My fucking sides
Australia's a civ now
Better than Canada at least.
They still need a SE Asian civ though.
Jesus Christ.
What's Australia's contribution to civilization?
yea nah ill fucken glass ya cunt
Australia's unique unit
wtf I love australia now
Meanwhile in Australia
The DLC seems to me made with the intention of maximum shekeling. Australia and Canada are always highly requested despite being boring because nobody knows about bongobongoland civs.
where are the corks dipped in insect repellent on his hat?
australians are super sexy
this is really dumb
Every single accomplishment by Australia was done when they were part of the British Empire
god sake you could make bigger arguments to include something like say Belgium than them, at least those guys went nuts in Congo for a bit
Wow I mean I can see why but making the leader a typical mafioso criminal is a bit much don't you guys think?
It's a bit disrespectful.
all those ass blasted leafs in the comments
You're a humungus guy
It's why I've found it strange that Civ includes 'Germany', instead of different Germanic states.
kek, they fixed his eyes.
Pick one
I don't mind Australia, South-East Asia and the Pacific are criminally underrepresented right now, but I was expecting bigger civs like the Incas or Persia first.
But civ has Austria already.
How many germans do we really need?
deal with it cunt
well Germany did majorly shape the history of the 19th and 20th century and the German region always had a unique and distinct culture as well as varying degrees of unification through which they remained highly relevant to Europe and the world at large.
>Every single accomplishment by Australia was done when they were part of the British Empire
That's Canada though. Australia invented Boomerangs and Vegemite.
they're adding mod tools + workshop support, finally. bigger news than the new dlc civ honestly.
Let's face it, he was the best leader australia ever had.
nah those were the Abbo's, trying to claim their accomplishments as Australian is pretty major WEWUZ'ing no matter how few there were
There's easily dozens of nations and people that deserve a spot more than Australia
I was thinking more along the lines of Brandenburg/Prussia, Bavaria or Hanover.
Name 1
>australian civ
What's next? Emu civ?
>Some random fuck is the leader
>Not the true owners of Australia, the Emus
Is this real? Why would Australia want people OUTSIDE Australia when their shitty wildlife, climate and people already do that for them?
To add to this, the same would go for Italy, or Greece for that matter.
Yeah, nah, fuck germans.
First they need to win a war, then we can talk.
>There's easily dozens of nations and people that deserve a spot more than Australia
Well, do they actually play CIV6 in a significant number?
Would be too similiar, they always picked leaders from times when Germany was unified like Barbarossa or Bismarck and just call it Germany anyway.
Although FRG and GDR could be interesting in a scenario
Trump should stick a few of these bad boys along the future wall.
Because some Polynesian islands are being taken by the sea.
>Unique Building: Thunderdome
>Adjacent friendly units gain +5 Combat Strength plus +1 for every adjacent Desert tile
bonus points because they discovered australia
>turbo manlet
gonna play them without China as a civ in my games
fuckin can't deal with the idea of China invading us
speaking of Civ, an interesting humble bundle just went live
>English and Sirian
Top kek. Australia is fucking nuts
They keep adding shit to civilization 6 and cant fix the bullshit AI
went back and play beyond earth even that felt better cause it was so different only good thing they did for this game was pay off youtubers not to talk about about it
>not pay off but give them exclusive content and early access
It would be more effective to dump salt water crocodiles and box jelly fish into the Rio Grande
As someone who lived in the glorious Australia for over 16 years, I don't know who this guy is. I don't even know who is in charge now. Stop trying to educate me. We're full.
2K probably figured that Australia would just sell better and keep interest up.
Next up Canada and Scotland led by William Wallace who looks like Mel Gibson.
>lost to emus
And unlike Poland australians have decent leader
I hate firaxis so much
The AI has been improved significantly
I don't get nearly as many Civs randomly declaring war on me now for no apparent reason
>Australia is a civ
>tfw Finland never ever
Emu faction when? I rather play as a bird than a ausnigger.
Why not both? A few boats have ended up in croc infested swamps, you could even add bears somewhere.
>political banter
This is fucking next level shit
unironically finland would be a better option
up to now i still cant get other civs to use or even build nukes no matter what setting i put it on
For you
wouldn't it be another boring ww2 nation?
Is Civ 6 still 1UPT?
Is Italy the only member of the g8, let alone the only major member in the european union, to not get a dedicated civ? It's always the roman empire or some renaissance era stuff that gets to rapresent the country.
Why is there no love for XIX century, post-unification italy? There are possible leaders with a lot of charme and charisma, like Garibaldi or Mazzini
at least it has a unique culture and history
I mean the only difference between canada and australia is one's cold and the other's hot
>Can you cunts keep it down out there
daily reminder Italy managed to lose a war against Ethiopia
my sides
And here's the specialities for Finnish civ.
>Every field produces only one food
>There are no golden ages, only starvation ages
>Sweden will drag you into wars whenever they hit a golden age
>Lose half the pop from cities when invaded
Im basing these on this.
>type it in just for fun
>it wasn't claimed
Jesus Christ. Thanks man.
Because it's just kind of lame to have several civs from Italy.
have fun, most likely the best version of Civ
Literally no civ more pathetic than Italia. Losing the war against rapefugees right meow. RIP
>John Curtin
Thanks again m8
Ethiopia strong as fuck. Never colonized. Christians in a sea of infidels.
I tought that was fake until I checked hb
>Queen Victoria
>Just sends all of her unwanted degenerates and criminals to their cities
Unique unit:
Special ability:
>increases your retard rank.
Unique landmark:
>deserts filled with poisonous creatures and marsupials
What's a Digger? Why didn't they truly represent Australia by adding the Aboriginal paint huffer.
>can send them to any civ you have neutral or open borders with
>Causes unhappiness and slightly reduces gold/culture for a set amount of turns
a squinting cunt
Some things are only a mattter of time.
A single true European man managed to colonize an african region the size of western europe with nothing but determination, charisma and solid steel balls
what's italy's excuse?
Red pill me on Civ VI Sup Forums, as someone just getting in to turn based games (XCOM) would I enjoy this?
They're treating their muslims like shit though
>Twice as many christians as muslims
They didn't pick up the real european power's sloppy seconds?
No, it's clinical, stale and uninteresting, play Civ 5 Vox Populi for the real experience.
>Payday 2 deathwish run.webm
Civilization revolution is a good game to start off with. It's the most simple and bare bones out of all of them.
>sloppy seconds
nah, other nations just didn't see the potential
but with his hands on approach, focusing on strict manual labor he turned that place profitable, and course, took a nice cut.
>mfw i can play australia and rek cunts online
that stealing land ability seems fucking great for being a cunt
Can I research drop bears to attack my enemies?
If not, then what's the point?
>Australia gets into Eurovision
>Australia gets into Civilization
The Eternal Didgeridoo must be stopped.
Civ is not remotely complex there's no reason to play Rev.
>waltzing matilda
How? Death itself will not claim them.
>TSL maps won't have empty Australia
Not sure how to feel
good luck m8
NAFTA is next
>CIV 6
Oh shit I completely forgot it actually came out.
What went wrong?
>Papal states
You could probably even find more stuff.