How to save Sup Forums ?

how to save Sup Forums ?

Better games -> Better discourse

every week one of us has to offer up their waifu for impregnation

this leads to everyone being sexually satisfied and no complainers


What's Sup Forums?

ban waifuposting

>this is [character] say something nice about her
>[character] is cute CUTE
>something something CARTOON VIDYA ANIME BOOBIES

Purge it all

Remove sonyggers

kick moot in the nuts

Banning blatant falseflagging would be a start

You literally cannot fix Sup Forums since it's a containment board.

Sup Forums is unsalvageable. Delete it asap.

waifus are the blood that runs through 4chans veins
sounds like the cancer is you

wordfilter cuck back into kek
there was no reason to remove it, and uppercase KEK still works as intended

Who's moot?

Ban shitposting and shill posts.

Sup Forums needs to learn how to report. But you guys want your shitposting and porn threads, or else they wouldn't get so much attention.

Either ban pseudo generals ON THE SPOT or delete /vg/. Maybe both. No point in having a board for generals if you can't contain them there.

just purge them all

Video games are fucking great in 2017 so far and this place is still garbage.

>Sup Forums

Hello, Gamer Gate nigger. Reported.

Make a board for e-celeb shit.

may as well just ban the board then

clickbait articles need to be archived or screenshotted.

>Video games are fucking great in 2017
>This delusion

Ban everyone daily

Salty PCuck detected

Blatant console warring with no actual discussion should be removed.

Another less feasible is keeping obvious cross-game platform shitposting out of individual game threads.

Zelda vs. Horizon is a good example.

Another good one

allow one sticky of president trump

>site revenue plummets 15% in the first week

Purge e-celebs. Create a quarantine board for that cancer.
Purge console war threads.
Purge off-topic shit (re: Sup Forums).
Have moderators that actually enforce all of these rules.

what the fuck is this even trying to prove? stupid threads get stupid replies

The only thing that needs to be removed is e-celeb shit.
Shitposting is funposting though, that can stay.

>make Sup Forums read-only for mobile users
>more loli

Done and done.

Allow SFM threads

The act of having to circumnavigate the ban and the little bit of extra inconvenience you'd have to put in would eliminate most of the underage and the redditors

Ban Wojak and Goldface, memes should only last a year max and this shitposting trash is on its 3rd-4th year already and still in full force.

There needs to be a youtube board. Holy fuck man

get rid of the IP range ban for AT&T mobileposters

>airplane mode on
>airplane mode off

this desu, just give us one lewd thread and it will fix alot of shit

I'm like 3/4ths idort though (No Xbone). There just hasn't been a lot of good games lately.

Actually enforce the "no console war bullshit" rule. Add all crying wojack images to a list that autobans you for an hour if you post them.
Everything else will solve itself once this is done. None of the other major problems I can think of besides Lee are worth doing much about.

Mods and janitors that actually do their job.
Two janitor acceptance waves amd I've seen zero fucking improvement in the time it takes to act on anything.

Just enforce the existing rules.

Gassing all filthy phoneposters would solve so many problems but less traffic = less shekels, so it'll never happen.

Poster IDs.

It's a range ban, user. Doing that doesn't help.
I don't get the stigma against phoneposting anyways.

>waifus are the blood that runs through 4chans veins

Kill yourself you autist. You're the cancer

Bring back /l/

Also ban anyone that created a thread or made a post with the intent of starting a flamewar. In fact, i'm sure that's a rule. It just never gets enforced

sfm is shit

why don't these assholes learn to use decent animation software

Anyone who says "Nintendrone", "Sonygger", "PCuck", or any such variant gets a no-appeal, three-day ban on sight.

Ban tripfags

Ban dumb anime posters

Ban retards who spam "AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH x IS DEAD!"


Bring back the text boards. /games/ wouldn't have become this shitty.

Ban avoiding Shitposters and kids in school make up the majority of mobile fags

SFM is good, as evidenced by Valve's own videos. The problem is that nobody who works with it knows how to animate worth jack fucking shit.

Change Sup Forums's trash opinions or at least make it easier to disagree with the hivemind

Post id. All boards should have this

t. consolewar cuck

own board for /Sony/
there, 75% of shitposting is gone

Bring back dubs
Enforce console wars
Ban anime posters
Triple the ecelebs

Burn it down


Just get more mods/jannies

Most of the rules are fine it's just that they're hard to enforce because ban evasion is so frequent. You just need more people playing whack-a-mole with shit threads.

7 day ban for anyone trying to start a console flamewar

3 day ban for any pepe or wojack posting

Prune/delete duplicate or extremely similar threads (we dont need 20 threads discussing OW balance, for example)

Thats a start anyway.

We need the mods to set the line in the sand.

Is Pokemon allowed on Sup Forums or not? There needs to be a line somewhere.

desktop posters that reset their router are even more cancer. the dedicated shitposters have scripts to spam different boards with garbage.

>The internet is unsalvageable. Delete it asap.



Thread ids
ban any and all shitposting and console war faggotry. Everyone knows idort is the only way to go.

People like this need to be banned for inciting flamewars/console wars/fanboy faggotry

Pokemon is far from a major issue when it comes to whats shitting up Sup Forums. There are way bigger fish to fry.

>haha ur ID says G4y that looks like gay haha
>100 replies
Add flags and IDs if you really want this board dead. It's already easy enough to tell who's samefagging it up anyway.

If you want to Sup Forums to be about video games ban all thinely veiled off topic threads which are blunt force trauma obvious to anyone with common sense.

Then again I say that but those threads often have more interesting discussions that the ones trying to discuss video games.

Enforce the current rules.
Nuke blatant shitposts and their subsequent (you)s with bans.

Only someone with a seriously low grade bitch would ever suggest this.

More bogposting

This is why weeb/waifu/anime whatever shit needs to be purged. Like ok if you wanna talk about weebgames then fine but people that try to make "I WANNA FUCK NEP/MUH WAIFU" posts should be b&

>not just going to /gif/ for SFM webms with sounds

Ban anyone who has visited Sup Forums in the last year
Rangeban phoneposting scum

The time you've spent typing - especially considering how most people actually type on their phones to make it go by faster - is essentially less than that of a keyboard. This basically makes it to where you're really far behind in discussion the second you do post something actually worthy of note, so you're forced to either get ridiculously fast at it as well as segway away from any sort of grammatical anagrams and other such - the entire point behind the cringey "desu" and other twitter shit - or otherwise just live with it and not actually degrade the quality of the board as a whole.

The problem in this lies in the fact of the matter that most people don't actually want to spend time actually thinking, as usually if they're on their phones on Sup Forums in the first place they're in a situation which prohibits them from actually getting dedicated in something that isn't just simple-minded retarded shit. The worst part is this mostly applies to underaged faggots who get on their phones during classes and shitpost constantly and then talk about it to their friends like it's the funniest shit when it's just blatant reposts of unfunny garbage.

>my waifu is a 1/10 here everyone take her
>my waifu is a 10/10 succubus that needs sex to survive: she's all mine!!!


Name one (1) good game that's released

Sup Forums is doing fine

We ban anyone who disagrees with me

I get banned all the time

This. We used to just ignore bait. Why the fuck did we stop ignoring bait? God damn children.

This. More honeypot threads where EVERYONE that posts in a shitposting thread gets banned. EVERYONE.

You keep doing it and eventually people will get the picture that the rules aren't a suggestion.

Triple the memes

He has a shit waifu which is why he wants in on other anons' waifus.

SFM isnt video games its SFM.

No it wont. People will continue to dump in any and all threads. Take it to a pink board if you want some place specific for it to be posted.

Sup Forums would be a lot better if it had unique poster IDs.

delete it

delete everything

delete this board

delete all the other boards too

delete this website

delete me

im done

Autoban feels, tfw, frogs and any reaction image using any of the above.

The rest can't be fixed with anything but the cycle of culture or killing the internet.

introduce /vc/ - vidya culture, for e-celebs, console warring, "did you buy her game?", waifu threads, and keep Sup Forums for everything else

still it's hard to say exactly where to draw the line, that's the issue

A share to facebook and reddit button

Ok we need to settle this.

Should thinely veiled offtopic posts get purged? Should shit like LOL and "what game lets me [pop culture thing]" be eliminated, or do you fags consider it ""Sup Forums culture""

I want it all gone, tbqh

>Responding to bait

Doesn't make it better.

The answer is, always has been, and always will be, for mods to get off their asses and ban people. They don't so we have what we have.


ban political discussions (and Sup Forums agenda pushing)
ban e-celeb threads
ban console-war (or system war) threads
ban meme template threads (what did he mean.., defend this..)

>People like this need to be banned for inciting flamewars/console wars/fanboy faggotry
>speak out the simple truth
>80% of all flamewar/console-war threads are made by Sonyponies
>no better ban the one pointing out the objective truth
no need to be this asshurt instantly

and what about the user with the 10/10 waifu, is he just gambling too?