Alright, I love this game...

Alright, I love this game, but how do I beat fights without spending most of my time on the ground chugging health potions as Kazuma?

Rush is only good for single targets, and the other stances are too slow.

Also, Yakuza general I guess

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you kidding me right now???

Brawler is best and most OP and you can quickly dispatch large groups with a Square Square Triangle combo. Remember to invest in your skills.

Learn to dodge. The combat is the hardest at the start of the game, and it'll get piss easy by the time you've completed a couple of chapters.

No sir. I've spent a good while with the game now and I'm getting sick of being surrounded by 10 enemies who swarm me and never stop attacking. It feels like there must be something I'm missing here.

I just beat it, great game. Very excited for Kiwami.

For crowds use beast

Okay, sry, my bad for that response.

24 hour cinderella>Bakamitai>Judgement>Heartbreak mermaid>rouge of love>X3 shine

Mine should ship to me Friday. I'm ready for the fucking weekend to bust heads.

I can accept this

>tfw all you need is Mahjong and Koi-Koi

I fucking hate Koi Koi so damn much, I'm almost getting desperate to the point where I would share play with someone for them to just do fucking Koi Koi for me.

Did you do the substory for the band? If you did, did you equip the item you got? If you did then unequip it.

I did but I dont remember which item it gave me. What does it do?

Autograph. It makes enemies swarm and constantly attack. Not worth the defense if you're not going for self imposed challenge.

Is it the Charismatic Autobiography? If so, I've fucked myself over for quite some time now I guess.

That's the item. Unequip it and enjoy normal fighting.

Are you punching people? You're supposed to be punching people.

Sounds like you have one of the charismatic items equipped. I made the same mistake and was about ready to put my controller through my TV after a few fights where I literally couldn't move or get a single attack out before getting killed. I thought the 1.03 update fucked the game up or something because I had equipped that item prior to the update but then didn't play the game again till after the update, so I had no idea that item was causing the combat to be so rough.

Thanks a lot for the help. I thought the enemies were way too aggressive in this game, but I guess it was my bad all this time.

Beginning of the game:

End Game:

In terms of pure fun.

I can't believe it, but I find playing as Kiryu real dull in this game. I've been playing these games since 3, and I've always loved the way Kiryu fights, but man, Majima is just so much more fluid and fun. Slugger and Breaker are both fantastic fighting styles, and Kyriu not really having good crowd control like either of those kinda makes his whole combat setup feel like a big step backwards from Majima.

Agree. And I like Majimas story, personality, map and sidemissions more fun aswell. Majima in this game is slowly becoming one of my favorite vidya characters of all time.

And Majima has the better Mr Libido.

>Kyriu not really having good crowd control

Beast and DoD

Koi Koi is easy, just play the expert difficulty for highest stakes
Change rules to enable higher wages and then just try to match cards
If you win or lose back out and go back in to cash out towards the total challenge

>That final part of I'm gonna make her mine
Holy shit, Nagoshi making me work for these CP.

Beast has wide swings but it's real slow. Both Breaker and Slugger are faster and better at keeping guys on the ground. The only real advantage Beast has is being able to immediately pick up a bike or something and swing it with a single button press.

>The only real advantage Beast has is being able to immediately pick up a bike

And the ability to tank hits and bullets like they're nothing. Also giant swing heat move that clears out multiple enemies.

Thread theme bitches

Wrong theme, aniki.

I wanna be your girl~

I was really fucking scared my roomate would come in when that song was playing. But that minigame was so damn addicting though.

So cold

Really enjoying the game, but this script seems a little...memier than past Yakuza games. I can't remember specific examples now, but Majima has a couple of meme lines, and I'm wondering if they got goons on the translation team.

It hasn't taken me out of the story yet, just irked me and made me flashback to Pokemon Platinum.

Not only that but tanking hits builds your heat guage which you then use to heal yourself. It's fucking invincible.

There's a few here and there, but i didn't find them that forced, aside from this one that is

>Fighting So Amon
>Dude just shoots for no damage
"Haha this is so easy"
>Get stunned and I die in 1 hit to a laserbeam


They meme it up with the sidequests which I don't really mind all that much, only thing that kind of annoyed me was the 'holy shitballs' majima dropped, it just sounded so.. dumb.. Shame we never got the walkman.

To the Yakuza veterans, couple of questions.
I've been playing Yakuza 4 and was wondering, is Saejima based to a certain archetype, I could sworn I've seen characters pratically similar to him in other mediums. Also I started playing as this fuckboi Tanimura, tell me, does he grown on you or not?

I wish this song got used outside of 1 set of menus
It is so good

Tanimura was my favorite from 4, but if you didn't like him from the get go then he won't grow on you

Is Majima in all the games?

Only 1, 2, kenzan, 3, 4, 5, ishin, 0 and 6
He's not in the PSP ones

Yeah, but if you're starting with Yakuza 0, prepare to experience a totally different character. Good, but totally different.

This is a good meme

Project X Zone 2

Like I said I just started playing as him, so yeah, maybe I've got the wrong 1st impression.

Equip a weapon. Then push the directional button down. Drink a heat drink while in combat

Wut? He's in that game? If so, buying a N3DS asap.

Yeah him and Kiryu are in it

I've only played Zero but has Kiryu ever killed someone?

He killed the fuck out of Dojima

I heard he killed that Dojima guy. He even spent ten years in prison for it.

Yeah I noticed it mostly with Majima but it was just a few of the sidequests, the main story is fairly normal.

Yeah man didn't you play Yakuza 0?

He killed the fuck out of all those people on the freeway with a gun

Wow. I bet Nishiki would never fuck up like that.

He murdered about 20 cars worth of people and a helicopter full.

Post your face when this came on

>spend the whole game playing better as Majima than Kiryu
>time for The Coliseum
>struggle with Majima
>it's a cakewalk with Kiryu

What forces are at work here?



I'm gonna shove that pipe up your ass.

Try to secure the sake cup first, it combo for 5 points with the moon or the sakura festval card.

>Play Yakuza 5
>Get use to throwing people mid combo as Kiryu and Shinada
>Forget what Saejima and Akiyama can do at the end of the game

Kanai and Majima whooped my ass and emptied my inventory full of staminans.

I'm sure the tile you need for the full straight won't be dealt by the guy on your left

>he doesn't know


OP here, thanks. I feel stupid now haha

What, you tryin' to talk shit about Nishikiyama? Head of the Nishiki Family? AKA The bestest family under the Tojo umbrella ever? Fuck you Shimano you're bald

I always found Kiryu better at single enemies and Majima better for groups

If you have the Dragon style, yeah game is suddenly ultra easy for Kiryu thanks to his 3 parries. R1+O is OP as fuck.

I was excited to see two product placements I recognized at the convenience store. It's even better that they don't do shit, and are purely there for advertisement.

I don't get this one

It's a YuGiOh fandub maymay


>trying to do Majima's cabaret club quest
>get to the first rival battle
>getting completely fucking blown out of the water

Fucking hell, I wasn't prepared for that I guess.
Is there anything specific I need to do before I try and go at it again?

I thought you can steal from anyone when waiting for RON.
Well i mostly try to not steal and wait for Richi stance.

>full straight
I don't get this.
I've gotten all the fucking tiles I need for a full straight.
Game does not allow me to call richi.
It does not allow me to call tsumo.

I have only two mahjong CP left to earn.
I am losing my fucking mind over this.


Just have fun

Did you chi, pon or kang at all? You can't declare riichi if thats the case and it can fuck over a hand if you don't know what you are doing

You can but i wasn't in tenpai yet, my circle suit wasn't complete yet

Since the series is pretty much over and buried now, what's going to be Nagoshi's next game? The studio is still up and running.

Binary Domain 2

I know that you can't declare richi if your hand is revealed.

Most of my wins are from declaring richi.

You can only richi if you have a full concealed hand, AKA if oyu steal tile to form a pon or chi.
You need to wait for RON or TSUMO.
Also with the full straight you need a pair and a 3 tile straight.

Rush is literally easy mode. Single targets, bosses, groups, nothing can hit you if you don't want them to. It's all about positioning, get yourself to a good spot and you can drop 2-3 enemies in one short combo giving you plenty of space to deal with with others.

The other styles definitely have their uses and can perform better in certain situations, but if I could only use one style for the whole game it would be Rush.

Well let's see...
When a client shows up you can click his seat to stop time and carefully select your hosttess instead of going down the list in a hurry
If you do party time you won't be able to extend sessions, if you extend a session the client will go into fever just like in party time so it's more suitable to get as much money as possible from a client
Rely on extending sessions, let your fever build up and do party time when you have like 1 minute left or if you get a really dissatisfied client, especially if he's rich, he'll go from fucking pissed to a drunk retarded by the press of a button if your fever is in lvl 3 (even lvl 1 if you're lucky but better build that gauge to be sure)

Do payouts happen in realtime or does the game have some sort of timing it that requires you to do shit? Like, can I just stand there and wait until they're ready?

I think Alex Jones overdosed Joe on redpills. He's been slacking off training, defending weed like its his daughter and cussing out guests.
I've never seen him get that mad at a guest like he did with Stephen Crowder

Like A Dragon with completely new main character. If the games need to involve yakuza then it might be nice to play as prize fighter who is/was involved fight fixing or something.

It won't progress if you're in a menu, but just standing doing nothing is enough

>Don't buy gifts
>extend sessions wherever possible
>save your best girls for the most wealthy customers
>use your special as soon as it reaches the first level

I'm pretty positive it's real time. Majima's equipment search is real time, and it's a similar principle.

So how do I fight Amon? coliseum?
I've gone to rank 5 in DOD style and most of the enemies are trivial at hard.

Didn't he show up in the Switch conference to announce they're making something for it? Either it's a new IP or it's F-Zero/Monkey Ball

I've begun equipment farming.

It's quickly becoming obvious why other anons hated this part of 100% so much.

Is this actually possible in game? How would one go about getting them to dance together?

Yeah? Good to know. I wasn't sure if it was the same as the equipment search because that has an actual timer when you start it, the payout just has the arbitrary bars.

2 player.

>tfw Kuze is slang for cunt in your own language