Anyone still remember this game ?
It only gets talked about literally every single day.
well damm
the best RPG ever?
One of the best games ever made.
It has daily threads that really should fuck off to by now, but no, nobody remembers this game.
Tripfag being a nigger as always
disable the overlay assface
It's perfect.
I am honestly not sure if this game is actually good or if it is just a meme here.
Honestly the most fun I have ever had with a videogame, and it probably will never be topped.
This game seriously needs an HD engine tweak from the devs.
It's laughable how bad it runs both vanilla and dx11.
Try systempack
Theres a bunch of tweaks in the .ini and in game settings, i can get 50fps on a laptop with dx11 but i have to sacrifice draw distance, shadows and dynamic lighting
>he thinks there is such a thing as an "hd engine"
HD is just a buzzword created by TV manufacturers ans used b console devs to sell shit, engines have always support multiple rendering resolutions and an increase in them doesn't requiere new graphic engines
>Unreal Engine graphics update + all the game mechanics intact
That would be great.
>installed L'hiver
>mfw fps is shit unless I play on the lowest view distance
except gothic 2 doesnt utilize more than 20% of my machine.
arcania is better
am i the only one? I have a 1070
I did. Didn't work. Give me a refund
You just have to manually dictate the memory in the .ini file, it's actually pretty easy, either google it or just look trough the file yourself, it's not very big.
literally takes 5 seconds to google the fix you retard
Go to gothic 2/system open gothic.ini with notepad, there should be 4 settings right on top of eachother, something to do with memory and have a big number next to them, try changing all four of them to 0
cant give you the exact name you should look for cuz im on a phone now
I ran in compatibility mode for windows xp and ran as admin, fixed most issues.
I don't have windows xp and don't want to download it
I TOLD YOU I DISABLED THE OVERLAY. It appears now that I have to delete a fucking file every time I want to play it. Bullshit. Never played this game before. I want a refund
it's my favorite game of all time
youre an idiot
You dont need windows xp to do that
Pirate gog version and you wont have to deal with any of that shit
tfw cant play any of the total war games
normal tutorial where
I have to gog version, and still had to run it in xp compatibility mode and as admin, and then I have to .ini tweak for proper res, but otherwise it worked fine.
How do I do it
holy shit
Woah. That doesn't seem hard at all
fucking phone posters
A man with your amount of knowledge with this shit could easily downloa the wrong thing and get trojan or some shit but thats on you, anyway here is how you do it
>download Utorrent
>here is probably the trickiest part, google gothic 2 torrent, you are looking for a gothic 2 gold one and many of these sites have cancerous amounts of ads and false links, but when you find the real thing it should open in Utorrent and start downloading,
>after that just run the installer
What about Gothic 3?
>battle realms
my nigger
download community patch and its ok
or dont and have fun luring boars into cities
I played the game unpatched, probably even an outdated version and i never had a problem with boars, what is this meme
Gothic 3 is a pile of shit and no amounts of patches and fixes can change that
og boars were so strong they could wipe a city because npcs couldnt handle them
sadly true, although glimpses of greatness can be seen. sad, really.
I will always love the Silden area