
I think the people making this game forgot that planets are meant to orbit there suns.

Still aside from the retarded way pops work this is pretty fun.

>pretty fun.
for the first couple hours maybe

the mid game has been a little weaker then the early game but I am assuming it will pick up in the late game.

I put hundreds of hours into it and would continue to play but Im saving myself for the utopia update. It´s about what you make of the game. RPing as genocidal Imperium of Man that everyone hates is always fun. Not to mention wars with awakened empires are always great

When they don't attack first.
If you play like a dickhead you will always get fucked by a fallen empire.
Especially now with the war in heaven. Utopia looks fucking rad tho.

late game is literally nothing but repeating the same war over and over again every 10 years to take 3 planets at a time


Warscore is a completely retarded mechanic.

A way to fix this would be to let you do whatever you want to the systems you control. Once you get the control of a system, it's completely yours (resources and pops, with a malus on pop happiness and even some form of rebellion).
Endless space did that, if you controlled the right systems, you could prevent the empire from building certain ships that needed specific strategic resources.

Well some things are in the hands of RNG. Awakened empire spawned few sectors next to me. I was already quite big but my fleet was nowhere near theirs. Thankfully there was some empire making a border between us so he fucked him up first before going after me. It gave me time to build up fleet and meet one of his fleet. It was pretty epic honestly I destroyed his 100k stack but took heavy losses, and he still had other two or three stacks, so I turned it into a guerilla war. It ended in white peace, next one did too. Finally I broke him in the third one and won by destroying his capital and all mining stations and research stations so he was starving. It felt pretty intense desu

Same here. he went directly for my home system but I had a upgraded fortress and a 55k fleet. Still got fucked in the end, some other faggot declared war on me (desu I kept purging his colonies).

you forgot

>the massive blobs of doom.

>No ground combat what so ever.
>Militaristic governments have no defensive bonuses on the ground. Look at soule in SK a city design by the military in case they have to defend it.
>you cant start insurrections
>you cant found pirates.
>Space is dead no civilian traffic
>the ships look ugly

just a unite spam thats combat in stellaris.

The first hours have the wonder of exploration, the unknown.

Mid game is a grind for tec endgame has only one of the few endgame scenarios and after that theirs nothing.

I hope they add more stuff and refine the whole game more. It is good but it lacks.
At least constant updates and new stuff is added.

Human militaristic democracy here, all hail the Terran Federation.

Service guaranties citizenship!

Ha i am lucky i am under protection by fallen empire.

Nobody fucks with me.

ah yes
>In war with awakened empire
>Some faggot who´s people I genocided smells his chance and declares war
>White peace with awakened empire
>Fuck nigga up for good

>no ground combat what so ever
>Militaristic governments have no defensive bonuses on the ground.

make up your mind user

This the game is great but its what you make of it. I fucking love phyric victories that end in uneasy peace. I love making shit up in my head as stuff happens.

One game I had I was literally surrounded but fucking insects that were all genocidal. I met the fox folk and found they were completely surrounded by bugs too. I formed an alliance with them and together we rid the galaxy of the filth that would destroy mammalian life. Then when we were both fuck huge he turned on me because he wanted an Eden world I conquered. Our fleets duking it out of 8 different systems at once because I intercepted him trying to merge them all for a push into my heartland was the most fun I've had in a while.

what they're doing with the pops in Utopia looks fucking good. You can even get some manner of influence over pops of another empire.
You're right about ground combat and civilian travel though.
They should add some random civilian ships that you have to protect (or else you'll face discontentment). Or even authorizing interstellar travel/trading.
Trading would give you a EC bonus but it would create more pirates (that get more dangerous if you do nothing), and trading with other empires get you even more resources, but some form of unhappiness for xenophobes, or even some impact on ethics divergence.
Being a small empire that is untouchable because it is on everyone's good side would be rad.
They should focus on civilian space in the next update, and it would be the perfect game.

If you call that sprite animation ground combat i dont know user.

Its 2d doomstacks. I hardly call that ground combat.

Maybe my phrasing was a little off.

at least the different armies are cool.

Why play Stellaris when you can play a better game?

You're supposed to take control of the faction, not take each planet for your own

Is that Endless Space or Endless Space 2? Is Endless Space 2 even out?

Feel free to post one
>Zero combat
>No faction control at all
>Shallower than a dried puddle
>early fucking access
>legend game, which means absolutely fucking horrid UI
One thing Stellaris does to almost perfection is a UI that isnt a fucking game in of itself to use. Endless Legend is basically ruined by how shitty its whole UI is

>wants someone to ask what it is
ok user I'll bite, what is it?

>They should focus on civilian space in the next update,

I actually prefer Stellaris over Endless Space.

Its called Endless Early Access

stellaris is woth playing now?
or we need to wait another year?

Expansion is coming out soon-ish, I suggest waiting for that one before giving it another shot.

Its worth playing now, but the next update is going to make the game great. Should be coming 'soon', as in the next few months.

Game was full of potential at release, but was severely lacking any solid content.

With constant updates, it's now quite a fun game.

Not much to do during the mid-game, unless you love just watching your empire balloon outwards, watching the numbers get bigger, watching your color slowly take over entire sectors at once.

Anons of Sup Forums, what is your best FTL method before jumpdrives?
Warp drive here. Wormholes are cool, but unrestricted movement trumps all else.
Hyperdrives seem to just downright suck because of the limitations.

lol you better wait another 2 years and stop listening to those paradox-newfags

Man, I want to try this but I feel like I'll be playing half a game. Music is great though.

>Anons of Sup Forums, what is your best FTL method before jumpdrives?
Forced Hyperlanes for everyone

Actually makes the game more interesting since chokepoints and defensive stations are actually useful, particularly on one of those spiral maps.

Warp is pretty much the best choice.

>control 1/4 of the galaxy (large)
>can only field a single 60k stack before my economy goes down the drain
>war in the heaven starts, cant ecpand anywhere now without a war with half of the galaxy
>get fucking assraped by unbidden and their 200k stack

What the fuck am I doing wrong? I remember having 100k stacks in earlier updates.

Have they mentioned anything about Utopia release date yet?

Hyperlane. user has a point as it creates tactical limitations on areas.

Is Galactic Civilization III any good with the DLCs that are out now?

There seems to be like a dozen different space 4x's now that each do a neat thing but fail in a bunch of other fundamental ways, like the ultimate game is out there in the void waiting to be made but we're stuck watching these mid tier devs keep reinventing the same flawed template with no real progress

So did they ever fix doomstacks of battleships with tachyon lances?

Forced hyperlanes do create a more tactical experience I agree.

What about games where all types are allowed by default? would hyperlane still be yours then?

Doomstacks sort of, battleships/trachyon entirely

Now spamming fighters is the new meta, unless they have point defense

No, they just keep talking about features in the dev diaries.

Typically that or warp. Wormholes seem tedious to me, in the sense that I can force an enemy fleet to be stranded if I cut that line. However, it's still a cunt trying to catch them if they're jumping systems that aren't connected.

Wormholes are great, if you keep their main fleet held up you can destroy all of their wormhole generators and keep them stuck in a single system.

also leads to empires being connected and not blobby/little fucking pockets everywhere.

Hell no

Hyperlanes in free-for-all is horrid, you can get locked into shitty pathways or unable to access parts of your empire because of it. I would do wormholes if I was forced to pick from all three, but forced hyperlanes is definitely the best gameplay experience so I see no reason to pick anything else.

>There seems to be like a dozen different space 4x's now that each do a neat thing but fail in a bunch of other fundamental ways
maybe all the different devs should team up to make a single superior space 4x.

>try a science focused nation for the first playthrough
>"surely if I invent the best weapons in the galaxy, conquest will come naturally"
>conquer one nation, vassalize another one
>my vassal straight up hates me with no chance of him ever liking me
>he is now useless and I can't conquer him
>some dickhead empire appears, declares war, fleets 10 times my strength

And that's not even mentioning how tedious the "scan every system -> colonize planets -> put them into sectors -> repeat" routine becomes after ten hours of play.

It's a shame, I like all their other titles for different reasons but Stellaris fails to capture my interest.

Even Fanatic Xenophobes can be assimilated through proper application of Gifts.

seriously gifts are incredibly powerful.

I always go for an economic/military focus.

It's fucking great handling a fleet that can be rebuilt in a matter of months.

>Communism would be the best government for vidya since all assets would be public domain
Tis a shame comrade

Hyperdrives were the shit until they no funned the ability to jump within a gravity well.

Still though, Stellaris is pretty tepid for me. It feels like a heavily stripped down EU4 in Space.

I wish this game wasn't so rng prone. Fleet fights aren't dynamic at all and I can't control who to primary or anything. In sins of a solar empire I used to primary enemy heal ships the wipe the fleet off the face of the earth but it seems here in stellaris I can cheese the game by choosing the longest range gun and force a fight against the enemy from across the system and they can't do shit because they're all short range guns

which is why despite owning german factories and having most of the worlds engineers they never managed to make a good car.

Cars, like games, were considered a luxury and thus considered useless to the state. Nothing good comes from communism.

what you want is a post scarcity society.

>>you cant start insurrections
Bothers me.
What if I want to spend trillions and smuggle fungus weaponry to a peace-loving minority locked in a violent struggle with their xeno-hating autocratic regime? I know who I want as a neighbor, and one that would be indebted to be aswell. Just need to make sure there isn't enough PROOFS for the faction to declare war on me for meddling.

EU4 was a heavily stripped-down EU3. HoI IV is a heavily stripped down HoI III

They are planning a complete combat overhaul expansion

That wasn't a true communist system, same as how we dont have true democracy.

It's a damn shame that you get stuck having to choose between games that do nothing really wrong but are bland and boring as fuck like GalCiv3 or the MoO remake, or games that have some really good ideas but fuck up in other areas, like Stellaris or EL2.

If only we could have something like take the rock solid fundamentals of MoO2, the empire management stuff of Stellaris, the racial variety of Endless Legend, the space combat of Sword of the Stars and the ground combat of... I dunno, Imperium Galactica or something.

>Is Galactic Civilization III any good with the DLCs that are out now?

No, just play GalCiv 2.

Is this better than Distant Worlds Universe?

>put them into sectors

I just set the limit for core planets to 500, because fuck if I'm going to bother with sector bullshit.

I hope so. Because right now and since release I could always choose the longest range rail guns and the longest range tachyon lasers and just kill a fleet 3 times my size purely because they couldn't approach me fast enough before dying because somehow getting shot at makes you want to go stupidly slow for no reason

Imo distant worlds is much more in depth


It's slightly less autistic though.

Too different to compare.

Not at all lol, they are pretty similar

I used to be like you, but after reading the publications of Lenin, Trotsky, and Marx it was true communism, it just ends up that in application of command economy and destruction of the upper class you also remove the impetus for luxury goods, you remove intellectuals at such a rate that state funded universities can only stem the flow of creative types out. Communism also facilitates "design by committee" and fiercely limits individual freedom on such a level that luxuries such as games have no place.

there are ways towards economic equality and removal of class structure, but communism creates so many problems of its own that it isnt worth it.

Its not that communism is inherently authoritarian, its that you cant implement it without authoritarian control. it is a tool used by the powerful to control the populace at that point, not a tool for the people.

Check and mate.

Small scale, largely voluntary and can't sustain any industry worth the name.

It works for small agrarian communities like that, but not for an actual country.

>there are ways towards economic equality and removal of class structure, but communism creates so many problems of its own that it isnt worth it.

Typical Anarchist response against Communism. I bet you read Bakunin, you bastard.

So do I.

>communists showing up in the thread

I see the sarcasm but I hate this type of response because it just reinforces this typical "-ism" label onto anything that disagrees with communism. You're an -ism because you did this, you're a -ist because you said that


I think the fundamental problem with pretty much all empirescale strategy games is how strongly they're built around forever growth. From Civ to Stellaris every game is "get your numbers to go up faster than the other AIs are getting their numbers up so you can paint the map your color". Gamey spreadsheet growth simulators with maybe some flavour events spreckled in.

While in my mind the ideal grand strat game would see a focus around procedural storymaking, where empires grow old and fall apart leaving others to pick through the rubble and build their own new stories. Where the cliched "advanced predecessor" artifacts that leave your travellers in awe and you recover to use as mighty weapons against your local neighbour tribes is just the remnants of stuff that happened in the early game and the chain of events that left your original empire devastated and forgotten. The game of making numbers go up has grown so dull and lazy that I wish for games that let me fail without failing while watching a story emerge instead.

Science instead of a linear progress tree (rigid or not) be about dealing with the spread of technology as it depends on utilizing resources and logistics instead - where a WH40k universe where you use found artifacts of old to eradicate any spread of new technology because reasons is just as likely as a universe where your race gets replaced by sentient nanomachine sun harvesters.

Go so far that you ditch the idea of "the empire is you" completely, and merely be about what your chain of succession has control over. Sure you may have "built" all these military bases and borders, but now your roman style empire grew too large and went bankrupt without an external enemy so now you find it splintering into competing clanholds where the core of technology was, and contacts from the old bases in the outer rims that relied on exports from the core are growing more sparse as those regions are assumed to fall into lawlessness and raiding


play ai war

suffer no xenos to live

>I wish for games that let me fail without failing while watching a story emerge instead.

Like in SS13? Die often but constantly change roles.

Technically the same issue with inflation. There's no rebirth.

>be me in stellaris
>want to make a society that values science and the progression of science.
>take every opportunity I can to make more science
>invite new species into my society to make science better
>it works for a little while
>start importing more people from other nations and empires
>suddenly I find that I can't really expand without pissing off one of my many minority special snowflakes in my empire and suffering a science loss
>turn on immigration pacts and allow them to leave my empire if they want
>go to war with the people I don't favor that much
>I offend literally everyone but my starting race
>make them so mad production of food, minerals and electricity goes way down to the point they move away because they starve
>all those other nations hate me because I did bad things and all want to go to war
>my technology is through the roof but I don't have the population or energy credits to support a very large army because the diversity caused my society to fail because I didn't make any of the fuckers assimilate I to society
Liberal societies don't seem to work well in stellaris

Is it possible for suns to orbit a planet if the planets has way more mass than the sun?

Like, could it be possible, in theory, to have a solar system with loads of smaller suns orbiting a huge ass planet?

Divide and conquer, brother.
Divide and conquer.

When's the Stellaris expansion coming out?

I've been wanting to give the game another shot since I know they changed a lot of shit since release, but if the expansion is coming soon I might as well wait for it to drop so I can get the full "new and improved" experience.

Key word is assimilate.

>Like in SS13? Die often but constantly change roles.

Like Rimworld where your colony might get wiped out but all that means is you can let the timer run until someone new wanders in/a long distance caravan of yours comes back and pick through the rubble to try and rebuild. In theory anyway - Rimworld's got raids that scale to colony wealth so you'd just get rekt again but the emergent storytelling that lets you get knocked down and simply incorporate it into your story appeals to me a lot.

>Want to play the new expansion
>Realize the new expansion will make all my current mods obsolete
>I won't be able to play as my race of fluffy tail'ed, xeno purging fox girls anymore

My political ethos didn't allow assimilation because I valued society and I saw that I got huge gains when I had loads more population to work with but ultimately everyone had a problem with everything I did so it failed

That's why you assimilate, because that's the end result! Clearly you didn't value society and science highly enough.

If it's bigger than a sun, it is either a sun or a blackhole.

If you added enough mass to Jupiter you could ignite it into a second sun, but as it is it doesn't have enough mass/pressure to sustain the fusion reaction that makes a sun

Former sun

Did you even study high school physics?

Here's some stars orbiting something more massive than them, a black hole

I assume so but I am no scientist.

Not a planet

No, it is not possible for a sun to orbit a planet because anything big enough to make a sun orbit it would not meet the definition of a planet.

What would a planet of that size be referred to as then?

Stellaris works pretty well as a simulation of why democracy and multiculturalism are bad ideas.

A dwarf, a black hole, a star

But I mean, surely it must be possible for an actual planet (Not sun, not black hole) to be huge enough to dwarf our sun. In theory of course.

>Inb4 "hurr durr black hole or muh sun"
But what if the mass wasn't that tightly packed so it was still a planet

My nigger.

A fascist empire, that's the way to go.

I think the gravity would be so intense it would literally burst into a fusion sustaining sun

Damn, that shit's interesting.

Space is pretty fucking cool when you think about it.

What mod? Purifier sounds fun.

Rocky planets simply don't get that big. The biggest they get is like 10 times as big as Earth IIRC. After that the atmosphere turns to hot plasma soup due gravity and you get gas giants.

Gas giants can be fucking huge, I think the biggest know ones are like 450 times the mass of Earth (for comparison, Jupiter is like 300 times Earth).

When you get even bigger than that, the incredible mass, heat, and pressure causes weird shit to happen, which is basically how you get a star.