Literally Skyrim 2

>literally Skyrim 2
>shits all over the legacy of the entire Zelda series
>despite this millions of fake Zelda fans are excited for it
>tfw this turd will be a massive financial success and Nintendo will never make a real Zelda game ever again


Other urls found in this thread:

I want a good game, dont know about you

At least it seems to be more of a typical Zelda game than Skyward Sword.

>previous zelda entry huge turd
>op is worried about the newest zelda being the turd that turns zelda into only turd games
MM was the last great zelda.

Every time.

The first Zelda was open world, underage

>shits all over the legacy of the entire Zelda series

I love seeing this butthurt. I relish it.
It's just like all the RE7 threads that are full of faggots moaning about how it ruined the franchise.

Some day you'll all realize how stupid you are. Or not. Games, like any media, need to evolve over time.

>real Zelda game
It's made by Nintendo and has 'Zelda' in the name. It's a real Zelda game, user.

This can apply to a lot of other game to be fair

People keep saying Skyrim but this reminds me more of Minecraft

>weapons break very fast
>you can do whatever you want...
>...except everything is fundamentally the same and repetitive
>bad graphics
>sparse and minimalist music
>bad combat
>many of the survival elements are identical to minecraft

I'm loving all these preemptively salty threads for when BotW crushes it on sales and reviews.

ITT: Old-Fag OP posts about how his nostalgia vision is the only true vision of what a Zelda game should be.

>First Zelda is an open world
>Breath of wild being an open world is shitting on the entire Zelda legacy
Why don't you want this serie to stay good with the time user ?

>shits all over the legacy of the entire Zelda series
In what way exactly?

>...except everything is fundamentally the same and repetitive
[citation needed]
>bad graphics
[citation needed]
>sparse and minimalist music
[citation needed]
>bad combat
[citation needed]
>many of the survival elements are identical to minecraft
[citation needed]

you haven't played the game, user

Doesn't make it it untrue.

>literally Skyrim 2
>not made by Bethesda, not having the license, not even called like it
I fucking hate illiterate children who learned this word

>Game has an open world map
>There are Various Dungeons you can visit
>You aquire Unique weapons and tools from Said dungeons while exploring
>You fight Bosses in said Dungeons
>You gain upgrades by searching the world map for secrets

Looks like Zelda to me. OP is just retarded.

Are you this fucking retarded, we can see all of those in the gameplay they've shown off. What kind of """"""citation"""""" would be necessary for "bad graphics" or "bad combat"

Yes of course, I didn't want to say otherwise

>What kind of """"""citation"""""" would be necessary for "bad graphics" or "bad combat"
actually having seen the graphics or played the combat is required to have an opinion on it, user



Which aspect of combat is bad, exactly ?
The graphics isn't the best in the industry but by no mean "bad". Saying it's on the same level Minecraft blocky graphics is delusional.

A good citation would be actual experience with the finished product.
That's what he's trying to get at.

I don't think "open world" was an established term back then. Besides, the way the new game is structured isn't as simple as that.

The idea was to make a Zelda game with a vast world that calls back to that original Zelda gameplay that gets players thinking in a way you've probably heard Aonuma say a few times. "Where do I go next? How do I get there? What will I do when I get there?"

This time it's more sophisticated. You climb mountains, you build/find and use rafts, you get to burn stuff other than spider webs again, you hunt for food, you glide to places, ect. I think it's the perfect way break from the typical 3D Zelda conventions while keeping things somewhat familiar to fans of the old classic as well as the newer fans who's first game was something like Wind Waker such as myself.

>Thinks he can say "Bad Combat" when he has only seen 1 or 2 webm's of those little pig guys shooting arrows

You haven't even fought a fucking boss at all, how can you even have an opinion on anything about this game?

What about the combat is bad?
It looks like fun and engaging, even creative.

anyone else hype for BOTW2?

I have concerns of what they can even do AFTER botw.
Make a botw2 or something?


>can pick up a spear
>use it to fight enemies like a real spear
>Link has a special throwing animation for the spear
>i-it's Skyrim 2

user, Bethesda's engine can't actually handle a spear. Literally. Todd said so.

Don't "user" me you disgusting fucking reddit slime. We have seen the graphics and played the combat. They're bad.

It's just weak mechanically. I know it's not just an action game, so I'm not expecting to be DMC3 or anything, but the movements just have no weight and there's no flow. It's worse than Zelda combat in the past

Except none of those things require the whole game, they're all observable from what Nintendo has shown us

Except we've seen a boss/tougher enemy/whatever, that big stone guy, and he looks like shit too. And we've seen other shit. And more importantly enemy design != combat, the problem is that the game is mechanically weak, although I'm sure the bosses will all be poorly designed too if that little effort is put into the action of the game

>literally Skyrim 2
30 million copies sold confirmed!

>Don't "user" me you disgusting fucking reddit slime.
oh jeez how young are you
>We have seen the graphics and played the combat.
you've played the combat? how did you get an advance copy, user?

>Except none of those things require the whole game, they're all observable from what Nintendo has shown us
You really are a fucking dunce.

It seems to me the entire problem at the root of the cycle is zelda games post-oot are substantially shittier than oot, and regardless of whether they're a rehash or an "original game" (as impossible as that is for a zelda game) it's always just oot with worse everything, and less of everything.

If BotW is successful, they'll make a bunch of DLC for it for the rest of the Switch's life cycle. Then when their next console comes out they'll just make a new Zelda game following whatever trends are popular at that time.

You need to be here at least 8 years before you earn the right to call people user, plebbitor

And you know Nintendo has hours of gameplay up on youtube and there have been playable demos at events? And you really don't need to play a game to figure out if the combat is good. Put videos of DMC3 and TW3 back to back and figure out which one has better combat.


>selling only on 2 dead platforms
Nah, 1 million tops.

But MM is better OoT.

>We have seen the graphics and played the combat. They're bad.
>the movements just have no weight and there's no flow. It's worse than Zelda combat in the past
>Except none of those things require the whole game
>the problem is that the game is mechanically weak

What a load of bullshit.

You're just going baseless statement after baseless statement without giving an argument beyond the weapon's weight, which is bullshit.

The mechanics in this game are jawdropping so far for anyone who isn't dead inside yet.

I agree, but it's subjective, unlike the zeldas that followed all of which are objectively shittier than oot and mm.

>weapon's weight

That's not what I mean you fucking retard, go play an action game that's not DaS or Zelda

>detonates bomb on paper-thin planks supported by a dead tree branch
>zero destruction despite the fact a guy went flying 40 feet in the air
What, how is there any weight to anything?

Why are you comparing it to completely different games in the first place?

>What, how is there any weight to anything?

I dunno. Ask your mom. She's an expert on weight.

>The mechanics in this game are jawdropping so far for anyone who isn't dead inside yet.
Or anyone who's played most of the games made in the last decade. This game does nothing creative or original, why would it drop anyone's jaws, it's just a hacked together copy of mechanics from existing games.

>identifies himself by how much he hates reddit
>thinks this makes him look like an oldfag

>Shits on the legacy of Zelda
>Is the closest to the original Legend of Zelda in a long time
Fuck off underage.

The only good Zeldas are the 2D ones so maybe something totally different from the usual 3D ones means they'll make something good in the future

>you can see a blue bok hit the barrel by mistake and making it roll just to be stopped by the bomb
>complains that all teh game is no 1:1 destructible
really negro?

I wouldn't say they're shitty but just not as good. They are great games.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
You need to fuck off you brainless faggot.

Are you seriously expecting a reasonable conversation here?

>literally Skyrim 2
>shits all over the series legacy
pic related
>despite this millions of FAKE Zelda fans excited
All that matters is that I'm excited and Zelda was the first game I beat.
>this turd will be a massive financial success
Yes it will
>and Nintendo will never make a real Zelda game ever again
You are a complete moron, Zelda is a series that is always reinventing itself. Did people say the same thing when Spirit Tracks dropped? Oh who am I kidding of course they did and then we got Skyward Sword. Oh no guys, Skyward Sword, now we will only ever get the waggling game, whatever will we do?

What's it like being a literal retard?


it puts together a lot of tid bit from other games.

-yet I dont remember a game were fire propagates on grass with the direction of the wind
-metallic objects luring lightning strikes
-rain making surfaces slippery so you can no longer climb em
-freezing time and hitting an object let it build momentum

>nintoddlers are actually this brainless and incapable of arguing

I love how that bokoblin just stares at Link through the entire webm. A true display of skill by the Japanese developers.

Jawdropping my ass. Ubishit standards,

>first Zelda game is open world
>you literally have no clue where to go first and there are lot of empty areas in the way
>huge map for NES standards
>the series went more and more into hold-handing and linear level design from there
Now open world, freedom and lack of linearity is a bad thing? Since when Sup Forums began to like games like ALTTP and Skyward Sword?

I would say oot and mm are good games, everything else (excluding the 2d titles) is shit, or full of enough flaws that you can't play through it from start to finish without being constantly bored or disappointed, and if they weren't loosely part of the zelda brand they'd all be forgotten within months of release.


Holy shit, did I just walk into an RE7 thread?

Same arguments.
Same retard logic.
Same ass-blasted faggots.

TP > WW > OoT > MM > SS > shit > BotW

>m-muh irrational hatred for Skyrim!

Don't know about you, but a Zelda game that gets me hooked for 100 hours sounds bretty good to me

Everything doesn't have to be black and white just because of your nostalgia.

OoT and MM are masterpieces. The rest is playable, enjoyable, comfy, whatever you say, but they didn't reach the perfection of the first two 3D Zeldas.

>-yet I dont remember a game were fire propagates on grass with the direction of the wind
Far cry 2
>-metallic objects luring lightning strikes
Don't starve
>-rain making surfaces slippery so you can no longer climb em
Cryostatis: sleep of reason
-freezing time and hitting an object let it build momentum

Perhaps if you actually played VIDEO GAMES instead of nintendo garbage you wouldn't be dropping your jaw over mundane shit and boring mechanics that don't really contribute anything to the game except to look cool once or twice.

>-freezing time and hitting an object let it build momentum
is this a joke you piece of shit?

Shit > Your opinions

The momentum part is irrelevant, hell it doesn't even make sense, if you REALLY give a shit about it then Singularity did exactly that.

I don't think he's even that old, more like someone that grew up with LTTP or OoT as their first game and denies that Zelda moved away from it's exploration roots to instead focus more on trying to be a linear rollercoaster of events, constantly nudging you from one thing to the next with a more and more apparent guiding hand instead of the small off screen one they use to use.


>tfw BOTW is going to redefine the open world Zelda and will never go back to the regular formula for 3D games ever again

Feels good.

This is literally every single video game series with more than one entry.
