>"giggles while playing lego castles and hugs his teddy bear"
>"the hardest tank character to kill and inflicts alot of damage to anyone"
Is he our guy Sup Forums?
>"giggles while playing lego castles and hugs his teddy bear"
>"the hardest tank character to kill and inflicts alot of damage to anyone"
Is he our guy Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
This game will be dead on PC within a month or two.
Consoles will make up the majority of the population.
Why is everyong giving the notion this guy is retarded?
>implying the retard wouldnt play with megabloks
the only retard here is you op
i cant deal with him
i cant fucking play him
hes super defensive, and i hate that playstyle
i cant fucking deal with assholes who play him are just sitting back waiting for you to attack first.
Fighting a conqueror is like playing with my retarded cousin.
I have to let him hit me once in a while and pretend it hurts and every time I go to see him he will attempt to bodyslam me from a full run.
naw the game is here to stay
all the casual ass faggots will obviously quit and go back to anything that they can win without effort like call of duty. (kinda how all fighting game communities are)
it certainly keeps the accessibility low, but the ceiling can be a bit high. Not as high as a fighting game like SF4 (5 is garbage rushdown casual shit)
Certainly has more depth and gameplay than Chivalry or other shitty first person games. However different enough to have its own unique reason to have it.
It isn't a fighting game, it isn't casual ass counterstrike, it isn't a fighting game, but it is what it is and it does it well.
This is like an untapped market cause I fucking hate what so many faggots considered "good" from a melee combat game. Soul calibur is one thing, Dark souls is another, but fuck your TF2 melee only server source engine garbage.
I fucking hope so, I really don't want to buy this shit again for console just to find a match.
This. I don't get it.
They are invoking Retard Moe~ so he will become people Hasubando.
>guard break
>mix up & repeat
I consistently wreck turtling souls autists with my orochi, prestige 3 so i'm guessing they're not shitters.
Wardens are pure cancer though, either the fast overhead or the zone attack needs to fucking go, like every other character has their "main" attack vector that you can keep an eye on and it comes down to your skill in baiting and reaction time, but the fucking warden has two consistent attack vectors that you literally cannot guard between in the time it takes them to get off one attack or the other, they are literally guaranteed a hit whenever they want it and no other character has that.
At least peaceshitters will have to git gud to compete once the guard break patch goes live, but wardens will still be the lowest risk cheeselord magnets that they are now.
Mordhau will blow this game out of the god damn water.
It's already lost ten thousand viewers on twitch.
If you can't block, parry or deflect Warden overhead on reaction you're just too old for this game.
I still remember how people used that exact same sentence with overwatch
And? I don't fucking watching and have never played Overwatch; so that's right.
What is best in life?
I'm saying either or, the fast overhead on its own is fine, but combined with the zone attack you can't anticipate what he's going for, you can only roll the dice and be ready to counter one or the other only to guess wrong and get hit.
Name a single other character that has this practically un-counterable dynamic.
The argument is that months after release overwatch is still going strong even despite "losing ten thousand viewers on twitch" after the initial hype died down despite people declaring it dead the moment there weren't 70k people watching at the same time anymore.
Personally i think warlords light attacks are really fast. Generally I just block upwards when fighting a warden, but move it left when i move out of his top light range and it helps a bit
The only time that garbage game comes up is when people talk about its porn or complain about its terrible gameplay.
Peacemaker and Conqueror are OP and should be nerfed.
i like how people bitch about how defensive conq is
while everyone i fight as conq does absolutely nothing but backpeddle and run away from me
while bitching about how he cant attack me
>waiting for him to attack first
are you actaully complaining about the character with the lowest single hits not swinging at you like a retard and giving you free parries
Oh, and also to pull some stupid shit about the game being the TF2 killer.
it still got 35k viewers on twitch right now.
I'm just saying that losing views after a week is normal. The question is how much more it's gonna drop (the discussion was originally about for honor by the way, not sure if you have forgotten)
>Name a single other character that has this practically un-counterable dynamic.
>Play Warlord
>Learn to counter guardbreak
>Play defensively
Bam. You are now incapable of losing 1v1, and can fight vs multiple enemies and win consistently
Nah, white boy, you're too young for this board. For Honor is, in fact, a video game and there for anybody who cares to play it. Even those whom keep women with accommodating throats and little appreciation for when a nigga trying play the game.
I'm sure your channel has some epic uploads, though, little homie.
The thing is, both are punishable (unlike pk light/zone attack back dodge spam) hold left against warden and prepare to block top.
t. Warden
>conq op
Shitter detected
If you have UNIRONICALLY said "wtf no honor" or something similar get off my game
Literally can't, I have to react either way and I can't know in advance what you're going for until its already too late, if I get LUCKY I can get a punish off, otherwise I don't see where raw skill comes into it.
t. Orochi
>inb4 main a vanguard
>user was right
HA HA Shitter can't fight HA HA
>Good Fight!
Lemme see those mains fellow kids
I'd play berserker, but that mask is just too stupid looking.
>more depth than chivalry
kek you clearly haven't seen the comp players from chivalry. they can beat 3v1s without stupid tap r to win mode.
>peer2peer allows you to disconnect other players with wireshark
>confirmed instances of getting banned despite not even owning the game or playing the beta
can ubisoft do anything right?
lol Go start a new thread for your shit win98 game loser
here is the problem you homos, you guys play orochi or some bullshit, which makes a lot of things trivial. Certain superior classes like lawbringer have a lot of limitations preventing them from being offensive. Being stuck with only a shove or a grab to work with and nothing to follow it up fast enough.
Orochi has enough diversity in its moveset, including a lot of quick attacks, that it doesnt have any reason to have problems. Unlike other classes that get limitations imposed on them.
Basically, you end up needing to play other classes cause some reach a peak in dealing with certain things. This may change as they've shown that they can alter classes a lot if they think they need it. Cause the fucked with the valk quite a bit since they felt it was lagging behind in performance.
Currently Warden is super balanced, Orochi is abusably broken, Lawbringer and Fatasshole are obsolete later on with Raider sorta following.
Turtling is currently the endgame and its hard to punish it if the guy knows to grab counter and parry.
Literally shield users like the viking dude or the conq destroy others 1 on 1.
They aren't OP, it just helps facilitate the best way to win a fight. With only certain characters being able to properly deal with them.
Ultimately its not a real big deal, very few people are gonna get that good, but its a goal a lot will be working towards.
>T. Salty Rep 5 Lawbringer who is forced to use Warden all the time now
Orochi are scum and your nerf is coming.
>The man that cannot dodge: episode 1
You scrolled right by him
You're probably that one fag that jumps into your partner's fight and ganks in 2v2
if someone unironically plays the game like that with that fov he's obviously autistic
Also even warband has better combat than chivalry
>abusing hitboxes so you break your spine while spinning so your overhead hits instantly
Theres so many things about this Orochi's decisions that I have to question, he kinda recovers a bit near the end but good lord why pick an assassin(and the dodgiest at that) if you aren't going to even try dodging
I like it but there are others
1v1 duel is this way
i love those babies that say honor is gay, go about trying to be a bunch of faggots running away from their fight to gank the other or push others into traps/falls.
the funny thing is you guys bitch and quit as soon as it gets done to you and you end up losing at your own scheme.
sometimes you gotta make them showtheir other honor
but no really, a bunch of faggots who like to think they are epic trolls but end up being the saltiest bitches when they receive their own medicine.
>hardest tank character to kill
that's shugoki
>oh hey you did a light attack? that's cool, hey mind if i just guard break through the hit and set up my unblockable combo?
>wow that was a really nice parry, too bad you still can't get through my super armor to do combos when i'm fatigued
>you know what i think would be really nice right now? one shotting you even though i've done literally nothing this entire fight except eat shit
Reset it when it ends. Also stop maining a fag character
tfw too poor to buy it and played almost 24/7 in the beta
>not knowing how to dodge
>not knowing how to parry
>not knowing how to grab
>not knowing how to do some of the most basic fundamentals of the game
like holy shit hes hardly a problem, side step his grabs, counter his grabs, parry his slow ass shit, fat shame him.
This is why I love 2v1, 3v1, etc. I don't always win but when I do there's no stopping the taunt glitching.
What classes/weapons do you think will get added in the near future (since apparently six classes, presumably two for each faction are coming)? Or do you think an entire new faction will get added, and if so what do you think it will be?
I know I'll get memed on for this but I think a Persian faction could be interesting.
The only people I see who actually rely on ledge kills and traps are people who are shit, and realize they're outmatched so they try anything they think might give them an edge. At which point, I adapt and start returning the favor to even things out.
Obviously if your back is right up on a cliff, I'm gonna take the opportunity because your positioning is unfortunate, but the amount of faggy peacekeepers who immediately try to keep throwing you into shit is astounding. PKs easily have the highest density of scrubs/shitters
No factions are getting added, the best you'll get is mercenaries
>I can't win by myself
>dodge a shugoki
enjoy eating a random uncounterable guard break or unblockable attack
>parry a shugoki
does literally nothing
>grabbing a shugoki
they're never in a position where they can't counter guardbreak
>implying you've ever played against even a half decent shugoki
you are going to really enjoy that experience
85% 1v1 winrate tells me somethinge else
Also it's called a brawl for a reason retard, do you ask people to 1v1 you in dominion or 4v4?
The completely obvious black fade out characters on the promos show a leggionaire and a ninja guy with a sickle/waited chain. Weird.
You're too poor to do even less than a day's worth of work to buy a game?
>85% winrate
Opinion discarded, I rest my case
I'd much rather have a new faction, but Ubisoft is much too lazy for that.
They won't add any factions because balancing. Probably just getting maps, skins, MAYBE gamemodes.
can it Sup Forums?
I live in a slavic shithole where 60 eurobucks equals 257 of our currency, 1,800 being our minimal wage, take away the bills and having to buy food and i dont have much left
And i myself make around 2400 a month and it's still not much
that's fucking adorable
*tips halberd*
>Kusarigama character
I don't like any of the Samurai characters but that can change
Peacekeeper is no lady
>Think keyboard and mouse would be shit for this game.
>Its actually way better because you can rebind the guard break button and always be ready to counter break instead of having to move your finger from the stick to the button on a gamepad.
Komuso Warrior would be dope
>try to get better at the game
>can only really play during evenings/night because of work
>feel my concentration dropping quickly
just mail me your uplay acc so we can share, i'm a neet without a job and i can level your characters up
Warlord and Shugoki all day mate
Who are you? I will find you.
>me as a level 7 Conq and a level 4 Nobushi
>paired against a prestige level 1 Peacekeeper and prestige level 2 Berserker
>Berserker starts taking pitty on us and says they need to fix match making so high leveled players don't get put up against us lowbies
>flail Berserker's head off in round 1, Nobu beats PK
>Beat PK, come around to finish off Berserker after he kills Nobushi
>Berserker tries desperately to push me off the cliff in round 3
>invent the Nordic Space Program by launching his head
>he ragequits halfway through the execution
>lose to PK after she kills Nobushi
>win by killing the bot who was harder than the Berserker, Nobushi kills PK
I couldn't fucking breathe for a moment when he ragequit
some classes have slower guard switches. As a raider I feel like it's not possible to block the overhead on reaction, starting from left/right. The zone attack I think is possible but due to the fact it fucking blinks on the other side, I still have a hard time reacting.
>Gone from entertaining vidya content to pandering to perma-virgin cynical Sup Forums posters
where did it go so wrong?
To be fair, berserker is a terrible match up against conqueror.
He shouldn't have been talking shit at prestige 2 though.
I get that, but I personally have trouble against Berserker so it evens out a little
I got.I copy today, and.was.forced to.play.shit vangaurd.characters for.500 hold before I.could get my conqueror. Those 5 games were pure shit, raider is trash. But nothing feels better than getting my conqueror and beating the fucking shit out of weebs playing: *teleports behind you* "pfft, nothing personnell, kid" orochi.
What the fuck was her problem?
The tutorials give you like 5K steel what did you do with them
You can play everyone from the start.
You can play them without having them recruited, you just can't change their clothes.
Also, I think the game gives you enough steel to recruit every hero when you start up. At least enough to buy several.
She doesn't speak Japanese
>He thought the characters were locked
>I rather complain about being "forced" to farm iron while. wri.ting like. this. than play a 5 minute max tutorial and buy evey single class in the game (which i can play without buying)
Is this the face of autism?
>all these fucking.weebs
> everyone is a fucking.faggot that.plays.the "so cool, high skill cap, MLG pro assassin classes"
> half of every 4v4 and dominion game is.peacecucker, berzerker, or.orochifags.
>mfw I.shit.all.over.Those.fucking faggots.with my conqueror
>mfw you weebs.think conqueror is autstic.now
>mfw you are.getting your little boypussy.pounded in.by.an.autists