-i5 6400 2.7Ghz
-nVidia gtx 1060 6gb oc
-16 gb patriot viper v4 ddr4 RAM
-600W PSU
pic related
-i5 6400 2.7Ghz
-nVidia gtx 1060 6gb oc
-16 gb patriot viper v4 ddr4 RAM
-600W PSU
pic related
None. That much RAM is a bit overkill but it doesn't really matter.
I hope with that 16GB of RAM you are going to get Forza Horizon 3.
It's your CPU.
cpu will bottleneck in some games
Ye, unfortunately i noticed but im planning on upgradint it.
how do you know when your CPU bottleneck?
It's working at 100% while you play?
Sometimes witcher 3 crashes and in some games i get freezes idk if thats related to it like
DayZ lately just shits on me and it used to work fine it might be because of game is shit or my HDD is shit
Also rainbow six siege gets small freezes in begining of round mostly it freezes for 5-10 seconds sometimes 1-3 and i notice when i press num, that lamp on my keyboard wont react so yeah its eather HDD is shit or my 2.7ghz is not enough.
I dont have ssd which is shame but i was on tight budget.
>16GB ram
Exactly hahaha
Im plannin on getting even more but not sure if 32 or 64 hmmm
OP here, so my HDD desktop toshiba p300 (3.5" 1tb 7200rp;, 64mb, NCQ, AF, SATAIII)
How good is it compared to other ones on the market?
treat yourself my man, get 128 and youll likely wont need to upgrade for a couple years ;)
Do cpus even support that much? i7's maybe or all of new cpus idk but yeah il see as much as i can get il put in xD
LGA-2011-3 consumer CPUs do support 128GB.
Hmm :D awesome hehehe, one more thing, how much gtx 1080 is far away from 1060 6gb? Is it worth upgrading from 1060 to 1080? Or maybe even 1070?
if 40fps with stutters everywhere on 64 players servers
>me again
On Bf1
1080 has approx double the performance.
So if u thinking about dayz
fps gets around 90-120ish outisde towns and in towns 70-89 BUT...
after 0.61 got to stable all the time it kinda freezes when entering some ares like towns, dont get me started on cherno. Fps stays at 70-80 but it just kinda freezes at times to times.
But before that patch hit stable on 0.60 it ran fucking great, no problems at all ( i heard that nvidia cards have that problem after that patch hit stable ) so i assume its game wise.
Fallout 4 and Witcher 3 run perfect except witcher 3 sometimes crashes when i use msi afterburner
Hmm honestly this 1060 gave me no problems at all but yeah 1080 is cool af
Okay since we are talking about 1080, is it worth getting 980ti or titan x whatever?
Idk how much did those degrade?
980, 980ti and titanX
Witcher 3 works just fine for me using the 6400 with a 470 on almost all ultra settings (no ambient occlusion).
You're gonna have a shit time with BF1 for sure. Probably wolfenstein TNO as well. Everything else should be fine for now. Just Cause 3 also runs like shit.
>Also rainbow six siege gets small freezes in begining of round mostly it freezes for 5-10 seconds sometimes
I did notice something like this during the free weekend a few weeks ago. It was only on that one favela map though (as far as I can remember).
Tell me what other games you've tried (or plan on trying). Never bothered with those shitty survival games like day-z or rust so I can't comment on them.
A4- 6300 3.7
8gm DDR3-1600
RX 460 4gb
Could I run Ubishit games with this on minimum or whatever or do I have to spend more than 30 dollars on a CPU?
oh boy.
maybe minimum. Good luck.
Rust runs great, no problems at all, except i got no SSD so loading those files from server takes forever (if thats even HDD-SSD issue)
Idk i got gta 5 and sometimes i get small small small freezes like half second then i restart game and its not there anymore, runs great on high-max in town 79-90fps
Ahh i tired all games i wanted i guess, im downloading ghost recon wildlands atm so il see about that.
My friends told me that division freezes are also game wise because game was built like shit and its apparently one of many bugs.
Im planning on getting ARK survival evolved and idk maybe bf1 tho ive seen ppl run it on my specs without many problems.
Idk i already tried many games i wanted to, if you know some good ones you ran you can tell me how it went.
>Sometimes witcher 3 crashes and in some games i get freezes idk if thats related to it like
That sounds like a driver crash related to the gpu? What error message do you get when it crashes? Also get an OSD monitoring program and post a screenshot of your usage under heavy load(couple mins of witcher 3 or a benchmark engine)
Im bad with amd cpus, is that 2 or 3 core?
I had AMD Athlon 3 v450 3.2ghz something like that and i ran some new games decently on low-mid but i had AMD Radeon HD 6670 1gb gddr5 so i think that might have been a prob
As i remember no message,game just closes and sometimes it would say "Witcher 3 has stopped working"
Been recently playing overwatch, sometimes doesnt matter when in fight or not but mostly in fights sometimes fps just farts, drops and goes back good again and all that happens in like 1-2 seconds, its kind annoying but besides that game runs perfectly
Sounds like you're hitting vram or ram caps. What's your usage like before the stutters?
This happens to me as well.
just randomly my fps will drop from 75 to 65 for a second or two for no reason what so ever. nothing major, but it does happen.
report back.
To me it goes lower, to 10 or so idk maybe bit more then goes back.
Idk i dont monitor it that well but sometimes i open task manager to see cores and they jump high at that moment like 98% cpu usage or so.
Im sorry, im not into those things with pc's so il ask what is DDU?
a bottleneck can be determined by a load difference yes, if your GPU/CPU is at 100% usage while the other isn't close to that then it's a bottleneck on the part that is 100%
You should get a monitoring program, sounds like you're hitting caps or overheating issues that lead to automated downclocking
monitoring program hmm i got cpuid cpuz and gpuz but is there any better programs which will monitor it better mor more practical?
Something like afterburner has an on screen display that you can toggle in-game and see what exactly is happening when you spike
msi afterburner, download it, go to settings and go to monitoring and add CPU/GPU temp and usage to the on screen display
I have the same build as OP except I have an I5 6500, is it any better than the 6400 ?
Hmm, thanks i didnt know that and idk how to display it but il research, thanks.
You guys think problem with that could be that my cpu has only 2.7ghz instead like what ppl recomend minimum 3.2?
you're going backwards son
OP here, i think it is because unlike mine 2.7ghz ur has 3.20 so yeah my friend has that one but all other parts are different
Again OP speaking, i was thinking about upgrading CPU so originaly i wanted i5 6600k but now im thinking about i5 7600
Is it worth that money difference?
Thanks. I had freezes with Fallout 4, I resorted to a quicksave mod for my survival run, and put godray to medium instead of ultra, it doesn't seem to make any difference anyway as you can see here : images.nvidia.com
except the game doesn't freeze anymore.
Hope I'll be fine with Witcher 3.
Both 6600k and 7600 cost exactly the same now that i checked so i guess 7600 it is ;)
Tbh fallout 4 runs perfectly fine on my pc with everything on max i think except anti aliasing i dont like how it looks sometimes.
Witcher 3 should work fine at max settings with hair physics off assuming 1080p
Saw this offer today if you're interested amazon.it
and by hair physics I mean hairworks
Thanks dude, idk how Amazon charges their shipping cause i live in Croatia atm so idk how much is it gonna be, i heard outside of UK its expensive af
Yeah I recently saw a video comparing it being on and off, I'll still try with it on and see if it hinders fps that much. I'm playing 1080p.
Ye, i leave it at everyone but lately i just put it to myself if u know what i mean, just so my character has it and not other NPC's
Would this laptop bottleneck?
I really like the internals, this laptop has like 8 heatsinks where a typical Alienware would be lucky to have half that
I dont like 1920x1080 monitors from some reason idk but yeah i play on 1336x768 and i find it most enjoyable.
I know its not some high end or great resolution but honestly i love it and i might get another monitor, another same monitor.
That is about $1,600-2k MAX in parts
You are paying essentially over 1k just for the portability
Srsly, dont think that will bottleneck at all
>2.5 GRAND to play @ 1080p on a 17'' monitor
You couldn't possibly be a better goy user
Bottleneck what you fucking idiot? Stop using words that you clearly don't understand.
that better have a 144hz monitor
laptops are 60hz but are just BARELY starting to get higher refresh rates
Bottleneck as in GPU is too strong for CPU, CPU is maxed out while GPU still can go more but is limited
Then again 6820HQ is the best CPU out for mobile
>dem internals
I noticed a difference dropping from 32GB to 16GB. Literally got Windows out of memory errors playing Dishonored 2 and had to drop the texture resolution.
Idk m8, i used to have 8 gb and i switched to 16
All i can say..... FEELS GOOD MAN!!!
>have a nice system in general with GTX 960 2gb being the bottleneck
>finally upgrade to 1060 today
>check the framerates
>everything runs perfectly
>close the games and browse around
I hate it when shit like that happens
Way overpriced imo. All laptops are going to bottleneck on thermals anyway. Be a man, son. Build a desktop.
>upgrade gpu to fix sub 60 fps dips
>desire to play goes away
17" laptops are huge and heavy
kinda destroys the point of mobility of system
Question now, does amazon charge shipping out of UK cause here it says free shipping and im confused..
>Tbh fallout 4 runs perfectly fine on my pc with everything on max
Same here hahahaa after 2 months
Anybody can sugest me good mobo for i5 7600?
Idk any ideas on that cause i dont want to pick some shit off the shelf.
display driver uninstaller.
Drivers are a bitch. What this does (in SAFE MODE....this is important, please reboot in safe mode beforehand) is remove every single trace of your graphics card drivers. after you reboot, you need to install them again. This should fix random GPU related crashes (witcher 3).
ye i know how to work in safe mode but, DDU is something built in widows or some piece of software which can be downloaded?
>600W PSU
i have an 800W psu, maybe you should look into that too
>bought 4x4gb sticks of ram power
>didn't listen to the people telling me to get 2x8
>now I have to get 4x8 instead of another 2x8 if I want 32
I was thinking of getting 4x4 instead of 2x8 kit and now im glad i did it this way :D
mfw my i5 6600 bottlenecks with a 1060 on bf1
Why is this allowed?
No fucking way wtf?
>cpu usage 100%
>gpu usage 45%
>fps 45ish with stutters
I think it's just my bios settings or something like that. My brother has pretty much the same setup and he doesn't drop below 80 fps.
Kill me pls