Remake this

Remake this.

Implying it's hard to turn Final Fantasy males into females.


No, remake this


Funny enough, this design would pass in a western game.

I sincerely hope FFVII Remake goes off without a hitch

It's been 20 years, that game really deserves love and care being put into it. I really, really hope they don't fuck it up with some Advent Children-tier retcons or something

which one has the largest ass?

I'd fug it to be honest

>I sincerely hope FFVII Remake goes off without a hitch
>gameplay changed completely
>already fucking up character designs

It fucked up right from the start. There's nothing else but to watch it crash.

Aerith Gainsmoreass

Did they give him hair extensions for those pigtails?

I know the Episodic shit is awful, but active time turn-based battle system is kind of not really the spectacle FFVII was sold on when it came out

Welp, my fetish is triggered.

Three drinks and a laugh and I'll be on the front page of Facebook with a crossdresser.


How can you guys honestly believe that they could make a game the scale of FFVII into a full game without cutting it immensly, if they did that you'd be complaining about all the content that they didn't add into the game. You guys are getting the ENTIRE story of FFVII remade, and you're just complaining that you're not getting it in 1 game, something that's absolutely impossible.

You sound like an ignorant gamer, which you probably are. You mention scale, but have no idea exactly what you mean by that notion. You're talking about scale when games like ME, GoW, Star Wars, MMOs, Witcher, and GTA exist.

I'm aware of that, but selling it at full price is the only real issue I have with episodic shit. If they were at a fraction I wouldn't be so against it

Again, I'm optimistic about FFVII Remake

When did Cloud dye his hair?

Yeah, Canadian dollars it's gonna cost me like $200 to play through this thing.

But it's $200 over the course of what will probably be 8 years so...

Fuck Squeenix.

I'm ignorant? Have you even played FFVII? If you had then you would know that if that game was made with todays standards none of those games would even scrape the surface of how much content it would have, assuming nothing gets cut out

Honestly, I dunno. Her expression is too sour.

I want this so desperately, with the same pouty worried disposition.


FF7 wasn't even that big of a game tbqh






FF7 isn't, but I was talking about the remake. The the fuck would the need to make the FF7 remake into MULTIPLE FULL GAMES if it wasn't big. Honestly at this point I think you guys are just trolling or you honestly are stupid enough to believe that they would make the FFVII remake """"""EPISODES"""""" only a few hours long



You keep saying this word and not knowing what the hell it means

You get a wig

Post more Aerith ass

Or crossdressing Cloud I really don't care

Don Corneo has good taste