Will this happen or is Nintendo too greedy?

Will this happen or is Nintendo too greedy?

Eshop only releases

I hope it doesn't.

Dolphin can run both at a much better "HD" setting.

Why would Nintendo be too greedy to milk Zelda even more?
If it's not too difficult to port the WWHD engine over they will probably do it once the sales of BotW trail off after the DLC.

Only thing holding me back from getting all the way through TP was the shit graphics and fov. Probably the only game in the series that needs a remaster (since ocarina and majora already got them)

Can you fit both on the biggest Switch cartridge?

so? what's an unofficial emulator for pirates on the PC got to do with anything

>Why would Nintendo be too greedy to milk Zelda even more?
They would be too greedy to make it a collection. You would have to buy them separately for $50 each.

throw in OoT3D and MM3D too, I'd love to play those in not-240p

That's actually not bad. I might actually buy that then, especially since I've yet to buy MM 3D.

They should wait until they do a remaster of Skyward Sword first though.

I assumed you meant just putting them on the Switch because of the separate boxes. Of course Ninty will jew the shit out of Zelda fans.

I feel bad for anyone who played the original. It looks so fucking blurry.

>port of port

We'll be getting a Skyward Sword HD.


No they fucking can't. They're STILL to fix slow down and other issues.

So go get your piratefag ass fucked.

Well we needed something to play on the Wii.

Wind Waker on the Wii U was god tier, shame that version wouldn't be possible on the switch since you can't use the gamepad and tv at the same time with it.

They could code a pop up menu that doesn't pause the game so you can keep changing items while you move.

The recolouring made to the HD version is a huge improvement. Everything looks less drab.

Too bad they utterly fucked the horse controls though.

Other than that, both HD Zeldas on Wii U are the definitive versions. Purists be damned.

BotW alone takes up more space than WWHD and TPHD combined

WWHD download size: 1.73GB
TPHD download size: 4.5GB
BotW download size: 13.4GB

thankfully horse controls are the only downside and don't even come close to outweighing the QOL improvements TPHD brought

Both Wind Waker and TP HD could be played with a pro controller. The game constantly has the option to change.

But I agree that being able to use the control pad for inventory and maps was great.

As I said, a pop up menu and using the motion controls to select items would solve that.

>can play the game with a normal controller already
>won't work on the switch because you can't use a normal controller


Nintendo could probably throw in HD remasters of the 3DS versions of OoT and MM as well and just make a great Zelda collection on one cart.

I would fucking throw my money at them for that.

Nintendo is too stupid and jewy to do that. They could sell it for $60 with no price drops ever.

Make that $60 + $20 season pass + tax + tip.

I ain't buying them again...

Lol, just because you can emulate the GameCube version of Twilight Princess doesn't mean you have the REAL HD version.

Let's see you map three items simultaneously on your precious emulated version. Faggot.

I hope so since my younger brother sold my wiiu, I never had the chance to play the remakes.

I've played all of them before, but I'd probably pay $60 to have all of them in one place. Shit, they could do a 2D collection too and sell it as a separate game and I'd probably buy that too, especially because the switch is a handheld.

>Emulating the Gamecube (or Wii) version at 4k+60fps
>B-but you can't map 3 items!!

Fucking pirate fags

Here's a reality check; unless you're playing the game on the intended hardware with the intended controller, you are having a gimped experience.

The fast sail made that game so much fucking better. Collecting triforce shards/maps was way better too.

Yeah, and I liked the fact that the swift sail was optional and you had to actively seek it out. Stops purists from losing their tits.

I'm sure I watched a video recently which explained the reason sailing was so slow in the GameCube version was because the console couldn't render the 3D environment any quicker. If the boat moved faster it would just drop off the edge of the map.

Thankfully it wasn't an issue with the Wii U version. It pretty much fixed all the complaints of the original.

I actually wished they had kept the Triforce hunt as it was. The game felt too short without it.

I can see why though. It was a little repetitive. I just wish they'd tried to make ocean combat a little more interesting.

Land combat had all kinds of neat ice-arrow/hammer combinations to enjoy. But there's fuck all to do at sea. It's easier just to sail on past and not get involved.

this is bs, the HD versions have several improvements over the originals.

Higher res textures, run at 60fps (and the animations where update accordingly, no weird interpolation effects), also selfie cam.

>run at 60fps
That's complete bullshit.

If they just removed having to grind rupees for Tingle it would've been fine

It's not gimped in the way that it's suddenly not fun or lesser to play that way. It's gimped in that the game just wasn't designed for high definition to that caliber. Unless you hacked the game into being something it isn't, it's not an HD upscale

Besides, once the Wii U emulator comes out we'll have the ultimate definitive way of playing those shitty Gamecube games

Probably cause the game was too short without it

>Cut the Triforce Hunt to make it less shit
>Don't add extra dungeons to pad out the game so it wasn't a huge drop off after the last two temples

Wind Waker's pacing is a mess

>60 fps
oh my god, stop fucking lying

Call me a purist or just call me a fag, but I believe that a gaming experience is intrinsically tied to the hardware. It's THAT game on THIS console with THAT controller. It's all part of the joy of video games. And it's why emulation will always be a souless experience, like sex with a condom on.

Plus emulation will forever be a broken, glitchy mess, so why have that impede on your enjoyment?

i'm with you unless the emulator plays it absolutely FLAWLESSLY

no fucking bugs, no visual glitches, no big moments of suddden random slowdown

so basically 0% of emulation passed the snes

Yeah trying to emulate anything after the 16-bit era is a fucking joke.

I don't understand. Why *wouldn't* they sell these games separately?

What about making their games fully backwards compatible like PC has been offering for nearly 20 years now instead of forcing people to buy the same game twice?

That's a very autistic thing to say

Yes lets put a disc drive into a handheld.

why play twlight princess on 3 consoles when you can do it ON 4!

PC doesn't actually offer backward capability.

wii u pad hooks up to the PC ya pleb

>I'm going to emulate Wii U games on my PC!
>Hang on til I get my Wii U control pad to connect to my PC!
>I sure showed those Nintendo fags!

If you think Dolphin is real HD, you're fucking delusional, or have never actually played a real HD game. Your PC can probably just barely run it anyhow.


Okay kiddo ;)

>hurr what is digital distribution

I don't think you know what 'backwards compatibility' means.

Backwards compatibility means your new tech is compatible with your old tech.

Backwards compatibility also falls under software, not exclusively hardware.


Yes. however, in order to get your disc game to be available on the new console, then you would have to download a separate copy of the game from a source that's completely independent from your disc. You're not asking for backwards compatibility, you're asking for Nintendo to extend the license you bought previous, to also include a free digitial download on a different system.

Wind Waker HD has deferred rendering, you can't emulate that with Dolphin

Steam is not perfect but at least it gives you a digital license whenever you buy a modern PC game disc that's also available on Steam.

>You're not asking for backwards compatibility,
And even if I wanted / didn't want backwards compatibility, if backwards compatibility was available there should be no reason for a re release of a game. That's the entire point I'm trying to make here.

Nintendo is greedy as sin another that's exactly why it will happen

>, if backwards compatibility was available there should be no reason for a re release of a game.
I dunno, I kinda like playing 3D Zelda games with more than 20 fps

The only way to offer true backwards compatibility, would be to build a disc drive into the system. That would be silly.

It is good that Steam gives you a digital download license. However, if you get a new Os, and a new GPU that isn't compatible with your old games, then guess what? Steam isn't going to do shit about that. Backwards compatibility on PC is not actually supported.

No it fucking can't. Wind Waker at high res on PC doesn't have shit on the remake. You fucking retard.

2D Zelda's my Shit
Fukin lov it

You're right it doesn't have shitty bloom, ne lighting to make the character models look more plasticy than the original and runs at 60fps

>collection with two of the worst games in the series

No thanks

Holy shit did you just call 4k + 60fps gaming a gimped experience? No wonder Nintendo fags are the worst fan base.

>portable zelda collection

>Emulators automatically mean piracy
You can rip your own discs easily.

>runs at 60fps

Unlawful reproduction of copywritten material is technically piracy

>Game renders at 1080p
>Somehow not "real" HD

>or is nintendo too greedy
But wouldn't them releasing a port of a port be greedy?

Not only can Dolphin can run games at true 1080p (High definition) but it can also run at 4k (Ultra high definition). So yes, it is "real HD"