South america had a comfy thread this morning, so let's have one about here

South america had a comfy thread this morning, so let's have one about here.

Where are you Canadians planning on getting the switch? Pre-orders sold out at like 4am here the day they opened and I haven't been able to find one since.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is all I'm going to get right...

My small town walmart usually gets a bunch of stock and nobody shows up at 8 when they open. That's how i got 4 mini NES classics.

of course the retards of this shithole country would by that garbage

>buying video games
>in this country

Boy oh boy you guys are optimistic.

I'm not planning to purchase a Nintendo Switch, since I only purchase consoles with games available to play.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to this Canadian politics discussion.

tfw 80 maplebuck vidya

>want to buy For Honor
>80 Canada dollars

Just fuck me up senpai.

what other games have canadian levels?

Ok can the poor people stop complaining about being poor and just strategize over how to get a switch, thanks.

>1070 strix for $550+ tax


>$80/$90 is the standard for AAA games
>full game after DLC is pusing $150

>not going to ebgames at 10am and pre ordering in person
online retailers are a meme

rampage 2 universal tour has 2 or 3 canadian city levels

I did. They were all sold out.

do the tongue thing homie

Xcom has Newfoundland.


Fuck off, complaining is fun.

literally the only time newfieland is ever in vidya

I think this post sums up Canada.


>take the middle out a donut out
>re-sell it for extra profit

really makes you think

I'm not getting a Switch because I don't support paid online.

>Newfoundland accurately portrayed as a hellhole that must be immediately evaced from

Wow how did they know

Won't be long until games are $120.00.

Amazon. I'm kind of worried that it is listed for not arriving until March 8-10. I've noticed that is really dropping the ball on release day delivery lately

>Tfw making home-made poutine tonight

Pre-ordered a copy on Best Buy online to guarantee one, then walked into an EB games and pre-ordered for launch.

Also got BoTW SE at best buy... but not sure what I'm gonna do if it doesn't get there for launch I'll have to get BoTW from EB games and return it or something.

I wanted to buy the deluxe edition of Nier Automata because they're actually developers I want to support, but in CAD it'd end up being $300+. I could buy a damn console.

I'm from BC, I've never had poutine.

What is it? Is it just like sliced cheese on french fries?

tried it once

used potato wedges and shredded cheese

and some can gravy

wasnt bad actually

might try mozzerlla chese strings next time but cut them into chunks

It's cheese curds and gravy.

cheese curds and gravy over fries

If it's not cheese curds it's not poutine

I went to my local eb games and was the second in line, I got the grey switch and botw. Went again when the pre orders opened for the pro controller. I'm hyped but holy fuck these things are expensive

What is a cheese curd? I don't really eat much dairy.

>order a poutine
>gravy doesn't melt the curds
Really activates my syrup

>buying anything after this masterpiece

There was two waves of preorders on I think first wave is getting them on release and second is around the date you posted. My friend got into the first wave and I'm wave 2 like you.

But I hope Amazon is busting Nintendos ass to get wave 2 earlier than what they predicted on the site.

It's fries with cheese curds and gravy, quality varies based on the freshness and brand of cheese and brand of gravy used.

>tfw no donair place around
>curds dont squeak

Actually, apparently it's not for profit because the Brazilian firm that owns Timmies now thought Timbits are literally not profitable that they almost got rid of them.

>fucking leaves on my Sup Forums

i got mine preordered from when best buy fucked up and didn't add the neon version to their site until later. jumped right onto that shit when it first came up. wanted the grey one, but i'll take what i can get.

>tfw best Donair I ever had was in Stephenville

Canada is like a half hour away from where I live, maybe two hours into the capital. Do people who live there actually just stay there? I thought Canadians frequented the States a lot.

is that a newer cross country canada? i only ever played the DOS? version in elementary school back in the day

greco pizza has some pretty good donairs
i usually have it when im in newfieland

never had a halifax donair though

>curds dont squeak

I've baffled that I ended up in the second wave since I ordered mine the minute they went live during the first wave.

Lived in Canada for 20 years but never tasted maple syrup. What am I missing out on?


Many Canadians move to the states, many Americans move here.

There is a lot of cross border movement and families.

Canada existing at all is a silly thing, it should really be part of the states at this point.

Ew. That shit is 90% grease. I'm from Halifax and I'm a donair enthusiast.

halifax donair is the best
stop by king of donairs sometime

>he doesn't main old fashion glazed

literally just sugar



i usually get like one of those and one chocolate glazed

sometimes a boston creme or a cinnamon roll

>tfw its all processed sugar and flour
>literal toxic

i dont go there often these days but when i do...

>Order video games
>Get a thread full of Canucks talking about fast food.

Honey dip is better desu

If we join America though we all have to get fat and I don't wanna eat that much

>switch is $400
>sold out everywhere
>i'm on welfare

at least winter is over...

>i'm on welfare
Get a job

It sure is. I don't even remember actually playing the game properly, I just remember getting pulled for chains and crashing from sleep deprivation.

>caramel churro cruller

Wrong, Cape Breton donair is far better and Belly Busters in Membertou makes the best donair in the world.

I was just gonna try the local wal-mart on launch day

Syrup is alright but it's extremely overrated, like bacon

My friend says the same thing when I get pulled pork on mine. You're both wrong.

who /jamajam/ here
i remember them tasting really good
almost bought some online


Tim Horton's food and coffee is garbage. McDonald's has better coffee, and literally anywhere has better food. I hate how they wormed their way into the Canadian identity, it's pathetic.

Naw dog, I like my healthcare just fine. Joining America would be a mistake. Our votes would count for nothing since we're fuckin tiny population-wise.

>buy some maple syrup
>dont want to waste it
>buy a box of pancake mix
>end up with mix left
>dont want to waste it
>but some more syrup
>cycle never ends

Squeaky cheese

>Those fucking ginger snaps

yeah but their ice caps are good so i forgive them

I wish Skateboarding was more popular in my city.
I hate snowboarding

>tfw never ordered a coffee at mcdonalds
do i call it a double double?
>those fucking ginger snaps
>dipping the fuckers in milk

my dad eats at belly busters for lunch like 4 times a week, ive only ever gotten chicken wraps there and they werent that good
maybe ill try the donair

WiiU exclusive Epic Dumpster Bear takes place in Canada. The 1st and 4th worlds are in Alberta, and the 2nd is in the Yukon.

Don't let the game's Unity Store assets fool you -- it's a solid platformer with some good challenge.

Mcdonalds current coffee is Timmies old coffee.

I always just get a large coffee with two sugars and two creams, I'm sure they hear double double all the time though

>not honey cruller master race

Sly 2

Trudeau could have been a cool, young, strong and handsome leader. Instead he's a fucking flaming faggot. We really should have seen it coming, honestly, considering who his father was.

>Mexicans don't need Visa to travel to Canada
>Tim Hortons is coming to Mexico

Nice to know that Mexicans and Canadians have a healthy friendship

step up

>tfw stuck with him for the next few years
>tfw his "open arms" approach to immigrants
>spent more money on foreign aid and immigrands then helping alberta when it was burning


Where my /GTA/ bros at?

>tfw we're finally getting double digit weather again
I'm so fucking glad winter is on the way out


moved from pickering 10 years ago

wonder what its like these days
>the state of ottawa

OP should have remembered to label this thread "Westerners only" so we didn't have retarded ontarioians and maritime welfare babies crying about things and their fake "Canadian Culture" of tim hortons and meme food.

Fucking mainlanders
Fucking Chorontons

>tfw ketchup doritos are back again for a limited time
>limited time food

US here. Are Canadian people nicer on average or is it just a meme?

I am from Toronto, know of any place that would have a Switch?

The best thing to come out of Fort McMurray were all of the photoshops of him laughing over the fire

You'll find us a bit more hospitable I think, But on average most of us are like you.

I'm not getting the Switch or any video game these days because the prices are absurd here. I only pirate now.