Attention all PCbros, Xbros and Nintendobros. Activate Operation: Damage Control

This is not a drill. I repeat.


I want Reddit, 9gag, twitter, instagram, facebook, myspace, tumblr, neogaf, n4g, gamefaqs, thekingofhate forums filled with youtube links to Brom scene every single night and day.

I want every subreddit and every thread on every board on every chan filled with webms on every bug, glitch and disaster shown in the stream.

I want every review dissected line by line, and exposed with evidence in the comments section disproving every opinion. A link to USgamers review reminding everyone of the truth.

We cannot allow Sony to win another goty, not after uncharted 4(2016), Bloodborne(2015) and Last of Us(2014). Sony must be destroyed. Its time for Operation: Damage Control.

and youll be paying me exactly how much again?

Mods please delete this shit i'll give you a blowjob

Nah. There is no reason to fight the normalfag tide. The industry is dead to people who actually like games.


t. Sonygger falseflagging as PCuck falseflagging as Sonygger falseflagging as PCuck

Private Dumblefug reporting in!
Sir yes sir!

>all I wanted was a postapocalyptic game about robot dinosaurs
>I got that and got to watch Sup Forums lose their shit over a few brown people

today was a good day


Okay Sup Forumsros it's time we make our voice heard on the internet. After all we are the only objective gamers left in this world. So here is /ourreview/ of this piece of shit:

Good things: N/A

Bad things: It's a fun video game, sony won, it has women and some are even not white how dare they!!


industry has been dead for over 30 years

sorry youre late to the party

>Implying Sup Forums ever gets anything done

But Uncharted 4 got beaten in 2016 by Overwatch.

Fucking Overwatch, user.

Looks like you haven't been here that long.

Horizon Zero Dawn is a everyman game.
It doesnt target angry racist nerds, its for your average joe looking to kick back after a hard day o' work with a few buds and his buddies.
Its not designed to cater to the hardcore, its a elevated experience for normal plain joes lookin to have a good time.

In that regard it does not only succeed but it excels.
It might not be up the alley of a jrpg obsessed neet but for normal blue collar blokes.
And it does a damn fine job at it.

Nigga I aint playing that stupid game.

>inefficient UI
>barebones melee
>9/10 superb

What did they mean by this?

Name 5 things Sup Forums has done

Any positive reviews about horizon is fake news

>it has women
i wonder if those kind of people think
>this whore is selling shit! she will marry me if i buy her this worthless shit i'm not interested in!

That sounds really gay.

1. Sent a cringy reddit card to nintendo once.
2. Started several failed petitions
3. Lost gamergate
4. uhm..
5. that's it I think

god, TORtanic really fucked this board beyond repair

more like flavor of the month that will be forgotten about like the other games on the PS consoles/handheld this gen.

Different day, same shit

Gaming is dead.

Sup Forums just kicks the corpse and debates on how good it was when it was alive.

Just shut up and watch it burn while the jesters of journalism dance with corporate hands up their puppet asses.

And sonyggers seriously ask why they are the worst fanbase.

This is seriously funny. I hope it becomes a copypasta.

xbro here. i don't give a fuck.

what chad is going to run around as a proud redhead independant women with a bow for 10hours
you're high

Its a Pasta of really shit reasoning on why the game is good.


It's an average, pretty game that got great review scores. Just like 75% of every AAA game ever.

No point in wasting your time to destroy it. It probably will be barely talked about in a month or two once people are done playing it.

t. PC+Nintendo guy who actually wanted it to be good so I'd have one more potential reason to get a PS4


No one said the game was going to be a flop. Actually, some agreed the game was going to be praised and revered by critics because LE OPEN WORLD MEME and SJW bullshit.

What is a fact, tho, is that the game is a chody, badly programmed and badly animated mess, with retarded characters, dialog and story, and if you enjoy it you're merely an idiot that likes to gobble shit down your throat just because it's spayed gold.

It really is Fallout 4 all over again.

not playing it since female leads are for faggots and virgins

This. We knew the game was the gaming equivalent of Oscar Bait. Critics had to rate it highly because #resist and all that shit.

The webms of all the jank and idiotic AI have already deep sixed the game from being seen as decent on Sup Forums, despite the best effort of Sonyggers to deflect

This. We all knew it was gonna get 10/10 in all media since the first trailer showed up.

And shitposting only began when the streams started showing how the game played out of scripted trailers. And well fuck, voilá. It's as bland as it gets, with zero attention to detail/polish and barebone mechanics that hardly work together at all.

But no, nobody doubted the game was gonna get good reviews because the setting is atractive and plays it super safe.

Sup Forums call Shuhei Yoshida, tell him if he doesnt cancel Horizon Zero Dawn we'll release the leaked footage of the horizon stream and after hes canceled it, release it anyway.

I see the operation is going pretty well, gj OP.

not ur army pleb

and its gonna be completly destroyed by a game that does pander to all

Kinda sad realy

The game turned out to be better than expected? Good. PS4 now has two worthwhile games, that's a start. Maybe eventually it'll be a worth a purchase though its lifespan might be a short one since apparently the FF7 remake might not be completely released before the "lifespan of the ps4 ends"

It's a female power fantasy, a bitch who kills a bunch of men, and is strong and independent and can also kills dinosaurs because whatever jurassic park sci fi setting.

Complex and thrilling combat is a joke.

Provided stories of the angry nerds sending death threats to major companies over edited anime tits for mainstream game media mavens to dine on. That's