>A fat guy on roller blades
>He's a better boss fight than anything in the series ever since
A fat guy on roller blades
The end is the best fight
He is probably the strongest memory of a boss fight I ever encountered. I mean when I think video game boss fat man I think fat man
>what is The End
Was he even that fat? 90% of that is a bomb suit, his face isn't all that flabby and he has ridiculously skinny fingers
>The End
>good bossfight
now this is just MGS3 fanboism
Would you mind telling us why you don't think it's a good fight instead of using meme arrows in place of an actual rebuttal?
MGS2 is my favorite, the end is still the best boss fight
He was way easier than the vampire dude tho
It's piss easy, there's no reflex or finesse involved. For me he spawned in 2 locations the same time, and you can spam 2 more shots with the Mk.22 while he's standing up.
I accidentaly ran on up him, and put the last shots while he was lumbering away across the meadow.
I dunno, maybe they somehow nerfed it for HD collection, but it was my first time playing MGS3 and it was the only fight i nonlethaled because of how comical it was.
Rest in pieces vegetable grandpa, you're one with the forest now.
Likewise, The Fear was just a Vamp rehash, complete with zones you can fall through, only, again, easier.
overall i just don't get what's so damn good about MGS3 so far. It's a great game to be sure compared to later parts, but it just doesn't have that urban thriller feel of 1 and 2 because of the setting.
Funny, when I think video game fat man I think of myself.
I think the idea is he was named after the a-bomb called fat man, rather than the fact he was actually fat.
Fatman was a shit boss fight
Yeah, I sure liked it.
It's a shame The End is so easy to cheese.
First playthrough was godly though.
Fair enough, and I do agree to an extent. My first time going up against The End had me chasing him around shirtless with the LMG screaming like a madman the whole time. I think part of the reason why so many people like his fight are the several different ways you can take him out, like waiting a few days til' he kills over of old age and the sniper rifle method before his fight even begins. I gotta say though, his fight on European Extreme was probably one of the most tense moments I've ever experienced in a game, so that's why I've always liked him. I see what they were going for with his fight and the idea of that just resonated with me.
Honestly though, I might be alone in this but The Fury might actually be my favorite fight in 3 looking back on it. It's been a few years so I'm sure if I were to go back now I'd think differently, but I remember finally managing to take him out with the shotty after just barely dodging a blast from his flamethrower and killing him and just being incredibly satisfied I managed to take him down after all that bullshit.
Eurobean Extreme was something special, like holy shit.
>Boss fights in a stealth game
But why?
I didn't realize Sup Forums would have such shit taste in boss fight.
Call me when you've done this on European Extreme. The End is garbage compared to this
I can agree it's not very difficult i just enjoy the stealth aspects of the fight, i guess it doesn't have as much replay value unless you limit yourself. First playthrough i was having a lot of fun using the D mic and thermal vision to sneak up on him
I feel like I unintentionally cheesed the fury in my playthrough. He died super quickly to grenades and sniper rifle.
Why are those such a big deal when Solidus tore them apart with a few P90 bullets?
I never really use anything against him besides the shotgun and M16 for some reason, it just never really occured to me. I also remember hating the shit out of his fight until I found out you could put out his fires by shooting the red pipes which spew water all over the place. He became way more enjoyable on higher difficulties after that.
Plus I love his backstory. Dude went to space, saw Earth, and just became super fucking pissed about it. That's it.
I have, it was pretty bullshit.
>you can skip it so it's bad
Nice argument, you sure showed them.
Didn't the Fury suffer severe burns over 90 percent of his body when coming back down to Earth?
They're stealth action games.
But the truth behind all this is that Kojima likes spectacle, so he values is a westaboo, so he'll rather
Yeah, which is what inspired him to want to torch the Earth. It's been a while since I last played, I'm a little foggy on some of the details.
Thinking of going back to MGS3 and 4 on PS3 to get all the trophies, how bad are the platinums?
Going full non-lethal is the hardest part IMO; I always get 1 or 2 enemies in my kill count and I don't know why.
In 3 you also have to shoot the Kerotans, which is a real pain in the ass during the vehicle sequences.
Wait, you fuckers like him?
I thought his boos fight was a joke. It was slightly annoying only because I couldn't finish him off fast because of his recovery time.
MGS3 was Kojima's way of apologizing for MGS2 since fans shit on him for it. To this day it remains by far the most overrated MGS game.
Is there no way to check the kill count before the end of the game?
>In 3 you also have to shoot the Kerotans, which is a real pain in the ass during the vehicle sequences.
You are given the option to save before vehicle sequences. So if you miss one you can reload back at the start again. It's not that hard, it's just a manner of finding them.
Nope. You can somewhat check it in MGS3 with the Sorrow fight, but after that, there's no way of telling.
You still have to go through the entire sequences.
It's not ridiculously hard, but it can be annoying and time consuming.
>First time playing MGS2
>Kill fatman
>"One last bomb"
>Instantly assume it's under him
>Start spraying all over his fat ass
>Codec calls like crazy as time goes by
>Time runs out and I get confused
>Try again and realize that I had to move his body
I felt so damn retarded...
>I always get 1 or 2 enemies in my kill count and I don't know why.
In MGS3 do enemies falling and being bitten by snakes count as kills for you?
So MGS3 is the Twilight Princess of the Metal gear series?
Dunno, never played TP, but MGS3 is a good game, don't get me wrong, it's just that everyone seems to jizz over it 10x more than the others, which are just as good if not better in some areas.
Thanks for triggering me.
If you kills someone, get a game over, and press continue, it still counts that kill. You have to reload your last save.
I found this out after killing Emma in 2 to see what would happen.
>what are chaff grenades
What's this?
It's kinda fitting, but at least TP didn't ruin the plot with unnecessary prequels.
I think so.
He is a nightmare for me on any difficulty above hard. He's a cool boss fight, though. I've never thought MGS2's bosses were that much worse (if at all) than the majority of MGS3's. The only one that comes to mind is Fortune's; her encounter is a cool idea but it's not quite dynamic enough to be great. I love almost everything else about MGS2. It's my favorite game in the series.
You can kill The End before the boss fight by sniping him right after a cutscene. You'll end up fighting the Ocelot Unit instead, I think.
Also, when you snipe him, he explodes and his wheelchair's wheel flies through the air and hits you.
Damn, I never knew about this. I just went behind him using the infrared vision and shot him in the back with the shotgun
I would argue it's the Wind Waker of the Metal Gear Series.
Most overrated and a response to the underrated game made directly before it.