This is bretty common in Japanese stuff but which video games allow you to play as a fucking...

This is bretty common in Japanese stuff but which video games allow you to play as a fucking beta/shut-in/loser/insecure piece of shit?


Real Life



yume nikki

How do I become Japanese?

Life is Strange.

Silent Hill 4

Lester the Unlikely.

Also, why fuck he want "tamago"?

What games have girls bullying?

Basically every jap game has you play a loser like that.

Is the special sauce pee?

It would taste bad

jesus christ give source, OP

>the banana

>Eyes start to fuck up from computer use
>Go to optician
>She's cute
>She gets real close and looks into my eyes for what seems like forever
>We are just staring at each other's pupils
>Can smell/feel her breath
>Dick starts getting super erect.

I'm not even embarrassed.
some people pay good money for that shit.

This specifically.

Bernd und Das Ratsel um Unteralterbach

Lots of them.

They look like a moe pirates commercial

That would be extremely painful

You're a big guy


Do moe pirates get fucked in big orgies?

You know, they use a machine that fucking blinds you to see your eyes, no one will ever get close to you even if you go to a dentist

For you.

Of course

I get cases of iritis sometimes and I have to go to an ophthalmologist and he has one of these also he reminds me of a frog, he's not my waifu

K-drama I guess


>ywn get beaten by a bunch of japanese schoolgirls

Well you technically did


Why aren't they bullying the fat one of the group?

>ywn lose your virginity to a supreme Japanese lady

How about police officers?

>tfw I have almost 2000 movies about this and I don't even like it

there is even some lesbo ones

This is porn isn't it?

Whatever gave you that impression?

What makes you think that?


is this the bullying thread

I've linked four supercomputers and hacked into the CIA and FBI and still can't get the code.

OP is a faggot.

I got the translated name not the code, its uncensored and you have enough in the pic to find it

God japs make the worst fucking 3d porn.
Niggers make better porn