ITT: Animals underrepresented in vidya
ITT: Animals underrepresented in vidya
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What kind of dog is that?
My dog
niggerish violent apes are underrepresented
Mastiff maybe
fuck off
I don't care about politics
Resident evil 5
That's a big dog.
very true, though they may as well have been native Africans, the virus seemingly did nothing to them other than turn them into those head swirling guys
dumb water dogs
your mom
Why is that asian nigger stealing the big dog's bucket?
>Weak should fear the strong
>the weak should fear the strong.jpg
That thing is fucking massive Jesus Christ
Get a haircut!
Druid from WoW Transforms into this.
My dog is the tiny version of your dog.
I want at least 1 panda in every game
Secretary birds
cute! CUTE!
Speaking of massive animals that don't get used in vidya enough, polar bears are fucking HUGE. You can't get a good idea of their size from far away National Geographic photos, but these things are literally monsters. Imagine having to fight one in some animal destroyer FPS and needing to crane your neck straight up, ocassionally backwards to get a headshot
perfect for the folks who are in to being stepped on
I think it was in Zoo Tycoon 2
>ywn get your dick sucked by a cute birb
Leto II, God Emperor
Look at this fucking shit man
>it's le Sup Forums raid!!11
stop posting
crush fetishists desu
Come on user, don't be shy
Games need more flying dogs
Fuck man those jays are fucking ninjas
h-how the hell does it do that?
if you were going to furrypost at me you could at least post actually decent art
That's pretty hot
Fuck off Sup Forums
Jesus christ
>german migrant policy visualized
as cool and cute as that is, I can't shake the feeling that owning those types of exotic pets are just bad for the animal in general.
>that blood at the end
By being awesome
The pic does make him look higher than he actually is tho
I heard Donkey Kong is alright.
so this is how docking looks like
I wonder how putting your dick in this feels like.
Why do I have to be a Sup Forumstard to make fun of niggers?
The parasites made them more organized than they ever would have been without them. And at least they killed the muslim in the beginning. Really the scary parts was the nigger mob scenes. Thag shit to me is scarier than anything in silent hill or other horror games.
Because americans are retarded
Because you aren't making fun of them, there is no humour to be found in the posts. Instead we get standard far right white pride drizzle about black people
Birbs are cute!
It's kinda tricky, because I don't really mind the part that you hate niggers, but the fact that you might be a Sup Forumstard leaking over to boards you dont belong in
I need to run a game of Bunnies & Burrows someday.
cute af
I disagree, humbly.
Fuck off Sup Forums
god fucking dammit
yeah that first level really is the scariest part of the game
they think that Sup Forums is the racism containment board, well that doesn't work for me, I'm a nigger hater till the day I die and I don't give two shits about politics
>It's cool guys, I just don't want someone I actually agree with on my video games board, it's just for us gamers
Want to know how I can tell you're a cuck?
I'm not a Sup Forumstard.
Jesus Christ, chill out. Let's not turn this into another one of THOSE threads.
half of them are mexicans and the same white dude.
No, I doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with me on those Sup Forums subjects because they have no room here
>tfw called people niggers on Sup Forums way before Sup Forums even existed
I won't stop that just because some people don't like that
it's literally in on of the most popular games in the world.
Now these buggers, on the other hand, need some serious spotlight - preferably, with massive legs to run after player at 50km/h
>Because you aren't making fun of them, there is no humour to be found in the posts.
It doesn't make you laugh so it shouldn't make anyone else laugh either. Got it. Opinion thrown away.
it's against the rules, this is Sup Forums in the year 2017
you want a fucking ban hombre?
>6'1 vs 5'10
>manly tears goes shopping for a stuffed bear for his son
Keep /an/ in /an/. If you guys are going to discuss /an/ stuff, at least post vidya birds.
Sharks are top tier vidya animals, all Sharks love to play vidya and are total bros about it.
not him but Sup Forums-tier humor is close to the bottom of the barrel. It is humor for autists who think saying "nigger" suddenly makes them edgy iconoclasts.
too dumb
just zig-zag away
Or vidya animals, for that matter.
>not him but Sup Forums-tier humor is close to the bottom of the barrel
Exactly. You're too smart for this humor, so nobody else should enjoy it.
What's the joke then? Explain to me what the joke is
what a fucking nigger
cuts close to home
Keep in mind that this whole fight takes place in less than 3 seconds.
>I'm an enlightened individual and I only laugh at the highest quality jokes that really make you think
I thought sea lions were our board animal.
>tripfag enters the thread
I'm not sure I agree with the first point, but I definitely agree with you on the second.
I love cute chickens. What are some videogames with cute chickens? I even downloaded Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg just for them.