Which one are you buying?
Which one are you buying?
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The one i have the console for.
I don't play video games anymore.
Oh I'm sorry I thought we were critiquing clipping
is this, dare I say, a jojo reference?
Both, have a switch and Zelda preordered and Im going to wait until Horizons half off in 3 months
Neither. I don't like Zelda and I don't like ubisoft-like open worlds.
I don't think it's about clipping. It's water, of course it clips. And you posted some magical unethereal chains of some sort. How would you find that weird to "clip" at all?
How did Horizon even get into "competition" with Zelda?
It's the feminism and fanboys pretending it's great isn't it? Because a new ip should never be so fucking hyped unless it's shilled, which it is.
That being said, I'm not getting either until I find a cheap Wii U and hacking it, or Horizon divebombs in price because fuck buying 80 dollar games.
Guys in all seriousness, can we talk about Zelda for a second without all this fanboy x vs x console shit.
Sure this zelda goes back to the roots of the original game in the sense that its a world where you can roam anywhere BUT... im spooked that all the dungeons will look the same, in OOT you were inside the tree, inside all kind of ancient ruins and even inside a giant whale. Im scared that all the dungeons would just be watered down to "magic entrance to technodungeon" with no real interesting theme to the dungeons other than "technomagic". Am i alone in thinking this could ruin the sense of discovery when all the fucking dungeons are like visual copy pastes of eachother?
Both are open world games, you explore and hunt in them, and can train mounts I guess.
There's going to be regular dungeons with themes.
>terrible rock texture
>no water ripples
>everybody has stupid ai
"technical masterpiece"
theres literally zero footage of it though not even a screenshot, does this not bother anyone? we have seen locations like the city when its being attacked and small camps and shit but not a single non technodungeon dungeon
Zelda and Nier. Horizon can rot for all I care.
Horizon probably never. BotW when the switch has enough games for me to want to buy it that aren't fucked by Ninty's localization teams, so never.
Both look like shit.
>Which one
Probably both.
I like being an early adopter to Nintendo hardware probably because I hate myself so I'm going to play BotW first, but I haven't really seen enough reason to not get Horizon eventually too. The story looks like it's garbage but I don't really play games for story.
Zelda for my wife's son
Horizon for me as I'm a mature gamer
This is a screenshot of a dungeon. I guess it is kind of mechanical and techno-magicy, but it looks different than the shrines and this sort of dungeon that is full of mechanisms is a common trope in Zelda, at least. I don't worry about there being dungeons that look even more different.
What happens when zelda is only 15 hours long? Will you change your tune?
Here's some concept art too.
kek sonyggers so assmad now that they have to complain about clipping with MAGICAL chains.
The one I have the console for currently
where is his penis
>implying robots need cocks.
>differently skinned technodungeons
maximum worry
Don't forget the horse armor
20 dollars plus tip plus amiibo
>nintendrones bashing sonyggers
>a company that has been in the game for decades vs some low life shitty devs no one ever heard of
it's like comparing your manchild dick to an actual childs one, and calling yourself hung.
rare items, RARE ITEMS, gives you a possible power boost.
so basically its optional and less fun, just dont buy it if you dont want it
Wait until leaks. BotW has a store ID and some people with modded Wii U posted pictures of it being up, but unable to be downloaded yet.
It's a placeholder, but give it enough time.
Your SJWfest is garbage
>just don't buy it!
PC+PS4+Vita+Xbone+Wii U+3DS owner here.
If I manage to get my hands on a Switch, Zelda. The only Zelda game I've beaten from beginning to end is Wind Waker, so I'm not nearly as burnt out on the series as most people are.
Horizon looks godawful in every department accept the art, and even then the only thing I like are the mechanical monster designs. The fact that the gameplay is the biggest lacking feature is a real downer, especially as a Monster Hunter fan.
>literally everything locked behind amiibo
It's over
You could choose to not equip them. Trying a bit too hard, user.
Are you literally retarded?
I'll be playing both of them but only buying one
>gives you the arrows that do great damage to the guardians
Doesn't this just confirms that all the items you get from amiibo can be found just by playing the game?
But wait, there's more
Wait, what? I gotta buy all this stuff too?
If you want late game items early on like a fucking casual, yeah.
>as in good luck finding these in store due to nintendos signature false scarcity
Yes it does, but if you need a boost or just extra damage it could be handy, the only reason why i bought the amiibo is because i love how they look, whenether i want to use them is up to me.
The best use of the amiibos?
Shoving them up your own ass.
I don't get how the low amiibo supply that hasn't been a thing for some time has anything to do with what I said.
The one where your god isnt a black muslim woman.
You could use that as an example if you are into that.
I wonder if horizon is getting a day 1 patch.
I dunno if I'll be getting Zelda, but I'm most definitely not getting Horizon.
Neither is the only reasonable answer.
Every modern AAA game is trash.
all weapons are degradable and non permanent with the exception of the master sword right?
these are just temporary boosts and not worth it unless you actually want the figures.
the only worthwhile amibo so far is wolf link and thats already been in circulation for ages.
I have an 18 hour flight march 5th, so I picked up a switch and zelda to keep me busy during it. Also bought a new laptop to catch up on a few missed PC games if zelda is shit.
You can get the items naturally in game, OR have them early on if you're a casual. So no, the items are not "locked" behind the amiibos.
Why do you think they are trash?
Can I get a quick rundown?
Nintendo is just stealing money from retards. Litterally what's wrong with that. You post obvious bait in which retards fall for. Litterally the same exact thing.
>rare items
"Rare" implies it can be found in-game, the amiibo is just a cheap way to instantly get that energy arrow and fancy shield. I really do not see the problem, unless you want to play this game on easy mode.
Why is this company only making games they deem as killer when they know they cant compete
>claim you're making the halo killer
>release a lifeless shooter with nothing memorable
>claim you're making the zelda killer
>release a lifeless tps with nothing memorable
They are made for normies, easy and dull. Made to appeal to the masses,
>a game with no textures and no AA and can render water
You said no textures, how do you know it's water?
Gee what an insightful post user, so you think games should be made to only appeal to the "hardcore" gamers such as yourself right?
I know, Its still amazing people think its impressive Horizon can do it when its not rendering anything else.
at least the zelda series has its charm, horizon feels like its like a generic far cry clone that's been approved by a focus group
""""""""""a technical masterpice""""""" LMAO
I was actually debating on buying the horizon ps4 pro bundle Mostly to play nioh and bloodborne but after seeing some of those webm i think ill hold off for a different bundle.
>caring about graphics
i-it looks fine! gameplay is all that matters!
No, I am saying that AAA games are trash because they don't appeal to the hardcore base.
I understand that some people like them, but if you're on Sup Forums you shouldn't be a causal AAA fag.
>posting bullshots
Maybe post screens from the actual game next time, shill
They both look awful.
>shitty SJW cookie cutter open world game that dont need no man or whitey
>buying a Switch after they burned me with the Wii u
You were debating buying a bundle that doesn't exist?
then buy the wii u version????
I'm probably going to pirate zelda and not play it just like skyward sword.
Fact is both of these look like trash, the only thing worse than a third person game or an open world game is a third person open world game.
Theres one in canada for it. Not sure about anywhere else though. They have a bunch of signs for it at walmart
Wii u is gone and i'm not even sure what would make me consider buying anything nintendo again
Is it just some package deal where they give you the game and the console or is it included in the box with actual different boxart like official bundles?
>claim you're making the zelda killer
They never did, you just got memed on by Sup Forums since the faggots here are so easy to bait.
I'll pirate Zelda, multiple times even to maximize Nintendo's losses.
I wouldn't even bother with etither of those games otherwise.
It had its own artwork yeah. Not sure why i cant find anything online to link it though.
Neither. I hated OOT zelda and new one will be probably the same and Horizon doesn't really interest me.
pure gold
clearly this game deserves near perfect scores.
>one guy (i.e. one lost sale) pirating the same game multiple times = multiple lost sales
>He doesn't pirate games twice so that the game devs lose 120 dollars every time
It's like you've never pirated games before.
>Download a car
>they lose one sale
>download multiple cars
>they lose multiple sales
What is it that you don't understand?
>ethereal chains go through corporeal objects
No shit.
take that nintendo! i just stole 4 none existant copys of your game and theres nothing you can do about it.