I just became a dad, user!
At what age should i introduce them to video games?
I just became a dad, user!
At what age should i introduce them to video games?
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Depends on how well the child develops and how well you want it to develop.
Don't forget to put time restrictions on games. Yes, it's annoying, but do you really want the child to become as socially inept as the average Sup Forums user?
Gratulations, Papa user.
Don't ever. If it happens, it happens. Don't encourage it
break the cycle
Tell them to stay away from Sup Forums
This. I love vidya as much as the next guy but I wouldn't encourage it to my kin. I treat my nephew the same way and I respect his dads wishes of getting him into sports etc. He's never told me straight up "hey dont get my son into video games" but I can tell what he would want.
>restrictions on games
Don't make them too strict though. I was only allowed to play an hour or so everyday and my parents didn't buy me many games, which is why I feel like I have to compensate for it now and still play video games as an adult, while all my friends who could play what they wanted and how long they wanted have long moved on.
I'm sorry for your loss.
right now
Teach your kid the ways of the vidya as soon as possible
Do not allow him to turn into a normie like you
>not Senpai
3 is good. That's when I started.
you sure it's yours?
I certainly fucking hope so
Its more about how you raise the kid though. Make sure he realizes its all fictional, and that there are more important things that come first. I've seen the worst kids in stores or online acting like total assholes. There was even this fucking teenager explaining too his mom how he's been so good and how she should buy him a Xbone or something so he doesn't go out on the streets or do drugs. Don't let him be that guy or player mp games with the voice chat on
Never. Don't let them turn into the same loser that you are
This, things like this are a case of using your discretion.
I think you should introduce them to your child at 5-6 years old. At that point the child knows a lot of stuff about other things non-vidya, so as a hobby I think it'd work out well at that age. The child will most likely go to school too at that age so he can find friends who play video games in school.
Never unless they want to get into gaming and ask you to get them something related. I swear to God we'll see a generation that hates gaming with a passion, because their parents like gaming.
All these fucks saying let your kid be a normie, what the fuck.
My kids almost 3, gonna start teaching him to read soon.
Gonna homeschool him until middle school so his nerdy hobbies settle into his personality and can't be peer pressured out.
I'm not raising no fucking Chad.
Age three. Allow them to play for at least 4 hours a day, if the play less than that they'll never get good. Also they are kids, they're probably more interested in going outside and learning about the world around them than playing for that long anyway.
I was the same. It wasn't until the world disappointed me that I was able to spend my time playing videogames and then I fell in love with them. This all happened before I was even 6 years old. This mindset caused me a lot of suffering especially in the high school years. Many times I considered things like suicide and murder. I'm now a NEET christian making a videogame. I'm only telling you this so that you can understand the situation I was in and that even after that I was able to find happiness. The life of your child probably won't be the same. Each human is unique and has free will. However I can almost guarantee you that if the world around them upsets them in some way there will always be a game out there that can cheer them up, and some people will benefit from that more than anything else. Don't just expose them to videogames, expose them to everything beautiful that you can so that they can find inspiration to rise above things like materialism and self-hate. Expose them to the concepts of kindness and being forgiving so that they'll realize that they have the choice to not be judgemental like the other children that they'll encounter. In the end these are their choices. All you can really do is educate them on their options. The thing is, any half-sane human that's been exposed to both love and hate will choose love when they realize they have a choice.
You literally sound like the furry parent who seeks help because his son doesn't like the furry history lesson during homeschooling.
Introduce them when they can handle winning and losing at things. Start with board games that you play together then introduce video games. Put time limits on them and try to teach them to think and interpret what a game is trying to get them to do as well as how games are addictive. Make sure they experience other things in life like reading, music and playing outside. Don't be one of those parents who shoves their kid in front of an iPad and doesn't interact with them. Congrats on your kid, user.
Dadanon here. Thanks, man. Sage advice.
Video games are for faggot SJW nu-male cucks and gamurgrrls now. Don't do it you dumb faggot.
What did you call it?
If you named it after an animu or vidya character then you are a bad dad.
Any age.
Don't be that parent that forces your kid(s) to like something they obviously don't, though.
This, too.
It's his own kid, not his fucking brothers. He can get him into whatever he wants.
Young, but give him older video games that encourage focus and attention and avoid smart phone apps. Limit play time too.
Betters than sportsball and alcoholism.
Stop coming here and raise your kid
nice blog post
>It's his own kid, not his fucking brothers. He can get him into whatever he wants
what was the point of this post? The fucking guy is ASKING US if he should or not lmao? I', just saying getting a kid, as an adult, into vidya shouldn't really be a thing. Kid should do it on his on if the dad has vidya lying around the fucking house. Fucking obivosuly the kid is gonna get curious from his friends from school. The dad doesn't need to get the kid rolling on a trail of video games at an early age what the fuck. Take him to a fucking baseball game or something fuck
Play vidya around them when yo feel like it. Invite them to join if they like, but don't force them. If they start taking interest, follow this age guide:
>8 and below
Stick to E-rated.
>8 and above
Start allowing certain T-rated games, if they ask for them.
Start allowing M-rated, but keep them the absolute fuck off of online play unless you're around.
Stop giving a shit.
get the little bastard into chess at age 5
What is the point of my post? It's to point out how dumb a post saying "I RESPECT SOMEBODIES DECISION TO WANT TO MAKE THEIR KID A SPORT STAR" is irrelevant when a person is asking us if they should get their kid into video games.
And now your next post is just saying "MAKE HIM PLAY SPORTS INSTEAD."
Why couldn't he do both in the first place you fucking retard? Why do retards from this place always bring things to stupid binary shit.
>Stop giving a shit.
No, challenge your kid to a duel to see who is the master of the School of the Undefeated of the East.
I ain't raising no faggot. He plays video games.
where did i say to make him play sports you fucking brain dead neet? Just let the kid do what he wants on his own accord its fucking video games you retarded piece of shit lmao the kid isn''t going to miss out on something important. chances are the kid is gonna end up playing gta 8 with his boys and have a normal life. or did you want him and his dad to get into jrpg's and have comfy discussions at the ramen shop :(
If you want them to be productive members of society, you don't
this. not even a fucking meme fuck all these retards who say to get him INTO video games
Your gaming days are over for a while.
>No you fucking brain dead neet, he shouldn't take an action role in his kids life and should just leave him alone!
I get it now. Sorry you never had a father and don't know how great it is when your dad spends time with you and lets you share his hobby with him.
>productive society
>consisting mostly of bullshit papershuffling jobs
Never. Video games ruin lives. Just look at this place.
>This damage control
Yea my dad pretended to like video games to when I was a kid but got me motivated into sports and fitness which is a 1000x better lifestyle than your video game trash. Geniunley feel sorry for your wifes son when chad fuck him up
My dad played video games with me, took me to watch his basketball games and play basketball with him, took me swimming at the park and a bunch of other shit because he's not a brain dead retard and realizes doing one thing doesn't somehow mean all those other things need to magic themselves into existence.
>when chad fuck him up
Fucking britbongs, I swear. Shouldn't you check if your gf is getting raped by a Paki faggot?
>sports and fitness which is a 1000x better lifestyle
Yeah doing drugs to push those times is totally better than videogames
>I was a kid but got me motivated into sports and fitness which is a 1000x better lifestyle than your video game trash.
Then why are you on a video game board, faggot?
>Doing one thing
you are probably the dumbest sack of shit I've ever talked to. If you think VIDEO GAMES is taking an action role in your sons life just put a fucking magnum in your mouth. It will always be there and never going away. Like I said any normal kid is gonna get into it anyway and if the dad wants to play with him or not what ever but this whole discussion is whether or not it should be implemented at an early age and you''re over here acting like that won't snowball him into a lazy neet. There are a shit ton of other ways to get involved in your kids life other than fucking video games you retard.
Side low key hobby as it should be. Does it make you feel better im on /fit/?
Never. at 18 introduce them to social drinking, at 21 introduce them to recreational pot.
The only parenting my dad ever did was letting me watch him play videogames.
Now I'm a peter pan syndrome 25 year old virgin still living with his mom
Playing video games with your children, especially games you liked and get excited with them about is taking an active role in your childs life.
>early age and you''re over here acting like that won't snowball him into a lazy neet
>Giving a kid a video game will snowball them into a lazy neet
Elon Musk spent all his time playing video games as a kid, why isn't he a lazy neet?
Statistically then most 20 something year olds out of college have jobs, and they also played a shitload of video games. Sorry but video games are not and will never be your boogyman Hillary Clinton.
>implying that's bad
Nothing wrong with living with your mom user, in fact living with parents is the most sane decision in current world.
Fuck off Schlomo
90% in this thread have told the guy No. The reasons have gone straight over your head retard. Trumps America has no room for faggot gamers. Hit the weights lad, much more satisfying than video games.
Early, but use it as a punishment.
Also, it depends, gaems for little child are now a thing, at least don't put your child on the tv whenever it's possible.
>Hit the weights lad
I probably lift more than you, but of course you'll meme about >HURR IMPLYING GIRLS CARE ABOUT STRENGTH
Most of this thread said no because they are fucking failures at life anyway and scapegoat random things in their life for their own inadequacy instead of admitting the reason they failed wasn't the video games or lack of attention or lack of environment to learn but just their own damn ineptitude.
>projecting this hard
Yea, confirmed damaged control user who's too retarded to see the point. Like I said, KYS immediately.
I don't think you know what that word means.
like vidya needs introduction the kid will eventually get to it by itself especially in this media addicted world. Probably the best to intruduce asap so the dipshit knows not to become a noob, or some cheater faggot. But its life is screwed anyway for having a dad asking how to raise his fucking child on the fucking chan
Don't be that asshole who buys them a bunch of retro shit one day and says "Now you're gonna know what real games are like!"
I work at a retro store and too many parents do this shit, and it's obvious their kids don't give a single fuck.
If you want your kid to like old games, here's how you do it:
>keep your retro console of choice and games
>don't leave it plugged into TV
>still have it out on shelf or something
>only describe the games to your child and how much fun you had, being sure to say that "they weren't like your games, they were simpler but more fun, you wouldn't like it"
>emphasize they wouldn't like it
>tell them you're missing the cables to make it work
>make sure they're interested in it
>one day say you got the cables to make it work
>start playing with them
>let them keep it in their room
>tell them they can't play after X time
Boom, you've got a kid itching to play stay up late the old games you love.
Seriously, you can't force it onto them, I've seen too many parents try and fail. However, when that kid comes in and just happens to play an NES on display, they get hooked.
Point is, game enjoyment is natural, and you can't force people to like or dislike anything, see Sup Forums for the prime example.
Oh and also, if your kid ends up not liking vidya, and you do this to him, or try to get him to play games, you're an asshole. Don't force your life onto your child.
I don't know. I would say maybe 4 or 5 but just let them b themself :^)
Thanks god you guys will never bear children.
Restricting time is the dumbest you can do to your child and only causes more issues.
Games are actually good for kids. My son has been playing GTA SA since he was about 4 or 5. He doesn't understand the swearin or violence so it doesn't matter about that, I make him listen to radio X so he can listen to good, classic music. The driving bit is good practice for when he drives when he's older, the shooting is good hand eye coordination, the riding a bmx teaches him how to ride a bike and he seems to just enjoy the exploring. I can't afford to take him on holiday but with games like this it's just like going on holiday because he can be transferred to any world at the drop of a hat. I'm saving up for a VR headset too for him.
And give them retro consoles to start with and work them up to modern games.
They will have a greater appreciation for games if they see where they came from, also I have noticed that kids that grew up with modern systems tend to be retards that lack basic problem solving skills in real life so there is that too.
I just became a dad, user!
At what age should i introduce them to memes?