What games are good for girls who don't really play any vidya to start with?

what games are good for girls who don't really play any vidya to start with?
I wanna play games with my normie gf

lick her pussy

maybe rocket league or something?

any game that is easy to get into i guess

excuse me, did you just assume her gender?

I've heard that Stardew Valley has been a popular intro game for girls.

anyone have cute anime girlie video games without lewd

all nintenshit games

Mario Kart

That pic unnerve me for some unknown reason.
Also all Sony games

Starcraft 2



puyo puyo games
Dead or Alive 5
Smash bros
Wind Waker

t. black guy with three female cousins

havent seen this image for a long time

Overcooked is a great little coop game that will make you rage after a bit if you can't communicate properly.

Lego games seem popular for normie tier coop although i havent tried them

Trine 1-3 is a platformer with eye candy

Old Harry potter games if she's into that, not coop but really comfy. I suggest the second one on pc.

Portal 2 coop

Most nintendo games can be emulated like mario party and the likes.

Honey Select
girls love dressup, I'm not kidding

Don't starve together would be fun and doesn't really require mechanical skill from more than one player.

Nicememe, fellow channer

I want a black gf!

Bethesda games.

Also anything with character customisation.

Can confirm, my sisters only play fighting games. They're the ones who make me beat their asses sometimes

>did you just assume her gender?

Did YOU?

Dark Souls.

Always wanted to know the sauce on this pic

Until dawn

Hakuoki, so she can realize that 2D men are superior and leave you.


Why would someone make that kind of picture? That just looks unnatural and overly painful.

I don't get it.

Image from Polygon, so interpret that as you will.

Some sort of non-violent walking simulator might be good.

It's funny

But pain isn't funny.