Have played through every final fantasy from 1 to 8

>have played through every final fantasy from 1 to 8
>call all of them shit
>friend who likes final fantasy tries to get me to play ff9
>decide to give it a chance
>4 and a half hours into the game, all of the plot so far was sorted out in the first 30 minutes
>not really sure what the hell I've been doing for the last 4 hours, motivations seem nonexistent, all I've done so far is watch 2 dimensional characters try to develop themselves poorly
What the hell is it about this franchise that gets fanboys so hype?

Zidane's story is just Vivi's story except executed more poorly.

game is comfy as fuck

Vivi seems like the most interesting character so far.
I simply do not give a shit about the asshole knight, and the princess is so generic and dry.

Nice buzzword

Nice meme word

Nice blog faggot

Nice dick homo

Nice character design though

Adquire good taste.

Chibi bullshit, I can't even fap to this princess.

How so? It's all ugly big headed muppets and literal furry shit.

Bahamut looks cool

The game is about each character's struggles and their growth and their personal journey to find meaning in life.
Not everything is spoonfed to you by text, the game gives you a lot of information and the story is really well done and paced and the character's develop extremely well (some few problems exist due to the budget and deadlines but every charcters plays their role out nicely)

It's a very charming game with one of the best atmospheres in gaming, one of the best OST that fits the game perfectly, great character development in general (Steiner, Vivi, Dagger have some of the best development in the whole series)

It's overall a beautiful game with a lot of hidden meanings and a powerful message.

I find that most people in their adult years fail to appreciate this game fully, maybe the bitterness of life made them a bit too jaded.

i was in the exact same boat OP. I got to like disc2 twice and nothing about the game except Vivi's parts hooked me.

I didnt like the uncontrollable limit breaks or about 80% of the characters.

Zidanes story is, i wanna put my "dagger" in Dagger/garnet.

nothing was memorable to me. i personally think its a nostalgia fest for a lot of people as Ive played 7,8,9,10,10-2,12,13, 15

I played 8 as a kid and loved it as one of my first JRPGs, but i replayed it when i got older and realized it was bad.

Try 13 or 15.

Play Tactics. If you don't like that then you know you're the one with shit taste.

Like clockwork.

Vivi is the real main character.

IX has best girl.

ITT: Someone who will never be happy.

Stop playing it then you paedophile

If you didnt like the first EIGHT!!! why the fuck did you think you would like the 9th. Surely a non retarded person would realise around game 2 or 3 that maybe the series isnt for them.

FF9 is the closest videogames has ever gotten to perfection and if you can't see it then there is something severely wrong with you
it's themes are the basic themes of human existence and if you can't apreciate it then you need to give a good look at yourself and reevaluate your life

dont bother, some anons are just autistic and will never understand the masterpiece that FFIX is.