You're in the forest, you hear a heavy breathing, you turn around and you see this

You're in the forest, you hear a heavy breathing, you turn around and you see this.

The last weapon you've used is your only protection from this predator, how fucked are you?

Other urls found in this thread:

get fucking rekt mate

well fuck me

And not a single fuck was given.

I dodge it at 99% the speed of light.

Hopefully ok!

you're dead unless you're a real good shot

Looks like tonight I'll have a feast hehe

Nothing personnel kid.

Are we talking real life or ingame. If its the latter im fine, if not yeah im fucked.

I wrestle the bear and defeat it.

*unzips crystal soul spear*

I am so dead.

Do I have to trample the poor thing?

Can't I just leave it be?

I don't want to kill an innocent bear ;_;

fallout 3 minigun with 100 big guns skill.
I'llbe fine ! same like their mutated siblings.

poolballs in a sock, you have a 1 in 300 chance.

>Big-ass nodachi from For Honor
Great, the most cumbersome, unwieldy, impossible to use effectively without proper training weapon in that game. I am likely fucked

If he gives me a couple of years to practice then maybe

No problem.

Is martial arts a weapon?

>Circular Saw from RE7.

Even if I win, this will be a really upsetting experience.

>melee if needed, generally don't lol

I'll be fine until patch hits.

What do I play for the bear?


Do I get just the catalyst or some spells as well? Cause I'm fucked if it's just the staff
>implying you wouldn't immediately break your wrist and/or arm when firing that

you lying mother fucker

Force-a-Nature. I'm fucked.

I guess I'll have to speak softly

a keyblade.

granted, it's the ultima weapon but would those things even be sharp irl? cause i'm not too confident i can bludgeon a grizly to death with an oversized key.

Well, that is definitely going to be an interesting attempt to use the damn thing.

You have to use it like a spear, set the handle in the ground, wait for the bear to charge and let him impale himself.

>Monster Hunter Lance
I would definitely have a good chance if I was strong enough to lift it but that seems unlikely

I played as Zarya last so I think I'll be fine as long as I keep my distance.


This doesn't matter because you can just play dead and it will go away.

>it's a picture of a SCAR-L


no retard you make yourself as big as possible and yell at it

if it attacks you then you curl up and protect your head

I assume the Propulsion gun would be quite helpful though.

This is correct but damn you'd have to have mighty balls to try and intimidate a bear.

I played as Saejima in Yakuza 5, he had no weapons on him but he literally fights a bear twice in that game and wins, so...

Venom Snake's Rocket Fist
if i can hit the bear...

Bring it on

You'll can't intimidate a grizzly bear, no matter how hard you try. Smaller species maybe but grizzlies will fucking maul you to death if you attempt that.

>a gardening scythe

will not end well for me

The last weapon I've used is an Ultra Ball with Tapu Koko in it.
Yeah, I'm good.

>bound sword(with bonus feat) from skyrim
never should have come here!
*takes bear pelt*

hmpp.. nothing personel, cub...

Wait so if I DO see a bear in real life, am I supposed to stand up and yell at it or play dead???????

that's wrong, bears are afraid of you

You can just scream at them and 99.99% of the time they'll scamper off because they don't want to get hurt.

"or if a bear approaches you, act immediately to scare it away: make as much noise as possible by yelling very loudly (don't worry about waking people up if it's nighttime). If you are with other people, stand together to present a more intimidating figure, but do not surround the bear."
from the national park service

it should be your first reaction

>"Nothing personal bear"
Teleports behind it.

This thing would be overkill, until you realize you didn't pass the God Arc compatibility test and this thing will mutate you from the inside out the moment you put your hand on the handle.

You should poke it with your lovestick.

I doubt you'll ever leave city anyway. You should be fine.

Zidane's Butterfly Sword

i have no fucking clue how to swing that shit, i might live, but i'm probably fucked

>last weapon I used in a game
Pool cue, it's over.
>last weapon used in real life
.44 Magnum, I actually stand a chance now.

This count?

It depends on the kind of bear. Duh.

Murakumo maxed from DaS2. Not going to do shit against a bear and that's assuming I even knew how to use it irl. Fucked/10.

>heavy's minigun
i'm fine if I can pick it up

twirl it like a cheerleaders stick, but with swords. you heard of darth maul ain't cha?

A cheerleaders...stick? What the fuck are you talking about?

An Ork's shoota. Depending on its construction, it might not work in human hands at all. If it does work, the bear turns to swiss cheese. If it doesn't work, I have a reasonably heavy club so I can go down swinging at least.

>used the explosive tip
I'll be fine as long as I hit I guess.

I'd fuck a bear

Bloodborne threaded cane... I seriously don't know if I'm gonna live

Here is the proper way to deal with a bear
>Step 1: Look around for cubs
>If you don't see cubs, the bear will probably avoid you at all costs anyway
>If you do see cubs, put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye

>Go to a warehouse
>Get pieces
>Hero mode makes you impervious to bear damage But you have to listen to this for the rest of your life

the juuichi route was pretty good but i'll take shun over anyone else

>Bloodletter from Bloodborne
Does it start tricked? If not, this is going to fucking hurt no matter what I do.

Your keyboard is acting up. You meant Shin, right?

the word I was looking for is baton

>didn't immediatly know because this
nu-chan is lame.

Google has some pics of cheerleaders with batons but I still wouldn't call that common
It's more of a parade or gymnastics thing

Hello cute bear.

>the last weapon you used

enjoy your spring loaded sword guantlet user, it'll help you a lot in the bears stomach

Spas-12 with slugs

rip bear

I'll be fine

Finished D44M, last weapon used was a gauss canon, although the protagonist then used the BFG in a scripted event. Bear is kill.

>Muneshiggy Touchybun's water katana from Nioh
I'll be fine, considering it's magic and shiet

Black bears are cute.

That is a malayan bear.

>when you got intimidated by a human.


Polar bears are playful.

Who would win, Sup Forums?

>sheltered white bear
>violent brown bear who grew up amidst gang violence in the ghetto
Gee I wonder

Depends, if we take the average individual,polar. If we make it Kodiak vs polar then it's more complicated.

Poor bear

That would be a 7.62 pistol in Underrail. I don't know anything about guns but I guess it would be enough to bring down a bear if I got some lucky shots.

Kuma is cute, though.

Maybe you should pick a better build next time, I think it would be fair to classify psy powers as weapons
Throwing icicles at a bear would be amazing

Poor arms, too. That thing must have retarded recoil.

>Majima's Dancing style from Y0
I'm getting so much money out of this fucking bear

How the fuck do you even fire this thing?

>a fucking keyblade
I mean, even if I don't know at all how to use this thing properly, I can still club the bear with the end that has the teeth.
So I might be good. I'm definitely good if I figure out how to use it properly or do magic shit.

My build will get better as soon as I get chemical / laser pistols. I know normal pistols are pretty weak.


>having a wand makes you know how magic works
So you're safe for a while, it's not like you're suddenly flying
How are you going to pilot this?

Good luck

You're dead

I never liked your face anyway

You're not trained to use this and would probably destroy it yourself

It's fairly blunt and the hand guard literally makes edge alignment impossible

>it's fairly blunt
I mean, doesn't the keyblade slice through shit? I'm pretty sure it's just magically sharp when you want it to be, or something.

I mean, it still amounts to foghting a bear with a fucking sword, but it's less terrible.

I don't need to be trained, auto-Titan mode would kill Mr Bear.

I think I'm okay.