Other urls found in this thread:
Let me guess, magic?
no just sword
>play dark souls 3 where every boss and enemy is on cocaine
>go back to the first game, o&s feel like a joke
Whenever anyone says the beat a hard boss in this series the first time, either they used magic, a shit-ton of healing items, or played it really fucking safe, usually cowering up behind a shield and only attacking at the safest of times.
I bet it took OP like half an hour to beat these guys.
>inb4 scrubs come and tell me the right way to play is to play it "safe"
no, that's the boring way to play for people who just want to beat the game to show people on the internet how hardcore they are
>you beat it? nuh huh you didn't beat it the right way
I beat these with the zweihander, it was fuck!
I agree OP real gamers like us don't hsve problems wrecking games am I right? *brohoof*
I had fuckload of problems with O&S but beat Fume Knight first try
It comes down to your playstyle and choice of weapons what you find hard and what easy really
no you didn't
im not joking, i didnt lame it out i just rolled and countered and that was it. im so disapointed
son of bitch shit!
at least i can finally watch this now
Dude, I don't care how you beat it. Beating a boss in any videogame isn't exactly a big accomplishment. Coming here to say you beat O&S on your first try and that you're dissapointed in how easy it was, means you fell for the "prepare to die" meme and played the game cause it was supposed to be hard, and not because you actually enjoy the game.
Or they quickly realised how terrible their AI is and how the fat fuck can jump high in the air but not over a piece of broken column.
even dsp can one shot them. lol at shitters
i am enjoying the game its just this was the fight i was anticipating the most and just wasnt what i was expecting is all
fucking fapman
this isn't his first time though
look at the title 'redemption run'
Yeah, that's fine, why feel the need to come and cry about it on here, though? It's like your looking for things to complain about the game. DaS is not a perfect game and I think a lot of the problems people have with this series, and videogames in general is that their ignorance makes them have unrealistic expectations.
There are no perfect games, never believe the reviews, don't buy into the hype, don't watch the letsplayers. Play the fucking game, enjoy it or don't.
I face-rolled the first game the first time I played it. Killed asylum demon first try, taurus demon did managed to kill me but for some reason he decided to jump off the wall after my body. Gargoyles were where I got gud and were the boss that gave me the highest death count, taking me 4 attempts to kill, but utterly destroying them on that 4th attempt.
From there, I figured out poise, and nearly every boss consisted of me with medium to heavy armor, a two-handed claymore, and just swinging for the fences in their face. I didn't use magic or phantoms, save summoning Solaire for the centipede demon just to see what phantoms were like (he died like a bitch immediately). I damn near got O&S on my first try, Ornstein was on his last sliver of health and I got cocky. I went into 4 Kings with a single estus charge and still beat them on the first attempt (used one humanity to heal). I just kept swinging, tanking all of their hits.
cause what else is Sup Forums for?
>Kill Smalls first
>find out I missed out on a ring
what the fuck how is this allowed
What did you anons find easier to fight, Lightning Smough or Giant Ornstein?
For me Giant Ornstein was a much easier fight.
>black knight halberd
>+1 flask
>wearing light armor
Fucking face it, he played really well here, taking his time, just like it's supposed to be done
Really? I much prefer big Smough because he's slow and fat
Dark Souls really isn't as difficult of a game as you want to think it is. Only casuals think it's "le epic hardcore ragequit game"
This is a board for discussing video games?
Dark Souls was really only hard if you played it at release and went in expecting a regular hack & slash like God of War or something
There's been years of memes about it being hard, so every single person who starts playing it now knows to take it slow and play it safe
Sure you'll die sometimes but every single boss can be defeated by the simple mantra of "okay maybe I shouldn't be greedy"
I found Ornstein easier because of two things.
1. He became just about as slow as Smough.
2. He had at least triple the amount of attacks Smough had, making the chances of him just spamming the butt slam over and over again so I can't hit him very unlikely.
>or played it really fucking safe, usually cowering up behind a shield and only attacking at the safest of times.
Hhahahaha, stop cheesing the boss by being smart you casuals.
>See people do Smores and Oreo
>They barely do anything, but stand there or walk with a couple light combos here and there
>Maybe a big attack mixed in every few minutes
>Almost always one at a time
>Play game
>Smores does charging ram 9/10 times he does anything but strafe
>Oreo is nonstop comboing and doing all sorts of shit with only a single dodge or strafes for two seconds after several different attacks
>Perpetually phasing through or around each other with attacks no matter what
>If summoned Solaire, he turns into a dribbling idiot and only gets two hits off before dying like a bitch
Make it stop holy fuck
The fight is only hard if you kill Smough first.
Actually, I forgot a third reason.
3. If I wasn't sure on what he was going to do, I could block the attack without taking lightning damage.
The guys "barely do anything" because people you see play smart and pick their opportunities
And Ornstein's combo ain't even a thing, you can hard-counter that by stepping slightly to the side
If he can do O&S, why couldn't he beat Ludwig?
Stop being a whining shitter and just play the fucking game instead of bitching about "wah! This is too haaaarrrd!"
>using "scrubs" in 2017
I also never got the meme
Beat them first try with iron tarkus armour and BKS
You guys have some serious autism taking a game this seriously even on Sup Forums
>Took me until Dark Souls 3 to realize that every boss can be cheesed by standing medium range and being hyper aggressive by attacking once through each attack on like 90% of bosses
Seriously. I've heard Nameless King was the "hardest boss", but it literally took me 4 tries to beat him yesterday for the first time. I actually had to Google "What level did you beat Nameless King?" to make sure I wasn't just overleveled for it.
Kek, can't even do it with summons because he basically just leaves the NPC to fight on her own.
>dark souls is hard
you didn't fall for the o&s meme, you fell for the whole ds meme.
my first time playing the game when it came out i didn't know shit about it, shield stability, shield block percentage, iframes, weapon scaling etc. i just used weapons that looked cool and had decent damage.
>tfw beating o&s on 3rd or 4th try with silver knight sword and grass shield
the only boss i had trouble with was the hydra in ash lake, fuck hydra.
This board is for arguing about which game is currently edgy and cool to hate and then bandwagon about why something else was better than the horrible thing they like to hate that is literally hitler.
The fuck are you on about?
This is the same sort of thing that happened when fighting spidertits, and I did play the game and get past them.
>Every video of people entering her lair has her run up then do the super slow stab and then it continues from there
>Play game, go fight spidertits
>She opens up with 160 degree tracking jump attack with the lava spit
>Proceeds to do this every single time except once, but I was stupid and got caught in the explosion's edge
>Even if running past and dodging at light load there's always a tiny part of the attack itself that catches no matter what
Had to do some weird serpentine shit to get past that crap.
I'm on my first playthrough on Dark Souls and I'm just stuck at these fuckers. Didn't try so much tho, died like 10 times so far.
I passed other bosses pretty easily, even one-shotted some of them (like Iron Golem, that huge butterfly and sif).
Maybe it's because I dropped BK sword early on and it crushed enemies. But because Ornstein and Smough are 2 bosses its hard to dodge and attack safely.
Also game is amazing but sometimes its boring and tilting. Hard enemies are not the problem, but when you die, in some places you waste your 2 minutes just running and doing nothing to reach your destination again.
>by attacking once through each attack
What do you mean? Ducking under the hitbox?
>Block and walk backwards
>Dodge if the thin nigger charges
>Hit him 2 handed
>Stay on super-fatasses ass unless he jumps stright up
Oy vey, very hard.
>literally having problems with hydra
he can't even hit you
yeah it was easy as fuck with +5 BKH
Yeah I prefer the Ys games where bosses are hard as FUCK but you can instantly try again
Wouldn't work with the whole system of recovering souls though and that's an integral gameplay mechanic
O&S tips:
>lock on to O because he likes to zip around
>move in such a way that you keep both of them in sight though
>wait for Smough to either be waaaay far away or do one of his dumb attacks while out of range
>sidestep O's combo
It's a purely reactive fight if you haven't played it enough to be more aggressive
Also, keep your shield up just in case, you can even block the end of S's shovel charge
So what you mean is that they effectively used the tools available to them to overcome a challenge?
They - god forbid - they displayed adaptability and problem solving skills to overcome a challenge?
HA! What fucking scrubs, they should just artificially make the fight much more difficult for themselves and slam their heads against it a dozen times because it makes their dicks larger.
You might not be quick enough to get this but I'm being sarcastic.
Nope, I learned most bosses have either a overheadslam+opening, swipe+swipe+opening+optionalbigslam+opening, or a big 4+ combo leading into an opening. Y'know what I mean. It's mostly attacking at each opening you can possibly attack at. I also found out a ton more bosses than I thought had stagger points if you attack that much consistently which really helps the strat. On top of all that, parry's work in a handful of those bosses too.
tldr just getting up close and personal to weave attacks into their patterns or staying medium range to bait out some easy attacks just works on most if not all the bosses
>thinks it's worth mentioning beating Iron Golem in one
Confirmed first time player. Have fun, fella.
>its another normies spouting Dark Souls is hard meme again
Okay, I just thought you meant really attacking _through_ the attack as in moving your body through it
But yeah there's basically a sliding scale of greediness, if you're just a bit greedy you will get fucked but if you keep up the pressure and git gud you fuck up everything
>roll through attack and use roll + R1 in the opening
Feels so good every time
>I figured out that attacking when I have the opportunity is a good thing
Are you okay? Mentally, I mean.
I'm 60% sure these fuckers were much harder in the release version of DkS and got dumbed down later. But all I can find is super-vague patch notes.
Does having an armor with high (or atleast decent) def and poise make much difference in boss fights?
I'm below 50% equip load with elite knight set but sometimes I change to Dingy set for below 25% roll and speed.
Is it worth to be little slower for getting a boost in def?
That seems to be a general thought and saying after the expansion.
Not even that user but I beat them my first try too using only the claymore. You literally only have to backpedal and smack Ornstein when he gets close.
Is Bed of Chaos the worst boss in the game?
Not really, you can't hit trade with most bosses because they will just fuck you up
Dodging or blocking is better
They did change gear a bit so that could make them slightly easier but Im pretty sure they didnt touch them
you can make any souls boss easy by summoning.
Not OP, I beat em on my first try using just the claymore. It's pretty easy to separate them and take down one.
No. Mostly elemental resistances help the most. Personally, just equip JUST enough to not fat-roll and some elemental defense rings depending on the boss, they help a noticeable amount.
The real game is deciding what rings are best on what fights.
>Is it worth to be little slower for getting a boost in def?
Forgot to add: sub 50% midroll should be fine for absolutely everything in PvE though
OP and his crippling autism and anxiety issues have ment that for the last 5 year OP has spent his time watching smough and ornstein videos to prepare himself for his playthrough so as to avoid the criplling depression and self esteem issues, not to mention severe social anxiety he would experience if a video game boss managed to kill his hero
Pretty much every one past Queelag's Domain.
Good for them, they beat a boss in a videogame. Beat the boss however you want. Why do you feel the need to tell other peopel how easy it was if not just to make your fucking e-penis larger?
Insulting me by calling me slow is not a really good way to end your argument, resorting to ad hominem is always a sign that you don't actually have a point and want to argue just for the sake of it.
He cries about it on here because literally anything Dark Souls related is guaranteed (You)'s.
Firesage is pretty cool if you didn't see Stray Demon before
And if you don't know or looked up that the guy was rushed and doesn't actually has fire attacks and resistance.
Titanite Demons are weak to lightning
Same here. I had sun bro fight one of them and just fucked up the other one with the chaos blade. Although this wasn't my first play through just the first time I got to them.
That's just as bad.
But then again, flying demons can also be knocked back off ledges into their doom.
Does it count as doing it solo if you summon Solaire?
I summoned Solaire. :/ He died right at the end of the first phase, and I had to beat lightning Smough alone.
>Does it count as doing it solo if you summon Solaire?
Summoning on your first playthrough is the silliest thing you can possibly do
Dark Souls bosses that don't have a retarded gimmick regarding their health or moves are easy as shit. It just boils down to timing your invincibility dodge roll or blocking with a tower shield and repeating, not that hard
nor can i him
what's a retarded gimmick regarding moves?
>beat Fume Knight first try
I mean, that guy beats too hard and I doubt you dodged him successfully enough to beat him first try.
>silliest thing you can possibly do
In your imaginary rule book, I assume. The silliest thing you can do on a first playthrough is kill every NPC or not upgrade your weapons.
One that immediately comes to mind is the Gaping Dragon's acid puke that literally destroys your equipment. It doesn't make the boss difficult but having your equipment wrecked mid fight is a big problem for the player to get around (if they're dumb enough to stand in it anyway)
Stray Demon's magic blast is pretty lame too
Sounds like you're just mad these attacks fucked your shit up m8.
Touch the cow
Do it now
Do you think that if you sucked on her tits she's just flood your belly with milkies because of how big her tits are and give you a big swollen gut? haha
You asked, baddie. Didn't say they weren't impossible.
>to be, or not to be me
>die on first try
>say "lets fight smart and not good"
>google and see that they are weak to fire
>get queeelag sword and beat them 2nd try
>mfw I had huge trouble with O&S on my first run even though I had pyromancy +12 or so and simply couldn't figure out their moveset so it was "impossible" to decide when I should shoot the fucking spells
Like with DSP, the only "real" way with these bosses is to adapt the slow and easy- mindset, where you'll be turtling the fuck out of these bosses until you either wear them out or learn exactly how you dodge their moves. I was being too greedy all the time and refusing to learn to take it easy, that's why it felt impossible