Top lel
id buy it if that happened
ok now they actually have caught my interest.
If it's confirmed 3rd March I'm buying switch first day.
FFXIV 1.0 for the switch? Sounds interesting.
>Cancelled for PS3
>IMPLYING they will release it for Switch instead.
>finally drop the ps3
>entire playerbase rejoice and it garners the biggest reactions at fanfests aside from "increased inventory"
>considering switch
yeah, nah
>Fake Twitter account
>poor shoop
>no source
Op you dirty nigger you caught everyone's attention and now you are going to get bumped to heaven. God speed faggot
Now that I think about it, are FFXIV accounts cross-platform ? Would I be able to play the same character on PC and on console ?
jap devs are full retard, they just might
Yup, I have a PC and PS4 version, same account and everything
>PS3 limitations prease understand becomes Switch limitations prease understand
Wouldn't be surprised. Dragon Quest X is on the Wii, Wii U, and 3DS, so it's not like MMO versions of SE properties aren't selling on Nintendo consoles.
Thanks user
The switch have 99 problems, but memory is not one.
Devs have 14 times more memory that can be used for things like inventory on the Switch than on PS3.
you say that, but i don't see you making anything
>paid online
>season pass
>late ports
Oh i get it, Nintendo are not different, they're just a generation behind
>playing XIV on the go with your 4g in place
Handheld will suck because of that but is a possibility. How many gigs to even install this behemoth?
not an official twitter, retards
I don't want to believe it but the evidence is staring me right in the face.
Still no region lock so that is something (I genuinely believe that nintendo removed region lock just so there would be something to soften the blow of the paid online that investors forced in at the switch presentation)
I dont want faggoty anime MMORPGs
I want a real final fantasy game, and I'm getting one
Can't the switch literally not hold DQH 1 and 2 or something?
How the fuck is it gonna hold the data needed for an MMO?
As if dropping the PS3 will amount to shit all anyway.
>those shadows @:04secs
my dick
RAM =/= SSD you turd
you could play an MMO off the cartridge and not take up almost any data storage
Playing MMOs on the go is literally a really strong selling point, the only problem is emulating the keyboard controls, dunno how would that work.
Don't look too good senpai
>Sprites with realistic lighting effects
I thought this meme died like 6 years ago with those pokemon photoshopped into photos wallpapers
>Holding an MMO on a fucking cartridge
FFXIV is already on consoles
FF14 is playable with pad.
You can change the binds on your face buttons with L, R, L2, R2 and then by combining L+R and shit too, which gives you a access to a ton of binds.
The FF mmos were always built around pad play.
they might just do what they did for DQX on the 3DS, basically stream the game from a computer
>Can you feel that? The HD rumble perfectly creates the feeling of when your tank pulls too many enemies. That trembling? That's your soul.
it's pretty sad that they'd announce that
no actual games to announce so they just have to say
>m-maybe it will get some games guys
>FFXIV's current crossbar + expanded crossbar
>trying that out on that horrific Switch controller
Even if they did agree to this, which I really don't think will go over well with the current community, there is going to be an even more severe backlash on controller players from the playerbase
dude, look up videos of Heavensward on the PS3
Some areas are a blurry mess past 50 feet. Having to make the game work on it is clearly a massive effort.
Well, it will be another Square enix game that requires an SD card to be played.
But it will not limit the game itself.
I am genuinely excited for hd rumble. I know we meme about it but the stuff with the ice in the glass completely sold me.
>>Holding an MMO on a fucking cartridge
what kind of MMO needs more than 32 gb game cards? nintendo has standard 16 gb game cards with 32 gb option for big games, but they can just as easily make a 64 gb card- it would just cut into the profits for that game if its retailing at $59.99 msrp
you're talking about games that would take 4 blurays to hold at that point
FF14 is balanced for controllers
Japs only play games on Consoles and phones. Playstation 2 and 3/4 are the reason 11 lasted so long and why 14 survived. 300k Japanese players are a base even Blizzard can't reach.
>what kind of MMO needs more than 32 gb game cards?
Fucking most of them?
MMOs are usually 40gb +
Games like that usually only have the base game on the disc/cartridge and all the extra patch and expansion data gets downloaded on the SD/HDD.
>FFXIV's Official forum
>adding an influx of new nintenkiddies to that
Jesus fucking christ.
MMOs are games that pull their data from the server, instead of a local cartridge, so they can keep changing and expanding the world.
On a limited space system, this means redownloading the worlds over and over.
Of course, squenix can do a weidass cartridge with flash memory.
Would be cool for crafting. Not so much anything else
This is the most retarded argument ever.
Following your logic you can't say any song is shit cause you can't sing any better.
You can't say a movie is shit cause you can't make a movie yourself.
Fuck off.
XIV is an 8 gb download and 4 gb patches for 12 gb, and they would include an up to date version on a game card. So lets say they add another 4 gb in patches. Thats a 16 gb game card with 4 gb empty space, and 4 gb used on your SSD
you could play it on the base 25 gb free-after-OS switch just fine, wouldn't even new a microsd card
the world data is small. the assets that take up disk space are textures, sounds, models, etc.
>No Lan port
>Playing an mmo over wifi
Seriously what a blunder, even the playstation tv had a Lan port.
yes, but you need buy the game for each platform you want. only 1 sub tho
>Drop support for PS3
>Add support for Switch
Well done. God job, SE.
>but memory is not one
Careful, MMOs only draw stuff like scripts and calculations from the server, actual stuff you see and hear still takes up space.
Only Dragon Quest X on the 3DS gets fully streamed to the device because its not strong enough, and the game runs like absolute ass on that.
What? Of all genres MMOs are most suited for wifi play. They are all made with high latency in mind.
I'm talking RAM here, not storage.
People who say memory when referring to RAM should be gassed
Do you know what the M in RAM stands for?
Do you know that memory is almost always used to refer to HDD or SSD storage?
you fucking retard
its used for both, and any retard can tell the difference when someone is referring to storage space or ram
I'd rather have FFXI.
As far i know, its storage and space are the words used to describe storage, while memory is what is used to talk about random access memory, or RAM.
>My PC doesnt have much memory
Which am I talking about here
Yes it can be used to refer to both but it's much easier and clearer to refer to RAM as RAM.
almost nobody calls HDD or SDD "memory"
until ssds became popular, if you said "storing in memory" or "writing to disc", anyone would understand the former refers to RAM
its only now that SDDs aren't actually disks that makes the terminology less precise
FF 14 suffers from input delay as it is.
Especially if you're not in America or Japan.
Fun Fact: The "European" servers are located in Canada along with the US servers.
>Random Access Memes
Sounds like Sup Forums
you are retarded.
memory refers to RAM
storage refers to hard disk space
>I'd rather have a dead game that can be played on a 4 year old Windows tablet
Actually, memory refers to both and are interchangeable. Now shut up
Just a tech user passing through.
Not anymore, they moved european servers to Germany a long time ago
the fuck are you smoking
That is outdated information and wifi does not cause input lag.
It causes packet loss which is a different thing, and not an issue in slow moving games like MMOs.
Its a massive problem for fighting games and shooters, but not MMOs like FF14.
>Just a tech user passing through.
no, you are a retard user
I write technical documents for a server lab. Literally memory is only used for RAM.
Go ahead and try to go on any Computer manufacturer and see if they list hard disk space as "memory" Not a single one does you retard.
Packet loss can lead to input lag when using TCP/IP.
But if you use TCP/IP for online games, specially shooters, you deserve to be shot.
you are the fucking idiot!! GET INSISDE!
Sure, okay faggot. Whatever you say.
You forget that the majority of end-users refer to storage as memory, as do some manufacturers when upselling.
Now sit the fuck down, you uneducated nigger.
Vita has 2 MMOs; PSO2 and MHF-Z
Fuck that garbage.
Give me PSO2 instead.
>28gb of space for patches maximum
>lack of extra peripherals/USB keyboard that make PS4 FFXIV managable
>community is just now getting over having to carry the PS3 like an albatross
>people playing MMO over coffee shop wifi because of the portability
Trust me I want the Switch to be successful but FFXIV is a bad idea in so many ways.
DLC-included World of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts rereleases and 3, and maybe Zodiac Age sure but not FFXIV.
>drop PS3
>pick up this garbo
pls no
>majority of end-users refer to storage as memory
Which started in the early 2000's because Apple incorrectly labelled their iPods with having 1GB of "memory" and since then every fucking idiot has been wrong about it. It actually shows what a fucking stupid "tech user" you are.
> as do some manufacturers
Find me one. I buy computers and servers almost on a weekly basis. Not a single one does you fucking liar. Here is a screen shot of lenovo. find me ANY manufacturer that does. Memory is a fucking industry term for RAM, it has been for decades
Get used to it.
The switch is getting everything.
kys my man
You're supposed to get an SD card.
Any Bluetooth keyboard is compatible and you should be thankful this dead game will get more people on it.
The ps4 version has paid online and was a late port as well. What?
And season passes are still done by a lot of devs in this generation, too.
Literally no one at my IT job calls HDD or SSD storage "memory."
>it wouldn't run
What the fuck? I thought the switch was as powerful as the xbone
Given how bad it runs on the PS4, the switch probably would have problems running it as well.
Or they could optimize it to run as it looks and get the switch running it well, but that would also mean a 60fps patch for the PS4.
>It wont run
>it might, I was bullshitting before
It sits smack in the middle between the PS4 and PS3, mostly due the slowass memory.
>it wouldn't run
>it might run, not sure
Make up your fucking mind, dude.
>optimizing for one system means magically optimized version for all systems
Thats not how it works m8.
Still alive and well, you retard. Also, the game runs like ass on cheap windows tablets.
There's only so much a Tegra can do
Didn't they drop the PS4 version?
>it's only fantasy if its 2D sprites
We wish. Shitty CPU holding shit back.