>almost 2 years old
>still better than any game since
How did they do it?
>almost 2 years old
>still better than any game since
How did they do it?
Play more games
This game is overrated, especially on Sup Forums
Name a better game
>tfw you can kill that guy sitting on Cainhurst Castle, but can't kill Gherman.
I haven't beaten Bloodborne.
I love spamming circle, R1 and occasionally using L1 and R2 with a serious lack of weapons, statistics, characters and armor to boot
Horizon Zero Dawn
I died to Micolash probably like 20 times cuz I kept getting OHKO in 2nd phase.
Died like 40 times to the Pursuer yesterday in DaS2.
Beat Gherman first try. It came out close but I'd kept thinking about the decision I'd made.. I had to win.
What? The Pursuer has like 3 moves in his entire moveset. Once you learn the timing you can fight him forever without ever getting hit, easily.
It's easy when you haven't played any other games.
There's never been a game more overrated in Sup Forums than this.
>meming this hard
How do you do, fellow pc mustards?
Because it's fun.
I can't get enough of invading. Edgar bridge in mergo's loft best spot.
Amy arm forever best weapon.
sorry you couldn't beat Gascoigne.
I'm starting to pick up on his shit now. Like when he raises his shield & charges there is a brief window, his combo attacks & so on but fuck its been painful doing the leg work for it. I'm sure I'm retarded. I kept trying to square up with him & dodge that way but it only ended in my frustration.
This is also my first actual Souls game as I'm now realizing BB is a bit of a different breed.
I've seen a video about some italian guy beating Gherman in NG+ using binocular and gun FPS style. That shit was cool.
This image gets reversed everytime I see it at this point.
>anybody who has any negative criticism of this game is a mustard or maymay
Here's a richer color scheme version
>if you have better games to play than Bloodborne you must game on PC
You're right. I still have played BB to know what an overrated game it is.
Yeah it sure is hard to beat a guy who gets stuck on everything in his immediate area and can't even move.
>tfw beat Cleric Beast and Gascoigne first try yesterday
threaded cane best weapon so far
Not even best game of the year it came out lol
>2 years later and still causes this much ass ravage
The gift that keeps on giving Tbh
I've finished the fucking game.
If you think that it doesn't seriously lack characters, armor, weapons and statistics to back up its pretty basic gameplay you might need to play the game yourselves.
But it's $20
The weapon and armor variety is top notch. Fashion souls is at its height in bloodborne.
Game? She looks like a Redmage.
It had the best character creator in the series.
that's for sure
enjoy it while it lasts, horizon zero dawn is coming
When your criticism is vague shit like ''it's overrated'' or oversimplifications like ''hurr hurr you just attack and dodge'' it makes it obvious that you're butthurt PCuck
I'm going to enjoy this game and Demon's Souls when they're finally emulated in 2030. No rush.
>doesn't actually show any trophies
Fucking poetry.
No point discussing vidya with delusional fans
okay my dude, enjoy your "top notch" variety
Souls with fedoras.
Why do people go so crazy over this when they've played it 3 times before it came out.
Come on dude. Everything about Dark Souls II sucks ass.
Actually DS2 did fashion souls best
Doesn't help that all of the really good looking armors in bloodborne are toed behind npc quests
>red eyes
i almost called it edgy. but the vampire look fits bloodbrone quite well. especially with that armor.
looks good
see, The game is, in fact, overrated.
The world is boring, it doesn't even feel unique from Dark Souls. The writing is just bad, thankfully there isn't a lot of it. The combat is the most overrated aspect of it, though.
When the AI is as stupid and broken as it is, getting stuck on walls and trying to swing through it and every fight consists of jamming R1 until it drops then you can assure yourself its not that good of a game.
Armor and levelups don't matter like fuck since it trivializes what is already not that difficult of a game. There's no real variety in weapons either except for in damage and windup since all of them operate by the same fundamental principals - even an Ubisoft game like For Honor offers FAR more variety between its classes than Bloodborne does.
Oh, and the soundtrack, for what little music it actually plays when you finally enter a bossfight, sucks ass.
>best fashion
Oh boy I sure love me some cookie cutter meta every time I invade
And not a single argument was made
You are an ultra pleb if you unironically think BBs music is anything but spectacular
Giraffe Necks
Bloodborne shills just keep increasing the autistic requirements to prove you've played the game to criticize it. This, beside their irrational behavior and general vapidness is why they are regarded as the worst fanbase on all of Sup Forums
My PSN account isn't updating my trophy list so maybe in an hour when I get home if this thread is still up I can post it. I started it yesterday - I played through Daddy G, Cleric Beast, and Blood Starved Beast without dying. It all starts to make me wonder why Fromdrones act like their games are hardcore, is it because they are too young to have played any games that require more skill than pressing R1?
Maybe the PS4 is just their first system and they can't jump into any actually technical games that are available.
Generic orchestral music just doesn't do it for me.
>The retarded enemy AI is a feature!!
So a different button layout with the same moves presently in the game would soothe your autism?
this game is empty and short
You must be 18 years old or older to post on this site
I don't believe faster gameplay is necessarily better gameplay. Also leather armors, frills, and fedoras look stupid.
Stick to vague oversimplified criticism instead of wasting everyone's time.
You could've just said "Everything about the game is bad because I said so. Play For Honor".
Frills do not look stupid you plebeian.
OP's picture disagrees, if that had been the Knight set from a real Souls game it would be a fine looking picture. Instead its some stupid shit with frills, no knight would be caught dead in that "Knight" set.
It would probably be better if there were more moves available, or if you didn't stun everything each time you hit it making it impossible for most things to respond so you just sit their hitting it.
>hahaha every criticism is vague obviously they never played it
>"well, here's an in depth criticism of things that suck"
>stick to vague i can't handle the truth
I wouldn't recommend people play For Honor. It's generic and simple, but not quite so much as Bloodborne.
>It's been 2 years
i've gone back to playing DS2 and holy shit I don't remember Souls games being this fucking slow in comparison to BB, it feels unplayable at times
I thought it was alright but I wouldn't play it over any of the Souls games. Felt like a button masher or some shit.
you haven't made any in depth criticisms at all you fucking troglodyte.
"the setting is boring and enemies can SOMETIMES get stuck in walls" isn't in depth criticism
Not him, but the problem isn't that it's a bad game, the problem is that it's an alright game lauded as 10/10 best game fucking ever. It's like Sup Forums's The Last of Us.
So do you deny the game looks exactly like Dark Souls except Victorian castles and deny that the AI is fucking broken?
>So do you deny the game looks exactly like Dark Souls except Victorian castles
what the fuck is your point? "do you deny the game looks like dark souls except for an aesthetic that isn't used in dark souls"
i thought the gothic aesthetic of Yharnam looked great and fit the tone of the game as you advanced through the night
i also deny any severe AI issues, all that existed (which tended to be against NPC hunters) were patched out
tell a game with more weapons variety, fag
But user, a game can't have weapon variety unless there are ten different version of every weapon
Movesets don't matter
DS2 is by far the slowest. especially on a low level character.
>i also deny any severe AI issues, all that existed (which tended to be against NPC hunters) were patched out
Thats funny, because I just started the game yesterday and it was the first time in maybe a decade I remember a game being so poorly designed that random little hungry hands started clipping through walls as monsters try to attack me because the incompetent devs can't account for barriers effecting their AIs.
It's also overtly convoluted in area design, I stopped playing because I couldn't find where to go next and when I did find a new area it was an optional one, this was after killing 3 or 4 of the big bads in the game.
>8 million weapons.
>All of them suck but 5.
>Only use R1 in one stance.
>16 weapons or so.
>Every weapon is objectively great.
>Usually 4 good buttons per stance (R1, charge R2, quickstep R1, L1).
>only 4
>he doesn't use leaping attacks or backstep attacks
Good job ruining someone's artwork!
what a lovely coincidence for your argument that is. coincidentally for mine i didn't have that issue as i booted the game up a couple minutes a go
>take tested and proven formula for a game
>make it faster
Basically ANY game becomes instantly better if you make it faster unless it's already fast-paced
No, I guarantee you will, because the shitty coding will be consistent throughout all systems.
I know you're a marketer shill but denial of something hard-coded into the game isn't going to negate legitimate criticism.
Mate he's not even using capital letters, you're either getting trolled or trying to argue with a child.
nah, DS2 is flawed as fuck but the one thing that's great is the sheer amount of options you have on where to go when you like
Leap attacks are meh in many cases and backstep attacks are too situational. Those 4 buttons are good constantly for basically every weapon.
>everybody who doesn't agree is a shill
it always comes back to this, you've shit out crap criticism after crap criticism, but THIS is the one valid one right?
and this is just hilarious
>marketer shill
>2 year old game
I think he just has a different opinion than you and wants to defend a game he likes.
It's not all orchestral but you'd have to play a bit to realize that, which I'm guessing you haven't. I don't really think it's generic either and that it's easily recognizable, but whatever.
It wasn't even the speed.
It was better movesets, better enemies, better bosses, better music, better atmosphere, and just the game wasn't fucked up like Dark Souls, with half-finished areas, busted mechanics like poise and BS spam, dumbshit design choices like weapons sharing a class having different swing speed, hitstun tied to upgrade level, whiffs in certain weapon classes causing you stagger, etc.
Dark Souls was janky and poorly designed while BB was the perfected form of this type of game.
>do the chalice dungeons to kill the queen
>get my ass kicked a million times by the undead giant in lower pthumeru
>get my ass kicked a billion times by fire doggo and amygdala in the defiled chalice
>get my ass kicked a gorillion times by pthumerian descendant and bloodletting beast in Ihyll
>finally kill the queen
>by this point I've leveled so much and gotten such powerful gems that when I go back to the main game it's not fun anymore because bosses barely do any damage and I kill them all in matter of seconds
>All these low effort complaints
>Not a single one about chalice dungeons
Easiest way to know if someone never got past Gascoigne.
>Buttborne babies are so casual they think a boss that literally CANT hit you he's so retarded is some kind of accomplishment
My sides
I'm not saying it's an accomplishment, just that it's painfully obvious those people haven't played the game, at least not for long.
clearly you h avent played through all the chalice dungeons the game eventaully gets gud X hours in
Character creation is pretty good, lots of sliders to fuck with
Heres my hunter I just made, going for the old dude that knows what hes doing look
Nioh is better.
>Bloodborne shills just keep increasing the autistic requirements to prove you've played the game to criticize it.
Show us your trophies.
Honestly it was probably working with a Sony team.
ni oh is pretty bland. the combat is more "complex" sure but i've basically got to a point where i can just midstance r1 everything and i barely bother, occasionally using high stance for revs/tough humans. literally everything else aside from that is worse though.
Witcher 3 is way better as a game.
30 fps game can't be the best anything anons
get on with the times
ds 3 is the best of the series and that's it
deal with it
I wonder, how is it ruined if it doesn't affect the original in any way?
Took me like 40 times too user.
After I beat him I googled him and realized what I thought was a mandatory boss fight was actually an optional shortcut to the Iron Keep, and if you don't kill him early he shows up there, too.
I was pretty relieved.
Changing colors doesn't affect art? Woah dude
He said he played it so he doesn't have to show it, even if he said he was going to.
if your argument for or against a videogame is whether its hard/not as hard as people say please kindly step into an oven
Boy sure is can't fucking read around here.