So I love the total war series but I know nothing about Warhammer

So I love the total war series but I know nothing about Warhammer.

Is it worth 12 dollarydoos?

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yes, it's the most accessible TW game for better or worse.

it's pretty good but there's a fuckload of DLC although it's all pretty substantial

>Is it worth 12 dollarydoos?

I'm already pretty familiar with the base series mechanics, I just don't want to buy a reskin. I was hoping it added some interesting features and mechanics rather than just the same game with units called different names.


Yeah it's pretty fun. I have played a lot as Vampire Counts and Dwarfs, shame that the chaos campaign will always be shit

well it's definitely not a reskin

alright fuck it, I'm pulling the trigger on it. I feel like nearly any game is worth 12 bucks, It was mainly the ton of DLC that was keeping me from buying but they're cheap on sale.

it's very different. If that's your concern, go buy it now.

I'm the opposite

into warhammer fantasy but never really got into total war before this game

I'd say get it, I love the game

For last fucking time, yes.

12 bucks is a fucking steal of a sale.

Just get it while you can you indecisive shits.

>But muh dlc
There will most likely be a sale down the road, but even if you don't get the dlc it will activate for the CPU in the campaign so you can still fight against them.

not that guy but what is hb?

Its on a sale on humble bundle monthly.

You can just pay for the initial month and get it, then just cancel it.

for DLCs just use creamAPI you can't crack Denuvo but you can crack the DLC, you basically end up pirating the game for 12 dollars (i know it sounds retarded)

whats stopping me from subscribing for a month then canceling just for warhammer?

humble bundle

Nothing. But you might want to check out other humble monthlies in the past, they weren't bad actually.

What's the deal with the free Bretonnia stuff on 28th? More units and lords?

does the game have smart battle and campaign AI and good mechanics? is it better than attila?

playable in the grand campaign, expanded roster and I think expanded/more detailed territory in the grand campaign

Current Bretonnia is not playable on the campaign, and has a cut down roster. They'll introduce an expanded roster, some new LL's and some unique honhonhon mechanics.

Fleshed out faction, yeah. Including troops etc.

Oh, cool. I didn't even notice that you couldn't play them in the campaign yet, I've been busy with other factions.

Yea, get it. Game so good I buckled and got a bunch of the DLC. I don't know if they had this in Rome 2/Atilla, but those fuckers pay attention to your campaign movement range now and kite you a bit. They can also split troops and flank kinda well in battle.

They are selling it for 12$ + extra games this early as a platform to sell more DLC. Main game is definitely worth it, unless you detest buying a game before the GOTY/complete edition.

Also you get 10% off if you bought the Civ bundle for 1$, or any bundle in recent memory even. I thought the 10% was just for people who never subbed, but it still applies for resubs even though I got a couple of monthlies last year

DLC is on sale at bundlestars for a small discount right now I think

not until the add best faction (skaven)

well after Bretonnia the DLC for the base game will be complete, the first expansion is due sometime this year


> the first expansion is due sometime this year

Where did you get this from?

that rooskie leak of all the DLC had the expansion coming after Bretonnia

Please, provide me with a link.

It's worth full price, but some of the DLC are not.

I already have Warhammer but if I subscribe can I get XCOM2 for cheap or is it too late?

When are they adding Skaven?

The bret roster isn't THAT small, at least compared to the tabletop faction roster. Off the top of my head, the only things the brets are missing are a couple of their unique heroes, battle pilgrims, questing knights and knights errant.


It's the most unique title in the series, mechanically and aesthetically. You're retarded.

supposedly CA is also working with GW to flesh out any rosters that might be a bit anemic on the tabletop, like Bretonnia and Chaos Dwarfs

Warhammer total war is a bad game compared to the other Total War games. It's just a gimmick really. I played for like 10 hours, then put it down because of how bad it is. Medival 2 Total War was a much better game despite it's age, plus its cheaper

>armored dismounted knights with non-armor piercing weapons
Into the trash.

>chaos dwarfs
holy shit really?

They Bretonnians are getting quite a lot of new stuff in the update that they didn't have in their army book - squires (basically worse greatswords), some peasant archer variants (poison and fire arrows), men at arms with swords, royal pegasus and hippogryph knights, grail guardians, peasant mobs, trebuchets with holy ammunition

It's worse than Atilla in terms of mechanics, but I hope and tell myself that most of the 'for worse' changes are them emulating the tabletop. Like the fact that Sieges are shitty.

Other than that it can be pretty fun.

>Warhammer total war is a bad game compared to the other Total War games.
It's actually the best game in the franchise, your opinion is trash, because it doesn't contain even a single argument.

List of all warhammer fantasy factions, from coolest to most trash:
2. actual shit
3. literally anything else

CA have said that they wanted to put 16 factions in, and the only faction that fills out the 16th slot that has had rules and models relatively recently is Chaos Dwarfs.

>Full game is 12
>Wood Elves are still 18 dollaroos


I bought the game but won't buy the DLC. I have a few questions:

1) Will Bretonnia come for free?
2) How to better optimize the game?
3) How do I stop corruption in my provinces?
4) How do I destroy the Vikings cunts raiding the north in my Empire campaign?
5) How do I destroy the Vargin cunts raiding the east in my Empire campaign?

>relatively recently

Wasn't that 15 years ago?

>reddit rats

Gameplay is much more mechanically in-depth than Attila, but the campaign map has been dumbed down to shit. Some people prefer it that way, though.

The sieges are shit because CA unironically thinks this is better than just cheesing AI in an alley.

The game is much more simplified in general.

There's no formations, unit rosters are pretty simple and divided into three tiers (Orcs technically have four tiers to recruit infantry from but one just gives you different flavor tier 1 troops), and settlement management is pretty cut and dry.

That said it's still fun, but I'd recommend modding.
There's a formation mod, but it kinda sucks and it's limited as hell. There's a mod that changes formations so that orcs and gobbos have a natural loose formation so they look like a horde and not a human formation, I do recommend that.

I also recommend the Steel and Faith overhaul. It makes combat a good bit better. You might also want to get some AI mods because the AI is useless. Generally if I don't play Empire, Chaos annihilates the human realms, if I don't play Orcs, Dwarves annihilate the Orcs, if I don't play Dwarves, Undead annihilate the Dwarves. About the only faction guaranteed to survive regardless of why I play is Sylvania unless I kill them as Empire.

And Wood Elves. I installed a mod that makes them defensive so they'd stop confederating then buttfucking the shit out of Brettonia every game, and also the Dwarves. They're ridiculously aggressive in the base game.

Something like that
Bretonnia hasn't had an update since 2004 or thereabouts

1. Yes

2. AA is apparently the biggest issue which tends to chop up your framerate. Experiment and see what works out best for you.

3. Depends on your faction, but you should also have buildings which fight corruption, in addition to Heroes (Witch Hunters and War Priests I think) which take it down passively as well.

4. Varg and Skaeling? Destroy their holds, you can find them easily enough.

>All that fucking DLC
Jesús Christ.

So we're literally paying for less than 40% of the game? Nah fuck this shit, I'm waiting for the GOTY edition to be cracked, like what I did for Rome II.

How are skaven the reddit faction?

This game introduced a new idea that you cannot conquer/build on land that isn't historically part of the faction. Empire can only build on non-Chaosy Human lands, so can't build up norf

The gimmick trick to easily owning the Norscans, at least back last summer when I did Empire, was making a cheap army of only spearmen + general since they're the cheapest and auto-resolving sacking all their cities. Spearmen are more powerful than they cost in auto battles

Same here, this is my first total war and I'm loving it.

might be waiting a good while for that since I doubt they'll release a complete edition before releasing the expansions

warriors of chaos (chaos daemons included), dark elves, lizardmen, high elves, wood elves, dwarfs, orcs and goblins, brettonia, the empire, vampire counts, ogres, tomb kings and skaven is only 13 though. What other factions are there to make it 15? kislev and something else?

Demons of Chaos will be getting their own armies in the second expansion

>I bought the game but won't buy the DLC
Pirate them and buy them when they're half off, which is a reasonable price.

>1) Will Bretonnia come for free?
Yes, next Tuesday.
>2) How to better optimize the game?
It's already very well optimized, time to upgrade.
>3) How do I stop corruption in my provinces?
Buildings and agents.
>4) How do I destroy the Vikings cunts raiding the north in my Empire campaign?
Not easily.
>5) How do I destroy the Vargin cunts raiding the east in my Empire campaign?
See #4.

Daemons of Chaos are their own army, and you forgot Beastmen.

Thanks for the tips. Vikings are making the game unplayable to me.

The chaos nomads (Hung etc.), could just be like chaos Huns from Attila mostly horse archers. In the lore they fight the Orgres all the time

nothing. If you subscribe for a month just for Total Warhammer, you're still paying for that month. And you get the rest of the games in this month's bundle.

I still have Napoleon, Medieval II and Attila left to play.

I've played Shogun I&II, Medieval I, Rome I, Empire and Rome II. To be honest though, the only good ones so far have been Rome I and Shogun 2 (which is the one I'm currently playing).

That plus more games should keep me occupied until they release the Complete Edition next year.

the base game is already cracked if you use linux

The Total War games have been too arcade recently.

Napoleon was the last cinematic epic one.

Even Warhammer look like a mess.

>next year
at least 2, probably closer to 3

Another question, I bought Blood for the Blood God but I barely see any gore, to be honest.

How to get maximum gore?

make sure it's activated, you should be seeing your front line completely covered in blood

Its worth that much but the game is very much style over substance. Like big delicious pie which turns out to be all crust and leaves you hungry after eating.

You'll spend multiple turns bored on the campaign map because the build and tech options are all limited and locked down till you play deep into the run.

You'll then hope the battles make up for it, but they end up being blink-and-you'll-miss-it skirmishes that last 5-10 minutes no matter how big the army, giving you blue balls back to the handicapped campaign.

The factions and diversity looks great but its all so crammed together and predictable that it a gives a samey feel each time you expand.

Cool shit like magic is ineffective. Hero level ups are mostly boring +3% buffs spread thinly over a tree to make it look like theres lots to pick from.

The most solid addition is the loot really.

You might not have it installed,

There's so much blood that one of the biggest mods is one that tones it down.

Build a shrine of sigmar and deploy a warrior priest hero in EVERY province (not in every settlement, but in every province that consists of several settlements). That will almost completely halt corruption increase.

Hells yeah it's worth it. I love TW but always have had a hard time playing it. The Dwarf campaign (the easiest one) is really accessible.

Boy do I wish I wasn't so sucky at these games and could play DEI. DEI 1.2 just came out for Rome 2. It looks so amazing. It gives me a historical boner.

daemons are a seperate faction, you forgot beastmen and chaos dwarfs, so it's 16

I'm skeptical about Warhammer because I don't know if the whole thing with heroes and shit would be good. It seems the factions are the most unique yet, but I just can't shake that feeling.

Who knows though.

Well shit.

Any torrents for the vanilla version? Might try it out.

Nah, Windows user. Damn shame.

I don't think you can torrent the base game, but you can pirate the DLC


>There's no formations
That's because formation effects are already included into the unit stats and are constantly active. Manually issuing formation orders is retarded and is too much of a hassle.

>unit rosters are pretty simple
Unit rosters are some of the most complex in the series, because most of the unit rosters in the series consist of reskinned units of 2-3 types with minor stat variations.

>The sieges are shit
They are the best in the series, since lvl2 upgraded castle walls prevent you from fielding your own artillery outside of castle watchtower range. Sieges in TW WH are the only sieges in the entire franchise that take at least a modicum of skill, because in previous titles you could just bring your own artillery to sieges, destroy enemy walls and towers with impunity while staying outside their stationary castle artillery/watchtower range and then assault whenever you're ready, which was easy as fuck.

Name of mods to tame Wood Elves and boost Empire?

I see them covered in blood but nothing brutal like I see on YouTube videos with monsters disassembling people and getting red with so much blood.

Heroes are fine. They're just general units but by themselves. Make them fight each other. Give them equipment.

I had a dwarf lord that had a magic helmet or something that made him breathe fire in a cone. It was cool. Then he got killed later on...

They're just like real powerful though. It doesn't ruin anything. It's fine.

Think of the DLCs as buying an army for tabletop

would you buy an army you wouldn't play? nah, but someone else might fight you with them, and as far as the game's concerned if you don't want to buy elves you can crusade all over them still

>They are the best in the series, since lvl2 upgraded castle walls prevent you from fielding your own artillery outside of castle watchtower range. Sieges in TW WH are the only sieges in the entire franchise that take at least a modicum of skill, because in previous titles you could just bring your own artillery to sieges, destroy enemy walls and towers with impunity while staying outside their stationary castle artillery/watchtower range and then assault whenever you're ready, which was easy as fuck.
during siege you can move your entire army to a blindspot (either far left or far right side of the map, right next to walls), but you have a point, at least offensive sieges are actually more difficult than open field battles this time

>Tomb Kangz
>Won't be until at least late summer or fall


Yeah, see, I don't think I'll buy the Wood Elves, I just hate them so goddamn much

>tfw skaven won't come till 2 dlc's AFTER egyptniggers
life is fucking suffering

>Gameplay is much more mechanically in-depth than Attila

The game still has no naval combat. They took out the ability to light trees and grass on fire, which actually removed mechanical depth in battles. I had to mod in cavalry formations and my cavalry can't dismount. Sieges are literal dogshit, the AI is still just bad, and magic is a joke they half committed to because they didn't want it to be OP so it just flounders. Unit sizes for half the special units are smaller and graphical fidelity when it comes to things other than textures (lighting and shadows) are poor, and as a result battles are less grand. I it feels like rock, paper, scissors at the early and late game. The strategy and management aspects are token and lacking in any depth and still suffers from "The AI will cheat because we can't into AI'. Factions are actually terribly balanced and the AI can't play them, see the beast men and their decimation in the first fifteen turns half the time. Also heroes can be a little annoying, but I resigned myself to that being a part of Warhammer and I can't complain about it when it's on the tin.

It's only good aspects are it's flash when it comes to units, unit varieties, and mythical elements. It's pretty fun, but it leaves me worried that when we move on to the next Total War title, it will continue the downwards trend and lack additional minor features and elements and as a result become more basic.

>because in previous titles you could just bring your own artillery to sieges, destroy enemy walls and towers with impunity while staying outside their stationary castle artillery/watchtower range and then assault whenever you're ready

That was generally the strategy employed in sieges, yes.

>during siege you can move your entire army to a blindspot
Not against lvl2 castle walls, they have pretty much no blindspots and force you to assault immediately or suffer major casualties by prolonging the battle. It's a good change, fuck the haters.

That's fine, you can still fight their full army. You just can't play /as/ them. People like completely miss the point of how DLC works in this game. They should've just called them army sets, or some shit.

>tone down mechanics and currently have no naval combat in favor for the managing magical units, heroes and all various beasts
>this is somehow a degredation of mechanics

>It's already very well optimized, time to upgrade.

not everyone can afford i7 7600k, and that game is only playable on i7, no matter which i5 you use you will always drop below 60fps and have to drop graphics details. So yeah optimization is pretty shit. We will see how RyZEN will behave.

Oh, I'm aware that I can't play them and I never want to, the fucking twats. Unless the DLC goes on sale then fine

>not everyone can afford i7 7600k, and that game is only playable on i7,
Define "playable". Here's me benching my FX-6300+RX480 rig for 45fps on average on Ultra settings. Obviously, I'm bottlenecked by my CPU, but it's more than comfortable for me.

Also, the game runs better in DX12 than in DX11. A RX480 running the game in DX12 mode outperforms the 1060 running the game in DX11 by 2fps.

>45fps on average on Ultra settings
in trash it goes

>remove features you previously had and add in some other, completely different features
>"toned down mechanics"

A sequel is supposed to build on what came before it, I said I liked the unit varieties, but I find it hard to enjoy new features when older features that would work well with the new features are violently stripped out without replacement. Especially when any future non Warhammer games could follow that trend and they won't get the beast units, heroes, or half assed magic in return.

M8, Total War games now have two separate teams working on them: one for the Warhammer game(s?), the other - for historical games. Don't worry, you'll get your autistic, redundant features like formations or "better" settlement management back in a proper historical title.

>45 fps
get the fuck out