My first tales of game

What am i in for?

A BitCoin miner in that release.


Over the edge

Nah I'm serious. Don't use it.

Berserk but with lady

And boat

A pretty shitty game + a free complimentary bitcoin miner.

The user isnt lying. That release is bait for bitcoin mining. Other releases exist use one of those instead.

good one

The best tales

Thanks, Skittles

Doubt it. Seriously, prove me wrong. How do i know if im bitcoining?

He probably already installed it.

Not like uninstalling it removes the miner.

you buy the game

You aren't. It runs in the background processes mining bitcoins for the creator, effectively earning them money by using your computer when it's on, regardless of whether or not you're running the game.

An early MGS5 crack had it too.

Should have used the clean CPY release.

Again, doubt it. I use peerblock and have an antivirus. I would notice if the FPS dropped.

Good to know.

There's a clean version and a dirty version. The one with the generic installer is the dirty one.

>antivirus and peerblock

You really have no idea how miners work, do you?

>blocking bitcoin miners
>implying miners would affect FPS in stealth mode

You aren't very bright.

So far i didn't see anything in the detailed task manager. Are you sure this isn't clean? I mean it\s from a closed forum where this guy has been uploading games since 2006. He can't be an asshole, can he?

OP is fucked. Lmao

Why do germans always use fucking smileys.

He could have uploaded it in ignorance, just like you installed it in ignorance

Oh well, nothing you can do now. May as well play the game since you aren't going to get rid of the miner kit without reformatting.

You can delete a bitcoin trojan. Don't know what this guys are talking about.

nah dude if its the riddick version which i guess it is then it's fine

>europoverty is actually stupid enough to install a coin miner with elevated permissions

Good luck teaching OP how to. He thinks peerblock and antivirus actually do anything worthwhile. One of the above doesn't even have anything to do with the issue.

Don't know about that. I installed Layers of Fear from riddick and it had a bitcoin miner trojan. I removed it but still. It is noticable. Especially if you have a good GPU and it suddenly drops for no reason to 30 fps. You just view in the task manager and find the thing that's overloading your cpu. And then in the Task scheduler.

>thinking that denuvo is better than a coin miner

>first Tales game

Pretty bad, to be honest. The only people who claim that Berseria is good are the cucked fans that got burned with Zestiria, anyone else will just say that the game is okay as far as a Tales game goes and tell you to play Xillia 2/Vesperia/Abyss instead.

It is when it fails to function :^)

Strange.. never got any problems with his releases or i didnt noticed them. I guess you should care then

so if i disconnect from the internet the coin miner wont wörk

Xillia is garbage.

Xillia 1 is mediocre, but 2 is great.

Bitcoin miners can run in offline mode with limited function.

These things are designed with ignorance in mind, with fallbacks.

but then how do they connect to the chainblock?

How do I know if my PC has a bitcoin miner? Does AV software find this stuff? I pirate shit all the time and I always worry but I never found anything.

I want to know too. Bump.

i never understood the mining thing.

so, what harm can it do to me?

it uses your PC resources to generate coins, which in other words it decreases the lifespan of your CPU and GPU considerably

Probably being cucked by your wife in the future.

hes baiting you

how can it decrease the lifespan so considerably if i play games at ultra and shit, what do they do to?

well in that case it means if you try to play a game on ultra while a bitcoin miner runs in the background it'll probably run like ass since by default the bitcoin miner will be a higher priority process

so is the only way to get rid of "just" reformatting my hd?