Any predictions?
2 HOURS LEFT Humble Bundle
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inb4 it's another software bundle
They normally have a few days break after bundles.
Doesn't seem especially humble to me.
its fucking nothing
What a shit Humble Bundle to be honest, well... for those who purchased the previous Star Wars Bundles because it's literally the same shit but scamming buyers out of shovelware Star Wars game and making them rebuy games in the previous bundles.
50 bucks that it will be a shitty rehash of a old bundle or some software shit
has dark souls ever been in a bundle?
Pod Racing
pc mechanic or whatever the fuck it is was surely worth a dollar. fuck off.
Also, game maker studio pro for $1 a while back was pretty killer too. HB's software bundles can be legitimately good sometimes, quit being such a cunt. There was an RPG maker bundle some time ago too I think.
No bundle.
>some bloatware and two worthless programs
I predict it will be shit
if you have humble monthly, you get some games from these weekly bundles at the end of the month, or are they entirely different games?
screenshot this post
it's gonna be fucking nothing
t. my mouth is where my ass is.
>needs colorful texts and progress bars to delude himself
Ccleaner and revo uninstaller is objectively all you need in this day and age
you're embarrassing yourself
I work at Humble Bundle
it's going to be a Total War bundle
i hope it's a windows bundle with windows keys because i'm tired of the little popup every hour coming up telling me to active windows
just crack that shit or go to your local college and beg some kids for free educational keys
if it's true i will buy it.
I was thinking about pirating it for a while
what bundle would make lose your shit Sup Forums?
Elder Scrolls bundle, honestly. Been eyeing those games for years now.
A bundle with literally nothing in it. The higher tiers just give you more nothing.
I already have that.
Something with Sorcery in it, that game never goes on sale.
With that MWNL giveaway thing last week, my money's on a Sega strategy/Total War bundle of some sort.
The first ever in all time Blizzard bundle.
Because Blizzard never does sales, and because Sup Forums is Blizzdrone central.
so it's actually going to be fucking nothing. great
not sue, what with warhammer total war being in the
I was here
I have to be at work in one hour god fucking dammit.
I'm guessing Fucknig Nothing
Bitter disappointment
>humble software bundle
Keep me posted
My older sister works for Humble Bundle and she said it's going to be the Comedy Movie bundle and Junior is in the BTA tier
Someone trade with me.
[W] shit
how about a good ol crpg bundle with a bunch of classics
I'd buy it and never play them.
can you drop golden axe 2?
[email protected]
The wet dream of every weeb
sent ;)
It's been five bucks on steam nigga.
How do you even trade keys?
But I already own all those games except dangan because they're not games and AoT because that's a terrible anime
You trust that the other guy isn't going to fuck off and steal your key. Haven't had it happen yet.
i would REALLY like that Danganropa games where in a bundle but it never gonna happen
I didn't have any of the Star Wars games so it was definitely a good deal for me, playing Shadows of the Empire again has been fun.
Humble For True Gamers Bundle
$1 :
- League of Legends skins
- Rockets League skins
- Overwatch skins
- Counter Strike skins
- Hearthstone cardback
- Call of Duty Black Ops 3
- 12months WoW subscription
- For Honor
Only for the true real g4m3r c0mpetit0rs
I'd buy the $1 bundle and just trade all the skins for refined metal ASAP
>wanting old gog-tier shit
I'd love another PlayStation bundle, the Capcom one was great.
Reporting in, for our weekly masochistic thread.
Factorio in the 1$ tier
>thinking Riot or Blizzard will hand over skins for a percentage of a dollar
solve ptolemy's paradox
anything with trackmania in.
I just want this to be in the bundle so I can buy it about 100 times and spam this board with keys
Blizzard CEO would sell his mom for $0.1 if he can
Have a spare key of Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, interested?
>didn't get trackmania back in the day
>last few sales they have been going for like twice their historical low prices
Fucking Ubisoft I swear
Weeb bundle with actual good games.
Do it and I'll make sure my bot puts it on all my alt accounts so I can harvest the cards and purchase a weeaboo game on my main account.
>Blizzard never does sales
>Overwatch has had more than 3 sales since launch
>WoW has always had a sale on the current expansion the Christmas after launch
>WoW has had a constant 20% off sale going on for years for any players with level 20+ characters
>Heroes of the Storm has new sales every week (but this is on microtransactions so it doesnt count)
I don't know about Starcraft II and Diablo 3 but I'm sure it's the same for them.
>not this
I'm not but others should know that one is supposed to have been bretty gud.
What's the point of doing joke game key drops nowadays? People can remove games from their accounts with a couple clicks if they're bothered by it.
Nah, unless you want one of the really shitty games from the list, which I doubt.
I'd pay the $10 for BO3. I'll support any AAA game that embraces modding.
You'd be surprised by how many people don't know that they can delete games out of their accounts
>removed a game from my account
>inventory items from the game stayed
>non-tradeable, non-marketable
>forever stuck with them
>buy Chu Chu's wild ride for .87 in impulse buy one steam sale
>enjoy the shit out of it
>want to share the joy
>never gets sale again
>never gets bundled
I would have bought a hundred copies and just gifted them out knowing that many who bothered to install would have had a good time.
pretty sure you can delete inventory items
Hi, I'm interested in Stardew.
have wishlist of reasonable v alue or may be after some other bundled games?
You can't.
>just sitting here crossing my fingers for a dragonball xenoverse 1 bundle
Don't try to jew me.
I liked this game too, got it for like a dollar.
I won't. Go and sell on g2a then, I won't even bother
>look this up
>actually sounds fun
please be in a bundle, please
If anyone has some bundle leftovers like HEADLINERS from past and currently monthly, Subnautica, Witness, Stradew etc- let me know, I'm willing to offer game off wishlist of reasonable value or paypal/tf2 keys.
Guys like this do not apply would be just waste of time.
If they did something like that after a software bundle humblebundle gonna get my fist up their ass
This scene is the worst part of the movie and comes dangerously close to ruining it, prove me wrong.
Too lazy for that but I'm not dumb enough to accept $1 tier trash that everyone seems to offer for Stardew. It's a waste of your time, and a waste of my time as well.
Kek, jewfag didn't even bother to try jewing.
Wow you are quite a faggot aren't ya?
ABZU is not 1$ trash
Bastion is not 1$ trash,
Nuclear Throne is not 1$ trash,
200% Mixed Juice! is not 1$ trash,
Diablo 3 (PC digital +xpac) (2012+2014) $30
Diablo 3 (last gen) (2014) $40
Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil (current gen) (2014) still $60 with sales that rarely bring it down to PC equivalent $30
I have Final Fantasy XIII Lighting Returns. Want to trade for Hand of Fate?
Bastion is a tier $1 bundle game.
ABZU/Nuclear Throne are monthly/freedom bundle games that are worth a decent amount less. I have keys for both of them that I've yet to activate though.
200% Mixed Juice is an indiegala freebie on a $3 purchase.
I would if I already didn't have it.
I actually enjoyed the games on your list, but don't pretend you're not trying to kike the shit out of him
>Bastion is a tier $1 bundle game.
>ABZU/Nuclear Throne are monthly/freedom bundle games that are worth a decent amount less. I have keys for both of them that I've yet to activate though.
>200% Mixed Juice is an indiegala freebie on a $3 purchase.
> jew calling someoen else a jew
the irony
Only 20 minutes until disappointment
You can stop replying, no one is goingto trade with a jew like you.
[H] Killing Floor 1, CSGO Gift
[W] Cash or Items or whatever
I've yet to call anyone a jew yet, though. It's not like the guy even made an offer to me, so I haven't even had a reason to. I simply told him preemptively not to waste his time with obviously shitty offers.
it's currently on sale on the humble store