PC Gamer: Game of the Year [spoiler](Yes, Sup Forums was wrong again)[/spoiler]


Apart from the terrible technical issues it was the 2016 GOTY.

>PC Gamer

Prey is PC Gamer's GOTY 2017
screencap this.

100% agree. Dishonored 2 was fucking amazing.

Well once you filter out all the political BS on here it really was GOTY.

I'm 25 and this game has two of the most interesting levels I've ever played, in one game

Outside of fixable issues, the worst aspect of DIshonored 2 was the story. Fuck Delilah, shitty idea to reuse her and drop a backstory on her.

>what is Bloodborne
>what is witcher 3
>what is uncharted 4

>game that was and still mostly is broken on PC
>PC Gamer GOTY

I hate these retards more than anything.

But FTL and Titanfall are good. The rest is shit though.

2 games released in 2015 and a slow as fuck movie

>pc game of the year
>also on ps4 and xbox one

That's why I favor releasing PS4/Xbox port first then PC only after 6 months of extensive testing.

>I'm 25

I always said it was GOTY, only Hitman came close that year.

It's just one of those denuvo games "quick I need to shit on this game I didn't play whenever it's possible to make it look bad because I want it to fail" like DXMD and HITMAN.

I bet it will be Prey next year.

those levels had interesting mechanics but the level design was sorely lacking.

I enjoyed Dishonored 2 but it felt like a step back from the original. The first game had a better story, better characters and far more interesting missions and superior level design.

I can praise the clockwork and time mechanics which were very impressively implemented, but I can barely recall the levels themselves because of how linear and bland they were to actually play.

It's a good game, but I think it's disappointing compared to the original.

I liked Hitman better, but Dishonored 2 is an easy second place.

Great year for stealth games.


This game came out? I haven't seen a single thing about this game.

>politics threatens my fragile little mind!

this is an 18+ board

Consensus on Sup Forums was that gameplay was 9/10, it was only held back by performance issues and the forgettable story. Completely deserves it, not like there's anything else worthy of GotY.

>political BS
what BS?
inb4 empress, is victorian england is political BS too
inb4 stronk independant wymyn. only 1 of them is a decent human bean: billie. And that's because she regret her past. Emily only has the potential to be a decent human when play in the most boring way possible.
niggers? Serkonos is a colony and most of the highest position are dominated by white males. only a high rank religious figure is black.
not like the game went out of its way to appeal to both libtards and trumplets.

it seems that every game is goty

gameplay somewhat less varied but great for the genre. no technical problem and 10/10 story

Euro Truck Simulator is niche but its a really good fucking game.

>Arguably Bioware's best RPG yet

holy fuck

Do you know what game of the year means?


I think the first game was ok but badly designed, to get the good ending you had to limit your fun and don't kill people, too bad 90% of the unlockable stuff were death tools...that was fuckin retarded.
I haven't checked the second because I play on PC and I read of people with GTX 1080 not being able to hit 60fps in fuckin 1080p. Heard they patched since then but the performance is still not good, so maybe I'll check it when it drops to 20 euro or so...

is this game worth 60 smackaroos?

Prey is looking pretty great. It's essentialy Bioshock in space without the pretentious story telling.so pretty much system shock. Arkane continues to be GOAT.

it's 3 months old, you can get it easily for much cheaper

Better than Witcher 3 at least

>without the pretentious story telling
did you forget the "le identity" part?

>Witcher 3
>not the best rpg game
Found the sjw

It's great, but DXMD was better.