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Is this the best piece of criticism in gaming history?

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Go away Alex

glad this insane bastard is still around

>Now I know how most readers will respond to this: "LOLWHAT, CUTSCENES AN ARTFORM?!, etc."

wow fucking cringe

I thought the website was defunct.



You do realize he is quoting an imaginary reader, right? And above-all an imaginary teenage reader (since they will be the best example of those who least understand cutscenes, being as young as they are), I think he even gives free subscriptions to his site to all teenage readers.

That's far from cringe. Teens should be taught, not left alone to create a mass of shitposting.

Author of that cringepiece, please fuck off

I get another reason to link to this:


I thought so too. Apparently it was for a little while before the domain was renewed with a post from one of the two people remaining on the forum (the other being icy) promising "daily content." They are proud that they implemented a paywall to access all of gems and nuggets of wisdom to keep out the fagot trash.

>posting a classic from SEVEN years ago
>>'you're just the author fuckoff'
Even if I was (I'm not but thanks for the compliment), that would STILL be an immature reason to disregard it. What you're doing is even worse.

>I get another reason to link to this
Similarly this is also immature, you are focusing on personality and personal history, like a celeb-tabloid-reading sissy. Why not focus on the gaming criticism? Go to if you want to discuss personalities.

Also, hate-speech is a criminal offence in many countries, and I see that spouted all the time on here.

Kek, is he talking about Egbert?

Whose the girl?

wait until people hear the reason he was gone

yes jail is involved lool

How do you know that?

alex opened a discord when he came back and then he said things

based polishunden hjalle taking down the ubermensch in the line of duty

>Is this the best piece of criticism in gaming history?
No it's not, and I don't even need to click the link.

How come theres no more Bootsy on cinemassacre? Did that fat bitch Ryan eat him?

>polishunden hjalle
So where did this happen? I thought he resided in Tokyo. And what was the offence, that it was less than a year?

There aren't enough good write ups or video essays about video games to fill or even start a thread

ha ha ha ha fucking hysterical. I hope someone saved the proof. That's only slightly less fitting than the rumors that he died in a Swedish drag race.

Why do you think that? For me, it's on a higher level.

I mean you can tell from the system in place, he is actively trying to keep bad readers away (harsh language, paywall, inactivity). That's the exact opposite of all the rest.

Someone should have made a webm

>There aren't enough good write ups or video essays about video games to fill or even start a thread
That's observably false, since good essays about videogames cover more than just vidya, they are basically commenting on the evolution of art (since videogames are interactive movies).

search polishunden hjalle and the story will clear

nietzsche would be proud of based hjalle lmao

>You do realize he is quoting an imaginary reader, right?
Yes I did detect the strawman, thanks though.

Oddly enough, Polygon's feature's editor is on point. All of the features from in-house writers can be chucked out as ideological self-fellating garbage but the nigger who runs that section finds a hell of a lot of honest to god good journalism from freelancers. There's one on Japan's Hidden Developers which is a good example of the quality submissions they get.

>Imagine a person who has grown up on games and game magazines, and stuff like comics, anime, sci-fi novels, etc. Everyone around him is growing up, getting jobs, growing more serious, starting families, etc., whereas he still spends most of his time on games -- he may be a games journalist, or he may be working in the games industry, or he may simply be a salaryman whose recreation consists almost exclusively of videogames (and stuff like anime, etc.) People like that end up going through life with a bad conscience ("Conscience is the instinct of the herd in the individual", Nietzsche had said). What these people end up wondering sooner or later is this: "If everyone else is getting more serious," they ask themselves, "shouldn't I be doing the same as well? And if my chosen job and/or recreation is videogames, doesn't that mean that they should be getting more serious as well? Deeper, more meaningful and more profound? More "artistic"?
>Enough! Whether videogames are really growing deeper, more meaningful and more profound is irrelevant to these people -- they must and will be shown to be doing so in order to assuage the bad conscience of these men-children! These people have at last come to crave some degree of seriousness and profundity in their lives, some depth of feeling, some measure of spirituality; as human beings it is almost a biological necessity for them, and definitely a sociological one (this is the origin of their bad conscience -- the pressure to "grow up"), and since they have not bothered at any point to take an interest in, say, history, literature or philosophy -- fields of human endeavor which would have quenched the thirst for depth and spirituality of even the most spiritually thirsty human being, leaving him now with the opposite need, a need for frivolity, shallowness, playfulness, in short, a need for games -- the only place they can look for spirituality now is in the only place they know.