Just played DOOM for the very first time today. What the fuck. How does this thing hold up so god damn well? Genuinely the most fun I've had with a game in quite a while. I'm now downloading the newest one as I type this. Fucking incredible game.

Mind if i recommend MetaDoom? It's like the whole series in one mod

>I'm now downloading the newest one as I type this.
Prepare for disappointment

Playing the main wads is just the beginning, go download and play through community made wads next, skip the newest doom.


Really? I've heard only good things.

Also, if you enjoyed doom, chances are you would greatly enjoy other 90s shooters so go play through those as well. Ask /vr/ for help on specific source ports and community made stuff.

Newest Doom is fine for a modern shooter.

Yeah, I'll definitely give some a try. I was thinking maybe Wolfenstein considering that was technically the first fps even before doom. I can't believe it's taken me this long to play it though. Makes me wonder what else I've been missing out on.

doom 2016 is awesome fuck anyone who has the shitty opinion that it isn't

Don't listen to him. he's wrong.

DOOM 2016's game design decisions are what excel it above all modern shooters.

I'd say the only ones that hold up are Terminator Future Shock, Dark Forces and Duke 3D.

ignore them. the most fun i've had playing an fps in a LONG fucking time. last time i had this much fun maybe playing Wolfenstein: ET

Doom 2016 is fantastic, though don't listen to people who say it's the revival of old-school shooters or that it's just like the old Doom, since it's not. It is its own beast that takes influence from its predecessors.

Give me some Return to Castle Wolfenstein any day

Have you finished DOOM? Play 2 instead and get ready to have your asshole blown inside out.
DOOM 2 is a fucking masterpiece. If you like gore, I recommend Brutal Doom for your second playthrough

wolfenstein sucks, the build engine games like duke 3d/blood are good though

Doom definitely set a standard, obviously one of the greatest video games ever released. Also as other people have said that one guy is just being a fucking hipster, DOOM 2016 is fucking great. It's got just enough of what made retro shooters tight and enjoyable with modern flair, and on the technical side it is pretty impressive when you consider the broken pieces of shit the industry has been putting out lately. It's not flawless but easily one of the best FPS to grace us in years.

I'd say the only problem is it is repetitive and it's super fucking easy to get lost. If you just wanted to pop off for like 20 or 30 minutes and cap some nazis it still does the job. Just don't expect to dump the kind of hours you can into Doom, or even to fucking finish the game really.

When I first finished Ultimate Doom in 2013 I thought of it as a 7/10 game, I had much more fun with Blood. Then I tried out the mods and wads and it instantly became a 10/10 for me. Kinda like Stalker.

It's a 2D-grid based maze with no height variation and most of the enemies are hitscan

>no height variation
And you have no vertical aiming, just like in Doom. So aside from just not having the technology there to make more interesting levels it really doesn't function significantly different.
>hitscan enemies
Fair, the second chapter is absolute ass in that regard, but let us not forget chaingunners in Doom 2, although not quite as shitty

Newest DOOM has more elements from Quake and Unreal Tournament than DOOM.

Hell, some weapons are copied straight from UT.

Why not just play Doom 4 For Doom?

Because d44m sucks donkey dick at being doom.

I don't know what elements Doom 4 lifted from Quake, but it sure as hell isn't the latter's stellar level design and varied enemy encounter design.

nearly every doom level does something interesting with vertical space, just because it autoaims on the Z axis doesn't mean the "doom is a 2D shooter" meme is actually true

Sup Forums is 18+ buddy

Don't listen to neo Sup Forums epic memes
2016 doom was fun.
It's secrets are not as hidden as doom, but there are definitely tons 9g secrets that can be difficult to get to.
Play on highest difficulty.

It's good, it's the multiplayer and bad snapmaps that let it down (there are a couple of gems).

A bit more length and variety, as well as mod support, would have made it great.

It's longer than your average 2016 fps campaign, but that's not saying much.

>people disliking d44m are neo Sup Forums
jesus fucking christ

That's why you play D4D.

It's a complete fucking mess of game design (especially on nightmare)
Like almost all modern games it's designed to play the player not the other way around, anyone who says otherwise is a complete retard who does not understand what made older games even as simplistic as they were

>Thinking D44m and Doom are the same game
Must be really hard being new and trying to fit in.

Don't trust those faggots, the new DOOM is one of the best games to come out in years.

user, you haven't seen anything until you also try out some mods
For gameplay I recommend Demonsteele and metadoom. Also GMOTA, but the author is revamping it so I suggest to hold on that until it's finished
For maps the obvious scythe 2, Ancient Aliens, eye, putrefier, dead.air

It's a fun game, but it should have been called something else, because it has very little to do with Doom.

Doom 2016 plays a lot like the later halves of the Resistance franchise but with added jumping & climbing.

I don't think you played the game user. I think you're just regurgitating shit others that never played the game have said.
Because og dooms level designs were simple at face value. Same with its 2016 counterpart. Every level is just a short walk unless you explore, so I don't know what the fuck you're on about.

I only played resistance 1 and 2. It does not feel the same in my opinion.
How does 3 differ from the first 2. It's it more like 2016 doom mechanically?
Like no ads or constant sprint?

>It is its own beast that takes influence from its predecessors.
The only influence D44M has is from Brutal Doom, trashy modern shooters, and memes.

I'm confused by this statement? Can you elaborate further

Quake has such shitty bosses though. The Cyberdemon, Guardian and Mastermind fight in Doom 4 are all pretty enjoyable.

What the fuck the fuck are you talking about? Example?

High quality shitpost. You were born after 1993.

Doom 2016 is okay, but compared to classic Doom it's more focused on arena-like areas with less enemies at a time.

>Doom 2

The biggest and most obvious is glory kills which is almost 1:1 lifted from Brutal Doom.

I also push MetaDoom, that was is the shit.

Doom 2016 is only like Doom in the most tangetial of ways. It's basically modern streamlined quake, the bad kind of streamlining

Very few elements of the game have to do with Doom. There's more Quake and UT in D44M's formula than there is Doom.

>It's a complete fucking mess of game design (especially on nightmare)

In what regard? One complaint I would have with Doom 4 on nightmare is that the difficulty curve decreases as your upgrades pile up.

Those larger plasma blasts from possessed soldiers can one shot you in the first few levels because you've got no health upgrades, but then later in the game you can tank the green fireballs from a Baron of Hell.

The game is still fun though.

Post Doom wads, right this instance. On top of the list, I recommend
>Dead.Wire and Dead.Air

It has way more to do with Doom than Doom 3 did. There are a bunch of throwbacks without it being an identical game.

An exact replica would be a niche genre that wouldn't make money in this day and age because of consoles and mainstream expectations.

Resistance 3 is the freshest one in memory, so I'm probably comparing it mostly to that.

Resistance 3 brings back the weapon wheel from the 1st game. It's way better than 2 in my eyes. Worth playing if you've already played the first two.

>Brutal Doom

Brutal Doom lifted it from Serious Sam 3.

>There are a bunch of throwbacks without it being an identical game.
It's more like a Doom fan game then.

It's primary source of inspiration was closer to Painkiller and Serious Sam, with a little Metroid Prime in there. Not saying Brutal Doom wasn't a factor, but there's more than just what you say.

It's not as good as the original game but is still great fun, anyone who says otherwise is a certified hipster cuck.

>no Brutal Doom
the butthurt is palpable

If Painkiller and Serious Sam were major inspirations I don't really see it. It's closer to a mix of Quake, Brutal Doom, and modern shooters with their parkour shit.

Brutal Doom is overrated, unless you want to be edgy and have suppressed fantasies of shooting up Columbine.

Everyone already knows about Brutal Doom though. people who don't give a shit about Doom know what Brutal Doom is.

>I don't really see it
The arena setup was taken from both of them, the melee executions were similar to those from Serious Sam 3, and the way each weapons had more than one functionality was taken directly from Painkiller

>Brutal Doom is too edgy
>Acting like Doom wasn't the epitome of edgy when it came out
Stop being a faggot, it was always intended to cater to the fantasies of angry young man trapped within the sterility and complacency of modern suburbia.

It has arenas sure but the enemy numbers aren't close to either of those games which is their big thing.

Doom also walked the line of being campy. For fuck's sake, it's primary inspiration was Evil Dead 2
The reason they didn't have more enemies was apparently due to some engine limitation. It's a tradeoff in this game between its enemies with better AI and more interesting movesets, against the simple movements and patterns of the overwhelming hordes in Painkiller\Serious Sam. It's down to personal preference.

>engine limitation
console limitation more like.

Like I said, "apparently". Mod support wasn't there because of Denuvo as well, but now that it's gone I wouldn't be surprised if it gets announced at this year's E3 or something.

Doom 4 is fantastic and well worth your time. Make sure you play on UltraViolence though, Normal is ridiculously easy.

You're thinking of Duke 3D.

Doom & Doom 2 were a pinnacle of solid game design (levels/monsters/weapons), and people from all walks of life played it.

It's the kind of game that should be taught as an example for budding game designers. (Teaching fundamentals like map layouts, weapon variety, enemy types, damage numbers, difficulty settings)

Brutal adds nothing of value to the formula, it's just a reskin with the ability to say "go fuck yourself" to an imp and curbstomp it. That's the edginess that gives the game a bad image.

There's plenty of mods that do things better and deserve attention over Brutal.

You can bitch that Brutal Doom got too much attention and is overhyped. I would agree. But to claim it adds nothing of value is completely your fucking opinion. It revitalized a legendary title for a generation as well as introducing it to a whole new one.

That's quite accurate, actually.
I don't think any of the old ID software guys are left.

>Brutal adds nothing of value to the formula
it makes it more challenging in an era where we play FPS with the mouse and keyboard and actually aim at things

>It revitalized a legendary title for a generation as well as introducing it to a whole new one.
What exactly does adding reloads and execution animations add to Doom? I don't dislike BD either, I'm just curious as to why you give it such high praise.

Have you ever played Hideous Destructor, by chance? I feel it might be up your ally.

>UltraViolence though, Normal is ridiculously easy.

Start on Nightmare if you can beat the first two maps on it, because the upgrades make the later half of the game a lot easier.

I played UV on my first run and was disappointed with how little I died near the end, it's nothing like UV in the original (which IIRC is in some factors harder than classic Nightmare).

>Doom wasn't edgy
>HUGE number of articles about how Doom makes your kids satanic wasn't a thing

Doom was fucking edgy.

Kevin Cloud is still there, I think. Dunno what he's doing now, but it's probably still art-related.

Tim Willits, who joined before Quake 1 came out, is still around.

I didn't give it high praise, it's just one of the plethora of mods available for the game. But it adds significantly more than reloads and executions so you can pull that shit about "OH I DIDN'T DISLIKE IT BUT IT ADDED NOTHING OTHER THAN RELOADS AND A FUCK YOU BUTTON" but it's fucking wrong. It adds new difficulty settings and changes up the loadout with some new weapons and some redesigned ones.

Doom was released in a period when ANYTHING that had a pentagram was considered "evil" and "satanic". Add that with Columbine a few years down the road, and you can see what I mean.

So, what you are saying is, Doom was edgy as fuck?

You really think shit has changed much? Sure, the moral panic as it regards video games is less, but that has more to do with the industry growing. People are just as fucking reactionary as ever and just as quick to moralize about non-issues, they just rarely do it about video games these days.

I didn't say that, I listed the executions and reloads as the changes of note because those are the two big things that set it apart from Doom vanilla. I assume you think I'm this guy but I'm not. Like i said, I was just curious.

D44m is a pretty shit game but you'll love it if you're a numale faggot who grew up with cowadoody.

Blood is objectively better in terms of gameplay, but Doom kicks its ass in terms of community, maps and mods. Doom kicks every games ass with community, maps and mods

it's completely the opposite. It used to be about conservative Christians getting mad about satanism and murder and sex, now it's liberals getting mad about sexism and racism and homophobia

Doom really wasn't edgy (compared to competition like Rise of the Triad, Duke 3D, Redneck Rampage).

90s media was notoriously hysterical when it came to talking about Doom. Nobody in that sphere understood it.

Edginess wasn't even a big thing before Linkin Park, people who played doom were just normies who weren't afraid of it. Metallica and Nirvana were essentially pop back then.

No, I'm saying that your base argument of "Doom is edgy because the satanic panic articles" is very flawed, and two idiot high schoolers who shot up their school, being fans didn't make the game edgy either. It made its reputation edgy. You're forgetting how Doomguy's motivation in the second game is revealed to be because his rabbit Daisy was killed. I mean, come on now.
You want to talk edgy? Play Quake. still love it though

Romero's new levels
Coffee Break Episode 1

Those are the only ones that made me go "wow, that was a fun level". Doom's mapping community is actually largely shit, especially with tedious crap like BTSX and Ancient Aliens getting praised.

>reloads set it apart from vanilla more than new weapons
Jesus fucking christ. Be curious all you want, but you have clearly already decided to be an ignorant cunt.

Which in itself is nothing but moral panic. The defining characteristic of your modern progressive is a smug sense of moral righteousness and a complete departure with truth or logic.

>talking shit about a time period you know nothing about
Edginess has been around for quite a while, it's just things that seemed super edgy then are incredibly tame now. Heavy metal has been doing it since the 70s

I don't know if they're in that image, but Cyriak made some decent doom levels.

Oh quit being a sperging faggot, new weapons weren't added until later versions, and to my knowledge they're not even in vanilla Doom while playing it through Brutal. If anyone's a cunt here, it's you because you decided to act like one simply because I'm not on me knees, gobbling up sgt.Mark's cock like you seem to be very intent on doing.

the most significant change about brutal doom is the redesign of all the weapons and monsters. the executions rarely matter outside of being a surface gimmick

Going Down is nice, but I found it too extreme at times.

shit gets completely ridiculous near the end. the final level is literally just one giant small starcase completely full of monsters. It's a shame cause the level design is really good