I'm trying to get into this game but it doesn't work, everything feels so goddamn off compared to HR...

I'm trying to get into this game but it doesn't work, everything feels so goddamn off compared to HR, even the dialogue animations look twitchy as fuck; like a bad knock-off that totally missed the point of the previous game.

I played it for Prague and the great side quests and thoroughly enjoyed it. Everything that comes after golem city sucks ass though.

Try to enjoy it, OP. It's the last Deus Ex we will ever see.

I just got out of Prague and am in Golem City, what great side quests are you talking about?

>It's the last Deus Ex we will ever see.


we wuz augs n sheeeeeeit

Is golem city cool?

Got it a few days ago for $20 but it feels so bland. I don't think I wanna continue playing either (just got to Prague)

I just got there, so far all I've done is talk to some lady, haven't really look around. It looks more dirty and shitty then Prague so far like cyberpunk can be sometimes.

They're working on a Marvel game now, won't see new deus ex until 2020 probably.

That reminds me of Detroit from Human Revolution. Does Jensen have a cool apartment there too?

Not sure what the deal is, like if I'm staying here or going back to Prague after this mission.

I like it so far. I've been wandering around doing random subquests. I find it hard to care for the main story though... But hey, at least Prague looks nice

Is the game SJW faggotry? Fuck that gay shit

how come every game that takes place in the future has everyone wearing preposterous hoodies and vests and shit? writers realize that a futuristic world is more believable if people still wear khakis and collared shirts to their jobs right?

>2020 probably
Same year as KHIII and FFVIIR, nice.

Why is every dystopian future setting populated with a bunch of dumb mulattoes lorded over by Jewish villains? Hmm, rly makes u think

Cause Jews run the world irl, and they push multiculturalism. Jensen's pure white though, hehe, sukit.

Excellent meme. Great job. You'll fit right in.

It isn't. It's cyberhumanism propaganda but that's about it. Badass white guy Jensen protag

This is the future you chose.

It's destiny

>pepe avatar

Opinion discarded

no. it tries to be the hong kong or hengsha but it's an infuriating mix of linear level design and one unintuitive level transition
since its a mini level, there's a mini amount of side quests, so you realize there's not much to do in there besides the quest

No matter who wins, you'll always be under freemason occult, jew control. Keep an eye out for Agenda 2030 which is the new world order.

It looks like there is a lot less open area there, is it more vertical?

Exploration and the side quests were fun though.

Too bad the city (Hub) was too small and they divided the city in sections.

Enjoyed it, didn't regret spending $40 on it. Probably will never play it again though.

>deus ex set the bar
>HR was a good game but nothing ground breaking
>mankind was literally hot garbage

I'm about to go on a limb and say Invisible Wars is almost better than MKD

yeah, but it's not well designed. there's two main channels of structure. the first area has eight levels of platforming hell; the second has a more sane 3 areas at different levels. The secret to get to the marketplace is you HAVE to go through the police station which makes no fucking sense because why would they design getting groceries require bypassing holding cells

it's a mess

tell me if the new DLC is worth the (((price)))