Is all this console war shit still ironic or are you guys actually serious...

Is all this console war shit still ironic or are you guys actually serious? I've been on Sup Forums pretty much since it existed and have seen so many shitty topics, but this is seriously getting out of hand now.

So what is it anyway? Ironic shitposting? Making fun of others for the sake of being edgy? Is anyone here actually loyal to a company and tries to advertise it?

Please explain yourselves.

One Meta Thread per board allowed at a time. Thanks mongolian moot.

Other urls found in this thread:

People are loyal to companies here, yes.
People are extremely autistic here, yes.
Really hate to point fingers but sonyfags are the worst offender when it comes to starting consolewar bullshit, t. grew up with sony.

I'm never really sure if Sonyponies are actually starting the threads or if it's false flagging. Annoying either way.

t. ps4 enthusiast that hates ps4 threads on Sup Forums

that too, a large portion of sonyfag consolewar starting could be from falseflaggers

She's cute. The artist I mean.

I'm sure it's a little bit of everything.

It's probably both sides anyway.
t. person who can afford everything

Who is this spunk punk?

it's just pcfags shilling against consoles as always

>tfw ps4 owner that thinks Horizon looks awful

Honestly think it all started with the Wii U threads. Why haven't you bought one yet? x1000
Before that the only console thing seemed to be wagglan and NOGAMES

you sound just like the people OP is talking about


I hate ps game threads because pc only "gamers" always shit up the thread with shitposting, portbegging, muh fps, muh graffix and buzzwords like moviegame, lenogaems and weebshit

what do sonyggers do? they just post their games and everyone is pissed because they're mustards

sonyggers literally did nothing wrong

It's half ironic.

The people who take part in it think the other side is more serious than they are, but if you were to ask either side if they're serious, they'd say "No, I'm being ironic, but the

As long as underage faggots haunt this board, console war threads will persist. Children cannot be reasoned with.

you don't like honest opinions in your little safespace huh?

okay ehm yea those godamn sonygroes hurr durr pcmasterrace amirite?

>not for free and for pc
dropped XD

literally shilling every exclusive ever regardless if it's dog shit. pcucks beg for ports. this is implying they have a few games and want a few more. and sonyggers straight up beg for games

> sonyggers literally did nothing wrong


The most serious fanboys I've met are Nintendo fans.

I haven't really met any serious "Sony fans" above the age of 20. I think that's because people generally buy Sony consoles for third party stuff whereas Nintendo has a stronger brand image as being associated with certain franchises for decades.

I mean honestly, look at MovieBob and Dobson. Anyone who ever went to their college's computing/gaming society or a vidya meetup knows there are dozens of Nintendrones like this.

Its funny, the only time console wars become a problem when it isn't PC that is being jerked off.

The moment PS4 comes out with nonstop exclusives the moment PCfags can't defend their shitty purchase of a $3k system is when "consolefags are a problem!!21312".
Yeah because nonstop posts of "muh PC mustard race" isn't a problem, because nonstop posts of "if it doesn't come out for PC why bother" nonstop threads of "PC is the master race why even have a console" clearly aren't issues its only when PC is clearly garbage when it becomes an issue.

Tip top LEL I swear PCucks are so butt devastated.

Anyone with a golden grin or wojak image is usually in threads to shitpost. Imagine if they vanished.

>Tip top LEL I swear PCucks are so butt devastated
Why do console warcucks still talk like this when no one else does? Is it ironic? Why do people owe their allegiance to a company that makes plastic boxes?

>I've been on Sup Forums pretty much since it existed and have seen so many shitty topics, but this is seriously getting out of hand now.

Worst bait I've ever read.

'Console wars' have been a thing since day one you stupid cunt. Fuck off back to 9gag.

>Get tricked into believing the PC mustard race meme a long time ago
>No Bloodborne, no Halos, no Senran Kagura, no Yakuza, no Gravity Rush, no Let it Die, no Nioh, no Knack
But at least I have my free to play pay to win Korean MMOs!

I'm seriously trying to get people to boycott Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and Steam to be honest.

You owe your allegiance to a company that stopped making games in favor of DRM.

Suck a dick with your shitty ERP service called steam, faggot as you play your Gone Home, undertale and various other pixel games on your 3k system.
Don't worry, beg hard enough and MAYBE you can have some of our scraps once more.

I don't what happened but the start of this gen has changed Sup Forums for the worse. It's like everyone here now feeds on negative energy and retardation. The fact people are trying to start console war shit in this very thread is a worryingly sign.

What the fuck happened to this place, man?

But I have a ps4

>hide all horizon or obvious console war threads
>thread hidden : 38

It's like the shills go through some terrifying know your meme inspired online college course just to qualify to shitpost on Sup Forums.

yep, you're a sonygger alright, should have known, objectively the worst people on the entire board also I own all sony consoles so yeah eat a dick

Stop avatarfagging

>arguing with non idort
stop it user

can we not have a thread that turns into this shit again

Oh my, I'm glad you've realized the foolishness of your ways and accepted the TRUE master race which is PS4.

I only hope you throw away your expensive indie machine.

>or are you guys actually serious?
There are a lot of underage friends on this board

No idea dude. Before the current gen of consoles was announced I was dumb enough to say that there would be no console war on Sup Forums because only children care about that sort of thing. Worst prediction of my life.


Look at this thread and how it's literally already devolved into people blaming another side. Like and Can you tell how ironic these people are being? Can THEY tell how ironic they're being?

These are the people that perpetuate console wars. These ones that think they're making a point but hiding behind irony to make it seem like shitposting.

And they won't stop because this places culture makes them think it's okay or that they're in the right to argue against the other.

The only people suffering for it are the people that actually want to discuss video games and not have every thread devolve into this garbage.

>sonyggers literally did nothing wrong
I feel like fucking screaming at the screen right now you better be baiting I swear to god

>stating facts is a bad thing cuz it makes me feel buyers remorse and Sup Forums should be a place that values FEELINGS over REASON
Wowzers, BRB buying me a 5k PC so I can run undertale on 4k settings.

PC mustard race!!!

BRB buying me a 300 dollar Life of Black Tiger machine.

Sony is literally taking all the AAA games and NOW its even taking the garbage that normally ends up on your garbage platform.

PS4 is taking your good AND bad games, not even shitty indie games that used to be a safe haven on PC are safe anymore, we are conquering you.

or maybe you should just stop shitting up every ps or nintendo game thread in existence
especially for games which aren't even out yet

As long as there are consoles there will always be a console war. And trust me it's not ironic.

Nothing said on this board is genuine.
Even completely reasonable opinions are false flags.

>OP wants to know why there is so much consolewar bullshit on this board
>sonyggers come into thread and start a console war
You faggots can't be any more oblivious.
OP if you're looking for who's responsible for this shit here's your fucking answer, well I mean all fanbases have a toxic minority but with sonyfags it's especially bad, I'm fucking sorry, I try to sound unbiased and neutral but it's impossible, these fucking sony cunts are the most vocal shitposters and consolewar starters on this entire fucking board, period.

Stop avatarfagging


What if we ban discussing console entirely?
/p/ did that to camera you know. Ban the discussion of camera, on a board about /photography/ but at least the shitposting stopped.

Shit, didn't mean to tag . Fucking mangos all look the same.

>bundling me with him when I specifically said he's a shitposter
Did you even read the post?

imagine being that much of a shill to have these links saved

why don't you post one of your funny webms too, pajeet?


What does this comic mean.

>they are literally on official PS channel

I mean look, look at this shit. They're doing it in this thread RIGHT NOW.

lets turn this place into r/pcmasterrace I mean most of you fags ITT are redditors anyways so

Autistic people have trouble reading and conveying emotions.

obvious falseflagging
only a pc elitist talks like that

I'm someone that mostly plays games on a toaster PC. I have a PSP too though. You're probably right that the sony fans are particularly bad, but I'm personally mad at nintendo fans because I had to stop going to the monster hunter general once monster hunter made the switch to nintendo systems because of all of the rabid fanboys that were so happy that their platform "stole" mh from sony. Things are probably better now that it's old news but I don't have the nerve to actually return to it.

I wonder how long sony's game department can keep thier sinking ship of a company afloat?

This fucktard is what I am talking about.

Ahem, let's ban the discussion of "game systems including both console and PC"

you have no proof, stop pointing fingers at nothing.

>It's another "S-Sonyggers are ruining the board" episode

Ah yes, Nintendo / PC fans are always the nicest folk around :)

>If I put "t.owns everything" on my post that means my opinion will have more value!!

hiro should make board about consoles
but no, better have some /vip/

>If it's a sony exclusive that means it's a good game!!!

okay mr. goldberg

You people are utterly booty blasted I fucking swear.

Do you not realize the BULLSHIT consolefags have to deal with constantly?
The nonstop put downs from shitty boards like Sup Forums, the nonsop putdowns from shitty e-celebs of how "PCmustard race!!"
The nonstop bullshit of how "muh Mouse is more accurate than controller but there isn't any unbias proof I can provide!!!"

PCuckery is the worst of the worst and its something consolefags have been forced to deal with on a daily basis but it doesn't feel great being on the other side of the fence does it, boys.
It doesn't feel good when you have to justify your purchase of your $3k system and having nothing to back it up with, does it?

Feel the burn

Now you can stop being mad at that, because lots of franchises jumped ship off Nintendo to Sony too, like Final Fantasy.

>buttblasted poorfag with only ps4
i pity you not really

>Sony fans are 1 person

Just because a thread was copy pasted about how horizon is a great zelda killer doesn't mean every one of the 50m+ ps4 owners think so, retard.

What does that have to do with my post anyway?

I agree with banning all kind of console wars

Are you fucking stupid

Good post

>>If I put "t.owns everything" on my post that means my opinion will have more value!!
are you saying adding validity to your statements doesn't make it have more value?
fucking hell man, it's debating 101.

You sound like a huge pussy. Get some thicker skin faggot.

I've been wondering it myself. I could sort of belive that during the 2006-2009 era there were people who genuinely thought that consoles, their brand in particular, were superior.
But these days? It has to more ironic shitposting than anything else.

I appreciate someone who puts at least some effort into their work.
This is why I am going to respond to you, and not any of the other half-assed trolls in this thread.

hide post, not even reading

Cause you can easily be a huge Nintendo fag or Sony fag and just put it there so your opinion looks better, and it just looks sad you trying to justify yourself like that.

Time for separated console boards.

>us consolefags
Stop this bullshit right now. EVERYONE knows except themselves, that Sonyggers are the WORST fucking pieces of shit on Sup Forums.

>has beef with PC
>has beef with Xbox
>has beef with Nintendo

That's why you're considered the worst pieces of filth. You pick fights with PC and Nintendo over exclusives. You pick fights with Nintendo over multiplats.

Time to give up. No one likes you and your ilk.

>it's okay when we do it
why don't send another card to treehouse and gayben, fanboy?

It's against the rules but mods don't care

here's your explanation, OP.

One half ironic shitposting and falseflagging
One half autists that never got the joke

>Go into another platform game thread and call it shit without even having knowledge
>Get annoyed when it happens in a thread about your platform

What did the poor white 20 somethings mean by this?

>haha no gaems4 amirite guys?
Sony starts getting games so the Sony fans begin to shitpost because of spite since they got shit on for years because of no gaems meme
>Wahhh consoles are ruining this board wahhh

OK then maybe we think of a way to make mods do their works.

Seriously corporate fanboys are fucking pathetic unless they got paid (which I assume these fuckfaces don't.) Also fucking annoying

>PS4 game thread
>random fag jumps in "Lol PC when?" "Lol -nintendo game- is better" "another garbage exclusive from Sony?"
God damn sonyggers !!

>whhhaa whhhaaa people made fun of muh console whaaaa
Cry me a river pussy. No one cares.

>get some thicker skin
>we are on a thread of PCucks crying
Oh the ironing!

We are only the "Worst" because we are the biggest threat to the "PCmustard race!!!213" mentality.

I know you guys want to live in your little safe space still believing that everything on PC is superior, that PC is superior and consoles are all plebs.
But don't be surprised when all those putdowns light up a raging fire that is being released from these NONSTOP EXCLUSIVES that we are receiving.

Honestly no platform has enough content for that work.

Adding /vg/ and /vr/ was a mistake.

so being a consolepeasant is like being a tranny?


>sonytards proceed to derail their own thread because one random post

>The nonstop bullshit of how "muh Mouse is more accurate than controller but there isn't any unbias proof I can provide!!!"
lol, i remember the last time they let us crossplay a fps with consolebabbies
wish they'd do that again, was so much fun