Halo Wars 2

Reminder that this came out today


When will it get cracked?

Fun with a friend, even if it feels like baby's first RTS.

Why did the sentinals just ram the covenant ship rather than shoot it in half

When is Halo 6 coming out?

did they do anything to make it less bland than the first game

Nope, literally the same as the first one aside from some upgraded visuals

All the money went into the cutscenes and it shows

>W10 and Xbone only

Why is Microshit so adamant about not bringing a Halo game to PC beyond the shitty phone game port?

The first one fucking when though?

thats a shame to hear

Definitive edition is coming out on PC at some point. You can get it now if you have HW2 ultimate but it's in early access or something

Feels like the main bad guy was created by a 12 year old for his Halo fan fiction. He's this legendary super powerful, cunning and intelligent brute who gathered an army and fought against the Covenant at the same time as the humans, only he's never been seen or heard of in any of the games until now.

>this new dude you've never ever heard about is so super duper tough even the covenant had trouble dealing with him omg we need to btfo of here

343 fiction for ya. I've barely touched the single player, much prefer the multiplayer modes. Blitzmode is good fun.


Do we know how much it'll cost?
I'd totally buy it if it's a reasonable $20-30 price.

Taking the Sony money and slurping on the progressive cock.


Shit game
can't wait to pirate

He's not really wrong, but neither is he saying they are doing better than Sony.

>Unit cap on rts


>Win 10 exclusive

lmao wtf

shame too, I actually enjoyed the first Halo Wars.

RIP Ensemble.

Was considering buying this too

Who cares, when they gonna announce Halo 6?


Who cares?

>Would be boring if it had guns, but sneaking and shooting robo dinos with the bow is a blast.

Who the fuck talks like this. What a flaming faggot, can't even formulate a sentence, and an old fart cares about "console wars", when most people buy consoles for multiplats. I'm going to mail this guy a carrot to shove up his oldman ass. Fuckin' fag.

As for HW2, great game. It's like playing a nextgen Halo but in RTS form. I.E Halo 5/H2A.

>"Played a bunch of Horizon and thought it was great"
I stopped reading there to know that guy is full of shit.

Both have had shit exclusives for years now. Sony has some of the absolute worst exclusive games with their cringe shitty hollywood cinematic games. Even though they have destroyed their two best shooter franchises I'd still take Gears and Halo over nearly anything Sony puts out any day.

But don't get me wrong here both are putting out some absolute shit going on many years now.

>Locked in Windows 10
>Console RTS
>Spin off
>not a mainline Master Chief game
I literally don't care

I'm having way more fun with it than I expected. It plays so well on a controller it's really impressive. It's the closest thing to my childhood Red Alert/Generals days I'm going to get in 2017 so I'm taking what I can get.

I'm really excited to play more of the campaign and the upcoming DLC missions. Halo 5 wasn't that great, but I'm hoping they support Halo Wars 2 with content updates like they did Halo 5. 343 has been pretty cool with constant updates.

Honestly feel like playing the first after a few hours, it feels even more simple and HW1 wasn't exactly dripping with depth.
Quite a few units don't even have upgrades and tying base level to tech level is just as odd change. Voice acting is shit for everyone too.

How infuriating must it be to work on a game for 2 years then have no one play it because some higher up decided it should be windows 10 exclusive and withheld from Steam?

>i must let everyone know how much i don't care about this

Has a season pass so they will keep supporting it. Hopefully Halo 6 has a season pass as well.

Don't I have the first one CE whatever if I pre-ordered HW2? Is it any good? I'm loving HW2 would I like the first one?

MCC and Halo 5 have over 15,000 people online and people on reddit have been raving about Halo Wars 1 Definitive Edition. Just because your a Steamfag who is completely not in the know for the Halo community doesn't mean you know wtf your talking about.

"Now on Windows 10"*

*But literally ~95% of the community is on the Xbox

>Halo Wars 1 and 2 on PC
>Win 10
No thanks


>Don't I have the first one CE whatever if I pre-ordered HW2? Is it any good? I'm loving HW2 would I like the first one?

I got the ultimate edition, it says it's an early access version and I think it only comes with the ultimate edition.

As for the game, I love rts games Halo and so even though compared to most others it's simple Ensemble did a great job with the presentation and really making an rts work functionally on a console. So if you're enjoying 2 I don't think it's possible you wouldn't enjoy 1.

The campaign is decent too.

>Atriox is pretty much rival of the Prophets
>They instantly purge all info on him to stop a schism

I mean it's not entirely an awful idea.

Halo ware 2 seems good but blitz is just like war zone (pay to win)

Don't forget Red Team getting their asses kicked by ONE Brute and later on in the game Jerome slaughters like 30 by himself in one room and all the Brutes were charging him.

Then how the hell did that a.i. find out?

I pre-ordered the ultimate edition how do you get HW definitive edition? I didn't get a code or anything

Can still get req packs free.


That actually sounds fairly realistic if we're talking about a Chieftain. Brutes are retard stronk in lore.

>console RTS


Please someone tell me there's a Westwood team Kickstarter out there somewhere which will invigorate RTS

Game's fun, fuck off. And it's for PC too, fag

What is with the performance in this game?

Sometimes the single player cutscenes take a shit and multiplayer lags alot.

Doesn't seem to matter where I set the graphics (they look shit regardless) but I have 16GB and a GTX 1060 this is dumb.

It just downloaded alongside HW2 for me, is it in your app list somewhere?

Yeah, its in manage game for Halo Wars 2 under installed (Like where all the dlc is) It says it's 10mb. And when I go to my games it's not there.

Is the multiplayer any good? I fucking loved playing multiplayer on Halo Wars 1. Does the game even have much of a PC playerbase?

The only thing I want from Xbone on PC is the MC Collection. Just imagine playing all the Halo's multiplayer with a mouse and keyboard, custom dpi etc. Glorious.

Yeah its fun, feels good. And probably

The first game is way better. Like, this game is good, it's a good game, but it's not Ensemble Studios good. It's not a good successor to the game that PERFECTED console RTS.

I'm assuming people use KB+Mouse on PC? I really want to play on a pad just for old time's sake but I don't want to gimp myself.

Microsoft could use some good exclusives, Crackdown 3 is the only thing they have coming out.

Hopefully E3 will allow for some good announcements.

Most likely like 70%. Just try controller for singleplayer. It plays really fun with an Xbone controller.

>On windows 10

Are you retarded, 7cuck?

>best gen yet
what a dishonest little shit. this is by far the worst

Because they know damn well that Halo is still a valuable franchise, and they're gonna hold it hostage for as long as they can in order to push 1st party software/hardware.

Are there any light bridge maps? Fond memories of playing that 2v2 map in 1 that had a base on either side with a light bridge as the only way across.

Reminder that UWP is the most cancerous form of DRM to date
Fuck off microshill

And no one cared for it that day...

Heck, I enjoyed the original quite a lot as well.

What's it on? Was hoping for a sequel for a while, and I've grown detached to the rest of the halo games since 4

You refuse to upgrade like a stubborn fuck, so you lose out

It's not as good as the first. However, the first game is due to release on PC at some point this year. It's in early access right now for people who pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition.

Really, I have 8GB and a 1060 and it seems to run fine for me. Do you have the 3GB 1060 or the 6GB one?

7 more leaders, 1 mini UNSC and 1 banished campaign references were found in the game's code.
Really looking forward for the Banished campaign especially.

6GB one

You can make fun of my processor if you want though seemed like a good idea at the time etc.

I'm hoping these are just launch issues for me or something.

If you liked the first one, you'll like the second as well.

Should have just brought Halo 3 to PC 2bh, would have made much more money from it

>halo 6
>mainline mustard chef game
Oh boi, time for the osiris squad

I wish they had a 3rd playable race. Prometheans could be like Protoss and then you have the obvious Zerg choice which they refuse to make.

>. It's not a good successor to the game that PERFECTED console RTS.
>the game that was cut to hell and back and got Ensemble Studios to shut down 5ever

Then it would be like the flood from the first HW

We'll have 7 dlc leaders, one is already confirmed to be hellbringer/fire-based. If one of isn't based on Flood or at least Promethean, i'm gonna get really fucking pissed.

>More Halo wives

This is acceptable.

Is it true the Spartans from HW1 all get killed by this guy?

Haven't played yet but I don't think so. Pretty sure they go on a scouting mission and he ambushes them and beats them down a bit. Keep in mind that this is a fucking Chieftain we're talkijg about.

Is it still free to upgrade to W10? That's the deciding factor in whether or not I get this.


10 may as well be its own console considering the garbage it has.

halo6 is going to be shit

sounds like every video game plot ever

Thank god. Is there a replacement for Forge as the badass non-supersoldier?

lmao why would anybody take your opinion seriously? autistic screeching about women and identity politics? step it up user

Pretty much any videogame ever.

However I'd argue that they didn't know because the Covenant were Xenophobes against any race who didn't instantly bow to them. They never would let Humanity know of a potential ally that they could take advantage of. I mean look at what happened when the Elites joined up with them.

No, instead they gave each Spartan some actual personality to fill Forge's absence. Cutter is a bit more energetic, Anders pretty much the same and Serina is dead (obviously).

Because 343i are hacks who dont really care about Halo but are forced to work on it, so they shove in their OCs and shit on established lore/characters/etc just to shoehorn in their dumb characters and villains.

Atriox is literally pure perfection though, there's nothing about him that couldn't fix nively into the existing lore.
Way more interesting and compelling villain than Cortana, Didact or the prophets.

Am I a cuck for refusing to buy it on Windows Store but would gobble it up like a tranny cock if it was on Steam?

I want my games in one place.

Can't you link games to Steam to launch them from there or something like that?

can you buy halo wars 1 definitive edition separately?

> that car lot commercial
> that plane armrest commercial

Takes me back to Xbox 360 commercial days. Those commercials rock.

With how bad the reception for Halo 5's campaign was and the fact that Brian Reed isn't writing it, I don't see that happening this time.

Why does that even matter when you can just launch games by typing the name in the search bar?

Hope there's more men.