Shovelware making

How is your shitty port of a mobile game full of stolen copyrighted assets going? You are making one, right?

I'm still making 2D HD sprites, trying to improve my workflow. I was making a 2 second idle animation (just the character breathing) but when looking anywhere but the torso/arms, it feels like a statue.

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Not much progress today because I'm busy hitting F5

old pizza bump

Congrats dude

>creator of SCP
looks good desu. keep up the good work senpai.

Who the heck puts a large pizza in the microwave?

getting closer to the finish line,

lazy and retarded NEETs

looks like a mixture of godawful and would give a try/10 just don't be greedy and don't even try to charge more then 5 dolaroos

also this.

>spend hours and hours creating assets and really enjoy it
>try to get assets into an engine and actually put them to use
>struggle for like 20 minutes and give up in frustration
>go back to asset creation

On a related note, I'm really enjoying learning about Blender. I've mostly done 2D design and music up until now but I decided to challenge myself recently and created a human without any reference material or tutorials, I think it turned out pretty good. Still need to work on the hands, feet and head though, and those are pretty difficult.

sent ;)

looks decent. wait til you start rigging it and regret not adding better joints.

I did try quickly rigging it actually, there were a number of problem areas, mostly around the back. The knees and elbows worked okay after some touching up. I definitely need to work on the dude's ass though, it folds into a horrendous deformed cube whenever he bends over, no matter how I try to tweak with the weight paint tool.

Add butt bones, user. It's good for the jiggle too

That's a good idea actually, I never considered that. It will probably keep the ass from imploding.

>2D HD sprites

how can my game be a port of a mobile game when it IS a mobile game?

when you release it on another platform besides a mobile?

How much of an upgrade are 3D Modeling Software like Autodesk 3DS Max/Maya and Modo over free software like Blender? Is it worth the $1500 a year subscription?

If you already know Blender there's no point. People bitching about Blender are usually people already used to Maya's control schemes and unwilling to learn a new one.

There's no point in swapping out of Blender unless you plan to make a cartoon out of your shitty game, then get Maya. If you want to sculpt get zBrush.

Make a mobile version, port it badly on PC, then port this new version to the mobile store.


Yes I'm retarded and I ate up my sentence, I mean "2D game with HD sprites"

bruh for unity you literally drag and drop your blend file in there and then in the 3d view

made a new level


the demo has only the first 14 levels. In two weeks I'll release a new version with 30 more.

How do I get better at spriting? Also, What programs do you guys recommend for spriting?

Working on a player character. It's going to be used in 2d and about the size of the right window, so once I stick some blocky hair on texturing should do the rest. Hopefully.

I'm trying to use UE4 at the moment, the drag and drop I really have no problem with, it is getting the animations working and other smaller annoying things that irritate me. For example I'm trying to import a model with multiple materials into UE4 but it won't map the second material properly even though it looks perfect in Blender.

Any webm tips?

Mine never look anywhere near this good, they always have artifacts or glitchy frames that were never in the video I converted. Well not and keeping it within 3mb.

Used both WebMCam and WebMConverter.

I use OBS + WebMConverter and never had any kind of trouble

>those legs
nigga wtf

I just tried OBS yesterday, you using just the default settings and FLV output?

Can we all agree that UE4 is better than Unity in every way, and gives you a much better chance at success?

Supposed to be puffy asian monk pants. It's okay to be jealous of my blender skills. I plan on adding some crinkling and bending around the knee after seeing how texturing and seeing how various poses work out.

try ffmpeg. once you get down how it's supposed to work it basically does everything for you.

fresh off the presses nerds

I'm currently working with some friends on a 2D objective-based team fighting game, like a mixture of SSB and a MOBA

If by "every way" you mean "making an FPS using blueprints" then sure, it's better.

It depends entirely on what kind of project you are trying to make and what sort of team composition you have. They both have downsides.

Cool, thanks


his legs are way too fucking long.

i gave up making my video game Sup Forums

Improved the combat system.
Giving players the possibility to lock onto targets.
Also gave it some new UI elements.

Currently cleaning up a bit.

>uses 3GB to make solitaire face
>uses 10 GHz to render a tree face

i don't think you were ever making one in the first place

The UE4 C++ toolset is a fucking hassle to work with. The biggest stumbling block transitioning from Unity to UE4 is just how much shit you need to haphazardly throw together just to make something like a door that opens when the user presses a key while facing it. In Unity I could do this painlessly with the C# tools provided, UE4 almost seems to make it intentionally frustrating.

show what you have made in the end atleast


Wait a minute... is that fucking "Pressure"?


Nice to see you finished it, gave you a Yes. Try to keep the pricing respectable unless your multiplayer is fun enough to carry the game.

Jokes on you, i'm working on a new rpg entirely from scratch and only opensource tools (gimp, blender, notepad++) on debian 8. Why? Because fuck it

>Feel the world owes them something
Usually you don't even start anything when you think that way.


always looking for some java game designing help/info

I like it!

I'm making something similar, but without cute tohou dinos and with a 3rd plane of movement

Cute as fuck. Where is Clownpiss tho?

In the garbage compactor, where she belongs.

Don't use java

Also if you still insist on using java use a premade engine like jmonkey.

And if you are totally 100% sure that you never wanna finish everything and write it all from scratch, make sure your engine inclued at least a proper gameloop/asynchronous updates, instead of, what for example javaFX uses (synchronous updates). Alsolook into entity component systems.


do you have a team and a definite plan with this project?

took a break to get some other projects done. imported bones from my islander mesh to my protag mesh and now i've just gotta tweak the animations a bit.

>not building a pc purely from scratch with metal you mined yourself
>not inventing your own programming language
>not building an os for your pc
Be more original user

Are you the guy who made Downwell?

Looks like a pretty solid base, why'd you drop it? Makes me think of

>can't stop fapping to your own characters

>implying I have friends

Currently 1MA'ing this thing

At the moment I'm wondering whether I should just keep it as a private hobby and implement whatever stuff I like or if I should concentrate on asset creation and push it through greenlight last minute by making a couple of nice scenery mockups. Also requires going public with it.

The ultimate goal is of course to finish it.
Design wise I just wanted to make King's Field. Moving away a bit from that now. I think currently it is conceptually the closest to System Shock 1. Or a Thief where loading screens between levels are replaced with Dark Souls like connecting areas. Might be a little too confusing though.

It's not a mobile game at all. I made a small update recently:

Busting my ass to get the demo out by tomorrow.

do you hold the creative direction of this thing dear to you? I'm asking because I have a combat system built up and this could be a nice fit to place it in, if you'd like some help


Guys i need to know : How's that post processing effect called when you go outside and you are blind for a brief moment and then your eyes "adjust" with the light. Same effect when you go from the outside to a dark room.
The first time i saw that effect was in battlefield 3.

>do you hold the creative direction of this thing dear to you?

It's currently pretty underdeveloped but kinda.

yea, I should fix that...

nah, why?

Isn't is just bloom being cranked up to 11 and than lowered back down?

welp rip, might not be a good fit then

>mfw an user just paid me $16 for my game.

This is my AI idea.
there're two kinds of skills, pasives ones and actives ones. Actives require the mind to stop thinking and alter the animator while pasives just perform without affect other components.
this was all I had...

Anyone else here good at code but terrible at art?

How to I stay motivated to make something cool?

Hey guys what's the optimal number of polygones for small props for a game?

I've small assets like a toy, a chair etc and everything is at least 50,000 to 200,000 polygons, it's too much right?

Is 180,000 polygon for A SINGLE FRUIT too much?

>180,000 polygon for A SINGLE FRUIT
>536 MB

You should be using no more than 10 polygons for each asset.

>Tfw creating the best looking game in history and 2045 PC will handle it

Meme aside what would be the max for a fruit?


Thanks, it's that.

It's not a single fruit, it's 52 fruits.

I'd hold off until they start shoving as many polygons as there are molecules in the entire universe in there.

Eye exposure. Standard effect in UE4

No no the 52 fruit bundle has millions of polygons and is 17gb

Oh, fuck me. That's crazy.

Those fruit models are retarded, but at least they're not meant to be videogame assets.

Where can you get such huge number of quality realistic video games assets?
In unity/Ue4 stores it's shit and very limited

Thanks. I found the doc on Battlefield 3 which talked about it btw.

What happens if I pay for the greenlight now, before it is about to be changed?

You get on Greenlight.