What is the best "Brawler" Game?
is it pic related?
What is the best "Brawler" Game?
is it pic related?
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they're called beat-em-ups faggot
Fighting Force is pretty awesome from what I remember
pls no bully
Violent Storm is peak Konami beat-em-up imo
I think Simpsons is the best honestly. Or maybe XMen
Denjin Makai 2.
It's a consensus.
I remember playing this as a child growing up in Singapore.
Local swimming pool had an arcade machine with this on. Great game, rarely got to play it though
Sengoku 3 holds that title
Most Konami beat'em ups on arcades were quarter-muchers
The Punisher
Gauntlet Legends where you could save your character's progress and level ups and shit. Or those old Dungeon and Dragons for the Arcade.
Your Warrior NEEDS FOOD
The ones I remember from growing up were X-Men. The bowling alley in my town had one of those 6 player cabinets. They got rid of it later because kids would come there just to play the arcades and people drinking beer tossing balls were sick of it.
Turtles in Time was good too because there TMNT were a huge thing back then. It was like the definitive Turtles game.
A friend of mine had Streets of Rage and we used to play that a lot too.
>several replies in
>no ninja turtles
Come on, turtles in time was fucking great
turtles in time changed my life
This one is the Undisputed King of the Genre.
the Scott Pilgrim game is pretty fucking fun
also Zeno Clash is awesome but it's a first-person beat-em-up so maybe that doesn't count
Me too.
>playing turtles in time in SNES in 4th grade at a family friends house
>somehow the girl I have a crush on is related to one of my mom and dads good friends
>we play through turtles in time for hours trying to get to the end
>she asks if I want to see something
>say sure
>she flashes me despite the fact that we're both kids and she has no boobs
>lol wut
>start to get a weird boner and say thanks
Ninja Warriors is the best beat em up easily.
Alien vs pres arcade. Die hard arcade and Cadillacs and dinosaurs.
Very underrated game. How come nobody talks about it?
Streets of Rage 2 for retro gen
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara for arcades
Dragon's Crown for modern
Aliens vs Predator for OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
>6 characters, very different moves from each other
>palette swap spell casters have different spells for even more variety
>naming your character gives them different starting items (7 different sets, iirc)
>every other level has a branching path that leads to different areas and unique bosses
>inspired Dragon's Crown while still retaining beat 'em up "pick up and go" play style.
That scott pilgrim one is dope
did you fuck or nah
Turtles in Time is definitely up there. I never played Scott Pilgrim, but I heard it was good. Just a personal pick, but despite how difficult it was, Battletoads and Double Dragon was a blast for me. Good music, goofy segments, and the animation was pretty smooth. (SNES version anyways, I never played the NES version)
never heard of it
why is marge vomiting on a purse
Kek nah. I literally said "thanks" after a girl showed me her boobs. In my defense I was like 9. She tried to kiss me but I didn't kiss back because I was still kind of in shock. I never beat turtles in time that night though
zeno clash is fucking zeno trash.
>10/10 graphics
>10/10 music
>10/10 mechanics
Probably because it's an Xbox exclusive and got overshadowed by Salt & Sanctuary.
Streets of Rage 2
Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara is the best brawler ever.
Equippable items to find, a bunch of different playable characters, 4 player co-op, branching paths, different endings, etc.
Nothing else competes
>can not play this game due to dead license to sell
sucks too much.
Battletoads & Double Dragon_____
>start to get a weird boner and say thanks
and it'll never be back on steam
its like marvel 3 all over again, fucking sucks
apparently there was supposed to be a DS port that got canned, that would've been amazing because we could've emulated it
Streets of rage 2
replayed this on a cabinet somewhere in Seattle a couple weeks ago. hitboxes were substantially worse than I remember. so no.
my vote would go towards SoR2 as well.
Streets of rage remake. Accept no substitutes.
>Ninja Baseball Batmen
You're alright by me, pal
>Streets of Rage 2
>Shadows over Mystara
>Battletoads & Double Dragons
>X-Men Arcade
>Gauntlet Legends
>Guardian Heroes
>Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
>Dragon's Crown
It's too hard to choose mang. There were so many damn good beat em ups back in the day.
Te Warriors obviously
>Captain Commando
>Streets of Rage 2
>King of Dragons
>motherfucking Growl
I like you.
If you consider it which I do and want some Co Op action online or on the couch, Double Dragon Neon is a nice recreation sequel hybrid
>There is at least 1 game on each of these lists that I've played
>The Dungeons and Dragons one
that one is fucking great. fucking loved that one when I had an old netplay game night with some friends before we just met up to play it because one of the guys let us all room in and had a fucking cabinet of this game with him.
From what I remember this game was trash.
The Bouncer doesn't make the 3-D section. So many characters!
I've yet to get through the first 30 minutes of The Bouncer. Every time I try, combat just feels way too clunky and I end up dropping it.
I wish there was a good Power Rangers beat em up, the Power Rangers IP is perfect for beat em up and yet all the ones we got were mediocre to garbage.
Dad n me was breddy fun
Knights of the Round was pretty great. I loved watching my armor get bigger and cooler as I leveled up.
My mom used to work at a bowling alley so I would spend a lot of time there after school as a kid. They had a Simpsons arcade machine there that I would usually play to pass the time and got pretty good at it, and I'd have a few fun moments like playing full 4-player co-op with three drunk hick looking dudes.
There was this guy who showed up a lot though. Apparently he had some sort of extreme ocd and would spend hours skateboarding up and down the same street over and over again. His other hobby was to come in to the bowling alley to play the simpsons machine. Long story short, he got banned eventually when he suddenly went apeshit on some other guy for picking Marge, who was apparently to him the best character, and beat him up pretty badly in a sperg rage.
>playing the Simpsons arcade game in a bowling alley with strangers
These two alone just radiate the feelings of the mid to late 90s
Why would you even let someone like that in your place of business?
>Undercover Cops
So true!
>There are people in this thread that have never experienced playing The Simpsons or TMNT at a chuck e cheese with strangers having fun
>There are people that have never experienced a Lisa-Bart combo with someone you just met
>There are people here that have never competed with strangers during the balloon mash sequence
Fuck off Nu-v
are you being a meme? Both games are objectively bad
>that kid who always used the quirky character out of the trio consisting of normal human man and normal human woman
That was me.
Whenever I watch that one Regular Show with "NOBODY BEATS THE HAMMER" I immediately think of this game.
My brother and I never got past the 2nd level but we had fun holding bad guys while the other pummeled them.