Play on NA server during peak hours

>play on NA server during peak hours
>command leader the team on voice comms
>squad leaders coordinating and discussing strategies
>people listening to leaders and taking orders
>wake up early today
>decide to hop onto a EU server because no NA servers populated enough
>entire match is a complete clusterfuck
>only people with mics are fellow americans trying to lead the band of retards
>euros tking each other left and right
>riflemen sitting in spawn shooting at the sky like literal retards

What the fuck is wrong with europeans? Jesus christ..

Are they seriously only good at games that require them to poopsock for months on end like World of Warcraft?

Why can't they work together and follow orders?

Besides, it's your fault for playing Call of Orchestrafield.

t. eurocuck

Different languages. Even most understand english and can write without problems, speaking is sketchy. Many are shy of how their english sounds.

many are ashamed of speaking english out loud in front of their computer in a non-english speaking household because they live with momsy*

>Call of Orchestrafield

t. faggot

German servers are usually pretty great.
Always a TL and usually enough competent SLs.

>american server
>american TL is just shouting at people to get into the cap zone when everyone trying to push just dies anyway

Never heard this expression and I'm American, care to explain?

Its still a good game, community is just terrible depending on the server.

And this is why i play on NA servers despite the 190+ ping. the only time i see comunication and teamplay in EU servers is project reality, and even there you have to deal with russian squads who barely speak any english.

Red Orchestra: Ostfront was a tolerable game that clearly aimed for historical realism.

Red Orchestra 2 is basically Call of Orchestrafield, you should get rid of yourself for playing that shit. Or at least not delude yourself to think that you are above Call of Duty or Battlefield players - you are just the same.

No user, europeans are so much smarter than americans because the french are so fancy of course

What do you recommend then for realistic shooters? I've been been playing it on and off for a number of years and have gotten pretty tired of it. Should I look for for tactical stuff like the old rainbow six games and swat 3/4, or go full sim retard and try out Arma?

>Are they seriously only good at games that require them to poopsock for months on end like World of Warcraft?
I noticed this shit too, why do so many yuropeans play WoW? they fucking infest retail and private servers.

I hate american faggots in online games, they always want to be the leader and think they're hot shit when they're just dog shit.

Can't count the amount of times I've gone from EU to US servers and just shitfucked every fucking kid in the server while they cried about hacks.
Especially easy in Battlefield games.

Red Orchestra is just more of the same. It's not funny or original to have a nasally voiced american late-teenager thinking he's the hot ass cracked up boss boyo trying to give pathetic fucking dogshit orders to everyone around them like they know jackshit about the games.

I always ignore them or try to piss them off.

Do you like infantry combat or want some combined arms?
Because if you want the second i can recommend the now standalone project reality mod, but if you want intense infantry combat then stay away: standard infantry squads spend 90% of the time digging FOBs and marching to objectives.

Well, did you ever play Ostfront? I believe the Darkest Hour playerbase is still somewhat alive, but I am not sure of it.

Realistic quality shooters with no crosshairs are a dying breed, sadly.

>When you're building an FoB between some apartament buildings and fucking durka durkas shoot an RPG at your tactical respawn APC

There's a reason we've had to save Europe twice in the last century.

Not once. TWICE.

And we'll probably have to save them again before too long if they can't get their migrant situation under control.

From what I've experienced I can say with confidence that it goes like this:
Yanks are unskilled but good communicators
Yuros are more skilled but can't grasp tge basics of teamwork
Aussies are shithouse

However I must add that on the yank end of things there are also far more squeakers who are horrid in every way

And bongs are typically alright although the skirtmen and paddies are always a bit salty

Basically, this.
All the Burgers I know are really good leaders but their game skills are eh at best, but they're good strategists and are really likeable.
Yuros are damn good fodder. I've seen some really good fucking yuro players and they all go rifleman,
Once in a blue moon, however, when all the planets are aligned - they work together and wreck ass. Very rarely, but it happens.

>Game is still somehow good you can find at least 5-10 populated servers

I usually start playing red orchestra 2 again around the summer to cool me down

Depends on which time do you play. Community is not that big.
>Many are shy of how their english sounds.
It's hideous. That's one of the reasons I'm take TL only when i don't have another choice.

I agree. While most americans I meet online tend to be pretty friendly, the ones who are full of themselves are the most annoying people in the globe, especially when they're on your team and giving YOU orders.