Just started Nier for the first time. Just left my house. Any tips for a first time player?

Just started Nier for the first time. Just left my house. Any tips for a first time player?

Remember you *will* play the new game+. The game is great but shafted by 30 fps whilst being part action game.

Spam the spear dash attack

i wanna try this but it seems too grimdark.

I watched Drakengard the movies on youtube to prep for Automata and really enjoyed the dark stories. Ive owned Nier and the Grimoire book for it for years now and finally decided to start. Im really enjoying it

I own all 3 Drakengards but I can't play the first for long until I get bored, I'm not sure why I even own them.

Loved Nier though

Nier is a vessel for the Shadow Lord.

When fishing comes up, don't listen to the advice the game gives you. Look it up online. The game will even make fun of you doing it wrong because of the shitty tips it gives you. The boar-quest: This beast will almost kill you in one hit. If you want to do this, and you should at some point, make it run into one of the stones lying around. The quests of the first half will not be able to be completed after SOMETHING happens. You don't need to do all of them, though. This chart might help. It's an important chart.

Don't. Spears are for bitches. The Beastlord is one of the coolest swords ever and it MUST be used always as soon as it's acquired.

It's not. Nier is much lighter in tone than Drakengard. Not saying it isn't a bit depressing, but it has nothing like slaughtering the child soldiers in Drakengard 1.

ur mom is a vessel for my semen

Dont grind the sidequests unless you want it to take away from the emotional aspect the game offers. Only a few are worth it by giving you weapons, and no you won't get a trophy for completing them all.

It happened to me my first playthrough so the story didn't really get me as much as I think it should have.

no u

This. Haven't played this game in years but I still remember that jump-forward lunge.
Got me through the hardest difficulty.

How could anyone fuck up fishing? The first couple of times the idea of holding back on the stick is cemented into your brain. in fact, ignore everything except the health bar, but keep the direction of the fish in your peripheral vision. If the health bar isn't going down, has stopped, or is going down slowly, make slight adjustments. the fishing is easy as fuck you just need good reaction times and to not be an idiot.

Dont use spears. They're too OP and the best spear kills any boss in a couple of hits and really destroys the mood of a lot of the "oh shit that was a tough battle" cutscenes because they werent tough at all

>take away from the emotional aspect of the story
I didn't have this at all when playing it. I did a little over 80% of the side-quests and I think it got me even more into the world and story.

>not Iron Will

A lot of people had troubles with it at the beginning, to the point that they never touched this mini game again. Somebody may remeber that one journalist that stopped playing because of it.

No, do sidequests. Just don't bother doing all of them. The rewards for them are the interactions you get between party members during them.

Yeah it got me into the world and lore, but it definitely detracted my appreciate for the main story because of how long it would take to grind side missions. My method would be to get to a new collection of story missions, then grind all available side missions until they were done, then do the story mission in chunks. There were wide gaps in-between some emotional peaks, so by the time I continued the story the emotional value had already left me.

As sick as the Dragonslayer looks, it is just WAY too slow in Nier.

It's not grimdark or edgy. Although I can see how cover could make someone think that.

I remember people bitching about it but it definitely wasn't hard. A lot of people are just either unskilled or not too quick on the uptake.

so whats the consensus for the doing sidequests?

D3 is giving me more gameplay disappointment than 1 did. At least 1 I knew what to expect. Nier happened and everything was looking alright and then D3 comes out and idk what the fuck happened? Was D3 made in india or something, fuck.

shadows aren't really trying to attack you in fact you're the monster killing innocents

Oh alright, I can see how that can detract from the emotional aspect. I usually just did a bunch of side-quests during like the downtime of the story.

I'm not saying don't, I'm saying don't grind them like I did. A lot of them are worthless things to occupy your time, and although it makes sense in the context of the game world, it's still a fucking chore to do and not worth it for a lot of them. For the most part the side mission guide can be followed, with only a few mentioned not worth doing, or some mentioned not worth doing, worth doing. It's one of those things where you really don't know until you start playing it OP

Do a fair bit, but not all. Never do the fucking Lunar Tear growing quest.

Enjoy the OST to your heart's content.

Don't try to do them all until you are in NG+ or even further. You may already have most of the items simply by playing the game at this point instead of grinding them.

>few weeks after nier's launch
>go for platinum
>leave the lunar tear trophy for last
>didn't know about the system clock exploit
>spent a literal 3 weeks irl grinding a virtual flower

Is Drakengard 3 and dlc worth playing or should i just watch the movie compilation on youtube

>being an achievement fag
Serves you right desu

taro taught me to quell my autism about that shit

i may have been mad then but im glad now. thank you taro

On the Xbox it took me 2 god damn days of grinding to do that shit. Doing it the legitimate way I cannot even fathom. I got EXTREMELY lucky on the PS3 version and only had one cycle not give me what I want.

Not that user, but I see nothing wrong with trying to get all the cheevos in a game you like.

Any list of side quests to definetly not waste time on?


>Walk outside
>Shadows attack me on sight
Fuck off, they had it coming.

They didn't though, not at the start of the game. they only start attacking you on sight after it's clear you'll attack them on sight.

But you are the monster! Also some them "relapsed"

Lots of people believe the game is worth playing. I have all the dlc for it, but i dislike the frame rate. It's times like this where it'd be nice on PC.

>being too much of a bitch to use Iron Will


>never play the game
>buy the jap-only art-and-story book

But why?

So what version is canon? With father of brother?


Neither. Ending D, bitch.

Because I am intensely interested in it and the story. I know myself enough to know I'll like the game. I wanted the artbook to have while or after I play. Just never got around to it

I know it has multiple endings, is there a recommended order to go through them?

Idk if ill ever actually play D3. Prolly just watch movies


First playthrough is always A, NG+ is always B, then you gotta collect all weapons to get a true final boss and a choice between C and D. Not a case of story branching, just game giving you more and more details and context

yeah, you erase yourself from existence in the last ending and it deletes your save data

You can only get A and B in order, only after getting those two can you get C and D. And when it comes to C and D, there's a choice and you can do it in any order, but if you are a smart man, you will do C before D. When D tells you what it is going to do, it is not lying.

Also, when you get to the final dungeon on your ending C run, make a save before the dungeon. That way you can just reload it after you get the ending and go straight for D, that way you won't have to go through the entire second half of the game again.

it was done by the Deadly Premenition guys, close enough