like towns that have cheap, meaty motherfuckers you can leave behind, and powerful archers you can take with you, so ramparts and dungeon are great too
I don't mind that they changed the factions a bit.
The Academy faction had a cool mix with the dwarves and halflings added to Tower. Made sense with the exodous lore. The only thing the was worth a damn in homm4.
Without dwarves the forest/sorceress/rampart equivalent became bland as fuck though, since they couldn't bother to think longer than elves+nature for that faction.
>And the weeb faction in VI, oh man.
Seemed good to me.
Sanctuary was the best part of H6.
So, after the failure of VI and VII, will there be any more Homm? It's not like I even want it at this point, cause the chance of it being decent are close to none, though.
Maybe a total reboot in like 5 years? Not sure how many fans they could still get to buy it at that point.
Any Ubisoft HOMM worth playing if I'm a fan of 3?
6 looks nice; but I wouldn't know
VI is such a pile of shit I physically cringe when I recall playing it. Or rather trying to play it cause it's so bug ridden good luck playing through a game without something fucking it up.
Play V with expansions.
Play 5 TotE expansion
6 is only okay for the single-player campaign, they fucked up the mechanics but the storyline mode is fairly comfy and worth a try if you can get it for cheap.
7 is garbage. No redeeming qualities.
Apparently Jon Van Caneghem expressed interest in returning to HoMM, though i don't see how he'll get the rights back from those greedy Ubisoft hacks.
Was 5 done under Ubisoft? In any case, that was the last soooooomewhat decent entry (mostly because they just stuck to HoMM3 formula with a few terrible additions), everything after it was pure trash.
I dont think they will make more HOMM considering how little they understand it. However if they make a good new HOMM im sure that people saying its good will generate sales on the long term. No blockbuster hit, but enough sales to recoup the investment.
That said, I dont think it is physically possible for ubisoft to get a decent team together. Like there is some kind of limitations in the laws of nature that prevents their brain from making good decisions.
V is amazing. Gameplay is very similar to III. If you are a fan of HoMM campaigns play vanilla and then expansions. The story is a mix of typical high fantasy and fairy tales.
VI changed too much but is still playable. Some people even find it charming. The main changes that you need to look at before buying:
>reworked skill system
>less resources and conversion of towns
>3 tiers of units instead of 7 (3+3+1 instead of 1+1+1+1+1+1+1)
I didn't bother with multiplayer. Campaigns have a lot of huge-ass maps which I'm not fan of. Story seems okay though.
I haven't touched 7. Why is it garbage (besides bugs)? Units look okay and it was supposed to be more like III than VI.
>I haven't touched 7. Why is it garbage (besides bugs)?
Most importantly there's basically nothing new. It plays like a poor man's 5, with less content, more bugs, barely working multiplayer (let's call it what it is: not working) and poorly planned economy. I could go for miles about why skill balance isn't that good, or why spells aren't satisfying to use, or why kingdom economy isn't well thought out, but to sum it up, the gameplay is very unpolished.
On top of all that, the game is very resource heavy. How long does it take to launch Heroes 3? Maybe 15 seconds, and you're in the game. Heroes 7 wants you to launch Steam, then Uplay, then it will take a couple minutes to load main menu, then production logos, then the map will load forever, it's just so bad.
The Editor is garbage. It takes even more resources than the game and is basically just a Unreal Editor addon. It doesn't have half the features developers used in their own maps because instead of being game mechanics like in normal Heroes games they're just all Unreal scripts slapped onto the gameplay.
Yeah that's your campaign in a nutshell - storytelling "experience" that has very little to do with Heroes. It has stealth missions, platforming puzzles (!), scripted duels, EVERYTHING but strategy. So that's your story mode, it's shit.
But maybe it's worth playing in custom matches? No. Like, I said, multiplayer doesn't really work and AI is bloody awful.
So not only is it a Heroes game that doesn't understand Heroes series but doesn't offer anything new either, it's also an unpolished, buggy mess that's sorta dolled up alright. Ubisofted.
Lmao, what a strange combination of obscure memes user. Nonetheless I'm impressed and also smashing dat might button cuz I'm posting at dem REAL STRONGHOLD HOURS.
People with the real right, know-how and the will to make games can't because shits like Ubisoft will keep the franchise even though they can't make anything decent out of it. Homm is only one of many victims. Makes me sad and mad.
>What I can't stand is Ubisoft's art direction with HoMM5 and above.
HoMM 6's art direction is fucking gorgeous, kill yourself
And 5's was kinda great too
>REEE no glow
yeah whatever bro, thats kinda autistic imo
I think I spent more time in the Homm4 map editor than actually playing the game lol
>be kid and fuck around with the editor
>would spend hours making maps which I would then play hotseat when a friend came over
>every map had a treasure cove area where a shitload of T7 units block treasure of such volume you need like a full turn of movement to grab it all and instantly makes your hero OP as fuck
I wonder why I thought it was a good idea to give someone 50 attack from a pandoras box if you barely got 13 from one of the best items in the game
Some of the new designs are really great, like the griphons or my favorites pit lords and cyclops, but I agree with that guy on the undead.
They should look like bones and death, not like a fucking rave dancefloor. They got stuff like stronghold, haven or inferno very right, but necropolis is just atrocious.
Me too, for sure. I often did that, but especially in Heroes 4. Even back then it was clear as day that it had gone downhill.
s p i d e r s
>he doesnt want to rave with skeletons
There's a distinct lack of skeletons to rave with on the upper half of that image. Even the one skeleton that is there is not very skeleton-y.
Dumb question, but is there a way to play random maps completely alone with not a single bot?
I just want to explore a big map and not worry about the bot rushing down my ass.
Necropolis for HOMM8
>T1 - rave skeleton, skeleton with glowing green light in his belly
>T2 - no idea
>T3 - rave ghost
>T4 - boss of the floor vampire, wears glowing green armor
>T5 - lich with green glowing staff, can shoot allies to give them killer rave moves and deal AOE damage
>T6 - rave spider woman
>T7 - green glowing bone dragon, can summon a whirlwind of bones and glowing rave sticks
>Play against AI
>Don't see hide nor hair of them for like 25 minutes
>Finally find one of its heroes
>A Swarm of Phoenixes
The AI in this game is a cheating motherfucker
I don't even understand what the fuck is going on with those designs except for the sphynx. They tried to copy Blizzard but forgot to actually make clear and distinguishable silhouettes and shapes, everything looks the same.
1) Generate a random map in map editor (i'm 90% sure you can do that in HoMM3 version)
2) Block the PC castle with mountains
RMG generator always provides you with at least one opponent because it can only make defeat all enemies maps which means that if there was no opponent, you'd immediately win. But you can open the resulting map in the editor, change victory conditions and try playing it alone that way.
>Homm 3
Just post em negros
Tower. I liked the mass ranged units
>turn 500
>suddenly CPU with throngs of arch angels
>turns out they used the marketplace to trade income for other resources and in the end got fly from T5 mage guild
>anons pristine lands get trampled by the hordes of enemies
>big map
>go left
>powerful ai opponent moves in from the right
>redistribute forces to intercept
>ai opponent retreats
>new ai opponent approaches this time from the left
>repeat ad infinitum
Don't even get me started on maps with fucking gate portals right outside your door.
Indeed glow on the town looks somewhat bad. The Homm5 necropolis did it best. it had the best balance of deathly aesthetics, mystery and awe.
The units seem ok for me, i see they tried to work with better contrasts but some of the glows are indeed a bit excessive.
Ahhh leave a garrison while you avoid conflict with your main hero? Chances are they dont have anything on their towns right? Its been ages since i played but i recognize that pain. I was too much of a stupid kid to think around it back then, i dont know if this would be a solution.
>homm5 could've been overly edgy dark fantasy
Considering texture quality of HOMM5 that shit wouldve been impossible
>though i don't see how he'll get the rights back from those greedy Ubisoft hacks.
Can you do something like this on Kickstarter?
The Wastelands 2 guy had rights to the original I think
I think ubisoft is one of those companies thatr likes to bury their IPs into some tomb rater than ever giving it up because they might in some farflung future want to revive it for some easy money
Would you really trust a guy who's all about mobile now with Champions of Sword and Sorcery
Does the shit Ubisoft HD remake thing have random map generation yet?
Also thanks for reminding me that I have the GOG version, gonna play that now.
no conflux nor combined artifacts either
just download hd mod
That music heavily reminds me of Gauntlet Legends at the beginning. I miss that game so fucking much. Any way to properly emulate it yet?
Already have HD mod, was just wondering if they added that yet.
>Favourite town?
Dungeon or Fortress.
>7000 skeletons y/n?
>Great maps/packs
Dunno, I only play vanilla.
>Conflux is for fags.
Its not that they cant, but they dont care, when they have IPs with a certain potential, they allocate a project to it with the scope and funding based on the return potential of said project, which includes the weight of the IP.
This is exactly how a machine or in this case, a corporation would work. They do not try to understand the values of a said franchise nor do they try to exploit them, because they know even if they did the potential returns would not compensate. The operate on a passive application of value believess the value is being exploited by the existence of the game alone, which is exactly how their bigger franchises operate, which is beneficial to them because they utilize value that appeal to common denominators.
Its an entirely business focused and alienated approach to game development that could have only spawned from a truly souless corporation whose mission and internal values have long been lost to the framework of corporate interest
>Play against AI
>Don't see hide nor hair of them for like 25 minutes
>one of their heroes teleports through the woods and destroys my all heroes with horde of Phoenixes and horde of Archangels to revive said Phoenixes
tower was kinda shit.
You had shitty start since even upgraded Gremlins do almost no damage and die like flies, golems are slow as fuck, your good units start at T4, upgrading Giants to Titans is very expensive.
If not Naga Queens and Solmyr Tower would be the worst city. It's still my favourite
On the bright side, there's always the off-chance that the job of actually making the game (rather than just deciding it needs to be made for financial reasons) ends up in the hands of people who give a shit and know what they're doing.
Sure, that's a small chance. But stuff like that has happened.
That many-armed god statue in front of the moon is real cool.