Tfw you realize you got nothing in common with current Sup Forums anymore

>tfw you realize you got nothing in common with current Sup Forums anymore

Other urls found in this thread:

thats why all the oldfags are shitposting now

Eh, it's whatever.
When I was 16 I had nothing in common here, and 9 years later I still don't.

What do you like?
I honestly felt like Sup Forums transformed massively in the past year. I have no interest in 90% of threads that get posted and mainly keep pressing refresh hoping for a semi-decent topic. Threads I start die with 0 to 4 replies. No one has played games I've played.

It's weird because not too long ago we were having decent threads on Firewatch and other decent indie titles.

just come back during nighttime user, people are LESS shit then
or go to /vr/, maybe find some semi good taste there

I genuinely hate this board yet I keep coming here out of habit.

I hope nothing good ever happens in any of your lives ever again.

same to you bro!

It's called growing up, man. I know it hurts but eventually, we all grow out of our Sup Forums stage

That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me

>tfw Sup Forums used to be my main board years ago
>got pushed out by mods 3 day banning me every other day for minor offenses
>moved on to Sup Forums, got into programming finally
>enhanced my mind and soul by just a tad

Thanks hot pocket meisters, you did it for free, and you will continue to do it for free the rest of your pathetic lives!

Yeah, Sup Forums is perpetually 19. You're obviously from the fucking frog generation yourself, so fuck you too.

There has not been good taste on /vr/ since doom, tycoon, collectors and other general shitters discovered it. Initially the board was great, but now it's far dumber than Sup Forums even.

Yeah i think i'm getting too old for Sup Forums

console wars = boring
e celebs = childish and boring
baiting = boring

there is barely any real discussion besides from u fag killyourselves etc

Yeah, pretty much. I just want actual discussion. I come here because it's anonymous but if there was a better user board, I'd go there. Anybody have suggestions?

>not already knowing how to program
also what languages did you learn?


There's nowhere online that I fit in anymore and I certainly don't fit in offline.

No shit.

The average Sup Forums guy is like 19, plays Overwatch and League and his first console was a fucking PS2 or something.

Got nothing in common with these chucklefucks.

Same for me, since Sup Forums invaded this board things have only gotten worse.

Threads are either console shit that I simply can not relate to because my last console was the original playstation or people are arguing about obscure weebshit that I can also not relate to.

>what went right? + image of some indie crap nobody plays
>this is X, say something nice to him/her + image of random character
>zelda this, zelda that, zelda zelda zelda
>who was in the wrong here?
>souls fag circlejerk
>people trying to prove that their choice of console shit is superior to the console shit of the other brand by posting screencaps or graphcs with arbitraty stats like full amount of purple Xboxes sold to 14yr old red haired kids during last week's full moon compared to the amount of money Sony loses every 33.5 hours on call back campaigns due to mayonnaise related heat damage on PS4 units per quarter

This board has gone to shit, and not in the ironic sense of "Sup Forums was always shit, but at least it was our shit", but in the sense of that I find myself clickng my Sup Forums bookmark once a day instead of once every 15 minutes nowadays.

Maybe I'm like OP and have lost any connection to most of you guys based on what we share. Maybe most of you really play all your games on the newest xbox or gameboy advanve or whatever it is now, maybe it's true that nobody cares about strategy games or Morrowind and Baldur's Gate anymore.
Maybe Sup Forums memes are the new Sup Forums and I just didn't notice because I rarely read those posts.

I guess I've just grown tired of the only real hobby that I enjoy from all of my heart for 23 years now.
Being 30 kinda sucks when you less and less recognize the thing you loved for so long, I don't even want to know what it feels like in 5 years when everybody plays Halo 11 on their phones and I'm wandering about like a lost hobo, looking for somebody to talk to about Red Alert 2...

Honestly, if you're not going to find genuine discussion anywhere online. Every website is either going to be a Reddit style circlejerk or a Sup Forums style shitposting fuck up.

>find a nice thread
>retard shitposter posts three posts in
>everyone gives him all of their attention

you fucks don't even try to make this a decent board

Who /30+/ here?

There's literally nothing keeping me here besides a terrible decade-old compulsion built on an even older internet addiction built on an EVEN older general screen addiction.

>Sup Forums now likes Halo
>the halokiddies grew up

This is what I do.

Seems like everyone is either a TORtanic fag or a console warrior who just wants pre orders.

I only get joy from Siege and XCOM2 but it's very slight.

I don't know where you live, but euro-nighttime on Sup Forums doesn't seem to be very different than euro-daytime on Sup Forums, it's the same shit 24hrs non stop.

What differences do you notice between your daytime and nighttime Sup Forums browsing?

>cant discuss ps1 games on Sup Forums because even a shitty ps1 is now a foreign concept
>cant discuss ps1 games on /vr/ because /vr/ is nintendogaf
>cant discuss late 90s/early 2000s pc games because its not retro enough and at the same time current Sup Forums was born too late for it

what the fuck do I even do

I honestly don't know why I still come here. I like video games, they're still fun for me. This place really seems to be for people who hate video games and everything related to them these days.


fucking gen z


I've found that a couple decent threads tend to appear for early/late EU time but besides that the quality and choice of topics has really dropped from my point of view. I am to blame as well because I've stopped doing the threads that interested me but it's basically impossible to discuss anything in-depth, everyone is looking for (You)s or just doing one sentence replies.

Sup Forums has change A LOT, even more so in the two years than all years before.

Lol wut, Sup Forums was my main board from the beginning and is one of the boards on which the quality of posts has seriously deteriorated, it's even worse they banned desktop threads because those people were the most creative and action (Sup Forums extensions originate from there).

/vg/ + /vr/ were a mistake.
They removed informed opinions from Sup Forums so everything just becomes a blunder/sales thread

31 here. I've been coming here since... I don't know, 2007? When was RDR released? Some of the earliest threads I remember were about the sheer scale that game presented. People weren't as hostile back then, and there were numerous great threads discussing old games as well as upcoming games we were looking forward to. Now, every new game is automatically shit and if you try to say anything good about anything, you're a shill. The kids here now don't even want to talk about games, they just want to whine about everything.

I just went weeb and embraced the superior yellow man. i've more in common with Sup Forums now than ever before.

Thank you for contributing your opinion.
I'm 23 and I know this place for around 3 years and I somehow feel the same. I must say 4chans popularity is it's poison.
The more popular such a site gets, the more retarded, racist and shitposting individuals discover this place. I wish I could find such a site in its early years.

>threads i start die with 0 replies

This shit annoy me so much too! it's like they can smell my own post and go at large when they realize that

>oldest clear memory of Sup Forums are MGS4 launch threads
>remember I was here quite a while before that but cant specify a single concise thing

Its all a fucking mesh


Sup Forums and Sup Forums had the worst quality decline by far. At least Sup Forums has it's meme magic.


>Firewatch and other decent indie titles
Subtle, I like it.

It's been like this since they added /vg/. Everyone that wants to discuss games goes there. But that board is shit too, because there's no typical Sup Forums attitude toward tripfags. I hope the fags that complained nonstop about the generals on Sup Forums are happy. All you succeeded in doing was replacing video game generals with template threads.

>Same for me, since Sup Forums invaded this board things have only gotten worse.

i remember when Sup Forums blamed Sup Forums for the "downfall" of Sup Forums years ago. this is how you identify newfags

the true downfall was moot leaving. yeah he was a faggot but he was OUR faggot

capcha implementation is the turning point of Sup Forums going to shit

I still have lots of TF2, Dragon Age Origins, hell even MW original content saved from the good old days. The only recent oc that has been produced is "no way fag" afaik.

Where did everything go so wrong? We are living our own eternal september/summer hell.

Sorry what, Sup Forums has always been racist and derogatory but I guess you never knew about early Sup Forums. All those Sup Forumstard kids, if they are still around, are now Sup Forumstards. Exact same people but with a bunch of newfags on top.

>he was a faggot but he was OUR faggot


All a matter of perspective really. There's been several dips in quality and it fluctuates all the time, Sup Forums in 2012 was almost unbrowsable for a full year, then you had the gamersgate garbage that ruined 2014 etc. Only thing I can remember was 2009-2011 being pretty decent but that might just be nostalgia.
Give it some time user, it'll probably get better(before it gets worse again).

>It's weird because not too long ago we were having decent threads on Firewatch and other decent indie titles.

Ever consider that YOU are the problem? Faggot nigger.

was 2014 the influx of "cuck" meme? god that was truly unbareable

>faggot nigger
Quality contribution to the board, friend.

Firewatch was a walking simulator, but it was comfy and pretty and had a story that - although it fell flat in the end - was pretty intriguing.

As what I heard from many anons, Sup Forums was racist but is was seen as a joke and it was a meme. In 2008-2011 many oldfags left and more and more shitposting retards took their place. So I don't know it for sure and I got the feeling that you don't know it either.

Honestly. If you are over 21, at the most, you should fuck off. This place isn't for grandpas.

late 2000s Sup Forums was about calling everyone nigger in a non-negative connotation

It was around before but exploded when moot ended up looking like a huge fucking cuck. It was pretty funny at first, but then they ran it into the ground as always.

That's the problem: The old users who were racist, but weren't serious about it and just meant it in a joking way, as they were leaving and the newer kids were coming in, the kids didn't have the context and thought everyone was genuinely being racist assholes, so they just ran with that and amped it up as far as they could go. Each new generation of users has just increased the hate and racism because of this cycle.

This place used to be the "internet hate machine" in a facetious way. Now it's for real.

Yes, constant zoe threads, feminism threads, cuck meme gaining traction and so on.

I'm not 50 yet though.

Someone should write a book about Sup Forums's history with statistics about trap, furry and nude threads from every month. I would read it.

>tfw I've been on Sup Forums for 7 years solely to shitpost
>tfw all I have to do is post my black hand or mention that I prefer Playstation
>tfw no regrets

7 years later, people still hate me with a passion I love it.

Oldfag here. (2005)

You're a newfag, faggot. Sup Forums was always racist, it was not just tongue in cheek. Where do you think Sup Forums from?

Sup Forums is the one board that has still most in common with old Sup Forums. Sup Forums was never a nice place.

Fuck you, I'll post here until the site is dead. Anything non-user sucks dick on the net.

>This place used to be the "internet hate machine" in a facetious way. Now it's for real.

Newfag detected.

hate is nonexistant on here anymore.

One more year until im a fully fledged wizard.

This. I'm 19 and have had a couple good years on here, but when I either graduate from college or turn 21 I plan to stop coming here. I genuinely feel sorry for people who have been here almost 5-10 years and are now in their late 20s to 30s. I will make sure I don't end up like hem.

I am a newfag and I stated it in my previous post. I can't believe you're here for so long and don't even know how to read discussions

What I miss more than anything is the sheer volume of original content Sup Forums was cranking daily cca 2008-9. New memes would be ran into the ground after 4 or 5 days and a new thing would take over.

I miss the creativity.

You could write a fairly lengthy book about all the -chan girls that used to be a thing on Sup Forums. Cracky-chan, Creepy-chan, Tomboy-chan (my personal favorite), etc. I haven't been to Sup Forums in years so I don't know if chanwhores are even still a thing, but those various girls were kind of Sup Forums's mascots for a while. Even people like Applemilk and Boxxy, who didn't exactly post nudes and stuff but were still wildly popular. No idea what any of those people are up to these days, but I imagine if they were to return here they'd feel completely out of their element thanks to how much this site as a whole has changed.


Faggot Nigger Dick Cuck Fucker Queef Shit Cunt Cock AssLicker

How's that for thread integrity bitch

>hate is nonexistent on here anymore
There's no way you even believe that

shit, I meant Sup Forums in regards to the chanwhores, not Sup Forums. Fuck. Well I suppose someone will declare me a stupid nigger now and pretend that this is my first day on the site.

see you next week

There is no escaping you children so why would I go anywhere else? You're on every site.

I know creepy-chan is a model now. I think Applemilk is the one that became a literal yakuza cumdump, right? Boxxy is a host for some internet thing IIRC.

go look for a genuine hateful thread on here, on any fucking board.

Remember when getting people to kill themselves was the biggest/most hilarious thing on here? That time is over

The whole chan- girl phenomena went belly up around 2010 after boxxy, I don't frequent Sup Forums but I do go around there every now and then and I've never seen threads like those anymore. Boxxy is back though, uglier and fatter and completely unlikeable, they have threads about that. I see some cracky-chan posts once in a while too.

If you want to have discussion about walking sims and indie games, there are places called reddit and neogaf that you can visit.

I don't know what the fuck you are talking about and that makes me feel awkward. This site and it's userbase seem to transform every couple of months and changes its faces in 24h because of the timezones, I think.

SJW threads ruined this board

it happened like once in 10 years

I tried leaving this place couldn't take it anymore after 4 months away. Stuck here forever

newfag detected

I can't count the number of live cam suicides I witnessed, not to mention news reports of suicides that were connected to 4chink


So were those suicides good? Which was the most shocking?

but can you prove it?

Why though? Is it like an addiction or something? The longest I had without going on Sup Forums was like a month but even then I didn't really feel a great urge to come back. It was around E3 and I just wanted to see what everyone was up to.

>I will make sure I don't end up like hem.
>He actually believes this is going to happen

You're only 19, you're a child, you haven't felt the real passage of time yet. The only way you're going to really leave is if you leave now, you're not going to do that. Remember this when you're still shitposting here 6 years from now.

Sup Forums has always hated niggers. Neck yourself, you nigger lover.

I don't think suicides are really shocking, but the video of the 12-year old that hanged herself lately was pretty grimy in a more psychological way than most vids.

I'd recommend watching the classic stuff first and foremost. Dnepropetrosk dudes, canadian dude letting his dog fuck a decapitated corpse, mexican cartel impaling, etc.

I have little urge to come here, but every other site is worse. I think I'm just going to stop posting on boards/forums entirely soon.

Lost track of how long I've been coming here for. Think I started around 2009, mostly came for user based conversation about games.

Now I can't compel myself to leave no matter how hard I try, even though 99% of Sup Forums is incredibly shit.

The board changed when MGSV came out. Everything became about bickering, console wars, shitposting, and politics at that point. No one was excited about anything anymore

Socially isolated people with few friends, this is the place they can go. Reddit/Gamefaqs etc leaves a bad taste in the mouth because of namefaggery, on here people are judged by the content of the post.

Thank you, user

You are way too fucking new. If anything MGSV made Sup Forums better because now we don't get almost any MGS threads. Thank fucking god.

Console wars have been a thing for the 9 years I've been here, lurk moar.

>Sup Forums hates politics in games
>Sup Forums has non stop politic threads
Ban any sight of politics on this board and the quality will go up 4%.

>canadian dude letting his dog fuck a decapitated corpse
Wait what, what gender was the body?
Sauce please

>feminism and identity politics threads
>platform wars
>no discussion, only shitposting

It's not fun to be here anymore. It's just stupid children and marketers arguing.

what vidya you wish you could discuss on Sup Forums nowadays?

heres for me

>tactical shooters
>retro horror games
>point and click games beyond Tellcuck stuff and Syberia/Machinarium/Beneath the steel sky/I have no mouth and I must scream
>90s racing games

Fuck even RTS threads are rare now.

Sup Forums the photo