Does Sup Forums like action games?

Does Sup Forums like action games?

God Hand 2, Bayonetta 3, Ninja Gaiden 4 and Devil May Cry 5 when?

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>Ninja Gaiden 4

good question, with DoA out of the way for now and Nioh done, Team Ninja has time on their hands


I'd give all of those up for W102.

I've been looking for something along the lines of DMC or Bayonetta lately to play on ps4, any good suggestions?

>I'd give all of those up for W102.

I actually just got that game two days ago, I've heard that it's pretty brutal even on Normal. I've played all the games in the OP several times, should I still do my first play through on Easy for Wonderful 101?

>Best version of Bayonetta 1 and Bayonetta 2 are trapped on a meme console.

This is suffering

It'll be obvious which difficulty your first play through should be.

Not at all. Once you get the controls down it'll be no problem and the game is very generous with its checkpoints.

Ninja Gaiden Black 2 is basically confirmed though. Where have you been?

The collective assblasting that that caused makes it all the better. If there's a Bayonetta 3 I hope it's a Switch exclusive.

Yes. They're the best games.

Do you guys prefer gamepad or pro controller?

p r o c o n t r o l l e r
dont fall for the touchscreen controls meme
you'll want to keep the gamepad around and charged though for reasons

>God Hand 2
Literally never ever
>Bayonetta 3
French leakfag with a supposedly solid track record [citation needed] said its happening.
>Ninja Gaiden 4
Is "in the shadows" for now, but TN says they wont abandon their hallmark franchise. Definitiely ways off.
>Devil May Cry 5
Cross your fingers for Itsuno's new announcement this year.

Yes. Mostly 2D action games, but still. I like the first 3D Ninja Gaiden almost as much as the NES games.

I've yet to play Godhand and the PS2 Shinobi games. They're on my "someday" list.

>God Hand 2
>Literally never ever
>Implying Mikami won't announce it at E3

I don't think Bayo 3 will be made. Ninty bankrolled it, but the Wii U was like the worst possible console for a title like Bayo 2, so it sold like total shit.

It's a weird scenario in which Bayo 2 would have never existed if not for Nintendo, but by releasing it only on their own console it basically guaranteed failure.

The first Bayonetta sold like total shit too, it was released on two consoles with a total install base ~160 million and didn't even sell two million copies.

Action games will always sell poorly.

>Does Sup Forums like action games?
I do

But normies don't. I mean look at dad of war. People actually think it's an improvement on the previous games. Not even the GoW devs like action games anymore...

They want to give Ninja Gaiden 'time to rest' apparently


After tumbling onto some of mikekob's videos I can't wait to try godhand. It's expensive though.

Hideki Itsuno said that he was annoucning a new game some time in 2017. Since he directed Dragon's Dogma and Devil May Cry 2,3 and 4 it'll probably be a sequel to either.

It's on PS3 for $10 digitally.

I heard it melt PS3s for some reason

Fucking Team Ninja, seriously, it's been 9 (NINE) years since NG2

Interesting, I've ever only played it on PS2.

Emulating it on PCSX2 is also an option.

So what?

It doesn't need any rest

Ninja Gaiden 3 and its revision aren't that old.

What's with the obsession with sequels anyway?

Razor Edge was just okay.
I just want a good new action game on PS4 or PC ;_;

>Action game
Just made me realize the only two action games were Wii U exclusives this gen.

Who is the bigger autist: XV-kun or Horizon-kun?


Whoops, wrong thread.


Hell yeah I do

I finished Vanquish the other day and while the gameplay is fun it's hands-down the worst story Platinum has ever done

>Burns and President are evil (I'm on board with this, no problem here)
>Burns shoots Candine instead of just shooting me in the back of the head and making Candine re-activate the laser
>chase Burns and his marines to the manual control center
>critically wound Burns, have to kill reinforcements while he crawls away
>Sam turns around to help Burns (?) and says some shit like "we leave together!" (??)
>Burns makes him leave, marines all file in and train their rifles on Burns (???)
>Burns blows himself up (????) because reasons
>Final boss and shit happens
>station is nuked
>Elana sees escape pod, cries
>fade to black, suddenly Sam is standing on the bridge and surprises her, like he got on board somehow without her noticing (?????)
>more explosions and shit
>I swear to god every time a cutscene happens the station goes back to fully repaired just to blow up again
>president kills herself
>evil Russians basically win
>nobody gets the fucking space station because it's dead and shit

I'm starting to wonder if there was supposed to be a "true" ending on higher difficulties because this game's story is kinda dogshit. At least God Hand wandered into "so bad it's good" territory, but this is just dull or confusing the whole time.

Don't play on easy

Gamepad, but I don't use the touchscreen to draw shapes

Ancient Ship of Doom came out in 1991. How do you think I feel you needy son of a bitch? Game series don't need to continue forever. And it's not like they said they'll never make another one.

>not just calling it the trinity anyways

DMC4SE. Also Nier Automata seems to have Platinum like Combat.

Yeah right, sorry for asking more good videogames to be made, I forgot this is Sup Forums

>deliberately missing the point this hard
I don't think you forgot this is Sup Forums at all, user.

I got your point perfectly, and it's completely irrelevant.

I don't see how.

Unless beat'em ups like Tai Fu count as action games DMC1 was my first one.

Loved it and still do to this day

>God of War
Was alright, i liked it more for the setting then the gameplay. Didn't play any of the sequels though

>I played some action game with some guy with red hair and some semon demon monk with guns. Don't remember anything about it besides it having a hype as fuck OST

Literally killed all my interest in the series. Enemies stopped being enemies and just became combo pinĂ£tas. Dull as shit

Complete fucking nonsense and QTEs out the fucking ass. Garbage

I am a huge MGS fan so i love this game for the characters, OST and memes. Gameplay relies too much on blade mode and button prompts so it gets dull after a while. it's when i realized that Platinum is bottom of the barrel

>Ninja Gaiden
Single handily revitalized my interest tin the series and skyrocketed to the top of my list. Amazing games. Black is a meme, Sigma is the definite version, 2 and Sigma 2 both each have their own problems so pick your poison, Razor's Edge is amazing.

I mean genre when i say series, fuck

You are the type of person that prefer speedruns to combo vids, efficient to flashiness
Not that there's anything wrong with that and the other side, just that some of the games and aspects of them that you bash is amazing to many others

Nigga, i literally CANNOT STAND speed running, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. I am playing through RE games now and the fact that i have to speedrun them to unlock stuff kills me a little inside. I always take my time with video games and my biggest pet peeve is time restraints.

If you said that because of Ninja Gaiden, i go out of my way to be as stylish as i can playing that game, that's part of the fun. The difference between NG and DMC3 is that the enemies are there to fuck you up first and foremost and being stylish as you dispatch them is left entirely to the player. The opposite is true for DMC3, the enemies are there to be hit and extend your combo. It's why i loved DMC1 and hated 3, because DMC1 had actual enemies with actual movesets for you to fight.

so I finally got to play DMC4:SE after I stopped playing DMC4 nearly a decade ago

And goddamn, Trish, Lady, and Vergil are fun as fuck

>God Hand 2
Hopefully never. Clover is dead and if I am not mistaken Platinum doesn't hold the rights.

DMC3 was just charming to me with all its weapon variety and how styles were introduced. At least the enemy variety comes back in 4.

The game was a definite improvement when it came to movesets and weapon variety, it's just a shame that it went backwards on everything else

Sorry assumption senpai

What you said about DMC3 is true. The game's non-boss fights outside of DMD difficulty is pretty much Musou-lite, with more potential for the players. DMC4 has DMC1's enemies, but dumber AI aside from the Knights squad

Bayonetta pretty much discourages QTEs as they cut combo score, but they are still between GoW and DMC in terms of QTE mechanics

God Hand seems like your cup-of-tea though. You ever tried it?

I haven't' played DMC4 or God Hand. I basically know nothing of God Hand

With all the revivals of shit lately, I don't wanna see a God Hand 2, because Capcom (who owns it because Clover) will fuck it up royally and taint the first game's reputation. God Hand is too good for this world.

>know nothing of god hand

Oooooooh boy!

Are you in for a treat.

Go buy it and play it. It's literally one of the best action games ever made. Insanely hard too with a difficulty meter that rises and makes the enemies more difficult the better you are doing.

Die difficulty is literally some fucking bullshit. Better have some action-movie-hero planning if you're going up against more than 2 enemies.

It's available for PS3 and emulatable on PC now, so try it

It's hard with a lot of room for style, and has the most customization out of OP's list. Bosses are also gruesomely hard

The control scheme is a bit dated though, and the tutorial amounts to nothing, but that's pretty much its only flaws if you are not a graphic fag

I'll keep it in mind for the future. Not in a action game mood right now, i found that i need to give this genre time to breathe once in a while

Sort of.
To me they're just single-play Mahvrl, so I never saw the point of them beyond casual play.

Yeah, I saw the video too and I also had my concerns, but I play it on a PS3 slim and it runs well.

Any pointers in how to get gud at bayonetta? I started another playthrough after learning to Dodge offset. Fuck those flying ships and fuck Route 666 too.

Also I got razors edge for like 10 bucks, i know people hate it on here but whatever. Fuck those 30 fps anyways.

Razor Edge is alright and 60fps on non meme consoles.

>resurrect God Hand as an RPG
Ehh, it could be neat because the game has an interesting setting all things considered. But it would still be a big downgrade from the depth that the first game achieved.

Although I can't blame him considering how badly the game was received among the casual crowd and how it sold.

Game raped my mouth sideways in level 1, I never played a NG game before. I'll play it after bayonetta.

I beg to differ.
The control scheme of God Hand is perfect for the kind of game it is, which is basically a beat-em-up in 3D; navigating the levels is the only tricky part, but thankfully the game put minimal focus in that aspect.

I like good games.

Pic unrelated

God Hand is the only one of those I haven't played yet and I really, really want to.

But yeah, we really need some new fucking games in this genre already. I really want all of those, including The Wonderful 1,001.

Suck my dick, slut.

God Hand being good is a meme.

Don't bother.

I can't really word why, but I just can't get used to Bayonetta, and I'm not a big fan of its level design or the way the enemies react to attacks.

The setting, music, movement and general level of polish are fantastic; but I don't enjoy the game itself.

The control scheme for God Hand is fine, but it's not like it couldn't be improved by something like a lock-on button instead of a "turn 180 degrees" button for example. That's how DMC manage to bring Airdashers' combat mechanics to 3D

the only problem NG2 has is framerate at some parts of the game, otherwise it's straight up superior to NG2 sigma

Emulate it or get it on PS3. It's very hard to get into though

>and I really, really want to.
well, what are you waiting for?

how do you find out what's you favorite game? when you have a ps4 and you hook up your old ass ps2 just to play it for a whole weekend and beat it again. for me it was dmc3, what about you bros?

What about the enemy behaviour?

My favourite game is Lords of the Fallen.

I know this because I keep going back to it. Nothing else satisfies me.

If you need to face an enemy quickly, you can activate your god hand move and cancel it right away.

And I like how many of Gene's moves (like some kicks, some juggles and the sweep moves) are able to hit multiple enemies. So maybe, just maybe, a lock-on could improve God Hand, but I don't feel like its a huge necessity.

They're not particularly smart, and I can't recall a single enemy that I'd call good; but they're not bad either.

Speculations for DMC 5 reveal?

>buy Vanquish or Bayonetta to support the developers

Mikami retired, and most devs at Platinum are code monkeys taken straight out of college. I think it's more likely that there are more of the old GD devs working at Capcom than at Platinum.

Good infochart though.

Is it dangerous then?
I'd like to run through the game again but I'm scared it may kill my PS3

Dodge offset cancelling, breh.

Now I recall that Capcom released a patch. Maybe that patch fixed those issues.

At least I have played the game for around 10 hours in my PS3 Slim and I haven't had a single issue so far.

>tfw since Mikami is no longer at Platinum, we'll never get Vanquish 2
Feels bad man. I just want to GO FAST again.

>I'm not a big fan of its level design or the way the enemies react to attacks

Could you expand on this?

This year's E3. It or Dragon's Dogma 2 (or a new IP, probably not considering the leaked IPs are all shooters)

Replace Bayonetta with 2.

>But normies don't. I mean look at dad of war. People actually think it's an improvement on the previous games. Not even the GoW devs like action games anymore...
Oh god, fucking this. It legitimately annoys me that people really think GoW is better than any cuhrayzee franchise.

Oh fuck, it's actually pretty recent, too.

They're basically going to focus on Ni-oh and make future games in the franchise until people are sick of Souls-like games and then MAYBE go back to NG.


I certainly hope so. Even then, just to be sure, is there any sign that the PS3 is being damaged? Like the fan going loudly? Or does it just melt it stealthily?

God of War is infinitely better than your lame ass favourites.

GoW is pretty fun though. Like MGR/Asura's Wrath fun. But the new game looks like it's going to be a fantasy TLOU

>sick of Souls-like games
Probably 10 years from now on. Normies eat them up because "muh hardcore", just like FPS during late 00s-early 10s


MGR is better.

Asura's Wrath is something different. It's just pure spectacle.

Fuck no it isn't. Every single thing it did, DMC or NG did first and better. It replaced any sort of depth those games had with shitty QTEs. GoW has never had a combat system or movement as good as any cuhrayzee game, and the combat lacks that oomph to it that makes all those other games satisfying as fuck to play. I hate the way the series forces you to play at mid-range most of the time, forcing you to poke at enemies, then either block or roll, rinse and repeat. There's hardly any variety in how you can approach situations. It's positively slow and sluggish.

>GoW is pretty fun though. Like MGR/Asura's Wrath fun. But the new game looks like it's going to be a fantasy TLOU
I hate GoW. Never played AW but while I think MGR is pretty obviously lacking depth compared to the likes of Bayonetta/DMC/NG, it still has more of it than GoW, and is a fantastic game in its own right. Loling at GoW fans at the moment, though.

>Probably 10 years from now on. Normies eat them up because "muh hardcore", just like FPS during late 00s-early 10s
I don't dislike them but normies latching onto them is pretty annoying. Ni-oh looks great, though.

>Godhand 2
Fucking dammit I was monkey pawed

God of War borrowed a lot from Devil May Cry but it always had a broader emphasis than "cuhrayzee" games for the most part -- even if combat was king. I think this, and the presentation, were the main appeal of the series, and it's why I always wished God of War put more time into developing interesting puzzles and platforming sections to nail its action-adventure epic schtick but this didn't really happen. I think the first game hits the best balance of all of it.

I like the God of War games. They're a fun, brutal time on the harder difficulties. I wouldn't say they're better than Ninja Gaiden or anything, though.

>god hand is good meme
oh you guys, you're so funny

>Godhand is bad meme
You're even funnier

GoW's combat isn't the best even in Western action games (that would be Darksiders 2 and DmC), but the spectacle and its "gamey" feel make up for it, generally. So the new GoW just doesn't really appeal much to me