Really enjoy all the modern shock games

>really enjoy all the modern shock games
>want to play System Shock 2
>graphics give me anxiety
>always feel like I need to take a shit after 30 minutes of playing
I don't mind aged graphics but holy shit something about the textures in this game freak me the fuck out. I don't think I'll ever actually get to play this game, it's fucking horrifying.

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i want to beat the enhanced version but its really autistic

Theres some texture packs out there

I havent finished the game yet becuase the further you get the more creepy shit the many throws at you and i nope the fuck out of there, sucks but im too much a pussy about creepy worms and spiders and flesh tunnels

There are huge spiders in this game too

I love this game

What's autistic about it
Spiders aren't scary

everything compared to the second game

>always feel like I need to take a shit after 30 minutes of playing

Why do games do this to me? Although only competitive online games have this effect on me

Im digging the look of that, hows it play tho?

That's system shock 1

>everything compared to the second game
>everything compared to the second game
>everything compared to the second game
He knows

Plays better than SS2 because it doesn't cripple the player with a shitty stat growth system

So this will probably better than Bioshock but not as complexe as SS2.

How the fuck should we kno

what is that

I expect good level design at least.

The reboot of Prey, made by Arkane.

It’s wonderful. Learning the UI is a skill itself, and it’s entirely keeping with the story, since you are a hacker who just woke up with cybernetic implants giving him a brain/computer hybrid that he doesn’t quite know how to work yet.

The whole UI has this “no one’s done this kind of thing before, so we get to make it all up ourselves” feel to it.

Steam and GOG have the Enhanced edition, which provides full KB+M and modern OS/resolution support. Absolutely essential imo.

Enemies look kind of like rotoscoped .gifs. Genuinely disturbing at times.

SS1 and SS2 are amazing in different ways. BioShock 1 is better than both though.

>tfw remake will be garbage

>BioShock 1 is better than both though

It is though. You can call it “consolized” all day, and yes, a lot of the mechanics were simplified or eliminated.
But it still excels at almost everything it did.
There’s a reason it is the highest rated PC game of all time on Metacritic. And it's not because of the console features.

>enemies are just black shadow goop
i dunno f a m

It's worse than SS2 in everything except setting and arguably story.
Even shooting was better in SS2 and that's saying something.

Bioshock to SS2 is what Thiaf is to Thief

>used to think fans of SS2 were hipsters
>then the real hipsters showed up claiming SS2 is for babbys and that SS1 is the real deal xDD

and then you played SS2 and realized it's actually fucking great, right?

>horror game is horrifying


You're goddamn right.

I felt like a piece of shit for thinking any of the Bioshock games were the best Shock game.

>always feel like I need to take a shit after 30 minutes of playing

Wait how is this connected to the graphcis

I know what you mean, low-poly graphics always gave me the heebies. Same thing with going out of bounds in vidya/glitching out into vidya-nothingness. Spooky as fuck.

My advice to you user is to get the laser rapier and a nice well-repaired shotgun with lods of anti-pers slugs. Being able to fill any nasty baddie full of shells really helped ease my anxiety in this game.

I had to fight the final boss with my headphones off though because of all the creepy ambience and sounds of monsters chasing my ass.

>Bioshock 1
>Better than SS2 or 1
Bioshock 2 is easily better than one and even that's not as good as SS2.

>He's never had to anxiety-shit.
You're lucky user.
Also some kind user should make an infograph or pastebin to make learning SS1's clusterfuck HUD a little easier.
>There's even a program that lets you see behind you cause keyboard turning was is so slow.

>worse than SS2 in shooting.
Laughably untrue. Everything except the Thompson in BioShock was a delight to use. And BS1 actually had balance in its weapons.
For example, if you wanted to Electric-Gel a Big Daddy to death, it would take your entire ammo reservoir (on hard, but you shouldn’t play anything else frankly).
SS2’s Exotic and heavy trees were hilariously bad for the amount of cybernetic modules you had to spend to unlock them. All the cool weapons were bad, and the good weapons weren’t fun.

> Bioshock to SS2 is what Thiaf is to Thief
Now you’re just baiting.
For one thing, the same guy who made SS2 made BioShock. He was even one of the guys who made Thief 1, making your analogy particularly badly-chosen
Thief 4 had none of the original staff (as far as I’m aware)

>appreciates the greatness SS2 but still likes BS2
Now this. This is appallingly, incomprehensibly bad taste.

>He actually dislikes BS2
Holy fuck I bet you didn't like Minerva's Den either you fagget.

SS2 > SS1 > BS2 > BS1 > Infinite

Most of the love for BS1 comes from SS2 nostalgia. BS2 is a better game, although it does fail in some areas where BS1 was better in.

Never touched it. After amazingly stupid ending with Eleanor going full retard, I never went back.
I’ve considered replaying it and just ignoring how they butchered everything that made the story good, and would finally do Minerva’s Den then.

I will admit BS2 had the best combat mechanics of all 5 games, hands-down. But that’s like praising The Last Airbender as a movie for the CGI.

Okay, and Sophia had a great voice actor. But that's as far as I go.

I don't mind that much, the big one looked pretty neat

Just click around until you remember where stuff is

Thanks user, you made me feel a bit better to know that I'm not the only one randomly clicking shit to see what it does.


I was pretty excited to finally play SS2 but there's just something about it that I don't really like. It might be the Thief-like movement throwing me off in a game that isn't Thief.

very possibly