Discussing the Vita scam

How can anyone defend this fucking console ?
>No games
>Outrageous memory card prices
>50 bucks for 16 gigs of memory LUL
>Only weebshit coming out
>Competing against the 3DS

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it's okay when sony does it

but i like it

I love mine. I'm carrying Katamari and Suikoden around in my pocket, nigga.

A PS1 game and Katamari Damaci do not make it a viable console when going up against the 3DS which is much cheaper and has way better games

Nobody except /vitagen/ defends this piece of shit. I have one and I've barely touched it.

I really wish I'd gotten a 3DS instead. I'd at least have more than just three games.

You spelled "Nintendo Switch" wrong...

You also used the wrong image.

I like my vita and carry it with me everywhere. The 3DS stays home for comfy games while I just my vita to be entertained while waiting at places, like my gfs or at the barbers, even downtime at work

>Mfw 3ds hasn't had a game come out on it in like 2 years
>mfw Vita games have picked up after it got "discontinued" as long as you're not an anti-japanese autist, in which case the 3ds doesn't have shit for you either.

Stay salty poorfags.

Only contrarians defend this garbage, don't fall for their shilling.

>b-b-b-but N-n-n-nintedo
Every time.

>>Competing against the 3DS
The VIta may look appealing but that's only because its competition is garbage too.
Thank god you can pirate on this thing. I'd have felt much more robbed if I bought all the garbage recommended for this system as well.

In 2015, the Vita got Criminal Girls 2 and ports
In 2015, the 3DS got
>The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
>Fire Emblem Fates
>Monster Hunter Generations
>Bravely Second
Stay salty Vita shill

The vita was a complete failure, due in part to its lack of marketing and complete lack fo 1st party games.

Regardless, the system is a fantastic piece of hardware and for the niche market, it has an amazing array of games.

I do wish I was weeb because I would love it even more

>>The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
this port was absolute shit and by recommending it you're only discrediting yourself

>Anti-japanese autist

Buy a PSTV for dirt cheap and hack it. You can plug in a USB and use it as a memory card with Taihenkaku.

>Port of the shittier of the 2 N64 Zeldas
>Decent game
>Shit memegame
>Shit game overall

Wew, you sure got me there (^:

>You can plug in a USB and use it as a memory card with Taihenkaku.
Not until TheFag releases the new VitaShell. The fucker promised it yesterday.

It's already out if you know how to compile from github

Its fucking gorgeous

>bravely second sucks
>vita jrpgs are good
i wonder how you're going to work that one out

I took a quick look at the code, it didn't seem complete. I couldn't figure out where redirectUx0(); was defined so I'm guessing it's stubbed out.
if it's really real, could you compile it for me?

What's with all those vita threads lately?

>from italy
>system comes with a 4gb card

>literally the psp rereleased in 2011 with mario and the worst gimmick since the virtual boy

>>bravely second sucks
>>vita jrpgs are good

Easy: Bravely Second is more modern Square garbage. Vita JRPGs, while not all great, at least have something to them besides a brand name.

My problem with the vita is that every new game runs like utter garbage, every atelier game, new valkyria, sao, dynasty warriors, ff, neptunia etc.
Fucking everything got framerate below 30 even tho its soooo """"powerful""""

The memory cards are really the only thing that kept me from buying one. Custom firmware on my psp showed me how great it is to have multiple games loaded onto a handheld at once but i just couldn't bring myself to blow that kind of money on storage space.

get better amphetamine plugin and overclock your vita, performance issues go away or are less of a problem.

like borderlands 2 go from 15fps to a stable 30FPS with the plugin. Odin Sphere also locks at 60FPS.

This is why you gotta overclock it senpai

This is why I'm eager to have USB storage in my PSTV.

I have an upgraded Vita to latest firmware.

Is it worth buying a used one with sub 3.60 to hack it

Do you care that much about pirating Vita games?

>Only weebshit coming out
>Competing against the 3DS
Nigga, do you even own the handheld its competing against?

99% of the good 3DS games are weebshit. Blasting the Vita for weebshit while comparing it to the 3DS is retarded.

But the Switch uses SD cards and has a bit more than weebshit coming out for it.

switch literally has no games besides zelda

>tfw avid Vita fan and advocate
>it'll never not get shit for its lack of American, AAA games (even though the more recent AAA games on consoles have been dogshit) amongst the American consumer base
Can we just admit a lot of the hate is overblown and that it's a perfectly fine handheld with a library that's just not for everyone? Or are we gonna keep perpetuating this shitty meme that it gets no games despite every list showing a surplus?

At launch? Yes, but when talking about games that are "coming out" for it, like specified in OP's post, the picture is a bit bigger.

The platform is getting Disgaea, SMT, Xenoblade, Dragon Quest, Fire Emblem...

Actually shit, most of the games that are coming out for the thing are weebshit. The only things that aren't are shit like Skyrim, Yooka Laylee, and Shovel Knight.

how much you like the Vita depends on how much you like low-budget and low-effort JRPGs.
If that's your thing then the Vita is for you. That's not most people's thing, which is why most people shit on it.

More interested in overclocking and emulation of other systems (what systems can it emulate?)

No games is objectively wrong though. The rest is true but I simply aren't a poorfag so it doesn't bother me.

also on PS4
unreal engine 4 game so guaranteed to get a PS4 port
>Dragon Quest
also on PS4
>Fire Emblem
it's becoming MOBAGE shit.

You can get ARK on 3.63 now. You can run PSP emulators with that.

If that's not enough then consider getting a 3.60 system.

>no games
>^see above
>no games

the only bigger faggots than OP are you mongoloids who constantly reply to this obvious bait

OP is literally not even trying

>tfw use mine as a metal gear and jrpg machine'

its nice having metal gear 1 2 mgs 1 2 3 and peace walker on one machine.

>Monster Hunter
>Meme game
>Mfw it sold almost half as much as the estimated Vita sales worldwide and has been on the market for a year
>Bravely Second
>Shit Game
>Shittier of the N64 Zeldas
>9.0 User score on Metacritic
You Vita shills are really desperate aren't you ?

lmao, the first gen is not beautiful, it looks like something a sweaty weeb carries around, the second gen, however, is art.

Can you use your own memory card or does it have "lol drm"?I mean its a micro sd right?

Yooka Laylee and Shovel Knight are honorary weebshit at this point.

Still outlived the Wii U and got more worthwhile games than it, nintencuck, keep those tears coming

2000 model looks like ass with that screen border and piss yellow LCD though.

I bought one for Ys 4 and full content Disgaea and Ateliers. PS1 and PSP libraries are a bonus.

I regret nothing.

It's a proprietary Sony memory card that sells at roughly ~$2 per GB.

It's almost identical to their older M2 format. The shape is subtly different and a few pins are swapped around so you can't use them.

It has "lol proprietary encryption", so no competition which means "90 bucks for 32 gigabytes when a 32 gig SD card only costs around 25 please !"

That's literally all I'm playing on mine. MGS HD and VR Missions.

Thanks. Ilkl look into this. FFT, TTO and jeane D'Arc on the Vita would be great


>$2 per GB
>4GB card costs around 25$


literally no point in buying vita memory cards now when the USB mass storage hack comes out soon

I love my Vita!

Please explain. Will I be able to use regular sd cards on it?

so like what the fuck is this thing? can i buy this and just play vita games on tv? whats the deal

The memory cards were the only reason I didn't get one when it was still alive. It's the biggest scam I've ever seen. Lucky I found a used vita on Craigslist for $80 with a 4GB memory card or I still wouldn't have one.

It's fine enough. I mean it's not like the 3DS is getting American, AAA games anyway. Anyone wanting AAA games from either handheld are shit out of luck.

OP didn't specify exclusives. Just shit "coming out". Whether or not they're multiplats is irrelevant, as a lot of upcoming Vita games are also multiplat.

One of the VIta homebrew developers teased USB stick support in the PSTV. Nothing for actual Vitas (yet?)

That's correct. You plug the HDMI cable in and connect your PS3/PS4 controller, and then it plays Vita games.

lol, get over yourself. Almost nobody really defends it, and it sold poorly.

You can plug in a USB into a PSTV and use it as a memory card.

Handheld fags are shit outta luck unless that one guy finishes his SD card adapter project.

>50 bucks for 16 gigs of memory LUL

Yes but not all of them. Gotta find a list and it's only like 40 bucks is why anyone would want to do it. I've only had my vita a few months and already have enough sweet digital games on my account that I'll just buy one and store it for the future.

I have a couple 6 hour flights coming up soon. What's a good Vita JRPG that I won't get burnt out on?

Idiort reporting.
The Vita is an incredibly niche handheld. If you do not like Japanese games, then there is no point in buying one. Hell, even if you like most jap games it's still niche because most of what's there is so weeb. It has a surprisingly large seemingly indie scene, but quite frankly I hate indie games.

I straight up bought mine as a DC and Muramasa machine because there was a deal for a 130 dollar vita. I finally bit the bullet and bought a sixteen (16) GB card for 50 bucks and I still feel awful about it. When I get the chance I will hack it with no regrets but the last thing I need right now is more backlog.

The memory cards made exclusively for Vita is one of the biggest bullshit things I've ever encountered as a consumer. Here you have what is essentially a micro SD card, but the price is inflated by 3 or even 4 times the price of an average one, simply because sony can. And if you want to actually play things on your vita, you are damn near REQUIRED to buy one due to the absurd lack of physical releases for the system.
The vita is also unergonomic as fuck, I had to buy a grip for it to stand playing it for more than 30 minutes.

There's a whitelist hack which makes almost the entire Vita library playable on PSTV.

The only games you would have issues with are ones that require the touchscreen but those are rare these days.

A tiny handful of games crash on the PSTV with the whitelist hack. Tearaway is one.
Wipeout 2048 also crashes on occcasion while loading, and can't go online without crashing.

No region locks without resorting to hacking

Seriously though there is no reason to own a Vita unless you can read Japanese.

>Mfw it sold almost half as much as the estimated Vita sales worldwide and has been on the market for a year

Wow, memes sell well, who would have guessed? It's a shit game and always has been, even back on the PSP.

>Bravely Second
>Shit Game

Good job, you can read.

>9.0 User score on Metacritic

>Actually caring about casualcritic
Majora's Mask was overrated dogshit in 2000 and it's even worse now.

Sony really shot themselves in the foot with the console being overpriced and the memory cards, I mean it was perfect for playing a console game on the go which I would have loved to had but devs love to force you to buy the same game twice so that wasn't worth a shit

Just bought ffx which should be coming in a couple of days too.

also can play crash bandicoot and tomba, metal gear solid etc on the go. It's amazing.

>not liking MM
No idea how you expect anyone to take anything you say with any credibility now.

>No games
>I have actually have 38 weeb games that majority of Sup Forums which a weeb board considers games

Tearaway is one of the games that require using the touchscreen and also makes use of the camera, so it's understandable why it crashes.

Wipeout 2048 also uses the touchscreen to navigate the menus if I can recall.

You took a screenshot of a picture?

You can emulate touch screen support. Camera/mic features seem to be the issue here.

I don't need credibility from those without it themselves.

4mb limit on posting. So I screenshotted it because I cba editing it down on my phone.

>only weebshit coming out
Vita's western support fucking shits all over the 3DS though

>in my pocket
Manchild detected

wow that sounds great, i think at that price i have to get one

>in my pocket

>around in my pocke
>carrying a vita in a pocket
Enjoy your broken sticks you retard.

You can do hacks and pirate games on it, so long as it's new.

And like user said, USB support is on its way. Nothing yet though.

>can't fit stuff in his pockets
Edgy teen detected



>Buy the bordershit 2 edition of a vita
>take out the 4gb memory card
>return device

It's literally that easy to get them for free, my local gamestop actually opened the vita, took it out and gave it to me the first time. Something about personal data idrgaf

Vita+PSTV is better than the Nintendo Switch.

>Can play your games on the go or on a HDTV
>Continue where you left off anywhere on the go or on the HDTV by just swapping memory cards
>Can emulate PSP, PS1, and other retro consoles
>Both devices combined cost less than Switch

Yet none of that actually critiques the console itself.
Only Sony's bad practices and lack of library that led to it's demise.

It's winter, faggot. Coat pocket.
In a case, also you.

Are you trying to argue it isn't portable? Is that what you're banking on now?

>LCDs at an impractical sheer angle
It's like you're not even trying to be fair.

>not being a weeb
what a fag

No dispute if you're going physical.

>>No games
That you give a damn about.

>>Outrageous memory card prices
bucks for 16 gigs of memory LUL
Why are you repeating yourself?

>>Only weebshit coming out
Well, duh. PlayStation is also a hub for weeaboos. Ninty, the stigma isn't there as much.

>>Competing against the 3DS
And? We all knew the 3DS would outsell it. Doesn't make the 3DS library much better.


Impractical or not the point is the LCD screen is fucking garbage. That shit is like the ips vs tn for the 3ds.

My vita had CFW but I had to upgrade to play steins;gate 0 so right now it's an useless machine, emulators when?

get ARK senpai