Tfw it actually turned out to be better and has more potential than dark souls

>Tfw it actually turned out to be better and has more potential than dark souls.
Were you expecting it to be this good?

The good parts of Nioh honestly just made me want a new Ninja Gaiden more instead.

Team Ninja's strengths doesn't really lie in ARPG's.

>Were you expecting it to be this good?

yea if you played the alpha/beta should know already.

so i'm gonna rant a bit about the whole soulslike thing, thinking about nioh and let it die.

dark souls 1 would have been almost as great with any other combat system. it would have been almost as great with fucking bam ham combat. ornstein and smough was a fantastic gameplay high, yes, but so was the sniper boss in Furi or Bayonetta or well any good action game. what made DaS special to me was the exploring, the adventure, being starved for bonfires, scared and lost. every souls game since then just has bonfires fucking everywhere and its levels are more video game-y levels. Bloodborne had a bit of that adventure feeling back, but it still felt more like a combat game.
which makes me upset that the whole "soulslike" thing seems to mean "deliberate combat using shoulder buttons to strike". because that wasn't why i loved Dark Souls.

What did the faction stuff do?

i was expecting it to be a lot better since i played the alpha/beta
it was pretty disappointing

>the whole "soulslike" thing seems to mean "deliberate combat using shoulder buttons to strike"
well it's a good thing nioh uses the face buttons to attack

It was a great game, but not as good as the demos made it seem.

how is that a good thing in relation to my angry rant?
it doesn't make me feel better at all :(

>Were you expecting it to be this good?
I was sold since the alpha



Fuck that, there's no end game and no NG+ doesn't count. It has no lasting power and will be forgotten before april.


You can get a lot of Honor if your team is in the top rankings, how you fared in the individual rankings within your team, and if you were with the winning color. Otherwise it doesn't do anything other than provide some passive bonuses.

Overwatch is better.

I love how there's only 6 enemies in the whole game.

This is the biggest weakness of the game. It makes every level far too easy. After the first two regions I never died to anything except environmental stuff or getting too reckless.

yea I loved the demos and the full game didn't let me down

I was talking about the battles, but apparently I got like 40k glory from it. For anyone who wants to know you can claim your rewards from the guy at the tea house when you press on clan battles.

except that mission with the two tengus, right? I just rushed them with an earth weapon and kicked them back the yokai realm

it's 30 different enemies or so

Not really. It's pretty easy to get Tengu's into an AI loop as long as you only attack twice and then dodge left. They'll keep using their spinning claw kick to try to make space, but it has no reach so you just step back and then step in again to attack.

The hard part is to get them both into that loop.

After the Alpha, yes.

I didn't play the beta to purposely not spoil myself.

>better than DaS

It's got better mechanics but the game really ran out of steam after Umi-Bozu

I've gone through 4 Souls games without getting bored, but despite absolutely adoring the combat system in Nioh I've totally stalled after the spider boss. There's not enough enemy variety.

I slogged through for the bosses. This game's real strength is in the boss fights, especially end-game when it starts giving you missions to 2v1 some of the hardest bosses.

Oda and Yuki is the most exciting fight in the entire game. They cover each others weaknesses so well without ever feeling unfair.

Dark Souls has been coasting for a bit now so hopefully Nioh being good will make from put more effort into the next one.

I've only finished the 2 first missions and the side missions, i really don't like how the locked skills behind missions.

The only good thing I can say about locking skills behind missions is that you can't break the game until around the 3rd region.

Wait for the second game where its set in different countries instead of Japan, where it has more variety to the aesthetics. The combat is great, but if this was a carbon copy of DaS combat it would be fucking terrible, the combat in my opinion is miles ahead of Souls games, but its just so uncreative outside of the actual combat system.

The last few levels felt so bland compared to everything else and don't get me started on how shit Orochi was as a boss fight.

TFW no nioh for pc

Diablo loot turns me off the most

you absolutely can

kusarigama and dual kat are totally unbalanced, kick is way too good, kekkai and sloth are both available in the second region, etc., etc.

You don't need flux Iai to be broken as fuck

In fact one of the reasons I've gotten so bored with the game is that the changes they made to stamina make it way too fucking easy

Stop using broken shit, do you want to play the game or just finish it. Use that combat, its the defining feature of the game and you are doing everything you can to circumvent it, yes there is broken shit in the game but its also a single player game, there is no reason to go MLG on it at all, do whatever is fun, not whatever gets you to the credits as fast as possible.

I don't understand switching stances mid combo. Do i have to tap r1 and whatever stance i want at the same time to continue the combo? Half the time i don't get my ki back or it just flat out doesn't work. What am i doing wrong? Feels clunky.

>Stop using broken shit
Eat a thousand dicks, I use 1kat only and don't flux Iai and the game is still a cakewalk. I specifically avoided using sloth and carnage and kusarigama/2kat because they're EVEN EASIER.

The stamina changes from alpha to beta were a huge fucking mistake.

R1 is ki pulse. Tapping it at the right time gets you stamina back.

Holding R1 and then hitting a face button changes stance.

The enemy variety really hurts this game, especially if you played the beta/alpha and demo because then you've seen 90% of the enemies in the game

That said I still love the game but it's not gripping me like the souls games do.

March has new hard mode missions available.
April has PVP, The first DLC containing new characters, enemies, weapon types, PvP and stages.
Though the PvP is available outside the DLC as a free update.
Won't be forgotten by April. It will flourish in April.


I had way more fun with the betas than I'm having with the full game.

>free update with 10 new missions
>free update with pvp
>first dlc with new region, new weapon type, new guardian spirit, new enemies

This. The combat was always slick. It's like NG3 multiplayer but actually good. Fucking miss oatmeal cookie...

Do not confuse difficulty for fun, if you started playing like shit the game would be harder, but it wouldnt be fun, doing stance swaps and weapon switches on the fly and getting good and keeping stamina full is more fun that popping 10 buffs and hitting the enemy once to win, like DMC games, its less about simply winning(because thats easy) its HOW you win, you can master the combat or simply beat the game. Again, singleplayer game, just fuck around with whatever is fun, not just what finished the fight the fastest because its not a competition.

I also dislike how they changed how strafing works from the alpha, where you would actively try to walk while locked on instead of run sideways in a circle so as to not expose your back, the game was deemed to hard in this state but it actively pressured players to learn to dodge and the like because they couldnt just run as soon as the enemy started swinging for fear of getting one shot from a back attack, this for me is the one thing that makes the combat easier, it allows for poking and bating attacks now.

>people are getting bored less than halfway through the game
>adding more twilight missions will help

It drags on more than DaS1 thanks to the lack of enemy variety

>Do not confuse difficulty for fun, if you started playing like shit the game would be harder, but it wouldnt be fun, doing stance swaps and weapon switches on the fly and getting good and keeping stamina full is more fun
It was fun when it was a learning process. That learning process ended about 5 hours into the betas because despite having way more depth than a Souls game it's a kiddie pool compared to Ninja Gaiden's swimming pool and DMC's diving pool.

You're not going to convince me that this game wouldn't be better if it caused you to stagger any time your ki hit 0.

The game also desperately needs more enemy variety. Each enemy has a single gimmick that is quickly discovered and you keep seeing those same 6 enemies for the entire goddamned game.

>This game's real strength is in the boss fights
>literally rape the shit out of every boss with Carnage/Weakness and sword Mystic Art for back attacks

This is legit the gayest mentality on Sup Forums. I use the tools the game gives me to win, period. If it's well designed it will require you to use your arsenal instead of a few broken shit.

>where you would actively try to walk while locked on instead

Only played the alpha, skipped the beta. So how does it work now?

In alpha when you locked on you would strafe with your face to the opponent at walk speed and start running (back to opponent) if you tried to go too fast.

In beta and beyond you can strafe full speed without exposing your back.

So they just pretty much standardized to other games that have that kind of strafing. I take it there's no speed difference depending on which direction you're moving while strafing?

Consider that you are good at games, and others arent. Seriously, I completely agree with what you say, but when I personally just started fucking around and trying different things I was having more fun, I could use sloth and just wail on things, but its not fun at all. Im trying to make a set of equipment that focuses on low stance now so I can do all those acrobatics skills constantly now, because its fun staying on an enemy without backing off, fighting multiple enemies at once is now something that is actually wanted as its enjoyable.

Perfectly fine, didnt say there was something wrong with it. But when you are complaining that the game was too easy that was because you played the game "right"
>game has fun combat
>"Im going to completely work around the combat just to see the end credits and then post on Sup Forums saying the gameplay is shit"
THIS is my issue, the combat is fantastic, using stuff that negates that seems stupid. Like using magic only in Souls games, just one shot every enemy and walk on unopposed, whats the point of winning when its so cheap.

You can run like in Dark Souls while locked on, so your back is never exposed(theres extra damage to getting hit in the back for you and enemies)

Fuck me the bath house gangbang with the tengu and ice maiden is destroying me


It's easy though, ignore the Tengu and kill the bolt in 10 seconds because she is squishy, then it's a 1v1

I did it first try.

The game has some serious flaws, they reused the enemies over and over and let you walk through certain areas for three times.
The amount of weapons is disappointing and pretty frustrating, especially in the fucking water levels.

Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but it's annoying fighting the same enemy five times in a level that you've already finished.

I am awful at soulslikes

*commits suikoden*

Just use one of the many hundreds of tools available to you to make the game easy. Sloth talismans, Spirit Talismans, and living weapon are extremely easy ways to make any fight a joke.

You shouldn't even need that shit since all you have to do is kill 1 (ONE) Flying Bolt to make it a 1v1 and if you can't 1v1 a Tengu you SHOULD seppuku

Dude said he's bad so I'm just giving him ways to make things easier.

What weapon do you use? Ive found success with 1kat and low stance dodge skills
>start attacking
>enemy does windup for attack
>immediately use that forward+X skill that puts you behind the enemy
Its really good against the tengus, since they have a limited move set and are predictable, the problem is that they can do a 360 to hit you so the iframes of the dodge really help here.

>tfw you realize light armor is shit and for fags and heavy armor is what real men wear
seriously the first time I donned a set of Unusual Armor with B agility and took a hit my dick went so hard blood began seeping out of my shaft

>people are getting bored less than halfway through the game
More like they can't beat it

I had high hopes because I loved the shit out of all the demos and it exceeded my expectations. Great gemu.

I mean its good, but it really lacks variety in enemies and environs. Having alot of fun still, more than any games I can recall of late at least.

alpha kun is back

>people who don't learn passive bonuses from other weapon types

How does it feel missing out on 200 HP and 20 ki for like 15 samurai points?

>How does it feel missing out on 200 HP
fucking nothing, because i already level body for spears/ hammers

which tree has the ki boost though?

Either regular swords or dual swords. I think it's regular ones. Chain and sickle have stuff like damage from behind and the execution stuff on the ground while spear and axe have below 30% hp stuff.

Alright, all ya fuckers who claim the game too easy, explain this. I'm on a fucking ice level boss and she's a total fucking cunt. I'm doing dual sword ninja build and she's been a fucking pain in the ass. The majority of my attacks deal shitty damage, but when I get hit I lose half my health and stagger so that chances are I'm hit once more and fucking die like a bitch. None of my fancy combos are useful here because if I land more than two hits I've got no time to evade the goddamn spike ring she summons. Even if I'm playing cautious and run at a considerable distance from her, after I've taken half of her health she starts launching an avalanche of ice projectiles on my ass that's nearly impossible to evade and they fucking obliterate me.
I mean, how is that fun? The game's been really great so far, but the bosses are more like major inconvenience than an entertaining challenge. I feel like the only way to experience this game in a non annoying way is to read the guides on the web and go for cheesy strats.

Swap to low stance when you know its time to dodge, swap to mid stance when you have to block, it does make a difference.

>Dark souls
KYS fag. It plays like ninja gaiden

the people that are saying its easy are usually the type of people who grew up with arpgs. play the game at your own pace and dont worry about what everyone else

You've never played Ninja Gaiden.

Thanks for the input, I'll try that out. Ki pulse and stance swap are a little confusing, and I've had hard time trying to adopt them in an intense fight, but I guess I need to practice more.

>weapon types
source on this cause it makes my dick hard

you never played Dark souls. Plays nothing like that slow ass game.

what's it like being 16 still?

source is yesterday's dev stream

Once you start using it it just becomes reflex, just keep trying it and itll stick.

You're both wrong, it plays like Onimusha with a Stamina bar

>it sold like shit because it was a console exclusive with poor marketing
>For Honor sold extremely well and will be alive for years to come

You've never played Onimusha.

any hints on what it is?

My cock needs a staff or Naginata

Pretty sure its Onimusha and ninja gaiden since the developer made Ninja gaiden.

Bitch you have a spear. We need a damn great sword or tonfas.

>alive for years to come
user I bought the game and I have some serious doubts about that. It's fun don't get me wrong but Ubisoft needs to get to work fast if this game is going to last. They already made their money though so they don't really need to.

yes, since the first alpha i was

I also knew i wouldnt give any shits about the story like in dark souls

i really wish that they didnt force me to engage with or pay attention to the story like in dark souls

Meh, Axe/Hammer reskins


I'd be down for fist weapons

Alive by virtue of the sheer number of players who bought it. Sure, the connection needs work but I seriously doubt the numbers will drop below 10k in the first 6 months, they've been steady for release week between 60,000 and 80,000 at peak times on the PC version alone, Xbone and PS4 have similar numbers with the Bone reported as high as 100k

Not to shit on Nioh, but did it even sell 80,000 copies?

Tonfa, Bostaff, and Fists with actual stances.
Add those and 10 more enemy types and we've got ourselves a 9/10. Right now, as someone who has been really enjoying this game, I can only say Nioh is a 7.5/10 at best.

Especially if the fist weapon stack with the ninjitsu skills for unarmed

Bostaff needs to scale with spirit/mag for omryo/monk types

How do you beat the first boss? He wrecks my shit constantly. Any tips?

I'm gonna have to fight Nobunaga/Yuki-onna or complete the last mission over and over again if I want the smithing texts for Nobunaga's shit aren't I?


Its bad due to trying to be a souls game.