So despite shitposting, could game cartridges be the future for all consoles?

So despite shitposting, could game cartridges be the future for all consoles?

>Faster load times
>No taking up 50-70+ gigs of precious hard drive
>Can potentially be well over 125gb as aposed to a dual layer blu ray disk at 50gb~
>Patching the games directly as aposed to patching it hard disk side

The application of a modern thumb drive could be amazing.

I'd prefer it.

>Patching the games directly as aposed to patching it hard disk side

Never, security risks too high

No. Discs are cheaper, and consoles are about making money before they are delivering value.

they suck since sony doesnt make profit off of them

>as aposed to

Just let the thread die and remake it when you're over twelve.

Discs took off for how cheaper they were, but now we're in a situation where an Xbox and a Playststion has to install games from the disc before you can play it, it might've been good short term but I don't see it lasting long term unless companies are really stubborn

As long as people keep sucking the corporate teat then no. They're pro consumer but not good for business.

>Disc based media is infinitely cheaper
>Placing extra cost to the end user by requiring them to expand storage when needed rather than absorbing the cost by using better media

These things make the companies more money. The only reason this has carts is because of portability.

It is a better alternative, but still costs more than a regular BD media, the future does look promissing though.

The major reasons to use CD/DVD previously now no longer apply so much - storage size and price. I always missed carts, I don't know if it's just nostalgia but I also appreciate the hardiness of a cart over discs.

I hope cartridges make a come back but they should still have a hard drive to install patches if need be

>Faster load times
Much more expensive
>No taking up 50-70+ gigs of precious hard drive
>Can potentially be well over 125gb as aposed to a dual layer blu ray disk at 50gb~
1 TB discs are already on their way
>Patching the games directly as aposed to patching it hard disk side


fucking lol

Nope. Its SD cards and eventually by extension modular SSD drives that could be inserted into devices via a standardised slot.
We need to keep pushing sandisk and co. to introduce larger and larger SD cards.

But they wont. They will trickle out slow expansions to the range. I mean we only just have 256gb and its also slow.

By the time we have SD cards go to the terabytes, SSDs should have replaced them. They need to get smaller and modular and slotted into portable devices.

We are getting there though. We want to remove the limitation of only have one game in the device at a time. Cartridges have their niche and will stick around still but some enthusiasts want a large library accessible immediately.
Like a sampling board of cheeses.

They've trained us with disks, faults and all. If there's still to be any physical media in the future it will stay the same just because they're cheap to produce. They won't take a cut in profits. Similar to when they started making the cases cheaper with less plastic and no manual. They wouldn't pass the savings to the consumer nor would they increase production costs for the benefit of them either


It's the future honestly. A lot of people in the west even can't get a decent Internet connection to be able to download 50gb of data to play a game. And acting like a freakin DJ with multiple DVDs is fucking retarded. no one will fucking buy a bluray player for a pc

The only reason the vita uses those is that even they realize how insanely fucking retarded the PSP was

Discs will always be bigger, faster and cheaper. If you can afford the size, then you go with discs. And don't forget HDDs use discs.

>Faster load times
This is a meme. You're off to a great start.
>No taking up 50-70+ gigs of precious hard drive
Except for the 50-70 gigs you'll have to install to your hard drive in the form of a patch because the cartridge can only hold 1/4th of the game data compared to blu ray.
>Can potentially be well over 125gb as aposed to a dual layer blu ray disk at 50gb~
And if that happens, the game will cost fucking $200.
>Patching the games directly as aposed to patching it hard disk side
This won't happen ever.

welp, optical is overdue for its next gen format, but it doesn't seem like anyone cares to actually go thru with it

>I mean we only just have 256gb and its also slow.
Are you living in the past or?

512GB are already widely available to consumers (still fairly expensive however), 1TB are just around the corner and already been announced. It's a matter of couple years until we get 1TB at a reasonable price and by then 2/4TB+ will be announced.

The future for console is digital download and streaming

>faster load times is a meme

Stopped reading. Opinion discarded

It's a meme because it isn't true and has been spouted by Nintoddlers for 20 damn years you fucking tard.

Yeah SD cards its true they are over 256gb now. But they are crazy expensive.

Honestly, what I meant to say was MicroSD, (had a brainfart) has only just reached 256gb. And thats the issue here.

Devices are getting smaller and have less space so always opt for MicroSD over SD. Thats the problem. MicroSD is limited in speed. A 128gb microSD is almost half the speed of its 64gb conterpart.

By the time microSD catches up to SD both formats will be redundant.

It's just going to be digital downloads only soon.

Kek, it's 2017 not 1997. Cartridges is for kids not adults

>>Patching the games directly as aposed to patching it hard disk side
That would never happen and misses the point of ROMs: Read Only Memory.
You could potentially have a dedicated chunk of memory for holding update/patch data but it would probably be too easy to tamper with.

You must be 18 to post here.

No, the future is going to be digital distribution. Nintendo only picked cartridges because having a disc reader on a handheld is retarded and unpractical.

Op here. Wut?

Discs are cheaper (and thats a HUUUUGE benefit when we live in times that has companies save costs by cutting even a piece of paper with the controls written on it) and easier to make. There is even possible compatibility between systems.

Yes, games are getting larger. However this does a) not apply to the Switch because it has toaster graphic games and b) its the fault of the game studios that they are not willing to offer custom instals or even TRY to compress their files. As long as they can say "fuck it lol, just load 30GB of uncompressed videos" there is no need for them to reduce game size.

PSP was fucking retarded to be honest

Physical media in general is likely on it's way out.

You're a fucking retard then because it's actually true whether or not you're sick of hearing about it. You're the one who didn't specify and just called it a meme

The point is to have hard drive speed without taking up as much space

Gamegrumps had one of the lead dev guys from Conkers Bad Fur Day on a long ass time ago and he waxed on about how he preferred Cartridges even with their limitations.

Dont plan on buying any Nintendo products though

So I'm willing to give it a shot.


Go is the best pirate machine ever

game cartridges are essentially just a memory stick with read only memory.

So you can decide - pay with every game for another ROM memory stick to hold your game =higher price or pay once for RAM and override it as you please = current way.

Since most are cheap fucks you know what wins. People won't pay anohter ~30bucks for convenience additional to the already existing price.

Only fags who wanted to make movies like Square and people peddling shovelware wanted CDs.

That'd mean game prices soaring comfortably into the triple digit range. A chunk of NAND large enough to fit modern bloatgames is going to be either inexpensive (with BD slabs still being orders of magnitude cheaper) or fast, not both.

NAND is expensive so no. Especially since Samsung are having problems with produce.

you forgot about how they don't degrade and are solid media and that they hold more value than discs

>as aposed to

wew lad


it seems you've been le baited by le trole master :^)

Why would you carry around a bunch of cartridges instead of a big one with all your games on it?

ha! that was actually a counter troll XD

This. Physical media is pretty much obsolete by this point. Digital downloads is cheaper and can be accessed from anywhere

wow you got me good :^)

They're comparing it to disks, not hdd


Fucking seriously, bro? Are you retarded?

>Faster load times
If you use an actually faster medium (basically a small SSD) instead of old flash chips, you end up with much higher prices. Prices that would be prohibitively high for smaller titles.
> No taking up 50-70+ gigs of precious hard drive
... making it suitable for mobile devices, but the rest of the world has stopped caring about that little hard drive space.
> Can potentially be well over 125gb as aposed to a dual layer blu ray disk at 50gb~
Can be "potentially" much more, but price goes up exponentially.
> Patching the games directly as aposed to patching it hard disk side
That's a terrible idea, as a bad patch could brick your game.

When I buy physical I can hold the item. It belongs to me and I can do whatever I want with it. Right now Nintendo could outlaw playing Super Mario World 2, but that wouldn't stop me from being able to play it.

All you get with digital is air. And at any point they can take it away from you

You don't need an HDD. The switch doesn't have a fucking HDD and you can still go full digital on that one.

>sony doesnt make profit off of them
how does posting a vita invalidate that?

Try a digital only future. Publishers don't care that most of the world has shitty internet if it means they get even more control over the product.

That's not what op was talking about user, which was the point

Name me an instance where a good game got removed on digital.

It's alright I'll wait until 2050 when you can answer me.

Not them but there have been some digital releases removed from online stores due to some licenses expiring. Though those games were not released on physical on the system

By the time the servers go down there's a good chance that system has already been hacked to shit and you can make backups, the online multiplayer servers for the original DS went down only a few months back.

and it wasn't even Nintendo's fault

Yeah, fuck you pal, literally any answer will be met with 'lel i said a good game :^)'

The Scott Pilgrim game is unavailable to purchase as is the Megaton Edition of Duke Nukem 3D

>Digital downloads is cheaper
Not for the consumer, but I suppose it's because they don't want to compete with their own retailers.

I'd like to note that "unavailable for purchase" doesn't mean the same as "removed".

> Not for the consumer
Stop living in third world shitholes

isn't it impossible to redownload scoot pilgy, even if you own it?

Yea, if you already have the game installed sony isn't going to delete the fucking game for you, and I'm pretty sure you can download it again if it's linked to your account

>Digital downloads is cheaper
>brand new digital games still priced at $60
You're getting jewed hard m8.

Vita is actually doing well in Japan these days.

ITT: OP doesnt have a single clue of what he's talking about

My vita had a good run as a weeb machine, hopefully my switch replaces it

or they could you know, release complete games that dont need patches and day one hotfixes because shit was tested properly.

Considering that, in Japan at least, it's aiming for that same kind of market, it's not unlikely. It all depends on how well it does over there.

I don't live in a third world shithole. Digital games are 60 euros just like physical copies.

disks are dying out
There is no reason to use it as it is, in around 5 years you'll be buying PC games on USB sticks (if there will be physical copies at all.) and thats a good thing.
I do not have a DVD rom in my PC for about 4 years already and it wasn't ever an issue.

Blu-rays are cheaper and can be layered many times over. The only thing holding blu-ray's back is the need to make a blu-ray reader that reads more then 2 layers more common. Each layer adds 25gb and can be layered up to 500gb.

Of course disc reading speed will be a huge limitation, and will be the downfall of blu-rays if cartridges can be produced cheaper.

>unavailable to purchase

I said removed. As in removed from your inventory and never able to play it again.

>The future will have 1TB games

hard drives fail, user and I'm not sure about Dook but i think the SP game is not available to download even if you own it

they can't remove bits from your physical storage quite yet, but they can ensure that there's no recourse when the inevitable happens

>what are backups

>>what are backups
You mean like discs?

>Having games like Dungeon Travelers

kek keep dreaming fag

A little education for the uneducated. The reason why Sony made the UMD was due to the value of disc space vs a cart at the time of development. They also already had huge production ties set up already for CD Media.

Yes, the UMD caused battery drainage and had only average speeds, but the disc space did allow for more head room for higher quality assets.

No, you can backup and restore the hdd on the ps4 not sure about other systems but with the switch using sd cards I'm sure it'll be possible there

I really think nintendo is on to something revolutionary. Sony better step their game up if they want to keep competing with them.

Nope. Look at the freeshop on the Nintendo store. You forget they have to provide more bandwidth for distribution.

I was under the impression they block backing up of console data. Transferring from one drive to another is fine but you can't copy it?

I could be wrong

>could game cartridges be the future for all consoles?
No, it looks like the future of tablets though

>No taking up 50-70+ gigs of precious hard drive
Pretty self explanatory, senpai. With the faster load times, there is need to install all of that from the cart to the hard drive.

>Patching the games directly as aposed to patching it hard disk side
Well, they wouldn't ever do this but it would be theoretically possible to apply the patch to the cart memory instead of the system memory.

Why do you think it won't happen? the switch is much more powerful than the vita

Eh, discs are cheaper, and I don't see games getting much bigger than 50GB that often unless we get like 8k textures and uncompressed FLAC audio for hundreds of hours of cutscenes.

Cartridges will always be more suitable for portables obviously but for consoles? Discs are just cheaper right now, cartridges might be better someday but probably not next gen.

Nice spelling.

By the way, what else would you put on the hard drive space of a "games console"? please don't say movies/anime/shows, everything is streamed or pirated these days, you can buy usb drives the size of my thumbnail with 125 gigs and just rewrite them

Digital is the way of the future, the end user gets the game into his hands faster, there's no missteps with logistics and it's cheaper for everyone. Progressing towards anything else is nothing but autistic and all of these physical nostalgia fags vouching for physical like it actually has advantages should just grown up and get with the times like the rest of the world.

Problem is they're still expensive. Sure, Nintendo might help pay for some of the manufacturing costs, but Sony basically controls BDs, so they'll use them forever.

Too expensive.
Games are expensive enough these days to add things like that.

The future of consoles is a fully digital environment like Steam. Xbone wanted to pioneer it but they fucked up big time when it came to PR and advertising.

>What else would you put etc.
Save files?

Call me when the Switch gets DT2-2, Moe Chronicle, Monster Monpiece, Luminous Arc Infinity, Genkai Tokki, Oedo, TLR, Criminal Girls and Valkyrie Drive.

Yeah that's what I thought.

So now that you, as someone save scumming a lot, have filled a few hundred megabyte, what about the rest?