Oh you werent paying attention to me exclusively?

>oh you werent paying attention to me exclusively?
>hook, dead
>that'll teach you for thinking you could get away with doing something else
>heh, bring your whole team next time, maybe you'll get through my 600hp and 400 hp heal before i take down three of you

Other urls found in this thread:


oh look it's this fuckind thread again

Roadhouse isn't nearly as bad as you think
>easy to predict a hook
>free ult charge
The only way he's "broken" is if he's on a god tier team and all of them are way better than you

Who is Zenyatta?

>bait his hook
>free ult charge
Woooow so hard to kill

hey maybe don't play a casual online game for children.

Seeing these shitters complain about hog everyday makes me laugh

soldier 76

these heroes make the game unfun, and all need a serious rework

I hear they're nerfing this piece of shit

The only people who complain about roadhog are people stupid enough to get caught alone by him.

>b...but i wanna run around solo!

tough shit kids

Please explain.

A magnet for radhog hooks.

Signed: a zen main

>press e
>press shift
>get potg

>i want every character to be the same
the shitter mantra. this is how reddit ruin dota. now theyre going to ruin overwatch.

>Soldier 76
He's a guy with a gun, just shoot him
Only if the person using him is good with him
Somehow nerf the sleep dart. Maybe getting healed for 1 second cancels it

her sleep dart is fine

it only lasts 0.5 seconds

Would people prefer that he hooks you and then can't followup at all? If you're an average health hero just consider yourself dead if you get hooked but there is a chance you won't.

It's not the hooks that bullshit, it's the fact that you can't do anything while being hooked and you have about a 0.00001 window to do anything between the time the hook comes off and he one shots you.

Good luck with that.

the problem with all the heroes i listed is they can relentless harass people with no hard counter

>genji has insane mobility, a deflect that can counter almost all the ults in the game, a shift attack that can hit 4 feet around it, meaning even if he misses you, you still get hit by it

>soldier 76 has helix rockets and a heal

>ana has a heal grenade, a sleep dart that takes you out of the fight for 6 seconds, and hitscan

>running to the point


You can almost see them freaking out as they hit their deflect and it does nothing.

Winston needs a shield buff. If he throws it down around his team and it's not made of paper with a year long cooldown, it almost eliminates the hook as long as your team has a brain.

>He's a guy with a gun, just shoot him
that's what makes him make the game boring

blizzturd really dropped the ball by adding 'just a gun'

>genji has mobility
with dash you have to choose between damage and mobility
>deflect that can counter almost all the ults in the game
only thing it reliably counters is roadhog's ult and bastions tank. With everything else you need to just get lucky as fuck.
>shift attack that can hit 4 feet around it
yea, and it does like 50 dmg.
I use it just to confuse the opponent by making him turn.

It really needs a shattering animation like Rein's. Sometimes you put it down and it's gone before you can even see it.

Also the cooldown should start once you place it like Junkrat's.

You can hear his fat ass coming a mile away, even if he's crouching
You have ears. Fucking use them

>>that'll teach you for thinking you could get away with doing something else

100% how hog is meant to be played

how much is randy paying you?

It's Sup Forums, they have no coordination and are bronze league shitters so Roadhog and Genji walk all over them.

This, blizzard must really be detached from their game, I mean I doubt any of them regularly play it as alot of the things wrong in this game have really simple fixes yet they just faff around with bulls hit buffnerfs that miss the mark everytime.

All that's needed after the bugfix is to take the stun away wtf are they playing with the hook range and spread for, it's like those roadworks that could be finished in a few days tops but the workers drag it out for weeks and months for extra pay

Roadhog isn't bad by himself, but if he has two other tanks on his team and is essentially filling a DPS slot then he certainly is OP. The tanks in this game are meant to be taken down as a group effort, but then you suddenly have three heroes you need to bring down as a group and one of them have better damage output than the offense heroes. It's just not thought out well at all.

>it's the fact that you can't do anything while being hooked
you really think you should be able to deploy your countermeasure instantly?
Might as well remove him from the game
You'd just find something else to complain about though
Maybe stop being shit and getting caught out of position

So there isn't a middle ground and roadhog should just be deleted because broken?

>what's that? I have to pay attention to him as well as the rest of the team? NO FAIR BULLSHIT
>what's that? I have to have competent tanks to protect our squishies? NO FAIR WE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER
>what's that? I have to dodge and easily predictable hook? NO FAIR IT SHOULD ALWAYS MISS!!!!!!!

Bronze shitters begone. Roadhog isn't even a problem if you're competent enough. Have a Rein protect you. Have a Zarya shield you. Roadhog is only good if you allow him to run around unchecked. If you have a competent tank then he's not doing shit and becomes a damage sponge. Also it's a 300HP heal, not 400.

spotted the roadhog crutch shitter

It's like they expected people to balance their character picks by who they like versus the reality that players will be pressured to play to the meta so no one is wasting a round of comp when quick play is like subbing in on a children's football game

>it's the fact that you can't do anything while being hooked

That's the reward of hooking someone as Roadhog. What, do you think you should just get hooked and be able to walk away?

Criss cross
Face off

You're joking, right? You're asleep for like 6 seconds.

What, do you think you should just get hooked and get instagibbed?

No, the middle ground is that it's a fucking team game, and the small window between hook -> pull is there explicitly so your team can bail you out. Zarya shield, Ana sleep dart, McCree flashbang, Rein ult, even a knockback like Junkrat's, Pharah's and Lucio's can fuck up Roadhog's aim and deny him the kill.

>Complaining about genji when Winston exists.
Seriously, if genji is the one wrecking your team and going uncontested, you need to switch.

Stop insta-discording me every time I'm within line of sight and I won't have to hook you first every time.

Signed: a road main

Yes. That's the reward for hooking someone. You land a hook that SHOULD be difficult to land, and you get to shoot them with a full-bore shot.

If your team is nearby, they can focus him and move him out of position so he can't get a clean shot.

If you allow yourself to be hookable, you or your team fucked up somehow. Sorry that you actually have to protect your DPS and healers.

>people think the PTR change to roadhog is a nerf
>mfw the spead decrease means I'll still get insta-kill hooks because my aim doesn't suck
>mfw the spread decrease means that I'll now be getting consistent kills even when hook is on cooldown
You plat shitters and below will probably see 'Hog being much less effective but the upcoming change makes him a fucking monster.


t.braindead roadhog main


People still play this trash game?

>short range hero
>you have an assortment of heroes very effective at long range
>get within his range, anyway

Hogs changes are all buffs in every single way.

this isn't even a debate, he is just flat out better now than he was before.

>you have about a 0.00001 window to do anything between the time the hook comes off and he one shots you.
You actually have 0 window
If you've ever survived a hook>m1 from a roadhog while playing a character he can oneshot, it's because the roadhog fucked up not because you actually got some button off in time.

Oh man people get annoyed that a character has a reward too great for how easy and regular a low CD skill is?
Fucking bronze shitters xD

t. silver shitter

There's no reason you should be alone when hooked. Both Hog and Mei get proper fucked when teammates are around. They're also the most complained-about heroes. Go figure.

Zarya is crazy good, but there's a definite skill curve. I can't do shit as Zarya, and I've played with countless others who are shit Zaryas.

Symmetra is broken, I agree.

Bastion is so easy to shut down.

>main Lucio
>those moments you manage to get a boop off right after the hook and survive

I'm not OP, but Roadhog is fucking DUMB

He's a DPS with 600 HP, He's NOT A TANK



HE. IS. NOT. A. TANK!!!!!!!!

If that's the reward for landing a huge projectile with a 6s cooldown then ana sleep darts should be one hit kills, and reinhardt fire strikes


>hook someone
>reel them in
>chip damage
That's how you want Roadhog to play, and it's fucking useless.

It does 100 damage, just to correct you.

By that logic then it's a team game and roadgog shouldn't be able to one shot anyone, it's a team game, he should be able to pull enemies to your team for them to finish them off, not be a whole one man band of dps, facetank and one shot flanking.

Just face it user, he is a crutch character that doesn't fit in to the rest of the game.

Sup Forums has 10 seconds to tell me 1 thing that Roadhog offers to the team that is DEFENSIVE?

Then you have 10 seconds to tell me why he is still considered a "Tank"

>t. console player

20meters is longer than you think.
That's a fifth a football field and most sections if a maps maximum engagement range is less than that short of niche locations like Point A Volskaya or the Eischenwald bridge


Don't get hooked. It's very easy. If a team is sticking together, there's countermeasures to being hooked.

If you're against a competent team with tanks that actually protect their squishies, roadhog can't do a single thing.

Zarya shields. Ana sleepdarts. Junkrat moves him out of position. Pharah moves him. Reinhardt protects the team. Lucio can right-click him away. Symmetra can shield the team. Genji can reflect + mobility. If close enough McCree can stun. Reaper can shift out. Tracer can easily dodge a hog. Mercy can fly back into position before being hooked. Mei can wall. Sombra can TP. Even Winston can throw a shield down.

You're not getting the point. You're bitching that there's nothing you can do AFTER you get hooked (even though there is). You should see what you can do to NOT get hooked which is very easy if you're not a dumbass.

So this is wrong?

You're right. They should make all the maps big and open so that the short to mid range characters are ineffective 100% of the time.

>(even though there is).

Prevents them from charging through Rein shield.

That's about it.

He can pull crucial opponites to your team and paired with his health he can take hits to tank incoming opponites because they are scared of the hook.

You mean like how roadhog already does?

Not much the person hooked can do I should have said.

But the team can easily bail you out if hooked.

Hog is an offense with 600 health
Sombra is a support with shit dps
Reaper is a defense character and anyone who uses him offensively is retarded

Reaper is really nice to rape snipers with.

He is a massive presence on the battlefield that demands the attention of the enemy team or else they'll get someone hooked and lose the team fight, and in addition he has the health and healing ability to soak up that attention and survive.

I'm sorry that you're too dumb to understand how a meta functions beyond base-level ability interactions 1-on-1.

Nah. S76 needs a low damage nerf, that's it for him. Genji is pretty fine, so is roadhog.
But boy, ana is such a literal piss show it's infuriating. Her skillset is way too good and on a way too low CD, her healing is way too strong and her damage is fucking insane. Piss jar either needs the buff or the debuff removed, and honestly her sleep should be reworked to something else. She's the only one that has such a strong cc with a huge fucking range.

>then ana sleep darts should be one hit kills

They're not one hit kills, but if you've a competent team, they're pretty much secure kills.

>sleep dart a rein
>team goes in
>kills about 2 or 3 with ease
>focus rein on the ground for easy kill

>If you're against a competent team with tanks that actually protect their squishies, roadhog can't do a single thing.
I'm sorry, but that's not true. Roadhog is amazing at destroying rein shields, drawing attention from the DPS, and pushing back the enemy line so they can avoid his hook.

Even with hook 2.0 he's still a staple at master and grandmaster.

He can flank a pushing enemy team and yank the Reinhardt right out from in front of them.

He's a tank because he's supposed to take the focus away from the rest of the team. Reinhardt, D.va, Zarya, and Winstom may have their shields to protect the team, but Roadhog is supposed to direct attention to him because he's so disruptive to team formation. I see tons of people complain about "How are we supposed to reliably take down hog without our team focusing him?", and the answer is that you're not. That's his job. It's team game and the only reason Roadhog can be a huge threat to you is when you're not playing it like one.

this. hog can be focused down in seconds if he gets cocky.

Nah, he can't blatantly hook people through walls anymore

He still gets lag priority.

how can you sneak up on anyone when you have the loudest footsteps in the game?

thanks to the garbage 22 tick netcode he can still hook around corners.

Press ctrl.

is it actually that low? holy fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk

Way fucking late but how are you getting hooked by Road as a Zen main? You have ZERO falloff damage.

>Roadhog is amazing at destroying rein shields
So you're allowing a roadhog to just shoot at a rein's shield unchecked? You can quickly drain him if you focus him for like 2 seconds.

>drawing attention from the DPS
Yeah, that's the purpose of any tank really. To tank damage. To gain others' attention. Like in MMOs, to gain aggro. Except road has nothing at all to block damage. He's essentially a damage sponge. Which is why roadhog as the sole tank doesn't work.

>and pushing back the enemy line so they can avoid his hook
This is only if you're not standing behind and protection, be it an actual wall, rein shield, Zarya, etc. If you're exposed, then yes he should push you back, as should a Widow who could one shot you from afar. As she should because if you're exposed that long you should get caught for it.

All you're arguing is that roadhog is meta. Zarya's meta. Rein is meta. Lucio, ana, soldier are meta.

enemy footsteps are muted and amplifies based on how "dangerous" that threat is to you. so yea for a sniper reaper's footsteps are gona be loud but if you play a tank most foosteps are muted but its sniper shots that sound loud as fuck as they are a big threat.

blizzard found a way to casualize sound effects.

He draws firepower. That's the most tank thing you could do as a tank.

He's an actual tank in a game that doesn't have AI controlled characters that are easily swayed by abilities that draw AI fire and attention like Rally, etc.

They made a character we can soak up damage, but doesn't actually dish out too much in every situation to outpace actual DPS, but does have one particular skill set if done correctly that is scary enough to actually freak out the enemy team enough to draw their fire.

This means that if Hog has any other squishy DPS character nearby or at his side, those squishy DPS can do their job and take down some motherfuckers instead of dying in 1 second flat like they usually do.

Roadhog is the best tank in the game.

proven to not work 100% and snipers are aware of every footstep in the game

>heh, bring your whole team next time, maybe you'll get through my 600hp and 400 hp heal before i take down three of you

TF2 had this problem when the heavy could just eat and heal up as you attacked. Why not having damage stop Rodhog's healing? Oh wait, blizzard game. Gotta wait 3 months for patches, that will fix some characters and over power others cause they can't get shit right.

Their "nerf" is another buff disguised as a nerf. Same 1 shot potential, just increasing his effective range without the hook

>he's a DPS
>slow as fuck shotgun
>only 4 shots
>a DPS

Just because he can do damage, that doesn't make him a DPS. If anything, Zarya's a DPS because she has a constant damage stream + grenade launcher gun.

I can't believe people complain about this. People who were good would do the sidestep to insure that one hit ko while hooking and were amazing with it. Now fucking anything breaks hooks. Git gud scrubs.

the point that you're missing is the same reason I can tell you're a roadcrutch main.

He doesn't fit in with the rest of the game, there are fags itt who are genuinely claiming he fits his tank role because everyone has to focus him or die (I.e he's OP and needs to be dealt with by the whole team).

He has tank health, insane self heal, CC, dps stronger than most characters in the game. Sure there are ways of dealing with him but that doesn't change the fact that he is OP and takes more resources and focus to kill and deactivate than anyone else in the entire game.

The stun is just one trick too many, it needs to go or his dps needs to be cut dramatically, either give players a chance to escape if they are lucky enough to not be on CD or make him rely on his team to finish off hooked enemies rather than being able to do it all himself.

Why do people facing him need to remember that it's a team game but he doesn't have to look back even once.

Ding ding too bad idiots can't spot roadhog let alone pay attention to their temmates and the objective. What is this the starcraft world championships in korea?

>damage focused tank
>has no block, armor or shields
>w-why can he heal
>he shouldnt be allowed to hook so I can win!

ITT: Bronze and Silver discuss how to make overwatch easier for them

>there are fags itt who are genuinely claiming he fits his tank role because everyone has to focus him or die (I.e he's OP and needs to be dealt with by the whole team)
>he is OP and takes more resources and focus to kill and deactivate than anyone else in the entire game

>there are people who say he's a good tank, and they're totally right
Great post, user.

by that logic the only tanks are zharia and Reinhardt