Why did you quit Cunnyverse?
Why did you quit Cunnyverse?
I took a break from it after getting saltier than the dead sea trying to get up the ranks.
All card games get really boring because everyone ends up playing like the same deck
I can't quit something I never played.
to dumb for card games
I think it's a fine game, it's just that every patch gets boring after a while and in my case it made me quit.
why are her ears so fluffy?
You tell me.
endless rune and forest made me take a break. I might have a peek on the 26th when the nerfs come through.
Game gets boring without new cards
they refuse to release a continuation of main story. what happened with grandpa urias?
stupid dog leave already
Card games are boring when you can play games like Warframe.
shes quite THICC too
Me in the middle.
because it turned into runecraftverse and roachverse.
You can use the japanese assets on Steam and Android, I believe. Mix and match to get japanese voice overs and no censors.
Control blood wasn't top tier
>editing files locally in a multiplayer game
Boy you sure are stupid.
What good are lewd cards if my opponents aren't seeing the same thing as me?
It should be illegal to have thighs this perfectly plump.
You're the only one that doesn't do it, apparently.
So it's more a matter of you not seeing the same as everyone else.
Reminder cunny is a Sup Forums memeword only pedophiles use
I don't user, I play it on and off.
Though I do admit everytime I see Rune or Forest I feel like uninstalling, no fun!
Sup Forums likes it too
Paus, got all the legends in Bahamut, new expansion fucking when?
What's wrong with being a pedophile?
Sup Forums is a pedophile website
Like most TCG, it's just people finding the best memedeck to destroy with. It's boring.
Any sign of a new expansion incoming?
Didn't want to be associated with faggots like you anymore.
End of March
What are they nerfing? I haven't played in like a month.
Any info at all, any new card tease?
No it hasn't even been announced, but that is the schedule
So is this some kind of worldwide (Japan) anime rendition of Cerberus? I've watched Shingeki no Bahamut and saw her, or am I missing a bigger picture here somewhere?
Rage of Bahamut is made by the same people as Shadowverse
Aha, the guilt by association meme.
This, don't really get the appeal of TCG. Spend a whole lotta money so you can copy other people or spend hours theorycrafting a deck that doesn't actually work in practice because the draws it needs are super unlikely or it's easily mana screwed or something like that.
This is why i quit Yugioh
>Play Battlin Boxers/GraveKeepers/Timelord decks
>Every other deck is just FireFist and Dolls
When they were tier 0/1 decks they were everywhere and obnoxious. Could be wailing on them and they could chain one card into a comeback or basically a reset.
Its just the same shit every balance with a new 2-3 decks being god tier unchallengeable bullshit. I mean its a turn based game with builds so its going to happen but its just so fucking overbearingly stupid.
Ah ok. Mystery solved.
>Decide to try out YGOPro
>Run into nothing but Zoodiacs
Get out normie, this site is only for patricians that like thicc and traps.
Because I enjoy control sword and it's not competitive anymore with all the other decks running turn 8 win conditions.
>Sup Forums invented this meme meme
fuck off
puffy nipples spilling out like that is the best
I assumed the game was censored but I haven't seen any uncensored cards
Hearthstone-tier stale meta.
Didn't quit it, just not bothering with all daily quests anymore.
speak english you retarded weeb
Didn't quit as much as taking a break. My main craft (h-hear the dragons roar!) got pretty much nothing but discard cards in the expansion which i just find boring while most other crafts got ridiculous 2-3 drops making 70% of the meta aggro and also daria gives me brain damage. Not to mention control shadow shitting all over the real dragon decks in unheard of ways (70% winrate something?).