Found a leaked screenshot of the switch version of skyrim. Day one buy totally

Found a leaked screenshot of the switch version of skyrim. Day one buy totally.

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Well memed, my friend!

Thank you Todd san

I thought this was the psp version wth

umm.... Bethesda JUST released their new TOS for posting videos and pictures of their products and you just violated it...

Better remove this

Hey, It actually looked pretty good.

You have no idea how much i would sodomise my younger self for thinking graphism improving was anything but a disaster.
Where is the gameplay, where are the features, where is the content ?
And voice acting, how the fuck did it manage to be a cancer as big as graphics whoring ?

As soon as i am billionaire, i’ll obtain ownership of a dev studio and craft games for my autistic tastes.
Since i won’t bother to do any marketing and graphics will take the nigger’s place way way in back of the bus, it shouldn’t cost more than two or three millions a year to maintain.

Found the game boy advance version (japan only)

GTA V is also coming to the switch, here's a screenshot.

>As soon as i am billionaire,

t. Trump voter with truck parts in his frontyard

>when your rich you need to spend your money on useless shit :DDDD
t: retard that would go back to being a worthless pleb in less than a year if it ever won the lottery

When did you get your first million ? When did you broke through the ten mil bar ? Are you close to approaching the 100mil ? Have you optimised your businesses and investment and accelerated your income rate by one order of magnitude since you started gathering wealth ?

Do you faggot even have a goal in life ? Do you have a purpose to fulfill ? What do you even think money is for, except being a tool to achieve said goal ? Are you cruising through life mindlessly, being a dimwitted wagecuck, living paycheck to paycheck you bloody nigger ?

No offense.

Wow they really improved the voice-acting in this version.


I want to hire you, send you on a business trip to Africa, and arrange for your death there tbf
( Not that i have ever done that teehee )

>Sup Forums - autistic roleplaying

Thanks for providing my daily cringe. I never knew I could get a whole day's worth from just a post or two.

I'll buy it just because you made this thread, gaf.

>You can play Skyrim on a portable system!
>any mods?
Why would you even bother?

Cool. I love King's Field.

Well it wasn’t roleplaying, but i can be a little girl just for you, onii-chan ;^)


The house in the back looks quite nice. Good port.

Best version yet.

Witcher 3 version leaked.

I preordered skyrim and its a strain on my soul. Almost every day I remember and its worse than any kind of embarrassment you could ever put yourself through and each skyrim thread I see to this day triggers me

t. 15 year old