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Take my ball son.
Im a tf2 veteran who mained scout and spy and I have a habit of just running from battle and finding the health pack. I don't even have the healing voice line on any of my keys.
These overwatch kiddies are spoiled as fuck
The worst part about Hanzo is that he's never with the team and cries out from the other side of the map that he needs healed. And the fucks spam it constantly because they are shit.
I will heal anyone if youre mildly close to the group.
Fuck outta here with those genjis and tracers who spam "I NEED HEALING" at some place I cant get to that easily or far out of my range. Bonus points if they die right after then complain at you
That's what you're supposed to do with any character with mobility options. Mercys usually shouldn't stick with D.va's unless they're damage boosting them
D.va is great for building meter with Mercy though since everyone is now hitting her.
Pharah players are worse. Trying to heal those assholes is a chore
I hate trying to heal those fucks as Ana while they fly about
Yes, this. Fucking annoying. Almost as bad as having a Pharah target you while you play Ana and nobody does fuck-all to counter her
Genjis are much worse. They fucking jump around in front of you actively trying to dodge your darts. I usually just grenade them so I don't have to bother missing ten times and they can just get back into the fight
>it's a Mercy constantly flies around damage boosting and healing Pharah while your teammates ignore both of them epidode
>healing team as mercy
>hear roadhog sneaking up behind team
>say in voice chat "Roadhog behind us!"
>no one turns around
>roadhog peeks out for a second and fires an alt fire, nearly killing me as I jump around and scream in voice chat that he's here.
>no one turns around
>hog lands a hook and kills me instantly
>1 second later mcree is spamming NEED HEALING
>mcree dies to roadhog
>"wtf shit mercy"
healing/killing pharah as ana is super easy
i''d rather heal the girl flying in the air with the same speed of a moth than to heal the double jumping ninja boucing around everything
>can't hit a flying Pharah with a hitscan scope
Git gud
I once had a satisfying sleep on a genji. We were at 95% on nepal and the whole enemy team came back while their genji was behind us. He did his ult but I slept him as he dashed towards me and a roadhog killed him. Had a zarya hanzo combo right after wiping their team.
Healing her is super easy. Killing her is usually a lot harder. After you land two darts she usually fucks off behind cover before you can get a third.
Get gud and climb out of diamond then.
Pro-tip: you won't do that playing the brainless healer mercy
couldn't even make it 25 seconds into this
Not mccrees fault desu, that's tanks or other DPS job, mccree has no mobility
eh, get good. Pharah alone doesnt move that fast in the air. You have your hitscan healing plus a scope and long range grenade if you need it.
>I need healing
>stands on a perch out of line of sight
>can't harmony orb, can't shoot with ana sniper, can't guardian angel
>wtf shitty healers
>tfw playing my favorite characters (genji and pharah) in 2800
>duo queue is in my game and constantly get on the mic to bash my picks
>tell me to kill myself and try to get into my head by being meta and asking What went wrong in my real life that's making me want to pick a non meta character
Worst part is I'm pretty sure they browse Sup Forums and they sounded like grown men.
If someone says I'm shit I usually switch to healer then watch how team is still shit. Clearly I was the problem right team?
Meanwhile, in a better character...
Literally the sign of a shit Ana
Pharah players should not even have to slow their erratic movement(dodging enemy fire) for you to hit them if you're any good.
Pharahs at least stay BEFORE the healer rather than standing behind the healer like every retarded hanzo and widow.
Don't know what the fuck happened to the quality but w/e
>When the mercy only heals instead of damage boosting a full health team throughout the entire match
>when the mercy refuses to switch even after 0 rez in the entire match
They are waiting on that 3-4 player potg rez. If they do them, 10/1 the enemy team is still in position to mop the floor again twice over.