ITT: Technical Masterpieces

Only games that look and run flawlessly on their respective hardware allowed in this thread


technical masterpiece, lol

the shilling really is real

Literally fake news.

without memeing naughty dog actually makes technical masterpieces, just not very good games.

The animations and voice acting looked horrible in the clip I saw. Like so bad it made bioware look good. Why is this game getting such high reviews?

Name a more technically impressive open world game

I'll wait

MGSV, it runs on toasters perfectly.

Not an argument.

Then why did you post a console game?

>black comedy that mocks the marry-sue power girl fantasy
>takes place in a funhouse mirror world that combines every AAA trope into one scathing critique of the road the game industry is taking
>even goes so far as to completely tear apart modern globalist ideology

50/10 Most daring and sneering piece of art I've seen in a long time, like the embodiment of rebellion itself.

>technically impressive
Well you first buddy. Silky smooth 20 fps really doesnt count.

MGSV looks like a last gen game.

MGS V? Shit looked okay and had an acceptable framerate on all platforms.

Looks like shit, try again

No normal person speaks in this way. SHILLS.

fps is the real meme. Yes you need a frame for each eye and maybe more as each eye looks at the other frame but at most that leaves you needing 4 frames a second. Then aiming for say 8 to protect against drops and lag. Your useless PC milestones have no bearing on user experience.


There's no way this is game is serious it has to be a satire


>"silky smooth 20 FPS"
>the biggest drop in the DF video is to 26 FPS and is noted as the worst spot in the entire game

Really gets the noggin joggin

That zelda effect is 6 years behind as well. It's literally just a sprite.

>Upscaled to 4K from 1527p
>True 4K & a technical masterpiece

But when Xbone games did dynamic 900p-1080p people lost their minds

Fucking Sony fanboys

Still looks better than Horizon.

I don't understand what you are arguing about here. The sole fact that it runs below 60fps already makes it dogshit. Fuck, it doesn't even run at rock stable 30 fucking stable fps. It's trash.

The division is the most impressive openworld game dear sonygger

Yeah, but shit pointing at shit isn't exactly a praiseworthy activity.

> male lead


Do you understand what a joke is? Or are you just pretending to be retarded?

Trumptard get lost

Just a cherry picked shot of level geometry slightly altering some animations, which given the incredible scope of this game is forgivable. The reason it is exacerbated in the webm is because the streamer, a disingenuous anti-shill who did all he could to cast the game in a negative light, purposefully sought out to find such infinitesimally rare occurrences and unnaturally exploit them when found. In actuality, you will never come across such a hiccup in gameplay

30 fps is a flaw


It's not the most technically proficient, but it's better than this.

1. You can choose your gender
2. The real main character is Faye Lau who is an Asian woman. The player characters are just expendable dime a dozen flunkies.

Someone post the final boss QTE.

I can't see how anyone could think this game were a technical masterpiece.

Of course it runs smooth when it's not being challenged. The movement is buggy and the gameplay is slow and boring. 1st


Lower your head to the touchpad to submit to islam.

No its not, its last gen and looks it


I have literally never seen any game run as jittery as the bottom there so i highly doubt that is 30fps.

It objectively looks better than this game.
Your shill bias is showing.

Name an open world game that actually has stuff to do
I'll wait

Near the end you find out that the remains of real humans exist on as a muslim AI from new tehran. It's v. woke.


The Witcher 3

Every 'funny' video posted about Horizon is from beta.

Get over that it will sell better than Switch + Zelda combined.


First time seeing this and this is all I can think of.
More like it's 12 years behind because they could do this in Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Which are games on nearly 2 decade old hardware. There is literally no excuse for this.

>Defeat the tank patrol #48


>PC players mad because it outperforms any game on Steam
>Nintendo mad because it will beat out Zelda
>Xbox mad because they don't anything
>Sony mad because it's a feminist Ubisoft game

just tell me then sonyggers

how can you defend a game that can be btfo by a single webm (any really)

Nevemind that 60fps is the minimum for PCBros, many are aiming at 144fps, some even 200.

Consoles are yet to have freesync either.



Im not sure anyone here is actually defending this game except for just saying its better than Zelda. It appeals to no-one.

I know OP wanted to start a bait thread but FUCK HIM, im gonna stick to the real meaning behind it.
Pic related, and most late life cycle game of any console.

Your shill bias is showing rockstar shill


New webs are from the stream.

>I have literally never seen any game
Well that's what you get for picking ps4


You actually believe people posting webm's of the game are posting footage of recent streams or press events? You're a goddamn moron.

The worst technical aspect of the game is the bad lip-syncing.

Get over it. Switch is DOA

I dont get it. How could anyone deny that this game is one of the most impressive looking open wolrd games ever? Like is the whole industry and everyone who played this game lying while Sup Forums is the only bastion of truth and reason? How self righteous and pretentious do you have to be to believe that?

Nope. It's from development, and you think anybody believes that's from gold? It's the same faggots posting lel over and over. Pathetic


Switch is going to disappear in days like the Wii U, no-one cares about mario or yoshi and that overdone shit.

But at the same time dont give ubisoft a single coin, especially for this white-hating crap.

ITT: Sony fanboys get actually triggered by an unreleased console that only they have mentioned so far.

You don't like women leads. kys


And thats why GOD invented MOTION BLUR NIGGER

They posted several videos of the final moments/spoilers of the game during development?


I literally heard about this game today. And honestly, it looks so unappealing because it looks like it wasn't given a good direction for story and graphics. I think the fact that I've never heard of this and my first impressions on videos released within the past three months are very underwhelming is a good reason to say that this game may not make it past 200k sales. That's me being generous.

That's because it's going to bomb hard, and we're preparing your anuses.

This is without motionblur.

What game is this? UT4?

Day of the rope soon Nintendogs

My PC isn't going anywhere though, it's still fine.
It's still faster than a PS$Pro.
It still earns me my keep too.


This is a gameplay footage direct feed from IGN.

Fucking his.
Every game and their dog can "look dazzling and run at 30fps". That is the fucking BASE STANDARD! MGSV is factually, by definition, technologically EXCEPTIONAL because it runs at a higher framerate than the vast majority of its competition while looking good enough.
Fuck these people, I'm abandoning ship.

You'll need that rope for your suicide :^)

how are all those edgy indie walking simulators in 60 fps on your 2000$ machine?

probably star citizen....

I hope so, so that all the companies who have replaced all their natural developers and coders with an interest in the industry with politically focused milennials driven by a hatred of gamers and males in general all fail and go bankrupt.

Of course im just being stupid because they're well aware they are going to be selling at a loss but that's okay when social subversion is their target.

lol still looks better than most modern games

>Bootleg CryEngine junk

you have to go back

Oh fair enough, well they do a good job with it - i dont notice much of a difference in games where the multiplayer modes up the framerate

when you see articles like this you just know that it's one of these games where 60% of the budget went into marketing and shilling.

it's always this same type of article-bullshittery you'll see shorly after release.

Mario 64

le ebin movage of goalposttes

>how are all those edgy indie walking simulators in 60 fps on your 2000$ machine?
Pretty good. I love taking a stroll with my hordes of Chaos through a hellish corrupted landscape.

Sad thing is that it must work for them to do it. But can advertising a game on how "progressive" it is really work, ill be intruiged?

>can't tell the differences

Shame then there aren't any good games on it

How is never having female interest?

I'm not you, so I wouldn't know.

Ad hominem. Admit it. You got btfo.

meanwhile in the real world
60 fps tards BTFO

make that 18 years

Not memeing, for instance i know Uncharted 4 goes lower graphics, higher framerate for the multiplayer and i didnt notice a difference.