Can we just pretend DS2 and DS3 dont exist?

can we just pretend DS2 and DS3 dont exist?

Other urls found in this thread:

but 3 is better than DeS

DaS3 is the second best in the series right after DaS. What are you implying faggot?

No. They're good.

>3 is a good souls game

fucking kek good joke lads

vanilla DaS2 is better than DaS3

no, fuck off.
I like all 3 because I'm not a contrarian faggot that cannot accept the fact that games are not perfect.

Dark Souls 2 was bland and cheap as fuck.

but 2 is better than des
and 3 is better than das

Only try hard contrarians actually think 3 is bad

Rated by most fun to invade in

BB >>>>>>>>>> DaS > DaS3 > DaS2 = DeS

>DaS2 that low
How? it has the best PVP in DaS.
>DaS 3 that high
With all the ganker hosts?

>DaS3 - Gank Squad boogaloo
>better than DaS2 invasions

and down the shitter your wrong opinion goes

That's what I do.

>grouping bloodborne with dark souls 1 and demon souls when they play very, very differently

jesus what is wrong with you people

it's its own game

DaS2 was nothing but people using the exact same items over and over, not fun to invade at all

Ganksquads are annoying but at least they're rocking some different equips

>obscure game only few people know about
>has major flaws but Sup Forums loves it
>new installment comes out
>lose major flaws but has still imperfections
>more people play it and the fanbase grows
>Sup Forums hates it
Nothing new here.

2 and 3 may feel a bit inferior, but they're all great games.


>best pvp
>lag comp
>phantom range on every weapon
I bet you never quickswapped rings, animation canceled someone i to a wog chainstab, fucked a turtleling shitter over, or parried a group of gankers into oblivion.
Atleast I still have those memories and they're more real than armour diversity thats advertized in you annual moneygrab franchise.

>DeS that low
Scraping spear

>exact same items
I played about 200 hours in the Iron keep arena and i saw almost every build you can think off.

>phantom range on every weapon
Are we talking about 1, 2 or 3? because I cannot tell.

That was incredibly fun, touche

But it didn't make up for everything


>it's its own game
It's more of a souls game than it isn't. I hate when faggots say Bloodborne isn't part of the Souls series because of three different gameplay mechanics while sharing all the rest.

It's obvious your firat game was 2. It's peoples favourite since the breaktrough in popularity and just like zelda, the first one is always the one you're most fond of. Nothing wrong there. I played DaS first and think it's the best one but because it improves upon DeS in scope and variety. BB and DeS are on the same level. DaS takes the cake real souls fans recognize this.

>another name
>another fight dynamic
>another world
>another lore
>same developer
WEW it must be a prequel right?
Just because it is both made by FROM and an ARPG doesn't make it a series.

>It's obvious your firat game was 2
Wrong. started with one. swiched after 200 hours to 2 and after 360 hours to 3.
But nice implying. I like how someone with different opinion must have started with 2 and has rose tinted glasses.

yeah, and if you take out DaS1 too then we can pretend like the series never declined

All that applies to Demon's Souls, but people lump it with Dark Souls too.

>Des is better than Das
My favorite meme

>an improvement on Des

It is.

Here's the Sup Forums official list

DaS > DaS3 >>>>>> DaS2 >>>>>>>>> BB > DeS

Remember, half the framerate means half the score.

yeah, it is a nice meme for a loser

I agree. The implication that des is better than Das is a meme for losers

yeah, that's true

on opposite day

>BB up top
>DeS last when BB is literally DeS2

You need to replay DeS.

You make it seem so. I hope you enjoyed your circlestrafe turtle pvp whiff punish fest. Love the variety of builds your game encouraged, kept me entertained for about 30 hours only to be forgotten forever. While I mastered every pvp nuance in DaS in 150 hours with a parry build: ricards rapier fashion souls with painting guardian female character. You must have been hitbox abused by a murakumo user at some point to leave a bad taste in your mouth like that. Don't worry though plenty of unpunishable estus chugs from here on out buddy! You did it, truly.

Good thing too
Because It's opposite day right now :^)

>It's opposite day right now :^)

then I can say what I've always wanted to

I love you user

He said most fun to invade in. And I'd say he's right.

>Unironically thinking overencumberment is a feature that isn't complete fucking garbage in a souls game and almosy ruins it entirely.

Not a single fucking person in the world plays ARPGs for the trash item management.

>I love you user
I lied

so did I

Am i being trolled?
DaS PVP was backstabfishing with many different builds
DaS 2 PVP was actuall good build variety, with almost all weapons being viable
DaS 3 PVP is hyperarmor or bust and ganksquads.
And all 3 are punish fests. it is always better to react than to act.
>You must have been hitbox abused
Again wich one are we talking about because that is a thing since 1
>unpunishable estus chugs from here on out buddy
now we are talking about 3? 3 PVP is not as good as 1 and 2, yes.

But 2 was pure comedy gold due to the lack of quality.

DS1 = best singleplayer
DS2 = best multiplayer
DS3 = fanservice meme bullshit

Oh, I thought you hated me for a second


>DS2 was bad





who the fuck genuinely holds this opinion,? must be a severely damaged individual.

>game x is not a part of a series y
>sony shitpost

I do it everyday

they're all bad games

DaS ≥ DaS3 > DeS ≫≫≫ DaS2

ds3 is skyrim-tier generic fantasy

why does everyone hate darksouls 2 . it was the first ever souls game I ever played and got all trophies in. the game is a solid 10/10. it has 0 problems and worth playing 4 times

>soul memory

>zero problems

Terrible bosses
Boring and bland level design
Terrible artstyle and graphics
Dull atmosphere
Focus on LOL DYING XDDD aspect
Unmemorable and boring NPCs and their quests

oh this post is typicall in every thread.

no just accept them for what they are. DaS3 was a solid send off despite a lot of rehashing. DaS2 has a mediocre main game with solid dlc, the weakest link of the series but still fine for a single playthrough

>DeS not top because of the troll mechanics and broken bullshit
they're all messes with shit netcode, might as well put the one with the most fun potential at the top

souls fan, especially demon souls fan are the worst fan base, literally.

they have no clue what atmosphere or level design is and think their games are way better than they actually are.

DS1 is good.

Demon Souls is OK. just ok.

Care to explain why?

>souls fan are the worst fan base
fucking this. And it's not like they are hostile to haters from other games, like sonyiggers and pcucks have a mutual hate for each other but love their respective gamebox.
But they hate fellow who like different parts of the game.

he can't accept DeS having better level design and atmosphere than DaS. I still think DaS is the better game but i definitely preferred those aspects in DeS and BB

Atmosphere is pretty subjective
>Level design
BB is worse in this aspect. Too linear

in regards to demons souls:
level design does not work well with the poorly implemented camera by developers who apparently dont know how to use multiple waycasts to work around corridors and corners. so its a mix of poorly implemented camera mechanic and level design.

they purposefully exploit this weakness multiple times pretending it is a challenge and souls fan will actually defend this because they have literally never read a book on game design.

movement is clunky as fuck, combat is good though. presentation of mechanics is terrible.

in regards to atmosphere:
atmosphere comes from realization. that comes with hints of a underlying world with complex systems, dashes of cultural evidence with logical consistency and context.

none of the areas in demon souls look like someone ever lived there, at all. they look like levels in a videogame.

demon souls is an ok game that manages to be fun despite a bunch of problems that plague the game. im not saying you shouldnt like it, taste is subjective. however, ignoring the games shortcomings just shows how ignorant and autistic most of the fanbase is. its almost like they were underaged the first time they were introduced to the series

level design in DeS is laughable and comments like this just show how little you understand about the subject. go educate yourself a bit on the logistics of making games:

>how to use multiple waycasts
multilpe raycasts*

DeS is dogshit and the worst Souls game.

DaS:PTDE 1440p 60fps ultra HD texture modded > DaS2:SOTFS > DaS3 > BB > Nioh >>>>>>>>>> Demon's Souls.

What are your thoughts on Dark souls and Bloodborne?

you never played most of those games

I don't give a shit about the logistics of game design theory you fucking goof. I like DeS level design better because i prefer the shortcut method to the multiple checkpoints, I liked how tendency unlocked extra areas in the level despite the flaws of the system.

Just out of curiosity where would you put vanilla DaS in there

this is the most disgusting thing I've ever read

Doesn't prepare to die editon come with aota?

Yes and?

>i prefer the shortcut method to the multiple checkpoints
calling this good level design is the reason people make fun of faggots like you

>I liked how tendency unlocked extra areas in the level despite the flaws of the system.
i liked it too, too bad i had to get on the fucking internet to learn how it works

im waiting till the ps4 has more gaems and i have more free time to play bloodborne, but at least in terms of atmosphere it seems miles ahead.

i dont always agree with this dude but since i havent played DS2 or DS3 or bloodborne he propably has a more informed opinion:

I'm in bed posting from phone, have posted time stamped pic of my PS3 and DeS in it many times before, fuck off newfag.

Below DaS3.

It's factual. I never want to play DeS again, it's such a shitty experience, it was good for its time but it's dogshit now. Die from cancer nostalgia whore.

They're all good

It's not even the Demons Souls position, its that you put SotFS above anything. Have a nice day friend.

>calling this good level design is the reason people make fun of faggots like you
It's one of the reasons i prefer DeS levels, I don't give a shit if it's considered good level design to code monkey autists.
>i liked it too, too bad i had to get on the fucking internet to learn how it works
It was supposed to be mysterious and it was a reason for tendency events, people figuring out how to manipulate it is what made it tedious.

can you link me another book i can waste my money on for the design choices of lost izalith?

watch the fucking video i posted

DaS2:SOTFS is very good, stop being delusional shitter. If the dev cycle didn't get fucked, it might have been the best, real shame, wasted oppurtunity.

great, another pretentious autist.
>doesn't include DeS
what's the point then

the point is izalith you shitty little shit.

also, if you think super bunnyhop is pretentious you really, really, REALLY need to start leaving the house.


I beat the fucking game without even knowing it was a mechanic, shit was non-existent

Dark souls 3 is better than 1 though

The bosses curb stomp the shit out of 1's bosses with the latter having limited and predictable patterns. Only O&S and the dlc bosses were any good. Hell when I first started the dlc it stood out to me how Sanctuary Guardian is leaps and bounds better than every boss in the base game pretty much. You actually have to dodge attacks and constantly be on the move and it has a far wider move set than all the other bosses. Pretty much 3 has mostly great bosses with a handful of Meh-shit bosses whereas 1 is the opposite of that.

Also BoC is the worst boss ever in a soulsborne game.

The actual level design in 3 is better as well. Cathedral of the Deep shits on any individual dark souls 1 level from a design perspective utilizing a lot of"shortcuts" that everyone hypocritically praises 1 for. The only really cool parts of 1's level design are when shot loops back like finding out the elevator in fire link leads to Undead Parish. Also Demons Ruins and Lost Izalith are terribly deigned levels.

Enemies that you can't just backstab to oblivion who have highly telegraphed moves. The ai in 3 is by far the best in the series.

But Muh Poise, yeah cause everyone wearing giant dad sets or using full Havel to just plow through bosses (we all know everyone did that for the shitty 4kings fight) was so great. People are just mad they can't turtle behind a great shield throughout the whole game and tank and spank

BB = DaS3 > DaS > SotFS > DeS > DaS2

Sorry, but I'm right.

this desu

After playing BB and DaS3 I just can't get back into the old games, the gameplay is too slow and clunky

or waste my time reading game design theory books and he is a smug pretentious twat. I don't need to watch a 30 min vid from some cunt to know izalith is unfinished.

DaS3 is good for one playthrough. That is it.
At least DaS2 had PvP

If I've yet to play DaS2 is the Scholars bundle/edition worth it?


please, you are trash. just do a favour to society and commit suicide.

it's good for a single playthrough, the dlc content is solid

Or maybe i just prefer another game's level design and some code monkey who's mind is boggled by subjectivity can't accept the fact that someone prefers the game that doesn't fit his little logistic guidelines. I'll make sure to read some music theory when i prefer one melody over another and take a film design course when i prefer a movie storyline you absolute fucking spastic

preferring and saying it is GOOD level design are different things you shut-in weeb.

go back to practicing your fat rolls

It's good level design because i like the level design, it's better level design because i liked it better because of the reasons i've already stated. It's called a subjective opinion, it doesn't need to fit a book some basement dweller posted.

>i-it's good b-because i like it!!!
>y-you're a basement dweller

my sides

here's something to help on your quest to adulthood: you can like something and admit its poorly done user.

dog bless

oops, meant for