Twitch streamer Poshybird died while doing a 24 hour livestream. F

Twitch streamer Poshybird died while doing a 24 hour livestream. F


did he died?

yes, police confirmed he passed from either a stroke or a heart attack


>dying because of video games

This is how I wanna go

>Smashfags start dropping dead during tournaments
>Now this
The purge is upon us

no clip of it? What?
I mean the stream would have gone on for hours since nobody was there to turn it off, yet no one could film it?

Twitch should ban these 24hour+ livestream sessions. It's not healthy


We are going to need a video of it.

That's what happens when you're a streamcuck.

Someone did clip it, but the channel was deleted by Twitch.

You can see the clip in the video at around 0:46

I just can't fucking miss that guy. I just can't.

Has a smashfag died?

Can somebody tell me why so (relatively) many die just because they do a 24h thing? Is it the amount of energy drink, overall unhealthiness or lack of movement?

being awake for 24 hours shouldn't kill you if you are healthy in the first place

he went outside for a smoke and had the heart attack while he was outside

Someone had a heart attack this weekend at a tournament but he's alive I think

>paying to watch someone play video games

Like what the hell man, how do you even...

a combination of all three probably

what a pity, the guy seemed like cool dude


Things like this make me genuinely terrified to hit 30.

How old was he?

Nice clickbait bullshit.


>dude got heart attack due to tournament stress

fucking hell how do you fucking stress at SMASH

twitch is free

gee how interesting

In most of those cases it's deep vein thrombosis, and basically the lack of movement is the killer. You're fine if you get up and move every once in awhile. Same thing can happen on long flights.

In this case he just had a stroke/heart attack and either ignored the symptoms and continued on or potentially already suffered from one and was in a weakened state.

twitch better honors this guy with a sleepy emote


So where's the death video????

>Guy dies from moving too little
>Girl dies from moving too much

What's the moral of the story here?

Stop being unhealthy. Stop staying up all night.

Donations and subscriptions

Well they die doing what they like so just do whatever you want I guess, everyone dies at the end anyway

You should move with moderation

Replace humans with robots


dude, your grampa and mom and shit are above 60 and they aren't dead. shit, my grandma is 82 and still gets around fine

i know a guy who is over 40 and like 250lbs bigger than this twitch guy was and HE isn't dead, also is a PC gamer which means he never moves (don't debate this, i know PC fags don't move and drink 10 redbulls a day)


>dude, your grampa and mom and shit are above 60


i couldn't HOPE to stay up for 24 hours man, my body just eventually wants to sleep for about 7-8 hours.

i also need to walk during the day or i get all restless, which sucks at work because they want me to sit for shitloads of hours. how do normies deal with it when they can't gym because they work hours that won't let them gym?

>streaming is outlawed because it kills people
Thanks Poshybrid, your death won't be in vain.

I think he probably suffered from a heart attack prior to and never realized. This makes follow up attacks not only much more likely, but all the more deadly.

Plus he was a smoker so there's that.

sup uncreative132

Don't even have a twitch account.

man, i don't know how people can smoke either
shit is just expensive as fuck, especially in NYC.

why bother? just do something else to TAKE THE EDGE OFF MAN! hate that shit, fucking UGH I NEED TO SMOKE shit, fuck off.

smoking ruined my college lan parties because once a match was over 38/40 people would go and smoke for like 20-30 mins. fucking assholes

God I hate hugbox twitch mods so much.



Where's the clip

Everything in moderation?

what game is this?

Well I'd ban that ass if it was my friend who passed away.

>don't play ubishit and pc garbage

So much for a-live stream, am I right?

So If I sleep 7-8 hours a day, don't drink or smoke and hit the gym 2-3 times a week but for the rest I sit all day playing videogames at 27 years old, is it dangerous?

I never fully understood it either. I didn't even get the whole addiction thing either (made a bet with someone over 100 bucks that I could smoke for a month and quit without fail, was easy money). Shit burns your eyes if the smoke gets blown back in your face, smells like shit, leaves an awful dry, filmy sensation in your mouth. Long term is just abysmal for one's health orally as well as internally.



your highest chance of dying is in your vehicle, best to stay home

Over weight+terrible cardiovascular fitness+tons of caffeine+not moving your legs for 12 hours or more=heart attack

walk around every couple of hours to avoid a blood clot

Only if for those 7-8 hours you are pretty much h motionless. Give yourself breaks to move, stretch, and look at something 20 feet off for your eyes, and you'll be fine. Also make sure you invest in a good chair.

You've never been under so much pressure that your heart starts racing while you're playing a game? Happens to me if I'm fighting a tough boss and it's almost dead.

Two options:
> Play World of Tanks for 24 hours.
> Die.

Choose wisely, Sup Forums.


I don't have a license. What I described is my life right there. Just want to know if I'm safe. I do feel my left arm strange and weak sometimes.

How many ResidentSleepers were spammed when it happened?

Yar one cheeky cunt arn'cha.

you'll die from being bored from all the shit tier games that are in this gen

so yeah, its MORE dangerous to play games because you run out of good ones and have shit like robot wilderness adventure to struggle through

lolwut. go see a doctor, i hardly exercise at all and play games all day yet i rarely get aches and pains, no less weakness and numbness


and yet it's vidya they blame

My grand ma is 98 Im going to live forever. Also fuck you I dont drink red bulls, all soda is poison.

Yes. Just stand up and walk around a little. You don't have to take long breaks, just stretch your legs after you've finished a level/match

>staying up for way too long without sleep
>consuming an unhealthy amount of garbage energy drinks
>sitting in a chair for so long without moving or at least getting some fresh air

All of these things make heart attacks and problems more likely, combined they can be deadly

but i'd die just TRYING to play that SHIT GAME for 24 hours!

heh, nice meme kid!

I think I'm tired of being a fat piece of shit.

I really don't want to have a heart attack and keel over before 40.

I think I need to start doing something about it.

Can i earn money by doing 24 hour streams? I have insomnia so for me it's normal.

was this another streamer

A reminder to take care of yourselves, it doesn't have to be like this for us.

I love you Sup Forums

Are you charismatic?

Smoking cuts your life expectancy by around 10 years, it doesn't cut it in half. If you are a regular smoker who stops when you hit middle age you have a 90% chance of reaching the average life expectancy.

Smoking causes cancer and it takes a huge toll on your fitness level but it's takes a long time for the serious repercussions to manifest. As in decades. Smoking was only the tip of the iceberg that killed that man.

but you won't, its like the fat guys motto
"ill do it later" for everything

sure, you have time to get something done RIGHT NOW, but why? later is a better time because i have FAT GUY things to do, like eating, watching SPORTS/GAMING, drinking BEER

how come older fat guys aren't dead yet? they drink and smoke and THIS FUCKING GUY dies from playing a tank game for 24 hours when truckers are worse off and 200lbs heavier than this guy?

Not to be "that guy" but from time to time there is literally nothing wrong with smoking a little weed to relax, or doing some Acid and listening to some nice free jazz or something.
What Ill never understand is doing it daily. Costs too much, loses effectiviness and starts impacting health in like really obvious ways. Got fucking spooked when I lost like a mile off my routes back when I smoked and ran, never dropped something faster.

Fuck you OP. I'm scared of dying now. And I don't want to die before playing Horizon. Fuck youuuuuuuu

>no girlfriend
>substitute loneliness by playing cs:go for 72 hours
>have heart attack and die lonely anyway

c'est la vie

>made a bet with someone over 100 bucks that I could smoke for a month and quit without fail, was easy money
wow, you're really retarded to think this is a good idea

>literally who dies


Are you white? Can you talk into the air and read out the responses of a bunch of idiots in your chat box for hours on end? If both, you, too, can be a Twitchâ„¢ Sponsored streamer!

Im overall unhealthy, and when i have to pull an one nighter because of college, i fell like shit, my heart pounding hard and im about to have a stroke any momenet. It is horrible.

Also stay away from energy drinks. Mostly useless for this kind of situation, and will hurt your body.

>Smoking cuts your life expectancy by around 10 years, it doesn't cut it in half.
Being this bad at logic means you are in terminal state yourself

i didn't say drugs faggot
also, acid isn't something you should take
weed at least grows out of the fucking ground, acid is fucking chemicals in your goddamn brain

but, you take it, so i assume you can't even comprehend what im even typing. its just squiggles and loud noises to you, right? your gonna wake up 20 miles from where you live in a field and say something like "wow, acid really helps me out"

i hope the fucking cops arrest you, drug sucker

I guess Ubi is capable of bugging the snow too.

go to /fit/, read the fucking sticky and start working out.

>(don't debate this, i know PC fags don't move and drink 10 redbulls a day)
who the fuck outside of america drinks red bull

>he died from heart complications due severe sleep deprivation.

Make sure to get a good night's rest tonight, Sup Forums.

I was 18, so yeah not the brightest. Still, a month of smoking was going to have minimal impact, I was going to prove my point about willpower, and make 100 bucks.

>spend 4 days without sleeping more than 2 hours daily
>partying and drugs
retards who weight 400lbs i guess and only eat mcdonals die from not 24 hours vidya i guess

What that guy said, and before asking ANYTHING, consult the fucking sticky. If it isn't there then go ahead and ask.

If I die because I play too much, will you remember me Sup Forums?

Woah you sure changed me with those hot opinions.
>its just squiggles and loud noises
Nah not often. The effects of acid usually mainfest for me as intense light shows, sorta like a synethesia type deal, but the rest of the world stays normal and easy to read.
>20 miles from your house
Never leave the house when I do it. Stay mad fundie.